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Subject: Advance Nursing Practice
Topic Presentation On-

Submitted To- Submitted By-

Mrs. Sapna Thakur Deepa Mishra
Demonstrator M. Sc. Nursing 1st Year
Mrs. Reena Barai
Assistant professor


Nurse means to foster or cherish, to treat or handle with care; to bring up; to preserve. The unique
function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well in the performance of those activities
contributing to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would unaided if he had the
necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help him gain
independence as quickly possible.


Research is diligent systematic inquiry or study to validate and refine existing knowledge and
develop new knowledge.

 According to Gowin and Millman (1969):

Research is an abstraction and selection from an infinite variety of possible
things that one might study.

 According to Arnold Lancaster:

Research may be defined as planned systematic search information for the
purpose of increasing the total body of man’s knowledge. It involves looking for
information which at the time is not available or for which at the time is not available
or for which that has no generally accepted evidence.

 According to Notter:
Research is a process that systematically searches for new facts and


Nursing Research is one area of research which includes the breadth and depth of the
disciplines of nursing the rehabilitative, therapeutic and preventive aspects of nursing as well
as the preparation of practitioners and personnel involved in the total nursing spheres.
 According to Vreeland:

Nursing research is concerned with systematic study and assessment of nursing

problems or phenomena, finding ways to improve nursing practice and patient can
through creative studies, initiating and evaluating change and taking actions to make new
knowledge useful in nursing.
 According to Polit and Hungler:
Nursing Research is a process in which researcher scientifically collects data to
be used in the clinical, administrative or instructional area in order to find solutions to
nursing problems, evaluate nursing practice procedures, policies or curriculum, assess the
needs of the patients, staff or students and make decisions to change or continuous
various nursing process which in turn advances the scientific knowledge in nursing field.


Nursing Research evolved slowly from the investigation of Nightingale in 19 th century to
the studies of nursing education in 1930’s and 1940’s and the research of nurses and
nursing roles in 1950’s and 1960’s in 1970’s and 1980’s an increasing number of nursing
studies focused on clinical problems were conducted.

Nightingale’s (1859) initial research focused on the importance of a healthy environment in
promoting the patient’s physical and mental well-being.
She used the research knowledge to make significant changes in
society such as testing public water, improving sanitation, preventing starvation and
decreasing morbidity and mortality.


1900- American Journal of Nursing was published.
1920-1930- Case Studies included in this Journal.
1950’s - ANA’s study on nursing functions and activities findings were reported in
“twenty Thousand Nurses tell Their Story” and based on which ANA developed
statements on their functions, standards & qualifications for professional nurses
in 1959.
1950’s-1960’s – Nursing schools began to introduced research and steps of research process
at the bachelerate level. The number of nurses with master’s degree and research
background also increased during this period.
1953 – The Institute for research and Service in Nursing Education was established at
Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York.
1963- The International Journal of Nursing Studies published in 1963.


 In 1960-1970- Nurses developed models, conceptual framework and theories to guide
nursing practice.
 In 1978- China started published the Journal, Advances in Nursing Science that
included nursing theorists work and related research that provided direction for future
nursing research.
 In 1970- ANA established Commission on Nursing Research.
 In 1972- This commission established the council of Nursing Researchers to advance
research activities provide an exchange of ideas and recognize excellence in research.
 In 1900- Two additional research journals first published-
Research in Nursing and Health in 1978.
Western Journal of Nursing Research in 1979.


 In 1980’s- A new research Journal – Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice published in
 In 1982 & 1983- Materials from federally funded project, conduct and utilization of
research in nursing (CURN) published to facilitate the use of research to improve
nursing practice.
 In 1985- ANA created- The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) in 1985.


1. Nursing research helps through scientific knowledge to improve nursing care, patient
outcomes and health care delivery system.
2. To improve the decision making regarding what care to be provided to the patients and
how to implement that care.
3. To document the effectiveness of selected nursing interventions in treating particular
patient problems and promoting positive patient outcomes.
4. To improve the delivery of the health care services.
5. Research efforts contribute to professional autonomy and power.
6. The knowledge generated through research is essential to provide a scientific basis for
description, explanation, prediction and control of nursing practice.


