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ZDM Mathematics Education

DOI 10.1007/s11858-016-0814-8


Dangerous myths about “gifted” mathematics students

Linda Jensen Sheffield1 

Accepted: 3 September 2016

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2016

Abstract  A number of myths about mathematically gifted NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress
students, mathematics itself, and programs designed to NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
serve these students tend to inhibit educators, parents and NCLB No Child Left Behind
students themselves from developing students’ mathemati- NCSM National Council of Supervisors of
cal creativity, expertise and enjoyment. This paper dis- Mathematics
cusses some of the myths that can discourage students’ NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
mathematical development, restrict their understanding of NSB National Science Board
mathematics, and/or are well-intentioned solutions with OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
unintended consequences and includes research results Development
from a few mathematics programs and other studies PISA Programme for International Student
designed to counteract these myths and maximize students’ Assessment
mathematical achievement, engagement and innovation. STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and
Keywords  Mathematically gifted · Promising · Talented · TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Sci-
Mathematical expertise · Mathematical creativity ence Study
US United States
AP Advanced placement
CCSS-M Common core state standards in mathematics 1 Introduction
CERI Centre for Educational Research and
Innovation In the United States, the National Science Board report,
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators noted,
HS High school “The long-term prosperity of our Nation will increasingly
MAA Mathematical Association of America rely on talented and motivated individuals who will com-
prise the vanguard of scientific and technological innova-
tion; and every student in America deserves the opportu-
Some of this material was originally presented at and included nity to achieve his or her full potential” (NSB, 2010, p. v).
in the Proceedings of the Ninth International Mathematical This is not just an issue for the United States, but for our
Creativity and Giftedness conference in Sinaia, Romania in June
world as a whole. The need for scientific and technologi-
cal innovation to combat international issues such as cli-
* Linda Jensen Sheffield mate change, shortages of food and clean water, and ter- rorism demand that all students, regardless of gender, race,
religion, socio-economic status or nationality develop their
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41099, mathematical gifts and talents to the maximum. Unfor-
USA tunately, there are a number of reasons that this has not

L. J. Sheffield

happened. Many of these may be related to commonly inventing mathematics when he noted, “Yes, mathematics
believed myths that prevent students from developing their has two faces; it is the rigorous science of Euclid but it is
mathematical expertise and passion to the fullest. also something else. Mathematics presented in the Euclid-
This paper investigates a few of these myths. The first ean way appears as a systematic, deductive science; but
two of the myths, that mathematics ability is genetically mathematics in the making appears as an experimental,
determined and that mathematically gifted students are inductive science.” (1945, p. 7) These definitions reflect the
White or Asian males, are especially dangerous because much broader view of mathematics as an evolving, innova-
they greatly limit the numbers of students who could tive science of patterns, relations, and logical reasoning and
achieve at the highest levels. The third myth, that math- not just a set of rules for the manipulation of numbers and
ematics is not creative, narrows students’ understand- symbols to be memorized. This paper uses this dynamic
ing of mathematics to a rotely-learned series of facts and concept of what mathematics is and what it means to do
algorithms, and denies them the opportunity to become mathematics. This has significant implications for defining
engaged in the beauty and challenges of true mathematics. and planning K-12 mathematics experiences for all stu-
The final two myths, that gifted mathematics students can dents, but especially for those students who will become
develop on their own or that acceleration is the solution to the future mathematicians, STEM professionals, and lead-
developing the highest levels of mathematics performance, ers of tomorrow.
are classroom strategies that may have been implemented
with good intentions, but often have disastrous unintended 2.2 General giftedness
consequences. For each of these myths, recommendations
are given based on research and results from practices that It is also important to look at what is meant by being
have shown some success with our most outstanding math- gifted. Books such as The Genius in All of Us: Why Eve-
ematics students. Much more research is needed to further rything You’ve Been Told about Genetics, Talent and IQ is
this quest to increase the numbers, levels, and passions of Wrong (Shenk, 2010) and research on a “growth mindset”
our most promising mathematics students. (for example, Dweck, 2006a; Boaler, 2016) emphasize the
importance of understanding that intelligence is not fixed,
but is dynamic, diffuse and ongoing. This is supported by
2 General background several neuroscience researchers who are beginning to
make inroads in opening new pathways to improve edu-
To understand current myths about mathematically gifted cational research, policies and practices. Understanding
students, it is helpful to take a brief look at the meaning and the Brain: the Birth of a Learning Science, a report on two
process of mathematics as well as definitions of giftedness decades of research from the Organisation for Economic
and how these come together to understand mathematical Co-operations and Development (OECD) and the Cen-
giftedness. tre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) also
stresses the plasticity of the brain and the importance of
2.1 School mathematics the environment. At the same time, neuroscience research
has found numerous indications of differences in the brain
When elementary students are asked for a definition of between novices and experts. Research into these differ-
mathematics, responses often include the naming of opera- ences is “opening up understanding of “causation” and
tions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and divi- not just “correlation”; and moving important questions
sion, generally with whole numbers and fractions, and per- from the realm of the intuitive or ideological into that of
haps including some ideas of geometry and measurement. evidence” (OECD/CERI, 2007, p. 7). For example, in a
Secondary students may expand on these ideas to include study of 294,000 people, Benjamin, Cesearini, and Koe-
operations with variables, but most K-12 students do not llinger have identified variants in 74 genes that are asso-
go beyond a rule-driven, operation-focused idea of what it ciated with educational attainment. They note, however,
means to do mathematics. that these genes are not deterministic but that the environ-
W. W. Sawyer (1955), a mathematician and mathemat- ment sets the stage upon which genes act out their roles.
ics educator who often worked with gifted students, defined Collectively, they found that the variants in the 74 genes
mathematics in a manner that is commonly heard today explained a total of 3 % of the differences in educational
that mathematics is the classification and study of all pos- levels. They also found that the variants had a much
sible patterns. More recently, Keith Devlin (1997) reflects stronger effect on Swedes born in the 1930s than those
the attitude of many modern mathematicians also defin- born in the 1950s after education reforms were imple-
ing mathematics as the study of patterns. Polya (1945), in mented that improved access to schools and universities
the definitive How to Solve It, emphasized the process of (Yong, 2016).

