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MRR2: Will COVID-19 Spark a Moral Revolution?

Eight Possibilities

Name: Elijah Ethanli D. Escondo Date Submitted: 04/02/22

Course/Section: GED104/FOPI01

1. What three concepts remain unclear or difficult for you to understand?

a. The first notion I don't comprehend is that the COViD-19's eight moral revolutions have
perplexed me about the possibilities and ethics inside CoViD-19 and their approach. It
demonstrates an opportunity for our economic positions to witness improvements in
community consciousness.
b. Second, I'm not sure how philosophers, moralists, cognitive scientists, and
psychologists keep the concept of Morality understanding because they embrace the
description and development of views that look through the laws of Morality inside the
report. It perplexed me as to how such folks assisted the community in understanding
the principles and viewpoints of Morality.
c. Finally, I discovered how difficult the pandemic's conclusion part is, yet inadequate
information is given in a handful of their remarks. The report convinced me that the
revolution and the people's expectations of their abilities were unrealistic, and that their
realization altered the revolution's success.

2. What three significant insights did you gain in studying this text?
a. Because of today's society of class, religion, and other variances, I realized that
CoViD-19 infection does not discriminate against others in the community because it
affects everyone. According to my observations and research, the virus has a
substantial influence on a certain age range, especially elderly folks.
b. According to what I've discovered, the community is now experiencing eight moral
revolutions. We must remember that ethical upheavals are neither good nor
destructive in our current mental condition. Citizens should be aware of the social
influences and attributions that aid in the maintenance of order.
c. I discovered that the concepts and disruptions of public Morality have varying degrees
of significance According to the article, moral revolution entails a person's criticism and
judgment of another person's activity or behavior, whether good or bad, because there
are disparities in social and political norms within the community's action

3. What three questions do you want to ask about the text?

a. How will a crisis begin if it will result in a moral revolution if the revolution is declared?
b. In the case of a pandemic, what role may science play in encouraging moral change
inside a country?
c. How can moral evolutions distinguish between one country's profit and inability?

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