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Unravel the dark past of Mickael Magon from Indonesia.

It is very difficult to express my feelings in this written form. I have to uncover the true dark
side. I find it difficult and unfeasible to publish it to every reader. I apologize if you then read
this article or know my background. Out of my faithfulness to God through the Salesian
Congregation of Don Bosco, I dutifully share my experience with those who read this, if
anyone is inspired and motivated, I hope to emulate the positive.

From elementary school to high school, I have moved schools. I grew up in a simple and
religious family. But it's different from the environment I play. My environment is very cruel,
we teach to hit whoever we like. We were violently shaped by the older siblings in the
compound. How cruel our complex was, I witnessed the brothers stabbing the soldiers and
beating the police, and even the police or the military arrested the brothers and sisters and
tortured them at the police station or the army headquarters. My childhood friends and I often
became victims of violence from the police and military when our complex older siblings ran
to save themselves. From experiences like this, the spirit to fight and defend myself quickly
adapted to me. Since the third grade of elementary school, I have been an assistant car driver
in the city and fights often occur because of snatching passengers. Even though I have to
fight blood and blood, I still become an assistant driver, because there is something fun, every
time it hurts me to drive a car. So, the night before entering the garage I washed the car and
put it in. Often in the afternoon, I drive the car around town to pick up and drop off
passengers, at the terminals, markets, schools, and universities.

During school, everyone became afraid of me. I like to challenge my upperclassmen to fight
after school. I always hit anyone I like while at school, after school, or on the playground. I
challenge everyone to fight, the police, the army, I fought with them. Once, about a dozen
soldiers ganged up on me. Sometimes I have to fight against many people. Going in and out
of police cells has become commonplace for me. And several times had to stay in prison bars.
If you want to see my body condition is very small, but it is said that people who witnessed
me fighting sometimes I could fly, even though I didn't feel that way. I also once fought
against many people, after fighting I went into the shop to buy beer to drink, and the shop
owner asked where my friend was, I asked which one, earlier we saw two people fighting
many people while fighting, and I was shocked. Some say some people help me fight and
they don't see me when the fights happen. Other people are fighting against many people, not
you. In life, many who give nicknames to me have known me as someone who has no day
without a fight.

I've been thrown into the sea by a group of people, I've been slashed with machetes but thank
God I'm still alive, I've been stabbed with a knife, I've been beaten with iron, beams, bamboo,
I've been doused with boiling vegetable gravy. And the very tragic thing is, the three villages
unite just want to kill me. I was surrounded by many people, and I didn't know I could get out
of the mass siege diary. And some even thought I was dead, because, after this incident, I lost
track. While still in junior high school, I hit people so that their eyes almost popped out. I
once hit five people with very large bodies at the same time, I was very surprised that
something unexpected like this could happen. Once the village head and tribal chiefs came to
attack me at home, they were equipped with arrows, bows, machetes, spears, and many other
sharp tools.

But my parents' confession, that I was a very quiet and shy child. At home I cook, wash
dishes, clean the house, basically everything that should be done by women, I can do it
myself. I do not feel that I was very naughty. But everyone who knows me at first glance
knows I'm very naughty and cruel. Even today when they meet me or on social media, the
first question they ask is, are you still naughty? Because my life was very dark in the past,
people knew I would die young and didn't deserve to live much longer, sometimes I could be
called the scum of society. I fight sometimes and just want to defend my real friends.

But I'm honest from the bottom of my heart I'm not naughty, because at home, I never fight
with my parents, I'm an obedient child, love my brothers and sisters, and never get angry or
hit my brothers and sisters. In my family I never got drunk, I don't know how to get angry.
But when I leave the house, something seems to make my accomplices itch to hit whomever I
like. When I was at school, I always hit leaders in other schools, leaders of martial arts
schools, anyway people were afraid to fight the head of the gang, I always tried to attack or
hit, even though the school was known for being great at fighting and had leaders who were
great at fighting, I still challenged and punched. Everyone accuses me of fighting because
there is magic, but I don't have it. The school period was a time when I was never afraid of
anyone except my family.

In the past, my place was often colonized by other people. After I grew up, everyone who had
attacked my place and beat my people, I came to attack and beat them all, and until now they
are afraid of our area. When I was there, people called our place a den of thieves or a village
led by terrorists. Now people call my place the army because many soldiers were born where
I was, now there are dozens of male soldiers from the area where I was born, including my
youngest brother who is in the military. All of them admit that with my presence our place
becomes sacred and is respected by everyone.

For people who haven't contacted me, they will be afraid to approach me. But those who
already know me, even I became afraid of them. If people already know my death, they will
be confused, it turns out that Bojezz, a person like this, doesn't like people telling stories. I
am very funny, like to joke, like dangdut, my face can be scary but my heart is always pink.
Never listen to my signature from other people, but by reading this article, you will
understand who I am. People say that if I'm naughty, I feel fine. I don't like being formal, and
don't like working in an office, I prefer being in the field with the children during the
apostolate. I'm not a serious type of person, sometimes my expression is always the opposite
of what many people think. Even though I'm not serious, I like to be punctual, flexible, and
disciplined. I can be where I am today because I am disciplined.

My life principle is to always respect older people and those who are experienced and know a
lot about life, I love them because I can change from dark times to a little light like this
because I learn to be a good listener when I'm with them. To be honest, I don't know how to
get angry, I like peace, the proof is, I have many friends and you know who my friends are?
They were my enemies who once killed me, now they are my very close friends. I just love
flowers let alone humans. The point is like this, if you hate me, I will always be in your mind,
if you love me, I will always be in your heart.

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