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IADC/SPE 27490

Solution of Common Stuck Pipe Problems Through the Adaptation

of Torque/Drag Calculations
GA Haduch, ORO Corp., and R.L. Procter and D.A. Samuels, Shell UK E&P
SPE Members

Copyright 1994, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1994 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Texas, 15-18 February 1994.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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ABSTRACT friction effects and their impact on the final solution

is emphasized. A wide range of operational cases
Stuck pipe conditions require fast and effective are presented, and comparisons showing important
response. This paper describes a method through benefits over other calculation methods are
which torque/drag calculations can be adapted to included.
quickly and accurately answer the three most often
asked questions associated with stuck pipe situations.
This approach is used to determine: INTRODUCTION

• the force at the stuck point given any In order to deal effectively with stuck pipe
measured weight situations, the driller needs to know how his actions
the measured weights required to set and trip at the surface will change the forces both in the
ajar drillstring and at the stuck point. In addition, high
the measured weight required for backing off costs and the potential for rapidly changing
at a given depth conditions downhole, demand that this information
be made available quickly and efficiently. 1,2,3
The method correctly accounts for the critical Fortunately, the answers to such questions can be
role which drag forces play in these calCUlations. extracted in timely fashion using an existing
Further significant enhancements over previous technology which, today, is routinely applied during
methods are provided by taking into account both the planning operations, but can be easily utilized in
operating condition at the time of sticking and any real-time situations.
subsequent surface action taken by the driller before Torque/drag analysis programs have gained
stopping operations. The integration of this wide acceptance as critical plannin2 tools since their
methodology with currently available torque/drag introduction over a decade ago. Their ability to
analysis software, provides the drilling engineer with a model three dimensional wellbores, accurately
wider range of solutions for problems associated with account for the drillstring geometry, and support
day-to-day operations. multiple friction factors, provides a greater degree of
The theoretical basis for this method is accuracy to torque and drag calculations than is
summarized, and drillstring behavior prior to, during, otherwise possible using typical hand calculation
and after sticking is explained. An understanding of methods. 5,6 While solving for the primary
operational modes of tripping out, tripping in, rotating
off bottom and drilling, many of today's
comprehensive programs also include such effects
References and figures at end of paper as buckling and drillstring bending stiffness. 7,8


For the most part, programs of this type are Figures 1b,c,d show the process of
based upon the simplifying assumption that either overpulling on Block A until both blocks have moved
there is no drag or that drag is working everywhere some distance and there is a force at the ground
along the drillstring in the same direction. Since the point. Note that Block B does not move until Block A
direction of drag is opposite to that of motion, these has moved first, and that no force is transmitted to
programs pre-define the direction of friction as either ground until Block B moves.
upstring (trip in), down string (trip out), or tangential Figure 2 shows the sequence of events
(rotate), depending upon the operating condition being during total slack off of the horizontal force applied in
analyzed. For these modes of operation, such Figure 1. Figure 2a is the final equilibrium position
assumptions are entirely appropriate, since typically achieved in Figure 1d. Following the sequence of
the entire drillstring is either moving or stationary. reducing the applied force, we finally see in Figure
Torque/drag programs subdivide the entire 2d that even though all of the applied load has been
drillstring into a series of short lengths for which removed, resulting in motion of Block A, the friction
calculations are performed. Calculations begin with force in Block B has not been reversed. Therefore,
either known or assumed forces at the bit, and Block B remains stationary and the force on ground
proceed up the drillstring in sequential fashion, solving remains unchanged from its value at the beginning
for equilibrium of each subdivision, with the final result of the unloading sequence.
being the measured weight for the given operating On a frictionless surface, the applied force
condition. Programs used for planning are not would be instantly transmitted to both blocks,
designed to predict drillstring behavior during the resulting in simultaneous motion. In this case, when
transition from one operating mode to another, they the applied force is removed, both blocks return to
strictly address what the final conditions will be once a their original positions and the final ground force is
given mode is achieved. once again equal to zero.
However, when the drillstring becomes stuck, We can now convert this model to a
the driller is forced to pursue a course of action which continuous form, similar to a drillstring of constant
is not covered by one of these standard modes. Very cross-section, by considering a spring on an inclined
often, his actions involve working the pipe up and plane. If the spring is sufficiently soft, we can reduce
down in an attempt to either exert force on the stuck the length of the demonstration to a manageable
point, set and trip jars, or prepare for backing off. distance. Consequently, we refer to this model as
Although the entire string is no longer free to the "SLlNKY"TM analogy.
move, the techniques used in standard torque/drag Imagine the drillstring as a soft spring, held at
calculations can be adapted to predict the forces being the top and resting on a plane at an inclination of 30
transmitted to any part of the drillstring at or above the degrees from horizontal. If the spring is not moving,
stuck point. The key to successful application of these then all of the forces acting upon the spring, both in
calculations is a clear understanding of how friction the direction normal and parallel to the surface of the
imposes a path dependent solution in which loads are plane, must be in eqUilibrium. In this simplified
transmitted from the surface to the stuck point in a example, the significant forces and their
particular sequence. counterparts in the actual drillstring are:

