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Are the effects of Modernization morally justifiable?

In our world today, we are in the middle of experiencing an alarming global environmental
situation that is caused by human activities, mainly by our gas emissions due to burning fossil
fuels like coal, gas, and oil that are used for our everyday life like gasoline for using a car and
public vehicles. The gas emissions cause global warming which means the “long-term warming
of the Earth’s surface”, which affected the climate of the Earth (IPCC, 2021). This phenomenon
is called climate change which means “long-term changes in the average weather patterns in
Earth’s climate globally” (NASA, n.d.) and currently we are in the middle of experiencing this
global climate emergency. We saw this on how it affected most vulnerable countries like the
Philippines with the landfall of Super Typhoon Yolanda. According to BBC (2013), the Typhoon
Haiyan or Yolanda was one the most powerful typhoons in the history and the death toll has
reach above 5,000 in two weeks after it hit the country and damages over a million houses. A
group of experts release an article that says that the world only has 12 years left to avoid the
worst impacts of climate change and to stay within the 1.5-degree threshold which keeps the
climate controlled to feel lesser effects (Watts, 2018). There are steps provided and actions taken
in mitigating this like the Paris Agreement which has encouraged all countries to lessen their
carbon dioxide. However, the problem with this Agreement, it is done voluntarily which you can
see the huge disparity between what needs to be done, and what the actions you did. The result of
this is that there will be a lot of nations that will be left behind, mostly those who are in the most
vulnerable countries. This will also cause the rights of people in impoverished nations to be
discarded since their lives will be at risk if this keep for this global emergency cause negative
impacts to our livelihoods which is a violation of our right to live in peace.

Man's innate need to upgrade everything to make things easier has destroyed the planet and the
ironic thing is that this need is also slowly killing us. The cutting of the trees for the construction
of the machines and energy plants that they made to produce energy use in our technology that
make things easier has produces so much gas emissions and deforestation that decreases the trees
who absorbed the carbon dioxide trap in the atmosphere which causes global warming and lead
to climate change (Nunez, 2022). To add onto that capitalism made things worse since evil
corporations that do not care about the environment to make a profit are thriving. Unfortunately,
they are getting away with it since they just can bribe certain people who are in charge to make
their misbehavior legal. These have also created significant social and economic inequality since
companies have searched for cheap labor and materials which they will sell the product at a
much higher cost. The rich get richer, while the poor continue to suffer. This inequality has led to
conflict, wars, and the displacement of millions of people. There are some organizations that
help the environment, yet these efforts are not enough since the damage is severe, and we are
reaching the point where it might be too late for us to save the environment. Humanity has failed
to learn from its mistakes. Despite the lessons of history, humanity continues to engage in
destructive behaviors. The result is a world that is increasingly unstable and dangerous.
To summarize all that has been satiated, Since the dawn of fire and agriculture, humans have
changed several parts of their environment. The impact of Homo sapiens on Earth, however, has
grown to the point where it effectively defines the current geological era. Humans were good,
they were creative and resourceful, Humans made life easy on earth and made it a better place to
live in.
1.) Bad effect is not intended- The capitalist approach to modernization is based on the idea that
capitalist policies are the best means of advancing modernization efforts. Recruiters have an
inside look into how companies take advantage of job seekers and employees and give them the
minimum salary to take advantage for the reason of it's all about money.
2.) The good effect is not caused by the bad effect- Leaders of the business comprehend the need
to address climate change from a business perspective and are more aware of the existential
danger it poses to their employees and operations. On the other hand, these people somehow
forgot their responsibility to protect and preserve nature.
3.) The good effect outweighs the bad effect- “The richer get richer and the poorer get poisoned”
this classic text has taken the issue of economic inequality seriously. It's never fair for the reason
that the person who has the power can manipulate things around them since this capitalism has
the power whatever they say or might do will be the right thing in the eyes of the majority.

BBC News (2013). Typhoon Haiyan death toll rises over 5,000. BBC News.
IPCC (2021). Sixth Assessment Report, WGI, Technical Summary.
NASA (n.d.). Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming.
Nunez (2022). Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it? National Geographic.
Watts, J. (2018). We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN. The

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