Dangerous myths about “gifted” mathematics students

This discussion of giftedness, including gender, racial, rather than gifted, purposely broadening the definition to
socio-economic and other differences, is not new, and often include a much greater range of students and to open the
includes reliance on a test of intelligence. Over 100 years possibility of developing outstanding mathematical abili-
ago, Alfred Binet (1909), who is often acknowledged as ties in students and not simply identifying students with
the inventor of the modern intelligence (IQ) test, protested pre-existing mathematical expertise and passion (Shef-
against what he termed the brutal pessimism of philoso- field et al, 1999). It is within this broader context of what
phers who asserted that an individual’s intelligence is a it means not only to be mathematically gifted but also
fixed quantity, a quantity that cannot be increased. Binet to become mathematically gifted that these myths are
felt with practice and training that we become more intel- discussed.
ligent that we were before. He claimed that it is not always
the people who start out the smartest who end up the
smartest. 3 Myth #1: mathematics ability is genetically
Even though research has repeatedly shown that a score determined
on a single IQ test is not a reliable indicator of future stu-
dent performance, it continues to be used to place students 3.1 The myth and its dangers
in gifted programs in many schools in the United States.
For example, when my son, Dan, was in second grade, The widespread belief in the United States that mathemati-
he took an IQ test to get into the gifted program in third cal geniuses are born that way and that others are born
grade and missed the cut-off score. I asked for him to be unable to do mathematics at higher levels is perhaps the
retested in the fall before the program began, and that sum- most dangerous of all these myths. We seem to understand
mer we spent a few hours studying for the IQ test. In the that the Williams sisters, starting when they were 4 years
fall when he was retested, he passed with flying colors and old, had to spend thousands of hours practicing to become
was subsequently part of an excellent gifted and talented tennis stars and that Tiger Woods was practicing his golf
program from grade 3 through grade 12. He skipped ninth swing before the age of two, but we continue to believe that
grade, was high school valedictorian, received a bachelor’s giftedness is a mystical power that people are born with
degree, a master’s degree and a Ph. D. from Harvard, and is and don’t have to work at, and that this is especially true
currently a professor at Princeton University. This reliance in the field of mathematics. This belief is dangerous not
on a single test score paid off for him when he was iden- only for those students who believe that they do not have
tified and included in this special programming, but over- a mathematical mind and therefore give up on learning
looks untold numbers of students who “miss the cut-off”. mathematics almost before they even know the true mean-
ing of mathematics, but also for those students who are the
2.3 Mathematical giftedness most proficient at school mathematics. Many students who
breeze through early mathematical topics in school may
Just as conceptions of mathematics and giftedness have give up the first time they struggle with a new idea, believ-
been studied and evolved for years, so have conceptions of ing as soon as they struggle that they actually do not have
what it means to be mathematically gifted. Several terms a mathematical mind. Therefore, they don’t go on to study
have been used to describe the phenomena, including math- real mathematics and never experience the joy that accom-
ematically gifted and talented, (highly) able, (intellectu- panies new hard-won discoveries.
ally) precocious, bright, expert, mathematically advanced, Just as Binet asserted over 100 years ago, research by
and many others, but none of these has a single, agreed Carol Dweck (2006a) and others has shown that students
upon definition. Perhaps the most widely cited is Krutet- who believe in a “fixed” mindset, that is a belief that you
skii where “mathematical giftedness” is the name given to are born with certain “fixed” abilities, do more poorly
a unique aggregate of mathematical abilities that opens up learning mathematics than those who believe in a “growth”
the possibility of successful performance in mathematical mindset, understanding that your brain changes and grows
activity (Krutetskii, 1976, p. 77). Others focus on perfor- the more it is challenged to learn. This is true for our best
mance rather than inherent qualities in the individual and mathematics students as well as for those who perform
refer to the development of mathematical talent rather than poorly. Jo Boaler (2016) makes a powerful case for the
a mathematically gifted student. harm caused by this idea of genetic determinism and teach-
The term ‘mathematically promising’ was introduced by ing mathematics as a “performance” subject that is used to
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) separate children into those who have the math gene and
in the mid-1990s as a function of maximizing variables those who don’t. Instead, she calls for teaching mathemat-
such as abilities, motivation, beliefs, and experiences or ics as an incredible lens to view the world that is available
opportunities. NCTM suggested using the term promising to all students through study and hard work.