"Slinky" model prillstring

Reaction force at top Measured Weight
We begin by examining the non-conservative Self weight in air Self weight in fluid
nature of friction forces as demonstrated in Figures 1 Friction Drag
and 2. Figure 1a shows two blocks interconnected with
a spring and resting upon a surface. In addition, one Since we have not specified how the spring
block is also connected to ground with the same type was placed in this equilibrated condition, it is not
of spring. Initially at rest with no horizontal forces possible, at this time, to know precisely the
present, the system is in equilibrium. For clarity, directions in which the friction forces are aligned, if
weights, normal forces and spring symbols are indeed there are any friction forces at all. To place
replaced in the remaining drawings with free body the spring in an equilibrium position about which we
diagrams showing only the horizontal forces. can make some reasonably accurate assump.tions


regarding friction, we proceed to vibrate the spring at Consider now the case where the spring is
the top in a lateral direction. This action causes the initially being pulled up the inclined plane with
friction forces along the drillstring to point in the lateral sufficient force such that the entire spring is moving
direction. As this reduces the component of friction in (Le.: tripping out). If we reach out and fix some point
the axial direction to zero, the string will stretch under on the spring while it is moving, we notice that the
its own weight until it reaches a new equilibrium entire spring between the top and the stuck point
condition. If we now stop the lateral motion, we have a continues to move upwards, that is, stretch. This
condition about which we can reasonably assume that occurs because friction is already at its maximum
there are no friction forces at work in the axial direction value along the entire free length. In this case, force
and that the reaction force at the top equals the weight is transmitted to the stuck point immediately.
of the string in the direction parallel to the plane. The Finally, consider what happens during
spring is now in a state analogous to the rotating off unloading at the surface in either of the two cases
bottom condition and the reaction at the top is in effect described above. In both cases, the measured
the free rotating measured weight. weight has been SUfficiently increased such that
We next assume that at some point near the force is being applied at the stuck point. This means
bottom of the spring, a stuck pipe condition occurs. We that drag is directed downward along the drillstring
simulate this by fixing the spring at the designated between the surface and the stuck point and is
stuck point with our other hand while holding the top in everywhere at its maximum value. As the driller
its fixed position. Notice that at this instant, there is no slacks off his measured weight, the friction forces at
reaction force exerted on the hand at the stuck point. the uppermost part of the string begin to decrease,
If we were to draw a free body diagram of the drillstring become zero, and the then increase in the opposite
and stuck point at this time (Figure 3), we would see direction until the top of the string begins to slide
that the axial forces in the string on either side of the down. Once the friction force reaches its maximum
stuck point are equal to each other and the value in the reversed direction, this part of the string
constraining force is zero. slides down and begins transferring load to the
If we now begin pulling up at the top, that is section of string immediately below it. Again there is
increasing the measured weight, it is clear that the a sequential point by point progression of motion
entire string between the top and the stuck point does from the top of the string to the stuck point as the
not begin to move in unison. In fact there is a gradual measured weight is slacked off. At the first instant
progression downhole of the leading edge of motion as When this leading edge of motion reaches the stuck
the measured weight is increased. What is occurring, point, there still exists a tensile force which was
is a sequence of events in which any given point on the created by the earlier overpulling action. Before
spring will not move until there is sufficient axial force compressive forces can be applied at the stuck
at that point to overcome the maximum friction force. point, additional slack off must first reduce the
Once that occurs, the point slides and begins existing force to zero.
transmitting an axial force to the point immediately The non-conservative nature of friction
below. forces leads to three basic realizations regarding
In this ideal model, only after friction reaches solutions of stuck pipe problems. First, the operating
a maximum at every point between the surface and the condition of the drillstring at the time of sticking must
stuck point, does any additional increase in measured be taken into account. This solution establishes the
weight result in the transmittal of force to the stuck initial state of drag, the measured weight at the time
point. Since we assume that nothing below the stuck of sticking, and the forces in the drillstring both at the
point moves, conditions, and hence forces, stuck point and at the jars. Second, any action taken
immediately below the stuck point remain unchanged after sticking and prior to the time of analysis must be
from those present at the instant of sticking. We can considered. These actions further modify the internal
determine these initial forces using conventional and external forces on the drillstring. Third, in order
torque/drag calculations. If, given some force at the to compute the effects of changing the current
surface, we are able to compute the force in the measured weight, the directions of all drag forces
drillstring just above the stuck point, we can then must be determined. As we have seen, changing the
compute the current force at the stuck point from direction of action at the surface, results in a reversal
equilibrium considerations. (Figure 4) of drag forces in some or all of the drillstring.


