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‫ان غ ية ع هىو‬

`Ulūm al-Ghayb, `Ilm al-Ḥurūf and related Islamic Esoteric Sciences


Stephen Lambden (University of California - Merced).

Last updated and corrected 06/10/08


Magic and Esotericism -- General Miscellany

F. Maddison and E. Savage-Smith,

 Science, Tools & Magic [Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, 12],

Oxford: Oxford University Press / London: Azimuth Editions,
1997, pp. 59-164.

MacDonald, D. B. and T. Fahd

 'Simiya' in EI2 9: 612-3.

Fahd, T.

 La Divination arabe, etudes religieuses, sociologiques et

folkloriques sur le milieu natif de l'Islam Strasbourg /Leiden:
Brill, 1966
 'Kihana' in EI2 5: 99-101;
 'Huruf, ‘ilm al-' in EI2 3: 595-6;

Schimmel, A.

 The Mystery of Numbers (Oxford: Oxford University Press,


Savage-Smith , Emilie and M. B. Smith,

 Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device

[UCLA Studies in Near Eastern Culture and Society, 2] Malibu,
CA: Undena, 1980.

Savage-Smith, Emilie

 Magic and divination in early Islam, ed. Emilie Savage-

Smith. Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2003. ISBN: 086078715X
9780860787150. An extremely useful collection of brilliant
essays... [SL]

`Ilm al-Hurūf : The Science of Letters, ‫فش‬ ‫ج‬ Jafr and Talismanry.

`Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (d.40/661) (attrib.)

 Kitab al-Jafr al-Jami`wa'l-nur al-lawa'mi` li'l-Amir al-Mu'minin.

Beirut: Dar al-Maktabah al-Turabiyya, 1987 (44pp.). *

 Kitab al-Jafr lil-Imām `Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib. al-Maktabah al-
Hadithiyya. np. nd. [199?] (143pp.). *
 Kitab al-Mughaybat (":Book of Hidden Things"). Add (Sunni
 Kitab `Alī. by Mustafa Qisayr al-`Amilī. Beirut: Dār al-Thaqalayn,

1410/1995. (126pp.)*
 al-Jafrayn : al-akbar wa'l-asghar, al-mansub ilā Imam `Ali ibn
`Abi Ṭālib. ed. Hāshim `Uthmān. Beirut: Mu`assat al-a`lami li-l-
matbu`at. , 2002 (352pp.).

Sayyid `Ammar Sadr al-Din sharaf al-Din al-Musawi al-Amilī

 Baḥth ḥawl al-jafr wa `ilm al-ma`ṣūm min khilal al-āthār.

1419/1998 (424pp.)*

Sayyid Ḥaydar al-Ḥusayni

 al-Jafr wa Jawhar al-`aqīq fi sa`r al-tawfiq. Dār al-Muḥajjat al-

Bayḍā' , 1419/1999. (337pp.)*

Shaykh Akram al-Barakat

 Haqiqat al-Jafr `ind al-Shi`a. 4th ed. 1428/2007. 285pp. *

‫أحًذ ت ن ع هي ان ثىن ي‬
Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Būnī = `Abu al-`Abbas Ahmad ibn `Ali ibn Yūsuf al-Qurayshī
Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Būnī (622/1225)

See Brockelmann, GAL I/2:655f.; Deitrich EI2 12:156-7; GALS 1:910f;

Fahd, [1966]1987:230ff; Ulmann, 1972: 234,390f, 415.

An Islamic theologian, mystic and magician Ahmad ibn `Alī al-Būnī wrote
around 40 Arabic books on Islamic esoterica and magic having a special
facility with the theology of talismanic configurations of the Names of God.
Most of his work is unedited and unpublished save for a few non-critical
editions. He is much more than an eccentric magician...

‫ان عىاسف ون طائ ف ان ك ثشي ان ً عاسف شًس ك تاب‬

Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis
and the Subtleties of Elevated things").

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Cairo : al-Maktabat al-`Arab + Bombay

+ Calcutta, 1291/1874.

 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubra wa la ā if al- awārif ... Bombay, 1305/
1887. Copy in Columbia University Libraries. New York, NY
10027 USA.

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. 4 vols. Cairo n. d. [1905]
 al-Juz al-awwal [-al-juz al-rābi min Kitāb shams al-ma ārif al-
kubr wa-la ā if al- awārif. Egypt [Cairo : Maktabat wa-Ma ba at
Muḥammad Alī ubayḥ, XXXX/ 19 .

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Miṣr : Dār Ihya al-

Kutub al-Gharbiyat, XXXX/1920.
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Miṣr, al-Maktabah
al-Tijārīyah al-Kubr wa-yalīhi: Mīzān al- adl fī Maqāṣid Aḥwāl
al-Raml, wa-Risālat Fawātiḥ al-Raghā ib fī Khuṣūṣīyāt Awqāt al-
Kawākib, wa-Risālat Zahr al-Murūj fī Dalā il al-Burūj, wa-Risālat
La ā if al-Ishārah fī Khaṣā iṣ al-Kawākib al-Sayyārah. Ta līf Abd
al-Qādir al-Ḥusaynī al-Adhamī, XXXX/ 1920?
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Cairo: Mustafa al-Bābī al-
Halabi, 1345/1927.

