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Hilary Ulate Arroyo

Movie annalysis: Gifted hands

1. What do you think about the role of the mother?

R/ The mother was very good with them from the beginning, in my opinion she was a bit
hard in the way she wanted to teach them to study and how she educated them regarding
school, but despite that, she did a great job as a mother since she never mistreated them for
some school grades. The mother was very afraid that her children would grow up like her
without knowing how to read or write and she was aware from her experience that living
like this is not right, that reading and writing is completely necessary today, that's why she
wanted them to achieve more than that. She was a good mother for always believing in her
children and not allowing them to give up on who they wanted to become. Although
perhaps those children could take more advantage of their childhood playing, because of
her mother's fear she made them grow up between books and study.

2. What do you think would had happen to the boy without the mother?

R/ Ben was a very insecure child of himself, he believed that he was not capable of
achieving many of the things that could be proposed, he even believed that he was not
capable of having imagination, his mother helped him a lot to believe in himself, I I think
that the child without his mother might not have been able to believe in himself and that is
why he would not have set dreams and goals as he was doing as he grew up, he was always
very capable of achieving it, but his mother was an impulse to do it, without her believing
in him all the time, he might not have made it. For this reason, the role of parents in the life
of a child is so important, even when setting dreams and goals, parents are a great support
and should help their children believe in themselves.

3. Which is the role of the wife?

R/ His wife, even before getting married, at the university, was a great support for Ben,
many times we have the concept that a person who wants to be successful by having a
partner can be distracted or not be their priority, but both had the same purpose of Being
successful and having a good future then they helped each other, besides being a great
support for him, she gave him a lot of happiness and peace of mind at times when he felt
that he could not achieve it.

4. What do you think of the way he (Beni) treated the nurse?

R/ Ben grew up as a very grateful person and more with the people who support him all the
time and are there for him. Ben always treated the nurse very kindly and never
underestimated her because of her job, he was always grateful to her and in my opinion
even though doctors can often be rude to nurses, he was always very kind and never let his
profession or job position make him feel superior to the rest.

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