SOLVING FOR FORCE AT STUCK POINT useful results for the variety of problems
encountered in real drilling situations, a less
In solving for the force at the stuck point, we comprehensive but equally valid approach was
are interested in determining how much force will be pursued.
applied to the sticking mechanism ~iven a change in While the comprehensive solution provides
the measured weight at the surface. As was stated in results for any surface load, not all of those loads
the previous discussion, we compute the force at the produce effects at the stuck point. According to our
stuck point from equilibrium considerations at that ideal spring model, forces are not transmitted to the
location. Since the axial force on the downhole side of point of interest until all friction forces above that
that point can be easily determined from a torque/drag point are aligned in the same direction. Using this
analysis using the operating mode at the time of assumption, we can dispense with any solutions in
sticking, the primary task is to devise a method of which the state of friction between the surface and
computing the axial force in the drillstring just above the stuck point is not uni-directional.
the stuck point for any given measured weight. In order to define the range of measured
This can be accomplished by simply reversing weights where solutions are not required, we
the order of calculations in the existing torque/drag determine the two "bounding" measured weights by
program and stopping when the measured depth of solving the torque/drag equations from the stuck
the stuck point is reached. Rather than classifying the point to the surface twice. In one set of calculations,
force at the bit as the known quantity, we start with a the drag forces are all directed upstring, and in the
given measured weight, and solve the same series of second calculation set, all drag forces are directed
equilibrium equations beginning at the surface. If the downhole. For both analyses, the starting condition
problem is treated as linear and the calculation is for a is the force in the drillstring at the time of sticking.
true equilibrium state, then the choice of which Subsequently, solutions for measured weights
direction to use is governed only by what is known and outside of the bounding values are obtained by
what is unknown. starting at the surface and applying the torque/drag
The difficulty with this approach lies in the equations. For measured weights within the
method by which directions are assigned to the drag bounding limits, the force at stuck point is by
forces. Under certain conditions, not all of the drag definition equal to zero.
forces will be pointing in the same direction. One When comparing results from this simplified
possible solution is to couple the equilibrium equations method with those of the comprehensive method, we
with a finite element formulation which incorporates an obtain the same solutions for measured weights
axial stick-slip model for friction. In this scheme, the outside of the bounding values. The only significant
equilibrium equations provide the estimates for axial difference is that the comprehensive solution obtains
and contact force, while the finite element model the correct solution for drag directions and drillstring
solves for the magnitude and direction of the drag forces within the bounding weights, although as
force. This method requires an iterative solution discussed earlier, these solutions produce no effects
scheme, which when converged, correctly predicts the at the stuck point.
drag forces and their associated directions along the Table 1 contains a sample of the tabular
drillstring given any measured weight. output for a typical stuck pipe analysis using the
While the above solution scheme is effective, method described above. The drillstring in this
there are some drawbacks. First, the iterative nature of example consists of 5 inch drillpipe and 6 5/8 inch
the computations results in markedly longer computer heavy weight. Bit depth is 11,600 feet. and the
execution times. Second, and more importantly, maximum wellbore inclination is 70 degrees. The
robustness becomes an issue owing to the stuck point is at 11,420 feet. In this analysis, the
computational sensitivities inherent whenever friction driller has specified a current measured weight of
models are implemented in these types of iterative 230 klbs, which is an overpull condition relative to
solutions. 10 the instant of sticking as evidenced by the 16.4 klbs
Although a program of the type described of tension initially present at the stuck point.
above was developed and proved successful by the Figure 5 depicts the force at the stuck point
authors, implementation of such a sensitive tool in a for the example of Table 1. Note that the driller must
production environment was considered impractical. slack off to 180 klbs of measured weight before the
In order to create a reliable tool which would produce force at the stuck point begins to decrease. The

