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lung cancer is a disease that develops in the lung tissue, especially

the lining of the airways. Furthermore, lung cancer begins in the lungs
and may spread to the lymph nodes or other organs in the body such as
the brain. Cancer may also spread from other organs to the lungs.
When cancer cells spread from one organ to another, they are called
metastases. Doctors classify the stages of lung cancer into four stages
that depend on the size of the cancerous tumor and whether the cancer
has reached the nearby lymph nodes? And does the tumor reach distant
organs such as the outer layer of the heart, brain and bones

First of all, stage 1,2 In these stages, the cancer is small and has not
yet spread outside the lungs, and these stages is divided into two stages.
Stage A, in which the size of the cancer is less than 3 cm, and stage B, in
which the size of the cancer is 4 to 6cm. In fact, in the first stage, it is
easier for doctors to detect cancer early. So that sometimes patients are
given radiotherapy to prevent the small cell lung cancer to spread to the

Second, stage III lung cancer in This stage is divided into three
sections. Stage A, the cancer is 5-7 cm. Also, there is more than one
tumor in the same part of the lung and cancer has spread to parts near
the chest. In stage B cancer is smaller than 5 cm, but it spreads to more
than lymph nodes, such as the neck, or it spreads to the lymph nodes in
the middle of the chest. Furthermore, cancer can spread to distant
organs. For example, the trachea and heart. In addition, Patients who do
not have surgery may undergo chemotherapy or radiation followed by
immunotherapy, which enables the patient’s immune system to fight the

The last stage is stage 4, This stage is divided into two stages,
stage A, cancer has spread to both the right and left lungs. Moreover, it
spreads to the outermost layer of the lung and heart. Cancer may also
spread to distant parts of the body, such as the liver and bones. Stage B:
Cancer spreads to one or more organs outside the chest area. Patients
who are in good health can be treated with chemotherapy or
immunotherapy, and other treatments can be used to control
symptoms, for example, radiation therapy or laser

In conclusion, there are four stages of lung cancer that can affect
the health of the patient with lung cancer. In addition, people who have
lung cancer may be able to be treated through chemotherapy or
radiation if the cancer cells are small and not spread in the entire organ,
or People who have lung cancer may be treated with surgery, in which
.the entire organ is removed

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