 Shams al-ma`ārif al-kubr wa-la a'if al-`awarif / Ahmad ibn `Ali

al-Buni wa-yalihi, Mizan al-`adl fi maqaṣid ahkam al-raml,
Fawatiḥ al-ragha'ib fi khuṣuṣiyat al-kawakib, Zahr al-muruj fi
dala'il al-buruj, La a'if al-isharah fi khaṣa'iṣ al-kawakib al-
sayyarah ; `Abd al-Qadir al-.Husayni al-Adhami. 4 vols. in 1 .
Cairo: Mu.s.taf al-Bābī al-Halabi, XXXX/ 1945. 576+16 pp.

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Ed. 'Abd al-Fattāh 'Abd al-Hamīd

Murād, Cairo: Maktabat al-Jumhūriyya al-Mişriyya, 1380/1960.
 al-Juz al-awwal [al-thānī min Shams al-ma ārif al-kubr wa-
la ā if al- awārif al-Azhar [Egypt : Yu labu min Maktabat al-
Jumhūrīyah al-Miṣrīyah, 1380/1960-61.
 Hādhā Kitāb shams al-ma ārif wa-la ā if al- awārif. Bombay:
Muhammadi, 1964.
 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubr wa-la ā if al- awārif. Beirūt : Al-
Maktabah al-Sha bīyah, XXXX/ 1970.
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Cairo: al-Ma ba ah
al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Miṣrīyah, XXXX/1995

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis"). 4

vols./ Pts. in 1 vol. Beirut: Maktabah al-Thaqafiyya (576pp+16

index). *
 Pt. I = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 1-142.
 Pt. II = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 143-266.
 Pt. III = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 266-535

 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubrā. Beirut: Dār al-Maḥaj at al-Bayḍā',

1421/ 2001

‫ان ك ثشي ان ً عاسف شًس ك تاب‬

Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubra ("The Greater Book of the Sun of
Gnosis"). Beirut: Manshurat Mu'assat al-Nur li'l-Matbu`at al-Thaqafiyya,
1420/2000. 616pp.

Majmū`a Arba` Rasā'il (Compendium of Four Treatises") of Sayyid `Abd al-

Qadir al-Husayni al-Adhami (ADD/ADD).

 Pt. IV = Majmu`at Arba`a Rasā'il (Compendium of Four

Treatises") (pp.537-576):
 [1 Risālah Mīzān al-`adl fī maqāṣid aḥkām al-raml (pp.537-
 [2 Risālah Fawa'tih al-raghā'ib khuṣūṣiyyāt awaqāt al-kawākib
 [3 Risālah Zahr al-muruj fi dala'il al-burūj (pp.558-566)
 [4 Risālah latā'if al-ishārāt fī khasā'is al-kawākib al-sayyāra


 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis"). ADD

 Long recension
 Medium length recension
 Short recension

İmam Ahmet Bin Ali El-Bûni.,


Massive Turkish translation of the Shams al-Ma`ārif al-Kubrā of al-Būnī in 4

Pts. within 2 vols. containing many clearly printed diagrams and numerous
excerpts from the Arabic text.

 Pts1-2 = ŞEMS'UL MAARIFUL EL KÜBRA ., Turkish Trans.,

Araştırmacı Gazeteci Yazar Nebil Fazıl Alsan., Istanbul: Seda
Yayinlari (1062pp.)
 Pts. 3-4 = ŞEMS'UL MAARIFUL EL KÜBRA ., Turkish Trans.,
Araştırmacı Gazeteci Yazar Nebil Fazıl Alsan., Istanbul: Seda
Yayinlari (1058pp.)


 Shamsul ma ārif al-kubr Urdu va latā iful avārif : ma izāfah-yi

amaliyāt-i Madanī : amaliyāt va ta vīzāt kī sab se ba ī
mustanad aur mashhūr kitāb. ed. Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī;
Iqbāluddīn Aḥmad. Karachi: Dārul ishā at : milne kā patah,
Idāratulma ārif, 1978

Kitāb Latā'if al-Ishārāt fī asrār al-ḥurūf al-`uluwiyyāt ("Book of the Subtleties

of the Allusions regarding the Mysteries of the Elevated Letters").

 Kitāb Latā'if al-Ishārāt fī asrār al-ḥurūf al-`uluwiyyāt. Lithograph

edition. Cairo: Add., 1317/1899.

Kitāb al-uṣūl wa'l-ḍawābi (Book of the Fundamentals of the ).

 Kitāb al-uṣūl wa'l-ḍawābi apparebntly an introduction to the

hidden sciences.

Kitāb Siḥr al-`ushāq fi jalab al-Mushtaq ("The Book of Magic for the
enticement of the Object of Yearning").

 Kitāb Saḥr al-`ushāq fi jalab al-mushtāq ("The Book of

Magic..."). mss. (96pp.).

Sharḥ sawakiţ al-Fatiha al-sharlfa (Commentary upon the Sawaqiţ of the

Noble [Surah of] the Opening" [Q.1]")

 Shark sawakiţ al-Fatiha al-sharlfa.

According to Deitrich this work is "on the consonants th. Dj_. kh, z sh. ẓ. f.
which do not occur in the first Sūra;

Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`zam fi'l-ruḥānī wa yalihi Kitāb al-lam'ah fi'l-fawā'id al-
ruḥānīyya `aẓīẓat al-sama`ah . ("Commentary upon the Mightiest Name of

 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`ẓam fī al-ruḥānī wa yalihi kitāb al-

lama`a fī'l-fawā'id al-ruḥānīyya `aẓīẓat al-
sama`a ("Commentary upon the Mightiest Name of God in
Spirituality and its relationship to the Book of Brilliance in the
mighty, reputable spiritual instructions" ). Cairo: al-Maktaba al-
Mahmūdiyya al-Tijāriyya bi'l-Azhar, 1358/ 1939-40 (119+ index)
 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`ẓam... Cairo: Maḥmūd `Alī ubayḥ, n.d.
 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a ẓam fī al-rūḥānī ; wa-yalīhi Kitāb al-lum ah
fī al-fawā id al-rūḥānīyah azīzat al-sim ah by Aḥmad ibn Alī
Būnī. al-Azhar : al-Ma ba ah al-Maḥmūdīyah, 1358 / 1939-

al-Lama' al֊ nūrāniyya ("The Luminous Brilliance")

 ADD = a work on the Divine Names (see Fahd, op. cit., 237 f.).