force then continues to decrease in tension and finally repeated firing, must be taken into account. Jars are
increase in compression as the measured weight is typically designed to be fully compensated for
continually slacked off. The onset of buckling occurs at hydrostatic pressure and this allows the drilling jar to
approximately 130 klbs measured weight, and the operate at any hole depth. However, pressure
effects associated with that condition begin to interfere differences between the inside and outside of the
with the further transmission of force to the stuck point. drilling jar cause a pump open effect which acts as a
Using the same drillstring and wellbore data, force on the jar mechanism. The pump open effect is
Figure 6 contains graphs of measured weight versus a characteristic of all drilling jars, and must be
force at stuck point for three different initial conditions included in the calculations. Therefore, solutions
at the time when sticking occurred: tripping out, with the pumps on and off are included within the
rotating off bottom, and drilling. In these cases, the program.
current measured weights are taken to be those Referring once again to our spring model, we
computed from initial torque/drag analyses and the can assume that the entire string above the jar must
maximum amount of slackoff is limited by buckling of be moving in the same direction in order to effect the
the drill pipe. Note that for the drilling case, buckling forces in the jar. It remains a simple matter to apply
occurs shortly after starting to slack off, allowing only the torque/drag calculations from the jar to the
a small compressive force to be applied at the stuck surface, using the desired force in the jar as the
point. starting axial load. Pump open forces and forces
Figure 7 superposes two solutions for the required to overcome internal friction in the jar are
same problem in which different current measured correctly accounted for. Initial forces in the jar,
weights of 150 klbs and 230 klbs were considered. The including any overpull or slackoff after the initial
combined plot, therefore, shows the hysteretic nature sticking, are computed as before and provide the
of the force at stuck point when cycling between those reference condition for the first set of calculations.
two measured weights. Calculations are performed in a three step
sequence. Once the initial conditions are
established, the first solution obtained is the
SOLVING FOR MEASURED WEIGHTS TO SET AND measured weight required to set the jar. Since jars
TRIP JARS are normally run in tension, they may already be set
for down jarring under the initial conditions. The
Most hand calculations designed to predict the second calculation is for the measured weight
measured weights necessary to successfully operate required to fire the jar. Once the jar has been fired,
jars require estimates of drag as some percentage of the final calculation performed is for the measured
the buoyed weight of drillstring above the jar 11 or as weight required to reset the jar for another firing in
the difference between the trip weight and the free the same direction.
rotating weight 12,13. More recently, recommen- Table 2 contains a typical example of the
dations on using torque/drag calculations for results from a jar force analysis. Hydraulic,
improving overpull estimates on up firing hydraulic jars mechanical, and hydromechanical jar mechanisms
have appeared in the literature 14. . are supported. The pump open and internal friction
The process of computing setting and tripping forces are supplied by the user.
forces in jars is a specialized application of the
techniques described in the preceding section. In this
case, the driller's goal is to establish a specific load SOLVING FOR MEASURED WEIGHTS FOR
condition in the jar mechanism. In addition, the driller BACK OFF
may have to cycle over a series of actions at the
surface, perhaps in order to continuously fire the jar in The calculations for backing off are similar to
one direction. Therefore, the complete analysis of the those for jarring, in that the user specifies an axial
operational requirements includes the calculation of force which he wishes to. generate at a
the measured weights to initially set, subsequently fire, predetermined measured depth. This force is
and finally reset the jar in question. Both up and down typically either a small tensile load or zero, with the
jar calculations are performed. requirement that the drillstring above the back off
Operational differences between hydraulic and measured depth be in a hoist condition.
mechanical jars, primarily regarding resetting for

As in the jarring calculations, the program first point. Eventually down jarring was also attempted,
determines whether overpull or slackoff is required to although successful jarring action in this direction
achieve the target axial force, and applies the torque/ was not detected at the surface. After some time
drag calculations starting at the back off measured spent jarring without success, the string was backed
depth. If the initial action required to achieve the back off and sidetracked.
off force is an overpulI, the solution process is Both stuck pipe and jar force analyses were
complete. Should the initial solution be a slackoff conducted in a post mortem investigation. The stuck
analysis, a second analysis step is automatically pipe analysis (Figure 8) indicated that the onset of
performed to calculate the measured weight buckling occurred at a measured weight of around
associated with a hoisting action which leaves the 140 klbs, with little load transfer to the stuck point
back off force at the target value. occurring once slack off went beyond 80 klbs
Table 3 contains results for a sample back off measured weight. In light of this, measured weight
calculation in which sticking occurred while tripping limits for effective up and down jarring were
out, and where the current measured weight is 300 determined to be 410 klbs and 130 klbs,
klbs. In order to back off, an initial slack off of 112 klbs respectively.
is required at the surface in order to reduce the force The jar force analysis (Table 4) indicated that
at the back off depth to the desired 1 klb of tension. at 410 klbs measured weight a tension of 125 klbs
This is followed by an overpull of 75 klbs which leaves was placed across the jar and a force of 116 klbs
the back off force at the prescribed value, but places was generated at the stuck point.· At 125 klbs
the drillstring above the back off depth into a hoisting measured weight, a compression of 55 klbs was
condition. generated in the jar and force of 60 klbs was
imparted to the stuck point. Using the jar
manufacturer's guidelines, a maximum impact
FIELD CASE EXAMPLES magnification factor of 2.0 would have been
estimated for the jar given the drillstring's
Case 1 configuration. This meant that a maximum impact
force of 250 klbs could be expected at the jar in the
In this case, the drillstring became stuck while upward direction, resulting in an impulse force at the
drilling when the bit reached a measured depth of stuck point which was inadequate with respect to the
10,292 feet at an inclination of 52 degrees. The drill minimum required freeing force.
string initially stalled out and was left stationary for a Use of the jar force program in a planning mode
short time, after which the string was found to be stuck. could have resulted in recommendations for a
Later, wireline logs indicated the presence of a different drillstring makeup, possibly one including
permeable sandstone, thus confirming differential an accelerator.
pressure as the sticking mechanism.
The drillstring consisted of an 8 1/2 inch bit Case 2
followed by a series of four stabilizers including an
MWD tool. The jar was located 200 feet from the bit This case involves a new well which became
with two 6 1/4 collars below and 421 feet of 5 inch stuck while running into the hole. At the time of
heavy weight drill pipe above followed by 5 inch drill sticking, the bit had reached a measured depth of
pipe to the surface. A finite element based drillstring 5578 feet with a maximum wellbore inclination of 64
deflection analysis program was used to ascertain the degrees. The BHA consisted of a 17 1/2 inch bit,
extent of contact between the drill collars and the motor, and a single stabilizer with 15 3/4 inch
wellbore in the sandstone zone. Based upon diameter blades. A hydraulic jar was located 330
component sizes, length of formation contact and feet from the bit with 121 feet of 8 1/2 inch collar
friction factors, it was estimated that a minimum below and 61 feet of 8 1/2 inch collar above. The
freeing force of 330 klbs was required. remainder of the string included 642 feet of 6 5/8 inch
Up jarring was initiated using the maximum heavy weight pipe followed by 5 inch drill pipe to the
allowable overpull for the drillstring at 410 klbs surface. Mud weight was 11.6 ppg and an average
measured weight. This proceeded without any friction factor of .24 was determined using available
problems, except for the lack of movement at the stuck trip data. A block weight of 55 klbs was recorded.


