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1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

It is important to enforce positive discipline to the students in order to help

them positively in their struggles as a student. Instead of disciplining the students in a
way where they will not get any learning and growth, it is important to enforce positive
discipline to make them feel motivated despite their struggles and problems as a student.
Positive discipline help and guides the students from danger and teaches them how to
make appropriate choices and behavior. Also, this helps in developing the relationship
between the teacher and the students which is very important in the teaching and
learning process.

2. Your online student calls and says, “my computer has broken down, I have lost all of my notes and
will not have another system to use for a week. What should I do?”. It is the fourth week of the
course and the student is one of the worst. What action will you recommend? Why?

Instead of getting angry and blaming the student, I will tell him that he can reach
out his classmates and may seek assistance on having notes or I may also help him by
providing him notes that he can use. Also, I can tell him that he can submit his outputs
when it is convenient for him but he must consider the deadline extension that I will give
him. In this way, I am enforcing a positive discipline to him instead of giving him a hard
time on his problem. Though, I had given him condition, it is only for him to still be
responsible enough despite of the problem that arise.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do you
and Interests
see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level Why?

I am imagining myself being a Grade 10 adviser, which have diverse and

competent students. I would make my classroom a conducive place for learning which
will help my students to engage in every activity that I will set. I will also do some
routines that will help them to be ready in Senior High School. With that, they may be
able to adapt well from transitioning to a higher level of learning that they will have.
Also, I will set rules and regulations that will make the classroom and everyone to be
conducive to learning. Routines like giving assigned students to clean the classroom,
water the plants, etc. will develop their sense of responsibility even more.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose
these rules?

❖ Always observe cleanliness and orderliness.

❖ Study time is study time.
❖ Practice reading books that will enhance or develop skills.
❖ Always take down notes.
❖ Always be on time.
❖ Watch-out for your attitude and behavior.
❖ Lend a hand when someone needs it.
❖ Mind before you talk.
❖ Set your priorities.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

I think, yes, because it is important that the teacher will know about their
thoughts and opinions. This is part of being democratic, but of course there must
always been limitations depending on the situation. But it will be a great help for
making the class rules with the students in order for them to follow it even more
and have the sense of responsibility in following the rules that the class and the
teacher had decided to enforce.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment

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