 Igathath fi ḥall alfaẓ al-Istighathah

al-Makkī, Sayyid `Alī (d. 1888).

 Ighātha al-malhūfīn min al-ummah al-Muhammadiyya fi ḥall

alfaẓ al-Istighātha al-Būnīya, ed. Shaykh Muhammad Jaljal al-
Qalyūbī + Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad al-Shaybani [?]. Cairo:
al-Azhar al-Sharif., 1325/1907 (224pp.). Book completed for
printing 4th Rabī` al-Thānī 1325 = 17th May 1907.

‫ودعىج و ششحها ان ج هج هىت يح دعىج ع هً ي ش تًم ن ط يف يجًىع هزا‬

‫ت ان تًاو و ششحها ان ثشه ت يح ودعىج و ششحها ان ذي ياط يح‬.
 Hādhā majmū la īf yashtamilu al Da wat al-Juljulūtīyah wa-
sharḥihā wa-Da wat al-Dimyā īyah wa-sharḥihā wa-Da wat al-
Burhatīyah wa-sharḥihā bi-al-tamām. [Cairo : Ma ba at al-
Bayān, 1316/1898-9. Copy in University of Washington
Libraries, Seattle, WA 98195 USA.

‫ي ن ثع أ صىل ان ح كًح‬
‫ان ً ش تًم ع هً أست ع س سائ م يهًح ف ي أ صىل ان ع هىو ان ح كً يح ين‬
‫ان ع هىو ان حشف يح و ان ىف ق يح و ان ذعىاخ و األق ساو و غ يش رن ك‬

Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma: al-mushtamil al arba rasā il muhimmah fī uṣūl al-

ulūm al-ḥikmīyah wa'l-waqfīyah wa'l-da awāt wa'l-aqsām wa-ghayr

Frequently printed in 20th century.


Contains four Treatises of al-Buni and two by other writers:

 [1] al-Uṣūl wa'l-ḍawā'bi al-muḥkama (pp.5-55)

 [2] Bughyat al-mushtāq fī ma`rifat waḍ` al-awfāq (pp.56-66)
 [3] Sharḥ al-birhatiyya al-ma`rūf bi-sharḥ al-`ahd al-
 [4] Sharḥ al-Jaljalūtiyya al-kubrā (pp.91-325)

As well as the following two short works (appended to the 4 above):

Muhammad al-Shāfi'ī al-Khalwatī al-Ḥanafī (d. ADD/ADD).

 [5] al-Sirr al-maẓrūf fī ՝ilm bas al-ḥurūf , 1370/1951 (pp.2-25)

'Alî ibn Muhammad al-Ṭandatā'ī al-Qārī (d. ADD/ADD).

 [6] al-Durra al-bahiyya fī jawāmi' al-asrār al-rūḥāniyya,

1370/1951 (pp.27-30).


 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Cairo: Muṣ afā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī wa-

awlādihi., 1370/1951.

 Manba uṣūl al-ḥikmah al-mushtamil al arba rasā il

muhimmah fī uṣūl al- ulūm al-ḥikmīyah min al- ulūm al-ḥarfīyah
wa-al-wifqīyah wa-al-da awāt wa-al-aqsām wa-ghayr dhālik. ed.
Muḥammad al-Shāfi ī Khalwa ī and Alī ibn Muḥammad
Ṭandatā ī. Cairo: Muṣ af al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī wa-awlādihi,
 Manba uṣūl al-ḥikmah : al-mushtamil al arba rasā il
muhimmah fī uṣūl al- ulūm al-ḥikmīyah, min al- ulūm al-ḥarfīyah
wa-al-wafqīyah wa-al-da wāt wa-al-aqsām wa-ghayr dhālika ...
Dihlī : Maktabah Ishā at al-Islām, XXXX/ 198 .

 Manba` uṣūl al-hikma mushtamal `ala arba` rasa'il muhimma fi

usul al-`ulum al-hikma... Imam al-Kabir wa'l-Hikmat al-Shahir
Abu `Abbas Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Buni, Beirut: al-Maktabat al-
Thaqafiyya, n. d. [199?].
 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Beirut: Maktabat al-Qahira, n.d. c.
1398/1998. 335pp. +31+1pp.
 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Beirut: Maktabat al-Thaqafiyya, n.d. c.
1398/1998. 335pp. +31+1pp.
 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Beirut: Mu'assat al-Nūr li'l-Ma bū'āt al-
Thaqafiyya, / al-Nur Library, 1420/2000.

‫انه ن انًن ىو في انط سى واننجىو‬

 al-Lu lu al-manẓūm fī al- alāsim wa-al-nujū. Miṣr : al-Ma ba ah
wa-al-Maktabah al-Sa īdīyah, [1910 . Copy in Yale Univ.