Up jarring was attempted using gradually CONCLUSION

increasing overpull with full circulation. Initial efforts
were unsuccessful, but up jar action was finally A method for adapting existing torque drag
established 1 1/2 hours later after the pumps had been calculations in order to compute drillstring forces
cut back. No down jar action was obtained during under stuck pipe conditions has been developed and
repeated attempts using 80 klbs (65 klbs slack off) at tested. In summary, the procedure to compute the
the surface with the pumps off. force at the stuck point is:
After 12 hours, a spotting fluid was introduced with
no apparent success, but shortly thereafter, when the 1. Determine the initial force in the drillstring
amount of slack off was increased to 85 klbs, the down at the instance of sticking using a standard
jar began to fire. Nine hours later, a free point indicator torque/drag solution.
(FPI) was lowered and, using both tension and torque
tests, failed to find free pipe in the collars above the jar, 2. Compute the bounding measured weights
even though surface data indicated that the jar was for the initial force by solving twice from the
working. The FPI was removed and jarring efforts stuck point to the surface, again using a
were resumed. Finally, 30 hours after the string first standard torque/drag solution. The two
became stuck, jarring was suspended and solutions differ in the assumed direction for
preparations were made for backing off. The back off drag.
shot was placed at the first joint below the jar and an
initial attempt was made using a measured weight of 3. Compare the current measured weight
155 klbs and a torque of 19,500 ft-Ibs. This effort failed against bounding measured weights.
to part the string and a second shot was made up and
run in to the same location. This time a measured a. If the current measured weight falls
weight of 180 klbs and torque of 17,000 ft-Ibs proved between or on the bounding values,
successful. The total time from initial sticking to pulling then the initial force in the drillstring is
out of hole was approximately 52 hours, including a 6 that computed in Step 1 and the initial
hour loss to make up a new string shot and execute a force at the stuckpoint is zero.
second back off attempt.
An inspection of the stuck pipe analysis for this b. Otherwise, solve from the surface to
case (Figure 9) indicates that the maximum the stuck point using a reversed torque/
compressive force available at the stuck point without drag solution and get a new force in the
buckling of the drillstring is 40 klbs at a measured drillstring at the stuck point. Repeat
weight of 97 klbs. This value of measured weight is Step 2 using this new force and get new
well above the forces used to jar down in the field. bounding measured weights. One of
Furthermore, at the two slack off weights which were these will be the same as the current
primarily used, the jar force analyses indicate that only force at the surface.
8 percent of the additional slackoff reaches the jar
mechanism. This suggests that string motion above 4. Solve for any measured weight outside of
the jar has virtually ceased at the lower measured the bounding values, using reversed
weight. This data, coupled with the poor down jar torque/drag analysis, obtain the resulting
performance history and the FPI results, indicates that force in the drillstring above the stuck point
the buckled drillstring is preventing proper action of the and compute the force at the stuck point
down jar. from equilibrium.
A back off analysis (Table 5) of the stuck
drillstring predicts that a measured weight of 179 klbs The method correctly accounts for the
is required to create a neutral axial force condition at nonconservative nature of friction forces, the
the desired back off location. This agrees very closely operating conditions at the time of sticking and any
with the actual values used in the second, successful actions at the surface prior to the time of analysis.
attempt. Had the program been available in the field Given a measured weight at the surface, the
prior to the first attempt, a time savings of 6 hours calculation procedure described in this paper can be
would have been realized just in this phase of the used to predict the resulting forces at the stuck point.

The technique has been further adapted to 6. WELLPLAN Users Manual, Version 4.0, ORO
enable the calculation of measured weights required to Corporation, Tulsa, OK, 1992.
successfully operate a jar located above the stuck
point. Finally, the measured weight required to 7. Child, A.J., Ward, A.L., "The Refinement of a
establish conditions for backing off at a prescribed Drillstring Simulator: Its Validation and Applications",
measured depth can also be computed. SPE Paper 18046, presented at the 63rd SPE
Technical Conference, Houston, TX, Oct. 2-5, 1988.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT 8. Ho, H-S, "An Improved Modeling Program for

