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All we need is hope

For over a week now the radio had been getting the same message. A military outpost not 200 miles
away is still sanding and the soldiers have an offer too good to ignore. They claim to be defending
possibly the last group of scientists working on a cure and are willing to take in survivors in exchange
for aid in defending the camp and lab. If what they say is true, they have high walls, food, medicine. It
might even be safe. Most of all there is hope.

That night our group made a choice. We are leaving our camp and facing what comes. We all agree,
the journey might kill us but if we stay death will come for certain.

Come dawn we set out. We will take what we can carry and scavenge what we need along the way.
And hope, just hope it’s not a lie …….

Design note After my first attempt at making a solo play mode I noticed some glaring flaws that
needed to be addressed but love the random card aspect and wanted to find out how it could be
implemented better in a more standardised game format. I stripped it all back and started for scratch
and this is what I have. The game would play almost exactly as a normal game minus an opponent.

Your primary objective would be just to move off the other table edge You would draw 1/2/3 cards
after deployment depending on how hard a game you would wish to play. The campaign would end
after you have cleared the deck.

The important bits

Team Build- team your team as normal

Ignore rules for camps population limit and such

Table 3x3 or larger I have been playing on a 4x4 and found it ideal though I have tried twice on a 6x4
south and north being the 4 foot edges but found some events became very hard to handle namely

Terrain – I had fun trying to have terrain shift from city, town fields and forests and back again as my
group move from town to town the only required terrain is 3/6 cars for event spawning,

Supply tokens and initial zombies – Place d3+3 tokens on the table, ideally in locations that make
sense rather than in the middle of the street. If you have stores or a police station feel free to have
2/3 tokens near each other just don’t have all tokens in the one spot. Place a dozen zombies over the
table, only use 9 if playing on 3x3

Deployment – Pick and edge and deploy within six inches of it, refer to this edge as the south side for
the mission, Deployment of events will be stated in there listing

Objective – Escape the table for the north side with as much loot as you can

Time frame – I wanted the game to be open ended (though not the 200turns of my first efforts) so
there is no time frame, but to add to the sense of impending doom after turn 8 all zombies that
spawn will double. After turn 10 for each zombie that would be placed add two others. The idea
being it might be worth hanging around an extra turn or two more then need to get some extra loot
but hang around too long and you I’ll get swarmed.
Post-game Recruiting – You can only recruit a new member after escorting a model off the table
Models being rescued are treated as having survivor stats and a knife only after they have been
recruited is there role decided This means there is a limit on how often you can find more people.

There is no stash/ safe house all items not carried by a model are considered lost

Each model can carry two one handed weapons and a two handed weapon each weapon after
confers a heavy 1 penalty per item

After deployment draw several cards depending on how hard you want the game to be and apply
their effects when and where stated on each one. All card numbers have an effect and becomes
more severe each time that number is drawn Example each horde card drawn adds to the number of
zombies in the horde, till you draw the fourth one and you have two hordes show up at once.

• Aces: a horde has been spotted moving in your direction get through before it cuts off your means
of escape Where east or west table edge roll off on a d6 When the horde arrives on turn 3 Effect
deploy 6/8/10 zombies on east or west table edge on fourth draw of an ace deploy two hordes of 10
zombies one on east and one on west

• twos: As your group continues forward, they here a cry for help. Trapped on a car a lone survivor is
surrounded by zombies. Roll off for a random car on the table. When placed soon as cards are drawn
place an extra zombie of each facing of the car Effect the hapless survivor has the profile of a survivor
with a knife and revolver While the car is surrounded, he is too scared to act. Once all zombies are
out of bsb with the car he is treated as being part of your team for the rest of the game. If you can
get him off the table, he can be recruited, OR he can leave to join another group. In this case he
rewards d3 supplies roll for number of supplies after choosing

• Threes: Armoured zombies. A group of riot police were trapped and turned in the area. Watch out
as there armour still protects them Where pick a random spot on the table 12 inches away from a
table edge and others event, preferably near a cop car or others logical location. Effect d3 +3
armoured zombies, plus 1 per 3card already drawn . If all armoured zombies are taken out of action
the finale one drops a loot token Armoured zombies are treated as normal zombie but ignore any
bonuses to lobo when trying to put them down

• Four: Snipers. As your group continues on the search for safety they are pinned down by silenced
rifle fire. Where The highest point of the table with good line of site, not within 18 inches of the
south table edge. Effect X number of models armed with X depending on the times flipped. Snipers
always target the easiest to hit non-zombie model. As all weapons are silent and there elevated
position snipers are ignored by zombies.