: ‫ان ك شف ف ي ع هى ان حشف‬
‫وي ه يه ا صىل ع هى ان حشف و ضىات ط االف اق ن هح ك يى س قشاط‬
 al-Kashf fī ilm al-ḥarf : wa-yalīhi uṣūl ilm al-ḥarf wa-ḍawābi al-
āfāq lil-Ḥakīm Suqrā . Beirut: Mu assasat al-Nūr lil-Ma bū āt,

‫ك تاب يخ ت صش ان هً عح ان نىسان يح‬

 Kitāb Mukhtaṣar al-Lum ah al-nūrāniyya. Copy in Princeton
Univ. Library, USA.

‫ح جاب ع يى‬
 Ḥijāb aẓīm ("A Mighty Veil"). Archival Material Language:
Arabic Publication. Listed in World Cat. in Robert Garrett
Collection, 200 B.C.-1900s within Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA.

Select Secondary sources on Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Būnī and his writings.

Ahrens, W.

 Die "magischen Quadrate" Al-Būnī's, in Is!., xii (1922), 157-77.

 Die "magischen Quadrate" Al-Būnī's, in Is!., xiv (1925), 104-10.

Bergsträsser, G.

 Zu den magischen Quadraten, in ibid., xiii (1923), 227-35.

E. Doutte,

 Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord, Algiers 1909.

Dietrich, A.

`al-Būnī in EI2 [Supp. = ] vol. 12 pp. 156-7. A rather dismissive article.

Fahd, Toufic.

 Le Divination Arabe. Leiden: 1966.see pp.230-3.

Gawhary, Mohamed M.,

 Die Gottesnamen im magischen Gebrauch in den al-Buni

zugeschriebenen Werken. Bonn, 1968. 363, [2] pp. Inaug. Diss.
Pielow, Dorothee Anna Maria

 Die Quellen der Weisheit : die arabische Magie im Spiegel des

Uṣūl al-Hikma von Ahmad `Ali al-Buni. (= Arabistische Texte
und Studien ; 8). Hildesheim ; New York : Georg Olms Verlag,
1995. [2], 207, [3]pp.

Ruska, Julius,

 `Article' ADD HERE in Isi.. xxii (19340, 307-10 .

Ruska "deserves the credit for having drawn attention to the abstruse
chapter on alchemy in the Shams and its sources; since this chapter fits
somewhat unnaturally in the work, it may indeed have been added by a
later author who was familiar with al-Rāzī՝s Kitāb al-Asrar (cf. Isi.. xxii
[1934]. 307-10 .

Vajda, Georges.

 `Sur quelques elements juifs et pseudo-juifs dans

l'encyclopédie magique de Bûnî. in Goldziher Mémorial
Volume, 1, (Budapest 1948). 387-92.

"Vajda has pointed to Jewish and pseudo-Jewish elements in the Shams al-
ma'anf, especially with regard to the names of God, the angels the idea of
thakūfa (from Hebrew teķūfā, something like "quarter of a year'՝ and several
other derived meanings): Sur quelques elements juifs et pseudo-juifs dans
l'encyclopédie magique de Bûnî. in Goldziher Mémorial Volume, 1,
Budapest 1948. 387-92." (EI2 XII:156).

Winkler, H.

 Siegel und Charaktere in der Muhammedanischen Zauberei

(Berlin-Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 1930) On pages 67-80 there
is a German translation of materials from al-Buni pertaining to
the Talisman of the seven seals and the Mightiest Name of

Witkam, Jan Just.

 `Gazing at the Sun, Remarks on the Egyptian Magician al-Būnī

and His Work', in O ye Gentlemen Arabic Studies on Science
and Literary Culture In Honour of Remke Kruk, Ed. Arnoud
Vrolijk and Jan P. Hogendijk, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007, pp.


Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn al-`Arabī (d.638/1240).

See URLs:



 L’Alchemie du bonheur (Ch. 167 of al-Futuhat al-


Anawati, G.

 "L'Alchimie du Bonheur, d'Ibn 'Arabi" in Revue de Institut

Dominicain d'Éudes Orientales da Caire, Mélanges 6 (Cairo.
1959 - 61), 353 - 386. = Trans. of al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya Ch.
Ruspoli, Stephane

 L'alchimie du bonheur parfait Paris: Berg International,

1981= another trans. of chapter 167 of the Futûhât (14 pp. of
Arabic) (151pp.).

Ibn al- Arabī.

 Qur ah Sharīfah : Hādhihi al-qur ah al-mubārakah al-maimūnah

wa-al-durrah al-thamīnah al-maṣūnah li-al-Shaykh al-Akbar etc.
Publisher/year Bombay : Fatḥ al-Karīm Press, 1883. ( 32 p.p.)
"A series of tables for divination ascribed to Ibn Arabī. Followed
(p. 27) by a chapter on divination and omens (Faṣl fī al-fa l wa-
al-zajr) from the end of the Kanz al- ulūm wa-al-durr al manẓūm
of Ibn Tūmart.


Amulets and Talismans

Canaan, T.

 "The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans", Berytus, IV, 1937, p.

69-110 ; V, 1938, p. 141-151.

Fodor, A

 Amulets from the Islamic World: Catalogue of the Exhibition

held in Budapest in 1988 =
 The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic, 2 Budapest, 1990.

Schienerl, P.W.
 Schmuck und Amulett in Antike und Islam [Acta Culturologica,
4] (Aachen, 1988);

Kriss, R., and H. Kriss-Heinrich,

 Volksglaube im Bereich des Islam. Band II: Amulette,

Zauberformeln und Beschwörungen (Wiesbaden, 1962);

Magic Squares and Cubes

 'Buduh' in EI, 2nd edition, suppl. 153-4.