It involves identifying the nature and attributes of nursing phenomena and sometimes
the relationships among these problems.


When explanation for the relationships among variables are clarified and reasons for
occurrence of certain events are identified.

Through prediction the probability of a specific outcome in a given situation can be



Control is to manipulate the situation to produce the desired or predicted outcome. Control
can be described as the ability to write the prescription to produce desired results.


Nursing research is needed to discover, verify structure and re-structure the

professional knowledge through systematic inquiry. Research is the only way to:

1. Build a body of nursing knowledge.

2. Validate improvement in nursing.
3. Make health care efficient as well as cost effective.

1. To mould the attitudes, intellectual competencies and technical skills

It is based on arts and science which the attitude, intellectual competencies and
technical skills of individual nurse into the desired and help people, well or sick and cope
with the health needs.

2. Filling the gaps in knowledge and practice

Most of the medical and nurses leaders believe that gap exists between existing
knowledge that is affecting nursing and its application. This gap exists in both nursing
education and nursing service. To individual nurse must actively seek to understand and
apply the basic principles of research.

3. Fostering a commitment, accountability to clientele

The ultimate goal of a profession is to improve the practice of its member. So that
services provided to clientele should have greatest impact.
This can be done by continual development of scientific body of knowledge
fundamental to its practice that can be instrumental in fostering commitment and
accountability to profession and clientele.

4. Providing basis for professionalism

Accountability is essential for nurse teacher in dealing with students, for nurse
practitioner dealing with patients and for nurse administrator dealing with clients or
professionals of health care delivery system.
5. Identifying the role of nurse in changing society
There is a need to evaluate the efficacy of presently existing nursing practices, in all
areas to notify or abandon the practices that have no effect on health status and provide
nursing services according to needs of clients.

6. Discovering new measures for nursing practice

Scientific studies are needed to understand; explain the function and forms of nursing
care in meeting the needs of society and helping individuals regain or maintain the health.

7. Helping to take prompt decision by the administration to related problems

Nursing administrators are more frequently looking to the findings from research in
solving persistent problems in organization, delivery and evaluation of client or patient care.

8. Helping to improve the standards in nursing education

Nursing educators utilize the findings from research in structuring Programme of study
in developing course contents and in designing methods of teachings.

9. Defining the existing theories and discovering new theories

The primary test of nursing research is to develop and refine nursing theories which
serve as a guide to nursing practice and which can be organized into a body of scientific
nursing knowledge.


The code of ethics for nurses states:
“The nurses responsibility to participate in the advancement of the
profession through contribution of practice, education, administration and knowledge
All registered nurses should do the following:
1. Read and interpret report of research in their own nursing fields.
2. Identify areas of nursing where research is needed, nurses should be aware of the
boundaries of their knowledge and situations in which lack of information is a serious
detriment to effective decision making.
3. Collaborate intelligently with researchers (Nurses and others) whose work brings them
into contact with nursing, assist them as possible and particularly where patients are
4. Discuss with patient any research in which they are be asked to participate in the same
way as the nurses are called upon to discuss with the patients the diagnostic and
therapeutic measures prescribed by medical staff.

In Addition a Nurse Teacher Must-

5. Use research finding as a basis for deciding what to teach and incorporate research
findings into their teaching.
6. Use research finding as a basis for deciding how to teach, make use of psychological
theories of learning and techniques of education assessment.
7. Plan and supervise student’s project work in a way which will help the students to develop
the way of thinking, questioning, observing, analyzing and testing which are the elements
of research.

In Addition a Nurse Administrator should:

8. have information about resources (Financial, human, mechanical) available for carrying
research and be able to decide nursing research priorities; to make the best possible use of
these resources.
9. Initiate and facilitate research in areas where research is needed. Provide the appropriate
climate have sufficient understanding of research methods to know what type of research is
appropriate to the investigation of particular problems and from where specialist advice may
be sought.
10. Monitor the progress of research project to ensure that the work is being carried out is
consistent with the agreed objectives.

In Addition Some Nurses should:

11. Acquire skill in application of research technique, so that they can make use of existing
research tools. Ex. Patient opinionative or questionnaire are personality inventories to carry
out similar studies for themselves.
12. Become trained research workers capable of designing tools for nursing research of
leading unit and planning and formulating research policy for the nursing and midwifery
professional capacity.


