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HSE212 Seminar 5 Notes:

Exercise 1:

a) Formative, process, impact, and outcome

b) How did the bike hire go in Paris?, How are people enjoying the bike hire scheme in
Melbourne?, Was the bike scheme successful in Melbourne?, Do people want to continue
the bike scheme and keep using the bikes for the intended purpose?.
Formative: Is the bicycle hire scheme likely to be effective in Melbourne? Is it going to be
effective? Is it going to target the groups effectively?
Process: Are the users of the program satisfied? Is the program reaching the target group?
Are all activities being implemented? Are all materials and components of the program good
Impact: did the program achieve its objectives? What were the immediate and short-term
changes of the bike program? Were there any short-term changes in knowledge, etc. and
usage of the program?
Outcome: what were the long-term consequences of the bike program? Were the goals of
the program met? Were there any long-term changes in knowledge etc. from the program?
c) Looking at Paris’ data, consulting perceived target groups, Surveys, Tracking of how often
bikes were used
Formative: focus groups, surveys, in depth interviews, literature reviews
Process: questionnaires, interviews and focus groups, tracking bikes to see how many people
are using the bikes (which station is the most used)
Impact: questionnaires and surveys, physical activity diaries and logs,
Outcome: questionnaires and surveys, physical activity diaries and logs (must use the same
tools that you used prior that you’ll use after program so they can make a fair judgement of
how successful the program was)
d) Before starting project and prior to any new implementations of new strategies of the
program, before, during and after project, within 6 months of project ending (post
intervention), after 6 months of project ending.
e) Council members across Melbourne to see demand and excitement for project, Health
professionals to see how important and necessary the bike scheme is and how it could help
the health of Melbourne citizens,
Individual: VicHealth, public transport Corp, Melbourne City Council, Bicycle Network,
Sectors: Transport sector (reduce congestion on the roads), tourism (increasing tourism in
CBD), environmental sector (reducing pollution within CBD, less fuel being released from less
cars on roads and more bikes).
f) I hypothesise that the bike hire scheme wont be as effective as the one is Paris due to less
people going for a bike ride around Melbourne and having very little places where bikes can
ride throughout the city to explore Melbourne also as there are a lot more trams and trains
to get around the city faster and easier than bikes due to the restricted access to bike paths.
Paris has a more open plan of their city and able to have enough room for bikes, pedestrians
and cars to move around the city, whereas Melbourne is more packed and doesn’t have
much room for pedestrians and cars, so can’t fit bikes as well (Davies 2019). Also, Europeans
are more commonly known for bike riding and treating bikes to a higher regard, compared
to Melbourne where more people drive and catch public transport than get physical exercise
except for occasionally walking if its close enough, as well as having a usually strong dislike
towards bikes due to them ‘taking up too much room’ and ‘always in the way’, when driving.
This means the already preconceived idea of bikes is negative leading to people more likely
to not use or ignore the bikes.
Social Norms (Paris usually use bikes anyway), mandatory helmets (Melbourne, whereas
Paris don’t have to), Lower % of car ownership in Paris compared to Melbourne, don’t want
to get to work sweaty (deter people in Melbourne), higher tourism in Paris (sight-seeing),
Design and layout of cities (More bike lanes 371km cycle paths, whereas Melbourne only has
~ 135km)

Exercise 2: (in your own time) inSPIRE story in sem

Exercise 3:

- Positives: People are able to get fit with getting a reward of discounts from insurance
Smaller payout if more people are healthier that are insured by them
- Negatives: Potential to cheat the system, if watch isn’t on activity may not be measured,
may not take into account people with injury or illness preventing people from exercising,
some people may not like wearing watches as it feels annoying when working out.

AT1: Peer Feedback: Sem 6.

- Prior to week 6 have a draft of assignment uploaded to Deakin by Sunday 19 th April,

- Mark another groups assignment, kind and constructive feedback, MAX of 10 key points,
then respond to reviewers on feedback submitted with assignment.


- Staff costs, equipment costs, evidence based (reference to budget numbers), app costs, flyer
- Table format
- Look up program budgets online to see presentation


- Your idea of how your program may be sustainable in the future

Project timeline:

- Has all key dates of programs: all evaluation takes place, intervention begins and ends,
recruitment begins and ends, baseline data collection (a week before program start usually).

Project details:

- Base programs out of schools


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