L. J. Sheffield

The work of Dweck, Boaler and others builds on highest performing students as well as raise others to those
advances in neuroscience research at the end of the twen- levels.
tieth century that demonstrated that the human brain is Several years ago, I met ‘Rose’ whose teacher had told
designed with a fundamental number sense that is even her mother that Rose was mentally retarded because, at age
more inherent than language. That research prompted a nine, Rose was unable to add or subtract two-digit numbers.
number of books including The Number Sense: How the The teacher believed that Rose would never be able to do
Mind Creates Mathematics (Dehaene, 1997), What Counts: real math. Rose, however, said she would rather be in the
How Every Brain Is Hardwired for Math (Butterworth, mathematics class with the gifted students instead of in the
1999), and The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking special education class where the teacher assumed she was
Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip (Devlin, 2000). incapable of learning. Later when Rose’s mother took her to
Each of these books includes a chapter on the brains of a local university to have a psychologist test her, she was told
those who are especially good at mathematics. In answer- that Rose had “school-induced retardation”, likely due to the
ing the question posed in the chapter, Do Mathematicians fact that her teacher had taught mathematics as rotely putting
Have Different Brains?, Devlin (2000) argues that the con- dots on numerals and believing that her students were too
centration and abstraction required to understand math- retarded to learn conceptually. Unlike countless others in that
ematics at the highest level requires considerable determi- teacher’s classes and classes of other similar teachers at all
nation and effort and that most people are not incapable of levels, there is a happy ending for Rose, who is a competitive
this, they simply either choose not to or they don’t believe swimmer and was more than willing to work learning the
that they are capable of it. In discussing the fact that Ein- true meaning of mathematics just as she worked to become a
stein’s brain had cells in the left parietal lobe more densely better swimmer. We spent a few hours that summer and peri-
packed that normal, Butterworth (1999) reminds us that a odically over the next several years exploring mathematical
correlation between parietal neurons and numerical ability concepts and interesting problems as Rose constantly asked
is quite different than proving causation. In fact, it could questions and worked to understand everything she could
be that numerical ability causes the increase in neurons about any topic her teachers introduced. Subsequently, Rose
because that part of the brain is constantly exercised. In has gone on to learning and enjoying math at a high level. As
the chapter on Geniuses and Prodigies, Dehaene concludes a sophomore in an elite high school, Rose took pre-calculus,
“genius emerges from an improbable confluence of multi- got 102 % on the final exam, had “RoseLovesMath” for her
ple factors—genetic, hormonal, familial and educational. email address, and recently received early acceptance into a
Biology and environment are intertwined in an unbreak- top-tier university engineering program.
able chain of causes and effects, annihilating all hopes of I mention this anecdote because work with Rose and
predicting talent through biology or of giving birth to a scores of other students and teachers with whom I have
baby Einstein by crossbreeding two Nobel Prize winners” worked over the years, has caused me to ponder whether
(Dehaene, 1997, p. 162). we might move from “school-induced retardation” to
More recently, in 2016, Dehaene and his co-author “school-induced giftedness”. It is easy to understand that
Amalric found through the use of functional magnetic reso- poor teaching can create students who perform poorly and
nance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains of 15 professional have low self-esteem. It is not at all obvious whether good
mathematicians and 15 nonmathematicians of the same teaching can produce the opposite.
academic standing that in the mathematicians only, listen- When I was co-principal investigator on a US Depart-
ing to complex math-related statements activated a net- ment of Education Javits grant for Gifted and Talented Stu-
work of regions in the brain associated with evolutionarily dents, Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds (http://
ancient knowledge of number and space. This was the same, directed by Dr. M. Katherine Gavin at
area that Dehaene and others had found to be active when the University of Connecticut, a low-performing Kentucky
performing simple arithmetic calculations or simply seeing school was one of the pilot schools in the research study.
numbers on a page. Even though there are differences in To begin the program, we selected 20 “gifted” mathemat-
the brains of expert mathematicians compared to non-math- ics students in each of 10 pilot schools in Kentucky and
ematicians, they note that the differences do not indicate Connecticut using a variety of measures. In this Kentucky
the causes. (Cepelewicz 2016). school, our class of twenty selected “gifted” students’ aver-
age test scores were at the 22nd percentile in mathematical
3.2 Recommendations concepts, the 24th percentile in mathematical problem solv-
ing and the 23rd percentile overall in math on the Iowa Test
Educators obviously cannot change the students’ inherited of Basic Skills, indicating over 75 % of students nationwide
mathematical genes. For them, the question is whether they who had taken the test had a better performance. After only
can increase the mathematical abilities and passions of our one year in the program with a heavy emphasis on creative