Computing the Torque and Drag in Directional and
The authors wish to thank Shell U.K. Deep Wells", SPE Paper 18047, presented at the 63rd
Exploration and Production, operator in the U.K. sector SPE Technical Conference, Houston, TX, Oct. 2-5,
of the North Sea for Shell and Esso, for permission to 1988.
publish this paper. The authors also extend their
appreciation to Mr. Stefan Varga of ORO Corporation 9. Bakker, T., Procter, R., et al. "ABC of Stuck Pipe",
for his assistance in the preparation of the field Shell U.K. Exploration and Production Well
analyses presented herein. Engineering Quality Improvement Project,
Aberdeen, May 1991.
"Slinky" is a registered trademark of James Industries,
Inc. 10. Nagtegaal, J., and Rebelo, N., "On the
Development of a General Purpose Finite Element
REFERENCES Program for Analysis of Forming Processes", Int. J. for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 25, 119-121
1. Weakley, A.R., "Use of Stuck Pipe Statistics to (1988).
Reduce the Occurrence of Stuck Pipe", SPE Paper
20410, presented at the 65th SPE Technical 11. Askew, W.E., "Computerized Drilling Jar
Conference, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 23-26, 1990. Placement", IADC/SPE Paper 14746, presented at the
1986 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, TX, Feb.
2. Bradley, W.B., et aI., "A Task Force Approach to 10-12,1986.
Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs", SPE/IADC Paper 21999,
presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, 12. Hydra Jar Operations Manual S83, Weir Houston
Amsterdam, March 11-14, 1991. Engineers Ltd, Aberdeen,Scotland.

3. Nimmo, P., Kamp, A.W., et al.,"Explosive Cutting 13. Bowen Hydromechanical Drilling Jar Operation
of Stuck Drillpipe and Bottom Hole Assemblies", SPE and Placement Guide, Bowen Tools Inc., Houston, TX,
Paper 13003, presented at the 1984 European Second Printing, December 1987.
Petroleum Conference, London, England, October 25-
28,1984. 14. Aarrestad, T.V., "Drag Calculations Improve
Efficiency of Hydraulic Jars", Oil & Gas Journal, March
4. Johancsik, C.A., Friesen, D.B., and Dawson, R., 29,1992.
"Torque and Drag in Directional Wells - Prediction and
Measurement", IADC/SPE Paper 11380, presented at
the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Feb.
20-23, 1983.

5. Brett, J.F., Beckett, A.D., Holt, C.A., Smith, D.L.,

"Uses and Limitations of a Drillstring Tension and
Torque Model to Monitor Hole Conditions", SPE Paper
16664, presented at the 62nd SPE Technical
Conference, Dallas, TX, Sept. 27-30, 1987.

0 Maximum Friction = uN = F
® + -0- -0 -i>~ 4-~
No Motion

CD + -@2
4- f2
2~-1> ~F
Motion of Block A only

F 3 3
® ~~ 2@2"F
2~-1>~F Motion of Blocks A and B
4- F 4-F

Figure 1: Friction During Overpull

F 3 3
0 }~ 2@2"F
2~-1>~F Overpull Equilibrium
4- F 4-F

F 3 3

® }~ 2§2 F
2~-i>~F No Motion
4-- F

2@2 3 3
CD 2~-i>~ Motion Impending in
Block A
4-- F ---i> F
@) }~ !:@F
2 8 ~ Motion of Block A only
4-- F ---i> F

Figure 2: Friction During Slack Off

1M 1M M = Measured weight
P = Total force at bit
S = MD to stuck point
W = Weight
D = Drag
N = Contact Force
Fs= Force at stuck point

I = Internal forces

W2 12

1 11
IFs = 0 ·1s F =0
i1 N1
~1 1W 1
-.1 1
°1 1 W
°1 1

jp jP
Figure 3: Free-body Diagrams of a Free Drillstring

1 M" 1 M*
M = Measured weight
P = Total force at bit
S = MD to stuck point
W = Weight
D = Drag
N = Contact Force

Fs= Force at stuck point

s 1 Ni.l 1W
I = Internal forces
" indicates change from Fig 3

W 2 0* 2 1*
12 11
1s l'
F. 0
i 1* ·1s 1'F 0
1W 2 1
-.1 1
°1 1 W1
jp jP
Figure 4 : Free-body Diagrams of a Stuck Drillstring

Table 1: Typical Stuck Pipe Analysis

Initial Status at Surface

Operatinq Condition . TRIPPING OUT

Measured Weiqht . 230000. LBf
Rotary Table Torque . O. FT_LB

Initial Status at Stuck Point

Measured Depth . 11419. FT

Force in Drillstrinq (PA) . -78030. LBf
Force in Drillstrinq (Buoy) . 24900. LBf
Torque in Drillstrinq . O. FT LB
Force at the Stuck Point . 16396. LBI
Torque at the Stuck Point . O. FT_LB
Minimum Overpull to Load Stuck Point

Measured Weiqht . 230000. LBf

Overpull . O. LBf
Minimum Slackoff to Load Stuck Point
Measured Weiqht . 178733. LBf
Slackoff . -51267. LBf