Nursing is a major component of the health care delivery system and nursing service
are necessary for every client seeking care of any type including health promotion, diagnosis,
treatment and rehabilitation. So, the nurses must be good leaders and managers to provide
quality care to the patients.

Leadership is the art of getting others to do something that you are convinced to be
done. The origin of the word lead is to go. The verb ‘to lead’ can be defined in several ways to
guide, to run in specific direction, to direct, to be first and to open play.

Leadership can be defined as the process of moving a group in some direction through
mostly non-corrosive means.
Gardener(1990) says that the leadership as process of persuasion and by which an
individual (or leadership team) induces a group to pursue objective held by the leader and
his or her followers.
Bennis (2001) says that the leader vision is palpable and seductive that others eagerly
sign on.


There is a need to develop leadership skills in nursing because:
a) Raise the consciousness of nurses
b) For team building
c) Foundation block for nursing practice
d) Increase the body of knowledge.
e) For advocacy in nursing
f) To provide direction
g) Supervision
h) Inspiring the staff
i) Role Model


1. Power at high level
2. Prepare nurses for collective bargaining
3. Make INC and State Nursing Council’s strong and autonomous bodies.
4. A definite number of nurses to be prepared for top management level.
5. Leadership without authority does not get recognition
6. Nursing should have the role
7. Team spirit must be encouraged
8. Nurse managers should be provided with adequate resources
9. Nursing education should match with nursing service
10. The professional associations must prepare nurses
11. To have better coordination.


The nurse leader must:
 Widen nursing horizons:
It is needed to establish lines of communication with other professionals, sectors,
public and policy makers. Interact with like-minded groups and other professional
groups, participate and hold more inter professional meetings and conferences.

 To enhance professional knowledge and skill:

Take clinical specialization from college to hospitals and community, engage in
clinical and field based research rather than education related topics, write widely on
nursing and about nursing, publish more journals, newsletter and books.
 Strive towards professional autonomy
Nurses have to take and accept more responsibility in practice; take up and
encourage independent practice; learn and practice accountability and form network of all
nursing organizations.

 Need to learn new skills

Like public speaking and assertiveness political influence and advocacy for
health negotiations, economical and financial management networking and linking; writing
and publicizing.

The word “manages” came from the word “hand managing” means handling things.

 According to Joseph Massic (1978):
Management is defined as the process by which a cooperative group directs
action towards common goals.

 According to George (1988):

Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating,
activating and controlling performed to determine and accomplish the objectives by
the use of people and resources.

 According to O. Tead:
Management is a process and agency which directs and guides the operation of
an organizations in realizations established aims.


 Have an assigned position within the formal organization.
 Have a legitimate source of power due to delegated authority that accompanies their
 Are expected to carry out specific functions.
 Emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis and results.
 Manipulate individuals, the environment, money, time and other sources to achieve
organizational goals.
 Have a greater formal responsibility and accountability for rationality and control than
 Direct willing and unwilling sub-ordinates.

Henri Fayol (1925) identified the management functions of planning, organization, command,
coordination, control.
Luther Gullick (1937) explained seven activities of management.
Planning – P
Organizing – O
Staffing – S
Directing – D
Coordinating – C
Reporting – R
Budgeting – B

The important functions of management are:
 Planning
 Organizing
 Staffing
 Directing
 Coordinating
 Reporting
 Budgeting
 Problem solving
 Manage Day to Day Operations
 Empower Staff
 Maintain Quality
 Controlling
 Delegating
 Evaluation


Nurses irrespective of their primary job must assume responsibility functions
that are inherent in every nursing job.
1. The nurses in the past used to follow the directions and orders of administrators and
physicians but the changing trends in community needs to produce nursing
administrators who think independently and can solve problems as well as direct other
in goal setting and achievement.
2. The nurse needs to be manager to manage change, resolve conflicts and making
organizational goals, focus on case of patient, support of organization, profession and
oneself as a professional.
3. The increasing complexity of delivery of patient care requires nurse to be a good
manager and needs to be a good manager and needs to be an effective communicator.
4. Management in nurses makes the nurses able to understand the conditions promoting
and innovating the expression of talent among team members.
5. Management helps the nurses to make decisions in an organization and encourage
nurses to determine ways to make the delivery system to function at its best.
6. Management skills help the nurses to provide visibility for organizational goals to
mediate conflict, serve as coach and monitor results.
7. The role of management in nursing is to provide opportunities for managers to manage
their own work and give clear directions to nursing personnel to assume responsibility
in every area of nursing.