 'Djadwal' in EI, 2nd edition, vol. 2: 370.

Cammann, Schuyler.

 Islamic and Indian Magic Squares. Part I History of Religions,

Vol. 8, No. 3 (Feb., 1969),181-209
 Islamic and Indian Magic Squares. Part II History of Religions,
Vol. 8, No. 4 (May, 1969), 271-299

Jacqes Sesiano,

 Un traité medieval sur les carres magiques: De l'arrangement

harmonieux des nombres, Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques
et Universitaires Romandes, 1996;
F. Maddison and E. Savage-Smith,

 Science, Tools & Magic [Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, 12]

(Oxford: Oxford University Press / London: Azimuth Editions,
1997) pp. 106-7.

Andrews, W. S

 Magic Squares and Cubes. With Chapters by Paul Carus, L. S.

Frierson, C. A. Browne, Jr., and an Introduction by Paul Carus :
Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company, 1908. vi + 199
 Magic Squares and Cubes. Dover [Books explaining Science
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GHAYAT AL-HAKIM ("The Goal of the Wise") - PICATRIX of Pseudo-

Maslama al-Majriti ( ADD/ADD).

Ashe, Steven (Ed.)

 Kitab Ghayat al-Hakim... The Picatrix - The Goal of the Wise (in
Sorcery). Lulu Enterprises,/ Glastonbury Books, UK Ltd., 2007.
Arabic ISBN-10: 1847537383 ISBN-13: 978-1847537386'
 Product Description = "Complete Rendering of The Picatrix or
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This is a grimoire (grammar) of the Art of Magic & Astrological
Lore written around 1200 A.D. offering talismanic and
astrological guidance... Presented in the original Arabic, the
talismanic property of this work will be of interest to specialist
collectors of seminal grimoires...". Reprint of the Arabic text
from the 1962 German printing...

Bakhouche, B.

 Picatrix: UN Traite De Magie Medieval. Brepols Pub., 2003.

383pp. ISBN-10: 250351068X ISBN-13: 978-2503510682

Hartner, Willy

 1965. Isis, Vol. 56, No. 4 (Winter, 1965), pp. 438-451

Plessner, M.

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Martin Plessner [Picatrix: The Goal of the Wise Man by
Pseudo-Magriti, translated from Arabic into German by Ritter
and Plessner]. London: Warburg Institute, 1962 (=Studies of
the Warburg Institute 27).
 1973. `A Medieval Definition of Scientific Experiment in the
Hebrew Picatrix' Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld
Institutes, Vol. 36, 1973 (1973), pp. 358-359

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Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XLIII, 1980, pp. 1-15.
 1981. `Between the Ghaya and Picatrix. I: The Spanish Version'
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(1981), pp. 27-56.
 ed. 1986. The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-ḥakīm (Studies of
the Warburg Institute, vol. 39) London: Warburg Institute, 1986.
lxxxi, 326 +7 pp. Microfiche Illust. apparatus criticus.
 The Latin Version of the Ghayat al-hakim, Studies of the
Warburg Institute, University of London (1986), ISBN

Thomann, J.

 The Name Picatrix: Transcription or Translation? Journal of the

Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 53, 1990 (1990), pp.

Newman, W.R.

 1993 Picatrix: The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-ḥakīm. in


Nutton, Vivian

 Review of `Picatrix. The Latin version of the Ghāyat al-hakīm' in

Med Hist. 1987 October; 31(4): 493.

Fierro. Maribel.

 Batinism in Al-Andalus. Maslama b. Qasim al-Qurtubi (d. 353/964),

Author of the "Rutbat al-Hakim" and the "Ghayat al-Hakim
(Picatrix)" Studia Islamica, No. 84 (1996), pp. 87-112

‫أحًذ ت ن ع هي ان ثىن ي‬
Aḥmad ibn `Alī al-Būnī (622/1225).

`Abu al-`Abbās Aḥmad ibn `Alī ibn Yūsuf al-Qurayshī, Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Būnī


Stephen Lambden (Ohio University).

See Brockelmann, GAL I/2:655f.; Deitrich EI2 12:156-7; GALS 1:910f;

Fahd, [1966]1987:230ff; Ulmann, 1972: 234,390f, 415.

An Islamic theologian, mystic and magician Ahmad ibn `Alī al-Būnī wrote
around 40 Arabic books on Islamic esoterica and magic having a special
facility with the theology of talismanic configurations of the Names of God.
Most of his work is unedited and unpublished save for a few non-critical
editions. He is much more than an eccentric magician...

‫ان عىاسف ون طائ ف ان ك ثشي ان ً عاسف شًس ك تاب‬

Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis
and the Subtleties of Elevated things").

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Cairo : al-Maktabat al-`Arab + Bombay +

Calcutta, 1291/1874.

 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubra wa la ā if al- awārif ... Bombay, 1305/ 1887.
Copy in Columbia University Libraries. New York, NY 10027 USA.

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. 4 vols. Cairo n. d. [1905]

 al-Juz al-awwal [-al-juz al-rābi min Kitāb shams al-ma ārif al-kubr
wa-la ā if al- awārif. Egypt [Cairo : Maktabat wa-Ma ba at Muḥammad
Alī ubayḥ, XXXX/ 19 .

