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Nama: Nadia Karima Izzaty

NPM: 2006546070
Departemen Teknik Sipil



1.2.1 Take three hydrologic system with which you are familiar. For each, draw the
system boundary and identify the inputs, outputs, and working media.
a. Sistem aliran air di dalam sebuah DTA

Boundary: daerah tangkapan air

Input: air hujan yang turun di DTA

Output: aliran air limpasan

Working media: air dan tanah

b. Sistem evapotranspirasi dalam siklus hidrologi

Boundary: daerah tangkapan air, terutama di daerah vegetasi

Input: air hujan yang turun di daerah vegetasi tersebut
Output: uap air yang mengalami evaporasi dan transpirasi dari tumbuhan
Working media: air, tumbuhan, udara
c. Infiltrasi air hujan ke dalam tanah

Boundary: tanah dasar

Input: air hujan yang turun hasil presipitasi
Output: resapan air yang terinfiltrasi ke dalam pori-pori lapisan tanah
Working media: air, tanah

1.3.1 The equation k {dQ/dt) + Q(t) = I(t) has been used to describe the gradual
depletion of flow in a river during a rainless period. In this case, I (t) = 0 and Q(t)
= Q0 for t = 0. Solve the differential equation for Q(i) for t > 0 and plot the
result over a 20-day period if k = 10 days and Q0= 100 cfs.
k + Qt=I t
Qt =100 cfs ; k=10 days
10. +100=0
dQ −100
= =−10
dt 10
∫ dt =∫−10 dt
Q(t )=−10t +c 1
c 1 adalah konstanta integral terbuka
Grafik Q vs t
0 5 10 15 20 25





1.4.1 Classify the following hydrologic phenomena according to the structure given in
Fig. 1.4.1: (a) steady, uniform flow in an open channel; (b) a sequence of daily
average flows at a stream-gaging site; (c) the annual maximum values of daily
flow at a site; (d) the longitudinal profile of water surface elevation for steady
flow in a stream channel upstream of a bridge; (e) the same as (d) but with a
flood passing down the channel; (f) a sequence of annual precipitation values at
a site; (g) a sequence of annual precipitation values at a group of nearby

Steady, uniform flow in an open Steady flow, lumped, deterministic

A sequence of daily average flows at Unsteady flow, lumped, deterministic
a stream-gaging site
The annual maximum values of daily Unsteady flow, lumped, deterministic
flow at a site
The longitudinal profile of water Time-independent, space-
surface elevation for steady flow in a independent, stochastic
stream channel upstream of a bridge
The same as (d) but with a flood Time-independent, space-
passing down the channel independent, stochastic
A sequence of annual precipitation Time-correlated, space-independent,
values at a site stochastic
A sequence of annual precipitation Time-independent, space-correlated,
values at a group of nearby locations stochastic

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