Nursing Education
1. Research is an important tool for the continual development of a relevant
body of knowledge in nursing.
2. Research helps to understand a particular nursing situation about which little is
3. Research generates information from nursing investigations which help define the
unique role of nursing as a profession.
4. Research helps in building and expanding the body of nursing knowledge.
5. Research helps to validate and refine the existing knowledge in nursing.
Nursing Service In Community
1. Research may allow nurses to make more informed decisions as each phase of the
nursing process is clarified through research.
2. Research facilitates evaluation of the efficacy of nurses; practice which may articulate
their role in the delivery of health services in community settings.
3. Nursing research helps in understanding the varied dimensions of their profession in
community setting.
Nursing Service In Hospital
1. Another reason for nurses to engage in research involves the spiraling costs of health
care and the cost-containment practices being instituted in health care facilities. With
research, costly trial-an-error and even unsafe interventions are avoided in hospital.
2. Research helps nurses to eliminate nursing actions that do not achieve desired
outcome for patients.
3. Research helps in planning efficient care for patients.

Nursing Education
1. Leadership provides energy to the work of nursing hence helps in advancement in
2. Leadership aids in learning competencies.
3. Leadership also makes learning interesting as well as competitive.
4. Nurse feels herself significant to nursing.
Nursing Service in community
1. Leadership makes the nurse feel significant hence developing the confidence.
2. Leadership empowers the nurse to provide effective service in community settings.
3. Leadership directs the teamwork in community settings and aids in effective work.
Nursing Service In Hospital
1. Leadership empowers the nurse and the client in the professional process.
2. The nurse, client and other health care providers are experienced as a team member
and family.
3. The nurse “pulls” rather than “pushes’ client towards a goal. This pull style energizes
the client to enroll in an exciting vision of the future.

Nursing Education
1. Management helps in planning and organization of nursing education.
2. Since it involves supervision, it also contributes in supervision of effectiveness of
nursing education.
3. Management develops the leading as well as directing quality among the nurses.
4. Develops communicating and motivating ability of nurses.
Nursing Service in Community
1. Management helps in organizing and planning the community services in community
2. Helps to develop leading quality in nurses working at fields.
3. Also helps to maintain team work and effective coordination.
4. Good management avoids any type of misconceptions and faults.
Nursing Service in Hospital
1. Management helps to maintain routine work of patient units in hospitals.
2. Prevents errors as well as maintains cost effectiveness and manpower.
3. Helps to provide well-organized care in hospital settings.
4. Contributes in maintaining coordination between other team members.

From the above reasons, nurses must be prepared to look into matters of research,
leadership and management. Managerial concepts are needed by nurses at all levels. Focus on
how to deal with people, how to manage resources and how to manage one’s job. Research is
needed to change the outlook of nursing profession and widen the horizons of nursing
Sudha R. “Nursing Education Principles and Concepts”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher
(P) Ltd, 2013, Pg.128-132.

Basavanthappa B.T. “Nursing Education”, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publisher (P) Ltd, 2003, Pg.116.

Sharma Suresh K. & Reena Sharma “Nursing Research and Statistics”, Punjab, Elsevier
Publications, Pg. 10-11.

Neeraja K.P. “Textbook of Nursing Education”, 1 st Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical

Publisher (P) Ltd, Pg.5-10.

Basheer P. “A concise textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice”, Emmess Medical Publishers,

Bangalore. Pg.42-50.

Basavanthappa B.T. “Nursing Research”, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publisher (P) Ltd, 2003, Pg.27-29.

Basavanthappa B.T. “Nursing Administration”, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publisher (P) Ltd, 2003, Pg.654

Role of Research in nursing, https://search?q=role+of+research

Role of management, https://search?q=role+of+management

Role of leadership, , https://search?q=role+of+leadership

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