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Good day everyone, today I will be talking about how we can make jose rizal obsolete.

But for us to do
that I will be explaining who he is and what he has accomplished in his life. So without further ado lets
start this ted talk.

As the first major figure of the Philippine revolution for independence from Spain, José Protacio Rizal is a
controversial figure. Some praise Rizal for his scientific and artistic talent, while others criticize him for
his anti-colonial rhetoric. Regardless of his legacy's current status, one thing is for sure— Rizal's legacy
should not be forgotten. His contributions to the Philippine society and his legacy should be
remembered and followed by future generations. However, Rizal's legacy is one that should be
respected and presented as a positive one. His legacy can still inspire and help people today.

One way to make Rizal obsolete is to show that his values are no longer relevant to modern
society. His values are antithetical to those of modern society and doing so would make his
legacy obsolete. For example, Rizal was against imperialism. He believed that the Catholic
Church had become a tool of imperialism and used its power to oppress the people. This was
one of the reasons he was against the propagation of the Catholic faith in the country. By
opposing imperialism, Rizal showed his lack of relevance to modern society

Rizal's accomplishments have helped mold generations of Filipino leaders, including current
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. His life story has been a source of inspiration for many,
including Duterte. When he was still a mayor of Davao City, Duterte read Rizal's novels and
was inspired by his character Don Jose. He has stated that Rizal's novels helped him to
become a better leader, and he has since used some of his methods in his presidency. Aside
from helping him become a better leader, Rizal's story also inspired him to become a lawyer.
This was a major influence in his life and one of the reasons he wrote his novels.

Even though Rizal's values are not relevant to modern society, he is a positive figure in the
history of the Philippines. He revolutionized the Philippines by becoming the first Asian to
receive a Ph.D. He also helped promote science and art in the Philippines. He also helped
establish the first Asian student organization, the YMCA. He also helped end slavery and
discrimination in the Philippines. He was also a man of faith, and he helped create the first
cathedral in the country. Therefore, trying to make Rizal obsolete would be disrespectful to his

Although Rizal's legacy is a positive one, other countries have used him as a source of
inspiration for their own leaders. Some countries have named ships after him, and his image
is on the Philippine banknotes. His influence on the Philippines can also be seen in the names
of many cities, streets and even sports teams. His influence has been so great that it has
become hard to separate his legacy from the country itself.

As well, Rizal has inspired other Filipino and non-Filipino leaders to create positive changes in
their country's society and politics. When Rizal was imprisoned, his wife, Leonor, continued to
help him with his political work. She wrote his political essays and letters, and she even had a
major role in his political work. Since then, many people have used Rizal's political works and
ideas in their own political campaigns.
Despite these facts, Rizal's legacy is one that we should respect. Some people believe that
Rizal's values are not relevant to modern society and that he does not have a positive legacy.
But his legacy is one that we can still follow and learn from. We can still learn from his
example and use his values to create positive changes in our society.

Despite Rizal's legacy being controversial, his legacy can still be positive and relevant. His
values are not relevant to modern society, and his legacy is not positive. That is why we
should make Rizal's legacy relevant and positive by using his values to create positive
changes in our society.

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