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Activity 11.1. Observing Technology Integration in the Online


Resource Teacher: RON KENNELL B. ALFARO Teacher's Signature

Subject Area: READING AND WRITING Date: January 13, 2022

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
1. Observe a class. Video-record, if allowed.
2. Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons and how the students were involved.
3. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by the
4. Reflect on what you have learned.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT

As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to document your
1. What is the lesson about?
The lesson is all about properties of a well-written text focusing on cohesion and

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?

The teacher used a Power Point Presentation and a Youtube video.

3. Observe and take the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen
to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show
attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
The student showed eagerness and attentiveness while watching the video. After
watching, the students are able to share their thoughts and insights about the video
which shows their understanding.

4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen
to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show
attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
The student showed eagerness and attentiveness while watching the video. After
watching, the students are able to share their thoughts and insights about the video
which shows their understanding.

5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their interest
in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher
and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
The student showed eagerness and attentiveness while watching the video. After
watching, the students are able to share their thoughts and insights about the video
which shows their understanding.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT


Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 11
Date of Observation: January 13, 2022
Subject Matter: Properties of a Well-Written Text (Cohesion and Coherence)
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: The teacher uses
diversified teaching approached in handling the class using different learning materials
and integration of technology to the teaching-learning process.
Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of the
(Enumerate in bullet Teaching Aids used
-stimulate the -sometimes Facilitates a dynamic and
❖ Power learning and confusing active learning experiences
Point curiosity of
Presentation the students

-interactive -slow internet Audio-visual using Youtube is

❖ Youtube and recent connection effective and interactive as
Video -adds hinders the medium of instruction
information students to
and learning clearly listen
to the lesson to the video

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT
Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the
Technology Integration Matrix (, in which level of
technology integration do you think the teacher you observed operated? Why?

Using the Technology Integration Matrix, in my opinion, the level of technology

integration of the class that I had observed is in level 5 or in the Transformation stage. In
transformation stage, the teacher creates a rich learning environment in which students
regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible to achieve without technology.
As I had observed, the teacher used a Youtube video in showing the class about cohesion and
coherence. The teacher also, used Power Point Presentation and book for his students.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your

According to the Technology Integration Matrix, the learning environment in the class
that I observed was "Goal Directed," which means that instead of simply completing assessments
without reflections, students use technology tools (handouts, slide presentation) to set goals, plan
activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results. As I had observed, following each individual
activity, the teacher provided timely feedback, prompting the students to defend and explain how
they arrived at their conclusions. The teacher is receptive to students' own ideas, even if they are
not based on class discussion. The teacher encourages his students to think creatively and
imaginatively and to think outside the box.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your

Overall, the learning resources are fantastic. The teacher is an expert at using technology
into his economics class. He incorporated the knowledge he found on YOUTUBE into the actual
class. The teacher was able to properly use all resources in such a way that the students were
able to enjoy, listen to, and enjoy the conversation, as seen by the majority of the class receiving
perfect scores and no students receiving a failed score during the assessment. In the video
presentation, the instructor also gives a cost-effective prayer at the start of class by dancing and

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and
what would you do differently if you teach the same lesson to the same group
of students? Why?

If I am the teacher; I will copy his zeal and mastery in manipulating laptop
in the class for the smoothness of his lesson. I appreciate and like his method in
giving the students hand-out during class discussion. His method is fast, sweep,
accurate and modern; it facilitates students learning in an optimum level. The way
he handles his class is anchored with the philosophy that the students are the center
of the curriculum so do I. One thing I would use different in doing the same class is
that; I will already download the video on YouTube, because during the teacher’s
presentation; the video in YouTube got logged and pause for a while. There is a
slight break on the momentum of his discussion because of slow internet connection
in our country.

But overall, the performance of the teacher is very good and ideal for the
education student like me.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning
Resources and ICT

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