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+ follow sb’s argument: understand, grasp the meaning
+ follow suit: do as most people do  herd effect
+ follow sb’s lead: to copy someone's behavior or ideas
+ follow sb’s advice: nghe theo lời khuyên của ai
+ as follows: said to introduce a list of things
Eg: The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.
2. GET
+ get going: to start to go or move
+ get somewhere: to make progress toward a goal
Eg: After months of talks, negotiators think they’re finally getting somewhere.
+ get to do st: to have an opportunity to do something
+ get doing st: begin doing st
3. GO
+ go and do st: used for saying that someone has done something silly or annoying
Eg: She’s only gone and told him what the surprise was!
+ go and tell: tell sb abt st bad
+ go deaf/gray/crazy/bad/etc
+ go for days/weeks/etc (without st): not do st even after certain amount of time.
Eg: He would go days without sleep.
+ go hungry: not have enough food to eat
+ go to do st: if an action, event, or situation goes to do something, it helps to do it
Eg: It just goes to show that politicians will say anything to get elected.
+ go without: to not have st or to manage to live despite not having st
Eg: They were poor as children, and sometimes had to go without.
+ head towards/for (a place): to point at and move toward some1, st, or some place
+ head a ball: đánh đầu (football)
+ head a committee/etc: lead a committee
+ head a list: to be the first item on a list
+ jump/leap at the chance: to accept something eagerly
+ jump the queue: chen lấn trong hàng
+ jump to conclusions: kết luận vội vàng
+ jump the gun: to do st too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it
+ move it: used to tell someone to hurry
+ get a move on: to hurry
+ follow sb’s every move: to watch some1 very carefully, esp to find out if they’re doing st
wrong or illegal
+ make a move: to leave a place
+ on the move:
1) to be physically active
2) to be going somewhere; to be travelling
+ point at/to/towards st: chỉ vào, về phía cái gì
+ get to the point: to reach the most important consideration in a conversation etc
(đi thẳng vào vấn đề)
+ make a point of doing st: to always do st or to take particular care to do st
+ make ur point: to prove that you are right about something
+ miss the point: to not understand st correctly or what’s important abt it
+ at some point: at some moment that is not specific.
Eg: At some point I decided she was no longer my friend.
+ beside the point: not important
+ up to a point: partly, or to a limited degree
Eg: Of course there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point.
+ a sore point: an annoying topic for sb
+ raise st with sb: to ask, talk to, or notify some1 abt some matter or issue
Eg: A number of employees have raised concerns with the HR department.
+ raise sb’s hopes/expectations: to cause some1 to hope, usually when there’s no good reason
+ raise a smile: to react to what some1 has just said by smiling, or to make some1 else react in
this way
+ raise ur voice: to speak more loudly than normal esp in anger
+ raise an army: collect together and organize an army to fight a battle
9. RUN
+ run a business/campaign/etc: to operate
+ run riot:
1) to behave wildly/ to go out of control
Eg: An angry crowd was running riot in the streets.
2) If ur imagination runs riot, u have a lot of strange, exciting, or surprising thoughts
+ run on petrol/electricity/etc: using that power to work
+ run sb a bath: to fill a bath with water for washing
+ run through st: to look at, examine, or deal with a set of things, esp quickly
+ run the risk of doing: to do st although st bad might happen bc of it
+ run into problems: begin to experience them
10. RUSH
+ rush to conclusions ~ jump to conclusions
+ do st in a rush: do st very quickly
+ in a rush (to do st): in a hurry
+ mad rush: a situation in which u’re hurrying to do st bc u don’t have much time
Eg: It was a mad rush to get everything done in time.
+ the Christmas/etc rush: a time when a lot of things are happening or a lot of people are
trying to do or get st
+ steady urself: to get your balance again so that you don’t fall
Eg: Ralph steadied himself on the arm of the chair.
+ steady ur nerves: the ability to be calm in difficult situations
Eg: You need a cool head and steady nerves for this job.
+ hold st steady:
+ steady relationship: not moving or changing suddenly
+ steady look: under control
+ steady growth/pace: continuing to happen or change at a gradual and regular rate
+ keep track of: to continue to be informed or know abt s1 or st
+ lose track of time/etc: to no longer know what is happening, or not to remember st
+ on the wrong track: not correct about something
+ on track (to do): making progress and likely to succeed in doing st or in achieving a
particular result
13. TURN
+ turn to do st: ?
+ turn a gun/etc on sb: in the sense of aim at
+ turn to sb: to get help from someone
+ turn cold/nasty/etc: become
+ turn 40/etc: to become a particular age
14. WAY
+ get in sb’s way: to start or continue a walk, journey etc (lên đường)
+ know the way: be very familiar with place or activity.
+ lose ur way: to become lost
+ get st out of the way: to finish something
+ make way for: to provide a space or an opportunity for st else
+ in the way: in a position that prevents st from happening or s1 from moving
Eg: Work often gets in the way of my social life.
+ on the way (to): trên đường đi/ to be close to doing st
+ a way of doing: to have a special habit, especially an annoying one
Eg: Ruth has a way of ignoring me that drives me mad.
15. BACK
+ back into st:
1) To move or maneuver(=điều khiển) st backwards into st else.
Eg: Can you help me? I'm having a hard time backing into this parking space.
2) To bump into or strike someone or something while moving backwards.
Eg: Oops, I didn't mean to back into you—didn't see you there!
+ back onto st: If a building backs onto something, its back faces that thing:
Eg: The house backs onto a narrow alley.
16. COME
+ come to a conclusion/decision/etc
+ come to power: to be installed in high office (kingship/presidency/prime ministership)
Eg: She was a venerated admiral before she came into power as president.
+ come into view: to suddenly emerge or become visible
+ come as a shock/surprise/relief/blow (to sb): make s1 feel surprised, relieved, disappointed
+ come to do st: to start to do st
+ come true: to happen in the way you had hoped
+ drive (ur point/message) home: to state st in a very forceful and effective way
+ drive sb crazy/mad: to make s1 feel crazy, annoyed
+ drive sb to do st: to make s1 have a bad feeling or do st bad
Eg: The arguments and violence drove her to leave home.
+ drive at st: If you ask s1 what they are driving at, you ask that person what they really mean
18. DROP
+ drop st off st: to take s1/st to a particular place (by car) as you travel to a different place
+ drop st into/onto st: to pay an informal visit to a person or a place
+ drop sb at
+ drop a hint: to tell s1 st in a way that is not direct
+ drop sb (from a team): stop including s1 in a group or team
19. FALL
+ fall ill: to become ill
+ fall into (a category): to indicate an item is part of a larger group of similar things
+ fall into place:
1) When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems
2) When events or details that u didn’t understand before fall into place, they become easy
to understand
+ fall short: to not reach a desired amount or standard
Eg: August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.
+ fall/go to pieces:
1) to break apart into smaller parts
2) be so upset/unhappy that can’t behave normally bc of experiencing st bad or unpleasant
3) If a relationship, organization, or system falls or goes to pieces, it fails
20. FLY
+ fly a flag/kite
+ fly-by:
1) the flight of a spacecraft near a planet to record data
2) a special flight by a group of aircraft, for pp to watch at an important ceremony
+ fly open: come open suddenly
Eg: The doors flew open in the strong gust.
+ fly at (sb/st): to attack another person or animal suddenly

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