Dangerous myths about “gifted” mathematics students

problem solving through reasoning, sense-making, and what students in the United States is generally small to non-exist-
we now see as the Common Core State Standards in Math- ent, but the gender gap on math tests among high-achieving
ematics (CCSS-M, 2010) Standards for Practice, including students is consistently much larger (Ellison and Swanson,
oral and written communication, the class average went to 2010). From 1972 through 2015, the average scores on the
the 75th percentile in concepts, the 76th percentile in prob- math section of the SAT, a commonly used college entrance
lem solving and the 71st percentile in overall mathematics. exam in the United States, has shown approximately a
Overall, posttest scores did not match those of wealthier, 30-point difference in favor of males that has not narrowed
high-performing districts in the study, but they certainly in spite of girls increasingly taking higher-level mathemat-
were the highest “value-added” scores of any group (Gavin ics courses. Girls now outnumber boys in the top 10 % of
et al, 2009). Treating these students in the same way as stu- US high school graduating classes and in advanced AP or
dents in other districts who had been selected for the pro- honors mathematics and science classes. In spite of this, at
gram based on more traditional indicators of giftedness such the high end of performance (a score of 700–800) on the
as IQ scores above 130 or 135 and/or mathematics achieve- 2015 SAT math test, boys outnumbered girls by a ratio of
ment test scores above the 95th percentile, resulted in sig- 1.62 to 1. This gender difference exists across all ethnicity
nificant progress, although not in the typical “gifted” range. groups taking the SAT, but the average SAT math scores
We later followed the Project M3 program with the show a far greater difference based on ethnicity than that
NSF-funded Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians based on gender. For example, the average 2015 SAT Math
(, which was designed for and score was 611 for Asian males and 585 for Asian females
implemented with heterogeneous classes of kindergarten while the overall average scores were 527 for males and
through second grade students. Even though these classes, 496 for females. The average score of female Asian Ameri-
each starting with a wide range of student performance on can students is higher than the average score of males in
mathematics tasks, were randomly assigned to either Pro- every other ethnicity group and the average score of black
ject M2 or a comparison group, at the end of a year in the males is lower than the average score of females in every
program, more than twice as many students in the Project other ethnicity group (Perry, 2015).
M2 classes scored above the mean on an open response For students receiving scores at the 99th percentile on
posttest as students in the comparison classes, and as many the American Mathematics Competition (AMC), Ellison
as 7 % of the students in the Project M2 classes scored two and Swanson (2010) found the gap is even greater where
standard deviations above the mean as compared with only the male–female ratio exceeds 10 to 1. However, power-
0.5 % of the students in the comparison classes (Sheffield house non-magnet, non-charter public schools produce
et al, 2012; Gavin et al, 2013a, b). top-performing mathematics students on the AMC at a rate
These results support increasing amounts of evidence ten times the national average, even among schools that are
from brain research as well as national and international demographically similar. “Whereas boys come from a vari-
research in teaching and learning mathematics that a wide ety of backgrounds, the top-scoring girls are almost exclu-
range of students can learn to perform at far higher levels sively drawn from a remarkably small set of super-elite
of mathematics than has previously been thought possible. schools: as many girls come from the 20 schools that gener-
Teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders need to ally do best on these contests as from all other high schools
understand that they can control much of their own ability in the United States combined. This suggests that almost all
to perform at high levels mathematically. We may not know American girls with extreme mathematical ability are not
how much genes influence our mathematics abilities, but developing their mathematical talents to the degree neces-
we do know that belief that one is capable of learning com- sary to reach the extreme top percentiles of these contests”
plex mathematics, opportunities and the desire to engage (Ellison and Swanson, 2010, p. 110).
in challenging problem solving and problem posing, hard One test that is showing more positive results for girls
work, and perseverance can increase the abilities of even is the recently implemented Technology and Engineering
the best mathematics students. Literacy (TEL) assessment that is part of the eighth grade
National Assessment of Educational Progress in the United
States. First given in 2014, this showed females with a
4 Myth #2: gifted mathematics students are Asian slight advantage overall (151–149) with 3 % of both males
or White males and females scoring at the most advanced levels. Ethic
differences were greater (160 to 128—comparing White
4.1 The myth and its dangers and Black students) with socio-economic differences also
showing significant gaps (135–163 for students qualifying
This myth, as with many others, has its basis in a number for free and reduced lunches compared to those who did
of facts. The gender gap on average mathematics scores for not) (NAEP 2014).

