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Spooky action at a distance

“Relations are made in heaven “

Everyone heard this statement when we are in childhood .This statement
took seriously by electrons/photons at micro level .Particles are entangled
means measurement on one effect the state of other.
This can be understand by considering a simple example, Suppose i have
two suitcase with me, in one suitcase I have socks of left foot and other have
of right foot and both suits are identical in all ways .Now I decided to give
two suitcase to two persons and they don’t know who have which
suitcase ,now i send both of them to two poles North and South and tell them
to open both suitcase after reaching destination .Person A arrived at North
Pole and open his suitcase and he found left foot socks now without
opening he knew that person B at south pole has right foot socks.
Same condition is with protons/electrons that they are identical and made
for each other means altering the first one state we can knew what’s
happening at other end.
Reason for the same couldn’t be figured out but by using this we can
advance in technologies such as quantum computing.
For Quantum computing we need quantum algorithms and these can be
realized using single encoded with two qubits (two level quantum systems)
One with orbital angular momentum and other spin both entangled .Now
these entangled photon states can be generated using metasurfaces made of
high-refractive index dielectrics, which do not involve any plasmonic
decoherence or loss
This is just one drop in ocean we can use entangled electrons or photons in
many ways.
Thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed it and learnt something new
from this blog. For more content follow me I will not let you down.

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