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In computer science, a library is a collection of non-volatile resources used by computer programs,

often for software development. These may include configuration data, documentation, help data,
message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, classes, values or type specifications. In IBM's
OS/360 and its successors they are referred to as partitioned data sets.

A library is also a collection of implementations of behavior, written in terms of a language, that has a

interface by which the behavior is invoked. For instance, people who want to write a higher-level
program can use a library to make system calls instead of implementing those system calls over and over
again. In addition, the behavior is provided for reuse by multiple independent programs. A program
invokes the library-provided behavior via a mechanism of the language. For example, in a
simple imperative language such as C, the behavior in a library is invoked by using C's normal function-
call. What distinguishes the call as being to a library function, versus being to another function in the
same program, is the way that the code is organized in the system.

In information technology, a backup, or data backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored
elsewhere so that it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. The verb form, referring
to the process of doing so, is "back up", whereas the noun and adjective form is "backup".[1] Backups
can be used to recover data after its loss from data deletion or corruption, or to recover data from an
earlier time. [2] Backups provide a simple form of disaster recovery; however not all backup systems are
able to reconstitute a computer system or other complex configuration such as a computer
cluster, active directory server, or database server.[3]

A backup system contains at least one copy of all data considered worth saving. The data
storage requirements can be large. An information repository model may be used to provide structure
to this storage. There are different types of data storage devices used for copying backups of data that is
already in secondary storage onto archive files.[note 1][4] There are also different ways these devices
can be arranged to provide geographic dispersion, data security, and portability.

Data is selected, extracted, and manipulated for storage. The process can include methods for dealing
with live data, including open files, as well as compression, encryption, and de-duplication. Additional
techniques apply to enterprise client-server backup. Backup schemes may include dry runs that validate
the reliability of the data being backed up. There are limitations[5] and human factors involved in any
backup scheme.

Q1b. Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of proposed project or

system. Feasibility study is one of stage among important four stages of Software Project Management
Process. As name suggests feasibility study is the feasibility analysis or it is a measure of the software
product in terms of how much beneficial product development will be for the organization in a practical
point of view. Feasibility study is carried out based on many purposes to analyze whether software
product will be right in terms of development, implantation, contribution of project to the organization

Types of Feasibility Study : 

The feasibility study mainly concentrates on below five mentioned areas. Among these Economic
Feasibility Study is most important part of the feasibility analysis and Legal Feasibility Study is less
considered feasibility analysis. 

Technical Feasibility – 

In Technical Feasibility current resources both hardware software along with required technology are
analyzed/assessed to develop project. This technical feasibility study gives report whether there exists
correct required resources and technologies which will be used for project development. Along with
this, feasibility study also analyzes technical skills and capabilities of technical team, existing technology
can be used or not, maintenance and up-gradation is easy or not for chosen technology etc. 

Operational Feasibility – 

In Operational Feasibility degree of providing service to requirements is analyzed along with how much
easy product will be to operate and maintenance after deployment. Along with this other operational
scopes are determining usability of product, Determining suggested solution by software development
team is acceptable or not etc. 

Economic Feasibility – 

In Economic Feasibility study cost and benefit of the project is analyzed. Means under this feasibility
study a detail analysis is carried out what will be cost of the project for development which includes all
required cost for final development like hardware and software resource required, design and
development cost and operational cost and so on. After that it is analyzed whether project will be
beneficial in terms of finance for organization or not. 

Legal Feasibility – 

In Legal Feasibility study project is analyzed in legality point of view. This includes analyzing barriers of
legal implementation of project, data protection acts or social media laws, project certificate, license,
copyright etc. Overall it can be said that Legal Feasibility Study is study to know if proposed project
conform legal and ethical requirements. 

Schedule Feasibility – 

In Schedule Feasibility Study mainly timelines/deadlines is analyzed for proposed project which includes
how many times teams will take to complete final project which has a great impact on the organization
as purpose of project may fail if it can’t be completed on time

Q2.  Programming is an art, although we can learn and taught it, but the creativity and problem solving
skills are God gifted.