1st flip survivor silenced hunting rifle and a knife

2nd flip survivor silenced high powered rifle and knife

3rd flip survivalist silenced high powered rifle and knife

4th flip two survivalist silenced high powered rifles and knifes

There is 1 suppliy in all sniper nest

•Five: Road block. A group in the local area has been holding up people as they try to escape the
chaos. Go around and leave them be or deal with them but best do it quick. Place hostile in the
centre of the table with a few barricades for cover Hostile will not leave the barricades but will shoot
at the closest target. If no target is visible place in Overwatch. Group consists of gang members. On
each draw their gear and numbers are upgraded.

1st 5 gangers all with knives 2 have semi auto pistols 1 a hunting rifle 1 pump action shot gun 1
surplus smg

2nd 6 gangers all haves knifes 2 semi auto pistols 2 surplus assault rifles 2 surplus smgs

3rd 5 gangers knifes 2 surplus smgs 2 surplus assault rifles 2 pump action shot guns 2 thugs with
swords and magnums

4th 4 gangers 2 surplus assault rifles 2 military smgs 4 brutes 2 pump action shotguns 1 light machine
gun 1 military assault rifle

• Six: Hot on our heals Some one has picked up your trail stand and fight or run as fast as u can
Where south table edge When menace phase 3 How many use groups from road block rather then
staying in the barricades the thugs act like zombies but reload then walk for there action points move
towards the closest model out of your group when shooting target the closest model zombie or
human ignoring zombies over 9 inches away

• Seven: Zombie dogs. Just when u thought zombies where bad enough now your group has
stumbled upon a pack of zombie dogs. Where roll of east west table edge When 3rd turn How many
4/5/6/6 both edges zombie dogs are treated as dogs but with using all other rules for zombies

• Eight: Bear Where 12 inches from a table edge When on card draw Bears are treated as zombies
with a slightly different profile


5. 5. 0. 5. *. 3. 5. 0

• Nine People in cages Your group find another survivor trapped in a cage surrounded by zombies
Where 12 inches from a board edge When on card draw. Place a tapped survivor and 5 zombies
around them. Until all zombies in three inches are removed the survivors is treated as trapped. While
in the cage the survivors screams cause noise 1 . Once out of the cage treat as normal
• Ten: Weather. A wild storm can be seen of in the distance but it’s closing fast When roll a d6 at the
start of each menace phase 6+ first turn 5+ second and so on. On a successful roll the storm has hit,
ist effect stays for the rest of the game.

1st night time all range is halved to a min of 6 inches add plus one to all sound checks as the noise
carries on the night breeze example a running model would generate 1 noise for running and 1 noise
for the echo

2nd blistering heat every time a model makes a run move or moves with a heavy item model suffers
a sth 1 hit at the end of his action

3rd midnight storm all the effects of night time but models outside can’t run due to the slippery
ground and any model that ends ist turn in the open has a chance to be stuck by lightning or falling
branches Roll a d6 for models in the open after moving them. On a 1, they are stuck at sth 3

4th snow storm half range no running and models that stay still suffer 1 heavy per turn they stay still
for the rest of the match as their muscles seize up

• Jacks: Supply drop. Moving forward your group starts to hear a loud siren wailing in the distance as
you get closer your group sees a bundle of supplies with a siren attached Where 12 inches from a
table edge When on card draw. 3 supplies tokens and a siren between them the siren counts as noise
3 siren can be turned off on a 5+ for 2 APs

• Queens It’s not like they need it now. Your group stumbles across a survivor camp that was over
run Place 6 zombies on their side 12 inches away from a table edge. Members of your group can
search the zombies on their side. On a 4+ they have a loot token on a 3 or less stand the zombie up
the looter is treated as being in combat with the zombie

• Kings

Anger of the hungry dead

For this event all zombies are treated as having + 1 to there cqc and +1 to there ap

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