(LBf) (FT_LB) (LBf) (FT) (LBf) (LBf) (LBf) (FT_LB)
----------- ----------- -------- ---------
80000. 37075. -150000. P 3267. -133562. -30633. -39137. Yes 19187.
90000. 37226. -140000. P 3506. -132598. -29669. -38173. Yes 21738.
100000. 37467. -130000. P O. -131266. -28337. -36841. Yes 24281.
110000. 37311- -120000. P O. -129706. -26776. -35280. Yes 26365.
120000. 37122. . -110000. P O. -129642. -26713. -35216. Yes 28815.
130000. 36900. -100000. P O. -128068. -25139. -33642. No 30831.
140000. 36645. -90000. P O. -118419. -15490. -23994. No 30665.
150000. 36356. -80000. P O. -108360. -5430. -13934. No 30356.
160000. 36032. -70000. P O. -98057. 4873. -3631. No 29947.
170000. 35672 . -60000. P O. -87493. 15436. 6932. No 29434.
180000. -50000. -78030. 24900. 16396.
190000. -40000. -78030. 24900. 16396.
200000. -30000. -78030. 24900. 16396.
210000. -20000. -78030. 24900. 16396.
220000. -10000. -78030. 24900. 16396.
230000. 32687. O. P o. -78030. 24900. 16396. No 25025.
240000. 32035. 10000. P o. -69511. 33419. 24915. No 23977.
250000. 31332. 20000. P o. -61154. 41775. 33272. No 22834.
260000. 30574. 30000. P o. -52898. 50031. 41527. No 21609.
270000. 29758. 40000. P o. -44704. 58225. 49721. No 20310.
280000. 28878. 50000. P o. -36553. 66377 . 57873. No 18936.
290000. 27928. 60000. P o. -28432. 74497. 65994. No 17484.
300000. 26902. 70000. P o. -20336. 82593. 74089. No 15949.

Force at Stuck Point (klbs)

- -
60 ~ "-

40 .

20 ; ;. : :- ~ .. - ."..: :.. - .

-20 ." - , , .

·40 -: :- -: : -.: :.. - :. - : -: : .

-60 L . . - _ L - _ . l - - _ . l - - - _ . . . ! . - _ - - L - _ - - - ' - - _ - - - ' - - _ - - - ' - - _ - - ' - _ - - ' - _ - - - - '

80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Measured Weight (klbs)

Figure 5: Force at Stuck Point

Force at Stuck Point (klbs)
60 · . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . "
, : "
- -,-.
- - - ..,- ,- .
,- ,
. ,- ,
. . . . . : ,- ,
40 - • • • • • • Ow

•••••• ,'

•••• _ •• :

. •••••••

••••••• '•••••••

, ,- ..,. _ •••••• '


, ,- ,
. ,-
20 · ' ' .. - - - : - ~. . , ~ ~~ . - .. - .:.
-. -:
. ~ .: .
. "
o r-_----~.-_-=-=-=_:-:_=-.--------~-""'-----.;."""------_j

-20 .... .
:. _
'," .

. . . . :. . . .. : .. -Trip Out
-40 • •••••

Ow ••••••• ' .•••• _ •••' _ •• ~ ••• _ •••

'. _ •

--- Rot Off Bottom

--Rot On Bottom
-60 '--------'-_ _-'-_ _-'--_ _'----_--I.._ _--L---L. --l

80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Measured Weight (klbs)

Figure 6 : Measured Weight vs. Force at Stuck Point

Force at Stuck Point (klbs)

60 .---~--~--~--~-~--~--~-----,

40 , - .. , -. - .,. ,. ., ., ., ., .

20 : : ; i··· ~ ~''': ·.:.·i·:...·:..: :..::.~ .

, ,, . . ..
o 1---~--~-----'7'---.;....----,,-.------~---1
~ ,
. .. . . . .. . .~

. . . . . . . --Overpull
-40 • ••••• ," - ••••• "," • _ •••• "0-' ••••• ".' ••• _ •• : •••• _ -."'

: --Slackoff
-60 '----_--'-_ _-'-_ _-'--_ _'----_--'-_ _-'-_ _ ..L-L --'

80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Measured Weight (klbs)
Figure 7 : Fo'rce at Stuck Point when Cycling Between
150 - 230 Klbs Measured Weights

Table 2: Typical Jar Force Analysis Table 3: Typical Back Off Force Analysis

Jar Specifications Back Off Specifications

Measured Depth . 7262. FT Measured Depth . 7300. FT
Jar Mechanism . Hydraulic
Back Off Force . 1000. LBf
Pump Open Force . 5000. LBf Back Off Torque . 500. FT LB
Jar Seal Friction Force . 600. LBf
Up Jar Trip Force . 100000. LBf (extension) Conditions Prior to Back Off Before Stuck Current
Down Jar Trip Force . 45000. LBf (compression) Operating Condition . TRIPPING OUT
Measured Weight . 273986. LBf 300000. LBf
Rotary Table Torque . O. FT LB O. FT LB
Conditions Prior to Jarring Before Stuck Current
Force at Back Off MD (PA) . -121465. LBf -99578. LBf
Operating Condition . TRIPPING OUT Force at Back Off MD (Buoy) . 25678. LBf 47565. LBf
Measured weight . 273986. LBf 300000. LBf Torque at Back Off MD . O. FT LB O. FT LB
0'1 Rotary Table Torque . O. FT_LB O. FT LB
Force in Jar (PA) . -115856. LBf -93990. LBf Initial Surface Action for Set Up
Force in Jar (Buoy) . 30531. LBf 52397. LBf
Torque in Jar . O. FT LB O. FT LB Measured weight . 187590. LBf
Minimum Initial Slackoff . -112410. LBf
Up Jar Operating Measured Weights Pumps Off Pumps On
--------- -------- Final Surface Actions for Back Off
Set Measured Weight (Initial) 182794. LBf 178513. LBf
Change from Current Meas Wt ... -117206. LBf -121487. LBf Measured Weight . 244826. LBf
Overpull from Set Up Meas Wt ., 57236. LBf
Trip Measured Weight . 357004. LBf 351005. LBf
Change from Set Meas Wt . 174211. LBf 172493. LBf Rotary Table Torque . 9060. FT LB
Reset Measured Weight . 182794. LBf 178513. LBf
Change from Trip Meas Wt ...•.. -174211. LBf -172493. LBf