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Miṣr : Dār Ihya al-Kutub al-
Gharbiyat, XXXX/1920.
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Miṣr, al-Maktabah al-
Tijārīyah al-Kubr wa-yalīhi: Mīzān al- adl fī Maqāṣid Aḥwāl al-Raml,
wa-Risālat Fawātiḥ al-Raghā ib fī Khuṣūṣīyāt Awqāt al-Kawākib, wa-
Risālat Zahr al-Murūj fī Dalā il al-Burūj, wa-Risālat La ā if al-Ishārah fī
Khaṣā iṣ al-Kawākib al-Sayyārah. Ta līf Abd al-Qādir al-Ḥusaynī al-
Adhamī, XXXX/ 1920?
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Cairo: Mustafa al-Bābī al-
Halabi, 1345/1927.

 Shams al-ma`ārif al-kubr wa-la a'if al-`awarif / Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Buni
wa-yalihi, Mizan al-`adl fi maqaṣid ahkam al-raml, Fawatiḥ al-ragha'ib
fi khuṣuṣiyat al-kawakib, Zahr al-muruj fi dala'il al-buruj, La a'if al-
isharah fi khaṣa'iṣ al-kawakib al-sayyarah ; `Abd al-Qadir al-.Husayni
al-Adhami. 4 vols. in 1 . Cairo: Mu.s.taf al-Bābī al-Halabi, XXXX/
1945. 576+16 pp.

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif. Ed. 'Abd al-Fattāh 'Abd al-Hamīd Murād,

Cairo: Maktabat al-Jumhūriyya al-Mişriyya, 1380/1960.
 al-Juz al-awwal [al-thānī min Shams al-ma ārif al-kubr wa-la ā if al-
awārif al-Azhar [Egypt : Yu labu min Maktabat al-Jumhūrīyah al-
Miṣrīyah, 1380/1960-61.
 Hādhā Kitāb shams al-ma ārif wa-la ā if al- awārif. Bombay:
Muhammadi, 1964.
 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubr wa-la ā if al- awārif. Beirūt : Al-Maktabah al-
Sha bīyah, XXXX/ 1970.
 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif wa latā'if al-awārif. Cairo: al-Ma ba ah al-
Ḥusaynīyah al-Miṣrīyah, XXXX/1995

 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis"). 4 vols./

Pts. in 1 vol. Beirut: Maktabah al-Thaqafiyya (576pp+16 index). *

 Pt. I = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 1-142.
 Pt. II = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 143-266.
 Pt. III = Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. (in the above
Cairo+Beirut ed.) pp. 266-535

 Shams al-ma ārif al-kubrā. Beirut: Dār al-Maḥaj at al-Bayḍā', 1421/

 Shams al-ma ārif al-sughra. Beirut: XXXX, XXXX/ 200?

‫ك تاب شًس ان ً عاسف ان ك ثشي‬

Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif al-kubra ("The Greater Book of the Sun of
Gnosis"). Beirut: Manshurat Mu'assat al-Nur li'l-Matbu`at al-Thaqafiyya,
1420/2000. 616pp.

Majmū`a Arba` Rasā'il (Compendium of Four Treatises") of Sayyid `Abd al-

Qadir al-Husayni al-Adhami (ADD/ADD).
 Pt. IV = Majmu`at Arba`a Rasā'il (Compendium of Four Treatises")
 [1 Risālah Mīzān al-`adl fī maqāṣid aḥkām al-raml (pp.537-552)
 [2 Risālah Fawa'tih al-raghā'ib khuṣūṣiyyāt awaqāt al-kawākib
 [3 Risālah Zahr al-muruj fi dala'il al-burūj (pp.558-566)
 [4 Risālah latā'if al-ishārāt fī khasā'is al-kawākib al-sayyāra (pp.566-


 Kitāb shams al-ma`ārif ("The Book of the Sun of Gnosis"). ADD

 Long recension
 Medium length recension
 Short recension

İmam Ahmet Bin Ali El-Bûni.,


Massive Turkish translation of the Shams al-Ma`ārif al-Kubrā of al-Būnī in 4

Pts. within 2 vols. containing many clearly printed diagrams and numerous
excerpts from the Arabic text.
 Pts1-2 = ŞEMS'UL MAARIFUL EL KÜBRA ., Turkish Trans.,
Araştırmacı Gazeteci Yazar Nebil Fazıl Alsan., Istanbul: Seda
Yayinlari (1062pp.)
 Pts. 3-4 = ŞEMS'UL MAARIFUL EL KÜBRA ., Turkish Trans.,
Araştırmacı Gazeteci Yazar Nebil Fazıl Alsan., Istanbul: Seda
Yayinlari (1058pp.)

Urdu trans. :

 Shamsul ma ārif al-kubr Urdu va latā iful avārif : ma izāfah-yi

amaliyāt-i Madanī : amaliyāt va ta vīzāt kī sab se ba ī mustanad aur
mashhūr kitāb. ed. Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī; Iqbāluddīn Aḥmad.
Karachi: Dārul ishā at : milne kā patah, Idāratulma ārif, 1978


Kitāb Latā'if al-Ishārāt fī asrār al-ḥurūf al-`uluwiyyāt ("Book of the Subtleties

of the Allusions regarding the Mysteries of the Elevated Letters").

 Kitāb Latā'if al-Ishārāt fī asrār al-ḥurūf al-`uluwiyyāt. Lithograph

edition. Cairo: Add., 1317/1899.

Kitāb al-uṣūl wa'l-ḍawābi (Book of the Fundamentals of the ).

Copy in Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 USA.

 Kitāb al-uṣūl wa'l-ḍawābi apparently an introduction to the hidden

Kitāb Siḥr al-`ushāq fi jalab al-Mushtaq ("The Book of Magic for the
enticement of the Object of Yearning").

 Kitāb Saḥr al-`ushāq fi jalab al-mushtāq ("The Book of Magic...").

mss. (96pp.).

