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Not simply a love note but an

appreciation page (and a bit haha)<3

Why is Bowie great?
Bowie is great for so many reasons that you couldn’t count them with all the fingers on the
planet (that's 39.44 billion), but in this document I hope to go over just a few of my
favourites, so without any further adieu, here we go.

My first and most important reason is that she is very specific about how she likes things.
And i know that this doesn't sound like an incredible reason to love someone but trust me, it
is because you see, due to her being so meticulous in how she likes things, it gives you a
perfect insight into how her day is going because if Bowie is excited she will often slip up and
forget some of her very important details but if Bowie is upset or angry she will notice every
little detail and may not always say it with her mouth but will show it on her face. And that,
my friend, is the beauty of you. You may not always do it on purpose, but you will always in
your little sneaky way, you will always wear your heart on your s

Secondly, you are the most energetic and fun-loving person I have ever met. With a lot of
people, they will be all excited for a few minutes and then they will burn out and give up, but
you have energy to be fun and exciting all day long, and that gives you the energy to put up
with my nonsense all day long and still be the slightest bit interested in my stupid fake bets,
which is one thing that I have never found anyone else could be bothered to put up with, and
I do promise that I do eventually shut up, it just takes a little longer.

Another reason why Bowie is great is that if she believes in something, she will
wholeheartedly follow and have faith in that thing until it pays off, which it always does. The
perfect scene that encapsulates this is when we were playing with stocks and you made all
that money because you knew that if you showed faith in the stocks you had, you could
make the profit that you needed to win. And also, while we are here, I love your childlike
sense of competition. I think it is the best quality i think someone can have, because it
means that when you find out you can compete, a lot of the time I will see you do really
funny stuff to win, which always brings

Max is just going to have to be a little, tiny bit shallow for a second, but I do have to say it:
Bowie, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. If I see
you smile for just a second, it's like all the woes of the world suddenly melt away. And i think
secretly you know just how beautiful you are because you use it all the time, like your little
pouts or your baby voice or even your little humps, which all rely on your beauty as the
backbone of their effectiveness and they work every single time because of that fact that I
can never resist seeing my beautiful baby make her little sad face.
Bowie You are my world. Everything you do is always perfect. You are the light that makes
me feel whole, and you are what I hope will keep me going through even the darkest of
times. Bowie, I know you have been feeling down recently, but I want you to know that I will
always be here for you, no matter what the problem is. I might not be the best, but I swear to
God that I will be the most loyal boyfriend you will ever have. I love you, Bowie.

Also peep my punctuation this took me hours

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