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Definition of linguistic imperialism by Robert Philipson

“the dominance asserted and maintained by the establishment and continuous reconstitution
of structural and cultural inequalities between English and other languages .

Six implications of linguistic imperialism for the world are as follows

1. English as a language of power

1:we see that English language shows power of conqueror . After the destruction of the
Muslims’ rule and power ,the British came in power and they started to make their conquered
areas tier colonies .

And bound them to use English .therefor English is the language of power .as you know that Sir
say ad Ahmad Khan spread the use of English to please the British rulers .

2. Global spread of English with varying degrees of range and penetration privileges its

:it is the reality that English is a global and international language . its’ imperialism has so much
effected many countries that they have given the official status to English language. So, due to
this reality English language privileges its users for many jobs in and out of the country .

3. In out circle countries e.g. Pakistan , india etc. those who know English well are at an

:the countries which are in the outer circle , such as Pakistan , India etc. are cashing the
advantage because they now English well. If we search history ,we see that from the existence
of new state ,our official language is English . most of our education system ,judiciary and
government structure follow English language ruling .so every where in the world , they can
share and get information and suggestions with the help if English .

4. Language of political and economic power

because of coming in power and leading the development in the field of science, technology
business, trade and economy , English has dominance on many languages in the world . you
can see that in united nations America is a great political economic power. Therefor English
language has political and economic power.

5. Spread of English is equated with linguistic imperialism

the spread of English language is the sign of its imperialism the reality is that the nation ,who
comes in power politically , his also become emperor and rules other languages . Spread of
English is equated with linguistic imperialism.

6. the imposition of one language on the speaker of other language

As you know that the British has imposed English language on the speaker of other language to
spread their culture , and to rule on them easily . as in Africa and in south Asian
countries ,English was given the imposition and English speaking people were preferred .

3 paradox of linguistic imperialism

1:English imperialism as an out-of-date thought

The impact of imperialism has become faded . Now people in the struggle to learn English

And willingly. Many countries thing English a secret of success and development . so , keeping
in mind these facts , we can say that English imperialism is an outdated concept .

2: English as a tool of authorization and freedom

Because of the fact that English is an international language , every country needs to run the
wheel of there economy , which requires the usage of English language . moreover ,in many

English speaking people are in power and suggested able to run the government . to be
connected to the world they are thought standard people . in the lite of these information ,
every thing is visible for us.

3: pervasive demand for access to English

In spite of having different languages ,culture ,religions ,reigns historical background there is a
widespread demand for more access to English language almost everywhere . this is an irony
and paradox about English imperialism

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