L. J. Sheffield

On an international level, the OECD report, The ABC 4.2 Recommendations

of Gender Equality in Education states that girls in top-
performing countries perform on par with their male Ongoing differences favoring White and Asian American
classmates in mathematics and attain higher scores than males in the US at the highest levels of math performance
all boys in most other countries. “These results strongly are proving difficult to change. The larger numbers of girls
suggest that gender gaps in school performance are not in the highest-level mathematics classes is not closing the
determined by innate differences in ability. A concerted gap at needed levels. Perhaps one reason is related to the
effort by parents, teachers, policy makers and opinion finding by Dweck (2006b) that when researchers gave chal-
leaders is needed if both boys and girls are to be able to lenging work to fifth grade students that girls had more
realize their full potential and contribute to the economic difficulty when they scored highly on IQ tests, whereas
growth and well-being of their societies” (OECD, 2015, for boys the opposite was true. Similarly, Boaler (1997)
p. 15). reported that high-achieving girls who are placed in top
Differences in scores based on ethnicity also exist, but track classes frequently suffer from the idea that they are
after studying “negro children of superior intelligence”, smart and need to maintain the image of smartness, leading
Jenkins (1936, p. 190) noted that, “The data presented here to a fear of challenge and inability to cope with failure.
concerning Negro children of superior intelligence add Through the ages, individuals from all ethnic groups,
weight to the already abundant evidence that intelligence including women, have performed at the highest levels
and educability are matters of individual differences rather mathematically, but the numbers are not enough for the
than of racial differences”. Eighty years later the myth needs of our technological future. As noted in the recom-
persists that individuals of one racial group or one sex are mendations for the first myth, there are programs showing
smarter than others in spite of the “abundant evidence” to some success in increasing the mathematical talents and
the contrary that existed in the 1930s and has grown signifi- abilities of girls, students of color, and students from the
cantly since then. lowest socio-economic levels and these should continue to
In spite of the evidence that girls and students of be studied. In addition, we need to continue to explore the
color are quite capable of performing at high levels unique needs and abilities of males and females from all
mathematically, we do not see them entering STEM ethnic and socio-economic groups. One factor to explore is
fields in numbers consistent with their success in school the following myth, that mathematics is a dead, rote subject
mathematics. In the United States, in 2013, 73 % of and not of interest to large numbers of students.
math doctorates were male and 94 % were white or
Asian. The proportion of women pursuing mathemat-
ics Ph.D.s between 2004 and 2013 actually fell, from 5 Myth #3: mathematics is not creative
34 % of the students to 27 % (Velez et al, 2013). The
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop- 5.1 The myth and its dangers
ment (OECD) notes that this is not just a problem in
the United States. Citing the importance of every coun- Throughout the ages, mathematicians have known that
try developing the potential of all their students for mathematics is a creative subject but students often do not
today’s global economy, their study, The ABC of Gen- see it that way. As Boaler stated, “When we look at mathe-
der Equality in Education: Aptitude, Behaviour, Confi- matics in the world and the mathematics used by mathema-
dence, determined that when given equal opportunities, ticians, we see a creative, visual, connected, and living sub-
girls and boys have equal chances of achieving at the ject. Yet school students often see mathematics as a dead
highest levels. “Meanwhile, in higher education and subject—hundreds of methods and procedures to memorize
beyond, young women are under-represented in the that they will never use, hundreds of answers to questions
fields of mathematics, physical science and computing. that they have never asked” (Boaler, 2016, p. 31).
In 2012, only 14 % of young women who entered uni- In 1908 Henri Poincare gave a presentation to the French
versity for the first time chose science-related fields of Psychological Society entitled ‘Mathematical Creation’
study, including engineering, manufacturing and con- that inspired Jacques Hadamard to begin his own investiga-
struction. By contrast, 39 % of young men who entered tion into this area that resulted in a series of lectures and
university that year chose to pursue one of those fields his seminal work on four stages of mathematical inven-
of study” (OECD, 2015, p. 13). They found that even tion—initiation, incubation, illumination and verification
high-achieving girls had less self-confidence and more (Hadamard, 1954). In spite of this, school mathematics in
math anxiety than boys, and less than 5 % of girls in the the United States all too often continues to be taught as a
OECD countries even contemplated pursuing a career in rule-driven, algorithmic subject. As noted by Mann (2006),
engineering or computing. “Teaching mathematics without providing for creativity

Dangerous myths about “gifted” mathematics students

denies all students, especially gifted and talented students, of Mathematics (NCTM), and the National Council of
the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of mathematics, Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM), we suggested that
and fails to provide the gifted student an opportunity to the CCSS-M add a ninth Standard for Mathematical Prac-
develop his or her talents” (p. 236). tice: “Solve problems in novel ways and pose new mathe-
Milgram and Hong (2009) claim that one of the major matical questions of interest to investigate. The character-
reasons for talent loss in the field of mathematics is this istics of the new proposed standard would be that students
lack of recognition that creative thinking is important to are encouraged and supported in taking risks, embracing
talent development. They note that schools often iden- challenge, solving problems in a variety of ways, pos-ing
tify giftedness in children using a traditional test of gen- new mathematical questions of interest to investigate, and
eral intelligence whereas talent in adults is recognized by being passionate about mathematical investigations” (John-
the products they create. Narrow conceptions of gifted and sen and Sheffield, 2012, p. 16).
talented mathematics students that do not acknowledge the
importance of creativity not only limit the number of stu-
dents identified, but also limits the efforts to develop their 6 Myth #4: gifted mathematics students develop
talents. on their own

