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Module 3

Quarter 1- Module 3
Becoming A Member Of Society


Module 3

Lesson Analyze the Significance of Cultural, Social, Political and
Economic Symbols and Practices
4 (UCSP11/12HSO-IIg-23-24)


ACTIVITY 1: Think and Post: The Social Thinker!

This activity encourages social sharing to express social

concerns on participation in primary and secondary group of socialization. Learners nowadays,
find it more interesting when they are asked to express themselves on the content of social issues
that engage social media than talking an issue without social media involvement. Thus, it builds
a better relationship among people. This focuses on bringing groups of people sharing common
interest and interactions. This provides the best options to promote them on Facebook page
through sharing their social interactions and common interest on the social group they are with.

Facebook presents a very unique opportunity to explore and express this generation’s
views and social participation. This is a large type of viral effect of information as one of the online
Module 3


Primary group: Family

Secondary group : Peer Groups Mass Media Religion / Church

Schools State / Government

Suppose you are asked to express your thoughts in a social media platform and to post in
your Facebook account your involvement in any of the agents of socialization that has a major
influence in shaping your way of thinking, social and cultural behavior.
What is the most influential agent of socialization, the family, religion, peer group,
education, or mass media? How this agent of socialization had contributed and molded you to
become a better individual in the society? Describe how this agent of socialization had influenced
your thoughts, attitudes, values and behaviour. Give specific example.
Mass-media has been more destructive these days because it is full of down grading of
Filipino by their fellow Filipino. If I were to post something to the said Agent of Socialization, I
would post about , It shaped me to be more of a non-stereo type citizen. I harnessed the art of
Sympathy towards the post of my friends. For example: They posted about the dolomite that was
been placed on the Manila nay and now is being washed away.
Module 3

Activity 2

Instructions: Briefly explain the concept of socialization based

on the Sociological theories cited above. Relate it to your personal
life’s experiences. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Family has a greatest influence on how we think and behave.

Sigmund Freud Explanation:

The greatest influence by our family is the stronghold of what is

in us of how we behave and understand things. I have
examples of influence from my Father who is working hard in
Psychoanalytic Theory Saudi just to give us a quality education, he taught me how to
be more hardworking and all of the things he gained was from
his hard work.

Peer influence and social media greatly affects our mental


Jean Piaget

Cognitive Development Social media can make a person to be a stereotype and a bit
Theory judgemental. The news in the media can be fake or made-up
because of that some of us were being misleading to the truth
that we deserve.

As we grow older and mature we tend to understand what is

morally good and immoral.

Lawrence Kohlberg

Growing old can also means discovering life, finding new

people and connecting to yourself deeper than before.
Module 3
Moral Development Experience makes us know what’s right and wrong and also
Theory other people’s perspective. Adding it all up makes you think of
what’s right and what’s wrong.

One way to develop social –self is to interact with other

George Herbert Mead

Theory of the Social Self
Interacting with other people improves oneself by
communicating or bonding with each other. The product of it
can be emotional maturity by others experience, self-
awareness and knowing your self-image. I have realized that
creating friends are a benefit on living because some of them
are reliable onto some things.

Our life’s expectations may appear in our adult life as we

acquire new roles in society.

Charles Cooley

Theory of Looking-Glass Upon stepping to your new phase of life you may realize your
Self whole meaning of existence step by step. You can know them
from doing adult stuff like knowing what profession really suits
you and to where you are good at or just by having a deeper
thinking about all the knowledge that you have acquired just by
realizing the first thought that the adult life gave you.
Module 3


Directions: Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the

correct answer. Please write your answer on the space provided.

1. It is considered as a primary group and a basic unit in a society? ___B____

a. peers b. family c. teachers d. Facebook friends

2. The theory refers to a socialization that may occur between infancy to

a. Cognitive Development Theory b. Moral Development Theory
c. Theory of Social Self d. Psychoanalytic Theory
3. It pertains to violation of society’s norm.____B____
a. social control b. deviance c. civil obedience d. RA 9165
4. A systematic means and practices used to maintain society’s norms, rules and laws;
regulate conflict; and discourage deviant behaviour.___D____
a. human rights c. civil Disobedience
b. self-identity d. Social Control
5. Refers to persons, groups, and institutions that interact with individuals to participate
in the society.___A___
a. agents of socialization c. social standard
b. social role d. social process

6. Which of the following is a deviant behavior? ____D____

a. socialite b. religious c. indigent d. drug addict
7. Which of the following is a false statement pertaining to socialization? ___B___
a. Socialization may happen in organizations that maintain social control.
b. Socialization happens when existing social roles are changed.
c. In socialization processes, it’s very difficult to established our own identities.
d. Learning new norms and values may occur later in life.
8. It connotes an unacceptable behavior.____A_____
a. deviancy c. informal sanctions
b. civil obedience d. social control
9. Which of the following social organization that inhibits social control? ___B___
a. military b. violence c. child abuse d. rebellion
10. Which of the following is the example of a formal sanction in the society?
a. discipline b. rule of law c. gossip d. social standard
11. Considered as ultimate source of authority. ____A____
Module 3
a. religion and state b. classroom c. mass media d. pinterest
12. It is characterized as non-proximate agents of socialization, meaning it lacks a
direct, face-to-face interaction .___A____
a. mass media b. peer group c. sorority d. social circle
13. Refers to the idea that a person has the innate right to be valued and respected. ____A____

a. human rights b. identity c. human dignity d. self-respect

14. The process of being socialized to a particular culture.___D___

a. ostracism b. cultural orientation c. cultural value d. enculturation

15. A primary agent of socialization from infancy up to childhood. ___B____

a. church b. family c. school d. barangay council

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