Down Jar Operating Measured Weights Pumps Off Pumps On

--------- --------
Set Measured Weight (Initial) . 300000. LBf 300000. LBf
Change from Current Meas Wt ... O. LBf O. LBf
Trip Measured Weight . 144333. LBf 139947. LBf
Change from Set Meas Wt . -155667. LBf -160053. LBf
Reset Measured Weight . 238610. LBf 232730. LBf
Change from Trip Meas Wt . 94277. LBf 92783. LBf
Force at Stuck Point (klbs)
150 r---~--~--~--~--~---~---.--,





-100 L -_ _.L.-_ _..l...-_ _...l.-_ _--L.-_ _....L-_ _....L-_ _---L...J

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Measured Weight (klbs)

Figure 8: Force at Stuck Point for Field Case 1

Table 4: Jar Force Analysis for Field Case 1

Jar Specifications
Measured Depth . 10108. FT
Jar Mechanism . Hydraulic

Pump Open Force . 8000. LBf

Jar Seal Friction Force _ 2000. LBf

up Jar Trip Force . 125000. LBf (extension)

Down Jar Trip Force . 55000. LBf (compression)

Conditions Prior to Jarring Before Stuck Current

Operating Condition . ROTATING ON BOTTOM

Measured Weight . 214466. LBf 214466. LBf
Rotary Table Torque . 9354. FT LB 9354. FT LB

Force in Jar (PA) . -144936. LBf -144936. LBf

Force in Jar (Buoy) . 3043. LBf 3043. LBf
Torque in Jar . 570. FT_LB 570. FT LB

up Jar Operating Measured Weights Pumps Off Pumps On

--------- --------
Set Measured Weight (Initial) 181260. LBf 174542. LBf
Change from Current Meas Wt ... -33206. LBf -39924. LBf

Trip Measured Weight . 417537. LBf 406488. LBf

Change from Set Meas Wt . 236276. LBf 231946. LBf
Reset Measured Weight . 181260. LBf 174542. LBf
Change from Trip Meas Wt . -236276. LBf -231946. LBf

Down Jar Operating Measured Weights Pumps Off Pumps On

--------- --------
Set Measured Weight (Initial) . 214466. LBf 214466. LBf
Change from Current Meas Wt ... O. LBf O. LB!
Trip Measured Weight . 127890. LBf B 114586. LBf B
Change from Set Meas Wt . -86576. LBf -99880. LBf

Reset Measured Weight . 250454. LBf 240353. LBf

Change from Trip Meas Wt . 122565. LBf 125767. LBf

B indicates buckling occurs above jar location

Force at Stuck Point (klbs)
80 ~----~-~-~---~-..,.---.,..--------.---,

60 .... .' :
. .
', . .. .', . . . . . .', .. , .....
. -

. - .. . . - -., - - .. - -., .
40 ~ ~

. , ,

20 . . . .: :. - : : .; : : ~ - .


-40 .. ,' ' ; ', : : ,' : - .:. _ :-.

-60 L----l_--l._-L_....L.._..L-_L----l_---L._-L_-.l-_....I.-_.L...-J
55 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 215 235 255 275 295
Measured Weight (klbs)

Figure 9: Force at Stuck Point for Field Case 2

Table 5: Back Off Force Analysis for Field Case 2

Back Off Specifications

Measured Depth .. , . 5318. FT

Back Off Force _....•.... O. LBf
Back Off Torque . 10000. FT LB

Conditions Prior to Back Off Before Stuck Current

Operating Condition . TRIPPING IN
Measured Weight . 142212. LBf 142212. LBf
Rotary Table Torque . O. FT LB O. FT LB
Force at Back Off MD (PA) . -118701. LBf -118701. LBf
Force at Back Off MD (Buoy) . 8320. LBf 8320. LBf
Torque at Back Off MD '" . O. FT LB O. FT LB

Initial Surface Action for Set up

Measured weight . 134538. LBf
Minimum Initial Slackoff . -7673. LBf

Final Surface A~tions for Back Off

Measured Weight . 179056. LBf

Overpull from Set Up Meas Wt .. 44518. LBf
Rotary Table Torque 17348. FT LB


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