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The Last Supper, an iconic event in the Christian faith, has been a subject of artistic interpretation

throughout history, but two Renaissance paintings by Dirk Bouts and Andrea del Castagno stand out as
some of the most well-known depictions. These two works showcase the Last Supper in two distinct
ways, displaying significant differences in composition, painting style, and mood.

Bouts' painting portrays a symmetrical arrangement of characters around Jesus, with a peaceful and
serene atmosphere. This style is marked by delicate colours, meticulous details, and soft lighting, giving
the work an ethereal quality. In contrast, del Castagno's painting is a dynamic and dramatic portrayal,
with figures in motion and gesturing towards each other in a narrow room. This creates a more sombre
and intense atmosphere, with harsher contrasts of light and shadow, and a more restrained colour

Despite these differences, both paintings effectively convey the emotions and essence of the Last
Supper. They are celebrated for their artistic and historical significance, having influenced countless
depictions of the Last Supper throughout history, including the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

These paintings serve as a testament to the enduring power of art to communicate meaning and
emotion through visual representation. They offer viewers a unique insight into the Christian faith, and
showcase the skill and creativity of two of the most celebrated artists of the Renaissance era.

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