Sharḥ sawakiţ al-Fatiha al-sharlfa (Commentary upon the Sawaqiţ of the

Noble [Surah of] the Opening" [Q.1]")

 Shark sawakiţ al-Fatiha al-sharlfa.

According to Deitrich this work is "on the consonants th. Dj_. kh, z sh. ẓ. f.
which do not occur in the first Sūra;

Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`zam fi'l-ruḥānī wa yalihi Kitāb al-lam'ah fi'l-fawā'id al-
ruḥānīyya `aẓīẓat al-sama`ah . ("Commentary upon the Mightiest Name of

 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`ẓam fī al-ruḥānī wa yalihi kitāb al-lama`a fī'l-

fawā'id al-ruḥānīyya `aẓīẓat al-sama`a ("Commentary upon the
Mightiest Name of God in Spirituality and its relationship to the Book
of Brilliance in the mighty, reputable spiritual instructions" ). Cairo: al-
Maktaba al-Mahmūdiyya al-Tijāriyya bi'l-Azhar, 1358/ 1939-40 (119+
 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a`ẓam... Cairo: Maḥmūd `Alī ubayḥ, n.d.
 Sharḥ ism Allāh al-a ẓam fī al-rūḥānī ; wa-yalīhi Kitāb al-lum ah fī al-
fawā id al-rūḥānīyah azīzat al-sim ah by Aḥmad ibn Alī Būnī. al-Azhar
: al-Ma ba ah al-Maḥmūdīyah, 1358 / 1939-1940.

al-Lama' al֊ nūrāniyya ("The Luminous Brilliance")

 ADD = a work on the Divine Names (see Fahd, op. cit., 237 f.).


 Igathath fi ḥall alfaẓ al-Istighathah

al-Makkī, Sayyid `Alī (d. 1888).

 Ighātha al-malhūfīn min al-ummah al-Muhammadiyya fi ḥall alfaẓ al-

Istighātha al-Būnīya, ed. Shaykh Muhammad Jaljal al-Qalyūbī +
Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad al-Shaybani [?]. Cairo: al-Azhar al-
Sharif., 1325/1907 (224pp.). Book completed for printing 4th Rabī` al-
Thānī 1325 = 17th May 1907.

‫ودعىج و ششحها ان ج هج هىت يح دعىج ع هً ي ش تًم ن ط يف يجًىع هزا‬

‫ت ان تًاو و ششحها ان ثشه ت يح ودعىج و ششحها ان ذي ياط يح‬.
 Hādhā majmū la īf yashtamilu al Da wat al-Juljulūtīyah wa-sharḥihā
wa-Da wat al-Dimyā īyah wa-sharḥihā wa-Da wat al-Burhatīyah wa-
sharḥihā bi-al-tamām. [Cairo : Ma ba at al-Bayān, 1316/1898-9.
Copy in University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, WA 98195 USA.

‫ي ن ثع أ صىل ان ح كًح‬
‫ان ً ش تًم ع هً أست ع س سائ م يهًح ف ي أ صىل ان ع هىو ان ح كً يح ين‬
‫ان ع هىو ان حشف يح و ان ىف ق يح و ان ذعىاخ و األق ساو و غ يش رن ك‬
Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma: al-mushtamil al arba rasā il muhimmah fī uṣūl al-
ulūm al-ḥikmīyah wa'l-waqfīyah wa'l-da awāt wa'l-aqsām wa-ghayr

Frequently printed in the 20th century.

Contains four Treatises of al-Buni and two by other writers:

 [1] al-Uṣūl wa'l-ḍawā'bi al-muḥkama (pp.5-55)

 [2] Bughyat al-mushtāq fī ma`rifat waḍ` al-awfāq (pp.56-66)
 [3] Sharḥ al-birhatiyya al-ma`rūf bi-sharḥ al-`ahd al-qadīm(pp.67-90)
 [4] Sharḥ al-Jaljalūtiyya al-kubrā (pp.91-325)

As well as the following two short works (appended to the 4 above):

Muhammad al-Shāfi'ī al-Khalwatī al-Ḥanafī (d. ADD/ADD).

 [5] al-Sirr al-maẓrūf fī ՝ilm bas al-ḥurūf , 1370/1951 (pp.2-25)

'Alî ibn Muhammad al-Ṭandatā'ī al-Qārī (d. ADD/ADD).

 [6] al-Durra al-bahiyya fī jawāmi' al-asrār al-rūḥāniyya, 1370/1951



 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Cairo: Muṣ afā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī wa-awlādihi.,


 Manba uṣūl al-ḥikmah al-mushtamil al arba rasā il muhimmah fī
uṣūl al- ulūm al-ḥikmīyah min al- ulūm al-ḥarfīyah wa-al-wifqīyah wa-
al-da awāt wa-al-aqsām wa-ghayr dhālik. ed. Muḥammad al-Shāfi ī
Khalwa ī and Alī ibn Muḥammad Ṭandatā ī. Cairo: Muṣ af al-Bābī
al-Ḥalabī wa-awlādihi, 1370/1951.

 Manba uṣūl al-ḥikmah : al-mushtamil al arba rasā il muhimmah fī

uṣūl al- ulūm al-ḥikmīyah, min al- ulūm al-ḥarfīyah wa-al-wafqīyah wa-
al-da wāt wa-al-aqsām wa-ghayr dhālika ... Dihlī : Maktabah Ishā at
al-Islām, XXXX/ 198 .