5.2 Recommendations 6.1 The myth and its dangers

Students need to realize that mathematics is a creative, In the middle of World War II, President Franklin Delano
ever-growing subject, and they should not be afraid to slow Roosevelt asked the head of the US Office of Research and
down, dig deeply, ask questions, make mistakes, and take Development, Vannevar Bush, if there could be a program
risks with unusual strategies and solutions. In following up to discover and develop scientific talent in American youth
on the work of Hadamard, Liljedahl (2009) emailed 150 to ensure the future of scientific research. Bush (1945)
prominent mathematicians, asking them questions from responded, “The responsibility for the creation of new
Hadamard’s initial survey relating to the phenomenon of scientific knowledge rests on that small body of men and
mathematical discovery. Recurring themes in response to women who understand the fundamental laws of nature and
this survey have several implications for mathematics stu- are skilled in the techniques of scientific research. While
dents including the importance of persistence, making and there will always be the rare individual who will rise to the
building on failures and wrong ideas, deriving mathematics top without benefit of formal education and training, he
for oneself and questioning and re-creating the work of oth- is the exception and even he might make a more notable
ers, and paying attention to insights that come during the contribution if he had the benefit of the best education we
suspension of conscious thought. have to offer” (p. 23). Twenty-five years later, the National
It is important that our best students be challenged and Council of Teachers of Mathematics stated, “The student
encouraged to struggle with difficult problems, using a most neglected, in terms of realizing full potential, is the
variety of strategies and solutions. Teachers are often afraid gifted student of mathematics. Outstanding mathemati-
that if they let students make errors when solving math- cal ability is a precious societal resource, sorely needed
ematics problems that students will remember incorrect to maintain leadership in a technological world” (NCTM
answers, and therefore teachers expect students to memo- 1980, p. 18). The need for the best education that we have
rize and utilize only methods and algorithms taught by the to offer to develop the most talented mathematics stu-
teacher. Research shows that the opposite is true, however. dents possible remains as critical today as it was 17 years
Students who are allowed to make mistakes and “construct ago. The world is far more technological than it was more
viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others” as than 35 years ago when the NCTM noted that our most
recommended in the third CCSS Standard for Mathemati- neglected, and sorely needed, students are the most gifted.
cal Practice have greater enjoyment and a much deeper and This includes those students who are already performing at
long-lasting understanding of mathematical concepts as the highest levels as well as those who have the potential to
well as a willingness to attack difficult problems in unique do so.
and creative ways and persevere in their solutions. In 2010, when the National Science Board published
Unfortunately, creativity is not mentioned in the Com- Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators they
mon Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) even asserted that, “Currently, far too many of America’s best
though it is needed. In the joint publication, Using the and brightest young men and women go unrecognized and
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with Gifted underdeveloped, and, thus, fail to reach their full potential.
and Advanced Learners, from the National Association for This represents a loss for both the individual and society”
Gifted Children (NAGC), the National Council of Teachers (NSB (2010), p. 1) This was echoed by Finn and Wright in

L. J. Sheffield

Failing Our Brightest Kids: The Global Challenge of Edu- ments including quantitative/mathematical, verbal and
cating High-Ability Students after visiting eleven countries spatial and increasing training for education profes-
in 2012 and 2013 in an attempt to analyze US support for sionals at all levels, including early childhood educa-
gifted students compared to other countries with high- tors and pediatricians.
performing students. They found that lack of support for 3. Foster a supportive ecosystem that nurtures and cel-
gifted students in the US is especially damaging to poor ebrates excellence and innovative thinking. This
and minority high-achieving students who often do not have includes working to transform negative stereotypes of
access to challenging public schools or elite private schools gifted students and creating positive school environ-
and who seldom reach the Advanced level of the NAEP ments that expect and appreciate academic excellence
mathematics assessment or attend the most challenging col- and creativity and celebrate achievements and suc-
leges. They note that while 9 % of American 15-year-olds cesses (NSB 2010).
reach the top two levels of the PISA mathematics assess-
ment, 31 % of Korean students and 16 % of Canadians do There are a number of ways to provide opportunities
so. Even worse, only 1 % of US students with poorly edu- for excellence that have been shown to have some success
cated parents reach those levels versus 5 % in Australia, 6 % increasing the numbers and levels of promising mathemat-
in Germany and 7 % in Japan (Finn and Wright, 2015). ics students. As noted earlier, well-trained teachers and cur-
Clearly our best mathematics students have not devel- ricular programs that focus on mathematical creativity, oral
oped on their own to the levels that are needed to become and written discourse, and challenging problem solving
the future leaders and innovators who are most likely to and problem posing such as Project M2: Mentoring Young
develop miraculous cures, solve the world’s problems such Mathematicians and Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical
as global warming, lack of clean water, renewable energy Minds can start our youngest students on the path to math-
and terrorism, and improve the lives of people around the ematical excellence.
world. The recent US education policy of “No Child Left Outside of class, math clubs, math circles, competitions,
Behind” (NCLB) has been laudable in its support for stu- mentorships and other challenging activities have involved
dents who are performing poorly, but much more needs students in developing their talents in engaging ways. Tyre
to be done for students at the top. The Every Student Suc- (2016) notes that the number of American teens who excel
ceeds Act (ESSA), which replaced NCLB in December at advanced math has surged, including winning the Inter-
2015, asks states to track the progress of all gifted students national Math Olympiad in 2015 after finishing second or
and for the first time allows schools to use federal dollars third in the five previous years. Of course, only a relatively
to experiment with ways to screen for low-income, high- few students can be on the Olympiad team, but college
ability students beginning in the early years and to train professors are beginning to notice dramatic changes in top
teachers to provide for them. It is up to the states to take up math students and they attribute much, if not most of this,
this challenge. to extracurricular activities. In addition to selective math
camps that have operated for decades such as the Ross
6.2 Recommendations Mathematics Program at Ohio State, dozens of other math
enrichment camps have popped up and are open to students
In addition to implementing the recommendations from the who are enthusiastic about math but are not necessarily
ESSA, several other things might be done to identify, sup- prodigies. Numbers of students enrolled in math circles,
port, and develop mathematical expertise. The report, Pre- math clubs, and math competitions from the elementary
paring the Next Generation of STEM Innovators, has three level through high school are also growing at a rapid pace.
main recommendations that apply to our most promising Math chat rooms, online programs and websites such as
mathematics students. These are: the Art of Problem Solving,, and Math Pickle
also draw thousands of passionate students. Tyre (2016)
1. Provide opportunities for excellence. This includes notes that all of the outside-of-school programs have key
providing support and a national database for both cur- elements in common, including the emphasis on think-
ricular and extracurricular opportunities for students, ing conceptually with open-ended, multifaceted situations
including merit-based scholarships, and additional to predict, explore and explain the world with a dearth of
training for teachers as well as building partnerships rote learning, memorization, and emphasis on speed. Stu-
with colleges, museums, industry, research labs, and dents learn math facts and formulas as a by-product, not the
schools at all levels. goal. Unfortunately, many of these programs cost too much
2. Cast a wide net. Noting the need for all types of tal- money or are otherwise not available to students whose
ents in all demographics of students, recommendations families don’t have the money or the knowledge to access
include using appropriate and multiple talent assess- them. More needs to be done to expand the programs to

