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Written Practice #2

Hilary Ulate Arroyo 22/03/2023

My abilities

Since I have been a child, it’s been hard to believe in myself and that
I’m able to do anything I want. But as the years have passed, I have
proven to myself that I have incredible abilities for many things.
Nowadays I’m learning many things about myself and in what things
I’m good, for example, I know that I have a good ability working with
kids, because I enjoy my time with them and I think they enjoy their
time with me too, but this is an ability that I learned when I grew up.
When I was in high school, I thought that I was not good at anything,
and it would be difficult for me to find my right career.

I wish I could always believe in myself and my abilities, It would be

easier to set goals in my life, a big problem for me is that I think that I
cannot achieve many things that I propose, anyway, sometimes I end
up achieving things that I didn't even know I could achieve myself and I
end up developing skills at it until I convince myself that I'm good at it,
for example in makeup, I always said that I’m bad at makeup but I still
tried it and now I develop a great ability in makeup, I love it and I know
that I’m good in that. So that’s the moment that I think to myself: ‘’If
only I could believe in myself, I would have achieved many things that I
set out to do.’’ I know this is something mental that I should work on,
I'm doing it and I think I'm improving. With myself I always try to remind
myself that I am a good person, kind, charismatic, hard-working, and
responsible, and these are already many abilities of myself.

I see life as a lot of challenges, if you set out to face them and always
trust your abilities, you will achieve everything you set your mind to. I
think that many people expect to be successful without trying or, like
me, it has been difficult to believe in themselves and that they are
capable of many things, but the best thing is to have people who
remind us that we can, and that we have many abilities that we still
don't know to be exploited and achieve what we set out to do.

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