 Manba` uṣūl al-hikma mushtamal `ala arba` rasa'il muhimma fi usul

al-`ulum al-hikma... Imam al-Kabir wa'l-Hikmat al-Shahir Abu `Abbas
Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Buni, Beirut: al-Maktabat al-Thaqafiyya, n. d.
 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Beirut: Maktabat al-Thaqafiyya, n.d. c.
1398/1998. 335pp. +31+1pp.
 Manba` uṣūl al-ḥikma... Beirut: Mu'assat al-Nūr li'l-Ma bū'āt al-
Thaqafiyya, / al-Nur Library, 1420/2000.

Fahd, Toufic.

 Le Divination Arabe. Leiden: [Brill],1966.

 La divination arabe Études religieuses, sociologiques et folkloriques

sur le milieu natif de l'Islam, Paris: Sindbad, 1987. *

 "Sur une collection d'alphabets antiques réunis par Ibn Wahsiyya",
dans J. Leclant (éd.), Le déchiffrement des écritures et des langues.
Colloque du XXIXe Congrès des Orientalistes, Paris, 1975, p. 105-

 La Magie Comme "Source" de la Sagesse D'Apres L'Oeuvre D'al-
Būnī' in Charms et Sortileges Magie et Magiciens (= Res Orientales

XIV) Bures-sur-Yvette 2002, pp.61-108. *

Pielow, Dorothee, A. M.

 Die Quellen Der Weisheit Die Arabische Magie Im Spiegel des Usul
al-Hikma von Ahmad ibn Ali al-Buni, Hildersheim, Zurich, New York:

Georg Olms Verlag, 1995.. 207pp. *

‫انه ن انًن ىو في انط سى واننجىو‬

 al-Lu lu al-manẓūm fī al- alāsim wa-al-nujū. Miṣr : al-Ma ba ah wa-al-
Maktabah al-Sa īdīyah, [1910 . Copy in Yale Univ. Library.

: ‫ان ك شف ف ي ع هى ان حشف‬
‫وي ه يه ا صىل ع هى ان حشف و ضىات ط االف اق ن هح ك يى س قشاط‬
 al-Kashf fī ilm al-ḥarf : wa-yalīhi uṣūl ilm al-ḥarf wa-ḍawābi al-āfāq
lil-Ḥakīm Suqrā . Beirut: Mu assasat al-Nūr lil-Ma bū āt, 2004

 al-kashf fi 'ilm al-ḥarf - Ahmad bn Ali al-Buni (d. 622 AH), Beirut:
Mu'asasat al-Noor. 200? 264pp.
‫ك تاب يخ ت صش ان هً عح ان نىسان يح‬
 Kitāb Mukhtaṣar al-Lum ah al-nūrāniyya. Copy in Princeton Univ.
Library, USA.

‫ح جاب ع يى‬
 Ḥijāb aẓīm ("A Mighty Veil"). Archival Material Language: Arabic
Publication. Listed in World Cat. in Robert Garrett Collection, 200
B.C.-1900s within Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 USA.


Select Secondary sources on Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Būnī and his writings.

Ahrens, W.

 Die "magischen Quadrate" Al-Būnī's, in Der Is!am..., xii (1922), 157-

 Die "magischen Quadrate" Al-Būnī's, in Der Islam..., xiv (1925), 104-

Bergsträsser, G.

 Zu den magischen Quadraten, in ibid., xiii (1923), 227-35.

E. Doutte,

 Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord, Algiers 1909.

Dietrich, A.

`al-Būnī in EI2 [Supp. = ] vol. 12 pp. 156-7. A rather dismissive article.

Fahd, Toufic.

 Le Divination Arabe. Leiden: 1966.see pp.230-3.

Gawhary, Mohamed M.,

 Die Gottesnamen im magischen Gebrauch in den al-Buni

zugeschriebenen Werken. Bonn, 1968. 363, [2] pp. Inaug. Diss.

Pielow, Dorothee Anna Maria

 Die Quellen der Weisheit : die arabische Magie im Spiegel des Uṣūl
al-Hikma von Ahmad `Ali al-Buni. (= Arabistische Texte und Studien ;
8). Hildesheim ; New York : Georg Olms Verlag, 1995. [2], 207,

Ruska, Julius,

 `Article' ADD HERE in Isi.. xxii (19340, 307-10 .

Ruska "deserves the credit for having drawn attention to the abstruse
chapter on alchemy in the Shams and its sources; since this chapter fits
somewhat unnaturally in the work, it may indeed have been added by a
later author who was familiar with al-Rāzī՝s Kitāb al-Asrar (cf. Isi.. xxii
[1934]. 307-10 .

Vajda, Georges.
 `Sur quelques elements juifs et pseudo-juifs dans l'encyclopédie
magique de Bûnî. in Goldziher Mémorial Volume, 1, (Budapest 1948).

"Vajda has pointed to Jewish and pseudo-Jewish elements in the Shams al-
ma'anf, especially with regard to the names of God, the angels the idea of
thakūfa (from Hebrew teķūfā, something like "quarter of a year'՝ and several
other derived meanings): Sur quelques elements juifs et pseudo-juifs dans
l'encyclopédie magique de Bûnî. in Goldziher Mémorial Volume, 1,
Budapest 1948. 387-92." (EI2 XII:156).

Winkler, H.

 Siegel und Charaktere in der Muhammedanischen Zauberei (Berlin-

Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 1930) On pages 67-80 there is a German
translation of materials from al-Buni pertaining to the Talisman of the
seven seals and the Mightiest Name of God.

Witkam, Jan Just.

 `Gazing at the Sun, Remarks on the Egypt

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