Dangerous myths about “gifted” mathematics students

make them available and attractive to much larger numbers Loveless (2013) of the Brookings Institution found in states
of students, including infusing their techniques and chal- where the numbers of students in advanced middle school
lenges into K-12 public schools. mathematics courses such as Algebra I increased, the gains
on NAEP scores in algebra decreased. In January 2013,
members of the California State Board of Education voted
7 Myth #5: gifted students should accelerate their unanimously to remove Algebra I standards from eighth
mathematics classes as much as possible grade and instead to follow the recommendations of the
CCSS-M with a more gradual approach to algebra mastery
7.1 The myth and its dangers and a deeper, more rigorous understanding of prerequisite
concepts such as proportional reasoning and understanding
One possible solution to increasing the numbers and lev- of rational number operations.
els of top mathematics students that is widely used in the Numbers of students taking calculus in high school have
United States, but that is not proving successful, is the grown even faster than students taking high school math in
acceleration of mathematics classes. This often takes the middle school. Over the past quarter century, 2- and 4-year
form of tracking at the secondary level, to allow some stu- college enrollment in first semester calculus has remained
dents to move rapidly into more advanced classes. Tracking constant while high school enrollment in calculus has
involves an attempt to place students into more homogene- grown tenfold. We have passed the crossover point where
ous classes to allow teachers to focus their instruction on each year more students study first semester calculus in US
students a narrower range of expertise. Research results high schools than in all 2- and 4-year colleges and universi-
vary. For example, Collins and Gan (2013) found tracking ties in the United States. In theory, this should be an engine
beneficial to low- and high-performing students in Dal- for directing more students toward careers in science, engi-
las, Texas, and Loveless (2009) found that detracking car- neering, and mathematics. In fact, it is having the opposite
ried risks for high-achieving students in Massachusetts. effect. “Too many students are moving too fast through
On the other hand, Boaler (2016) asserts, “we know that preliminary courses so that they can get calculus onto their
students who are advanced in math from an early age are high school transcripts. The result is that even if they are
more likely to drop math when they get the opportunity able to pass high school calculus, they have established an
and achieve at lower levels” (p. 99). One common theme inadequate foundation on which to build the mathematical
is that simply going faster with a cohort of students with knowledge required for a STEM career. Nothing demon-
similar skills without changing the content of the course is strates this more eloquently than the fact that from the high
not effective for our top students. Picciotto (2016) decries school class of 1992, one-third of those who took calculus
what he terms “hyper-acceleration”, students taking high in high school then enrolled in pre-calculus when they got
school mathematics classes in middle school 2 or more to college, and from the high school class of 2004, one in
years before they are typically taught, noting that this fre- six of those who passed calculus in high school then took
quently results in gaps because of missed topics from mid- remedial mathematics in college” (Bressoud et al, 2012, p.
dle school mathematics, and a shallow, poorly understood, 2). Some students simply stop taking mathematics classes
easily forgotten series of mathematics topics that empha- because they never enjoyed their accelerated classes, and
sized memorization, speed and regurgitation. they have met all the math requirements for high school
The number of students taking high school mathemat- (HS) graduation before the senior year of HS or they use
ics classes in middle school has exploded since 1990. At advanced placement (AP) calculus scores to meet all the
that time, only 16 % of US students took algebra in eighth requirements to graduate from college without ever taking
grade. By 2013, more eighth graders were taking Algebra a college mathematics course. “What the members of the
I than any other math class. Minnesota established a new mathematical community—especially those in the Math-
high school graduation requirement that, beginning with ematical Association of America (MAA) and the National
the class of 2015, all students must complete an Algebra Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)—have
I credit by the end of eighth grade, and California’s school known for a long time is that the pump that is pushing more
accountability formula strongly encouraged algebra in students into more advanced mathematics ever earlier is not
eighth grade for nearly all students. However, studies of the just ineffective: It is counter-productive” (Bressoud et al,
California policy found that while more students enrolled 2012, p. 2).
in eighth grade algebra there were also more failures, and a
Duke study of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, 7.2 Recommendations
move to expand algebra into eighth grade resulted in lower
scores on Algebra I tests and lower pass rates in Geome- This is not to say that K-12 students should not have access
try and Algebra II in subsequent years. Research by Tom to the highest-level mathematics classes possible. It simply

