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Glacier (n)  glacial (adj)

Race the clock (v)

‘Contract (n) hợp đồng | con’tract (v) thu hẹp = shrink
Turn out = hóa ra
Everyone thought he was polite, but as they get to know him more closely, it turns
out that they’re wrong.
Keep doing sth = cứ (
Venture (v)
Compensate for = make up for = bù đắp
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. Carnivore
10. Digest
11. Hibernate
12. Nests/platforms
13. Eye patches
Types of nutrients = sodium, saturated fat and added sugar
Show a breakdown of … according to daily meal
Patterns of sodium and saturated fat are similar, with most V3 … … By contrast, …
The intake of … almost evenly distributed

The charts show a breakdown of sodium, saturated fat and added sugar consumed in
daily meals. Overall, the consumption patterns of sodium and saturated are similar, with
most eaten in dinners and least in breakfasts. By contrast, sugar intake is highest in
snacks and is almost evenly distributed in the other meals.
Make up = account for = represent
The charts show a breakdown of three types of nutrients according to daily meal. Overall,
the patterns of sodium and saturated fats are similar, with most consumed in dinners and
the least in breakfasts. By contrast, the most consumed sugar are in snacks, the intake of
this nutrient in breakfast, lunch and dinner is almost evenly distributed.

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