L. J. Sheffield

means that faster is not always better. There are certainly gifted mathematics students, we must increase the pool
benefits to not waiting until high school to experience alge- of mathematically promising students, especially those
braic reasoning and a strong calculus course in high school from underrepresented groups such as girls, students of
may set students on the path to success in college and their color, and those who live in poverty through research
chosen careers. Accelerating math classes for more than and positive portrayals in schools and in the media
1 year, however, has not been shown to be beneficial for the and the creation and development of their mathemati-
majority of top students. As noted in the previous section, cal promise with a diverse and engaging opportunities.
mathematics experiences that emphasize multi-faceted, Teachers, parents, and the students themselves must all
complex problem solving are much more effective than have confidence in their abilities and value and cele-
simply going faster through classes that are based on mem- brate their successes.
orized rules and algorithms. 3. To offset the myth that mathematics is not creative,
educators and students should heed the recommenda-
tions in the joint NAGC, NCTM, NCSM publication
8 Conclusion on the CCSS-M and gifted and advanced students that
a ninth Standard for Mathematical Practice be added
Students will not all start at the same point, proceed at the that students “solve problems in novel ways and pose
same pace, dig into concepts with the same levels of under- new mathematical questions of interest to investi-
standing or enjoyment, or decide to enter STEM careers, gate”.
but far greater numbers of students can achieve and relish 4. To overcome the myth that gifted mathematics stu-
mathematics at far higher levels. We need to ensure that dents can develop on their own, we need to increase the
all our students, including those already performing at the research and dissemination of information and replica-
highest levels, are engaged and challenged to make con- tion of successful projects. Research has found that we
tinual progress. Developing their passion and perseverance can develop students’ mathematical passion and exper-
when learning mathematics is just as critical as the ensur- tise by offering a variety of engaging and challeng-
ing that they have the necessary foundation in all strands of ing K-12 curricular and extracurricular opportunities.
mathematics. This includes extracurricular programs for recreational
In summary, to support and develop these promising mathematics, such as math circles, clubs and competi-
young mathematicians, we should counteract these five tions, as well as curriculum and teaching strategies that
myths with these successful practices: support the establishment of mathematical creativity,
expertise and engagement such as Project M2: Mentor-
1. To dispel the myth that mathematics ability is geneti- ing Young Mathematicians and Project M3: Mentoring
cally determined, students need to know that their Mathematical Minds.
brains will grow if they struggle and persevere in learn- 5. To surmount the difficulties of an over-reliance on
ing new information, focusing on depth, complex- speeding through mathematics programs, educators
ity, oral and written justification and invention. Math- need to use appropriate pacing, that sometimes allows
ematics is the perfect area to do this, appreciating and students to slow down, struggle, and make mistakes
enjoying the beauty of the subject along with preparing as they investigate intriguing mathematical topics in
for engaging careers and life in general. Note that just depth and that does not require students to repeatedly
working harder or longer is not enough to raise students practice low-level skills that they have previously mas-
to the highest levels, and not all students given the same tered.
experiences will rise to the same levels of achievement.
Proper experiences where students are given the oppor- It is hoped that this paper might trigger a further discus-
tunity and techniques to solve and pose complex prob- sion of these and other myths and the dangers that they pre-
lems, making connections, working with peers using sent along with research, practices and recommendations
verbal and written communication, recognizing and to increase the numbers and levels of our most mathemati-
correcting errors, and persevering in the face of diffi- cally proficient and passionate students.
culties are all critical to student success. Students who
already are performing at peak levels need these experi-
ences to make continual progress, and students who are
not yet performing at high levels need these experiences
to perform and enjoy working at higher levels. Binet, A. (1909). Les idées modernes sur les enfants. Paris: Flam-
2. To counteract the myth that only males, especially marion. (Published in English as: Modern ideas about chil-
wealthy White and Asian American males, can become dren. Menlo Park, CA: Suzanne Heisler, 1984).

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