Steps Involved in Programming

Analyzing the Problem

Algorithm design / Pseudo code




Final output


1. Analyzing the Problem

This is the first step of programming and involves getting the following information

These things are very important for the programmer because it provides him the basis for planning
about the programming and to control the potential difficulties that may arise.

2. Algorithm Design

In this stage all the instructions which are to be perform at different stages are listed. These are in
simple English language. We may call it as a strategy.

3. Flowchart

It is a graphical tool that shows the steps/stages which are to be executed in a program. All the steps
which are written in the second stage are now presented in a diagrammatic manner so as to make it
easily understandable. Making of flowchart helps us in increasing our process of program development
because it facilitates us to define the logic, detecting and removing errors in a program design.

Types of flow chart

System Flowchart shows the processing of entire system. It describes the input/output devices, the
media being used and the flow of data in the system.

Program flowchart shows the complete steps involved in the execution of a program including I/O,
processing, loops and branching. It is more detailed than system flowchart.

4. Coding

In this step programmer writes the instructions in a computer language to solve the problem. All coding
process depends upon the information we obtained in previous steps. Choice of language depends upon
the requirements and facilities available with a language.

5. Debugging

In this stage we remove all the errors in the program because when we are coding, there are chances
that some mistakes may occur at that time. Here the program is executed manually, called DRY RUN.
This is done several times until all the errors are removed from the program and the system become
errors less.

6. Testing

In this stage we test the program by entering dummy data (includes usual, unusual and invalid data) to
check the behavior and result of the program towards the given data.

7. Final Output

After going through all the above stages, the program is given the TRUE DATA. Here the programmer
expects the positive results of the program and expects full efficiency of the program.

8. Documentation
Most of the programmer neglect this stage by giving many reasons, but this is very important because
this will help the programmer to correct the problems that may occur in the program.

Q3. Structured programming is a programming paradigm aimed at improving the clarity, quality, and
development time of a computer program by making extensive use of the structured control
flow constructs of selection (if/then/else) and repetition (while and for), block structures,
and subroutines.

It emerged in the late 1950s with the appearance of the ALGOL 58 and ALGOL 60 programming
languages,[1] with the latter including support for block structures. Contributing factors to its popularity
and widespread acceptance, at first in academia and later among practitioners, include the discovery of
what is now known as the structured program theorem in 1966,[2] and the publication of the influential
"Go To Statement Considered Harmful" open letter in 1968 by Dutch computer scientist Edsger W.
Dijkstra, who coined the term "structured programming".[3]

Structured programming is most frequently used with deviations that allow for clearer programs in
some particular cases, such as when exception handling has to be performed.

 Q4. (I) Algorithm.

An algorithm is a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act
as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or
software-based routines.

Algorithms are widely used throughout all areas of IT. In mathematics and computer science, an
algorithm usually refers to a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem. Algorithms are also
used as specifications for performing data processing and play a major role in automated systems.

An algorithm could be used for sorting sets of numbers or for more complicated tasks, like
recommending user content on social media. Algorithms typically start with initial input and
instructions that describe a specific computation. When the computation is executed, the process
produces an output
(Ii) Flowchart

It is a graphical tool that shows the steps/stages which are to be executed in a program. All the steps
which are written in the second stage are now presented in a diagrammatic manner so as to make it
easily understandable. Making of flowchart helps us in increasing our process of program development
because it facilitates us to define the logic, detecting and removing errors in a program design.

(III) pseudo code


Q6. 5 + 4 * 5 / 4 + 3

Using the precedence order of arithmetic operator,

= 5 + 20 / 4 + 3 ( using left to right execution when multiplication, division and modulo have the same
level of precedence)

= 5+5+3

= 13

Q7. When there is more than one arithmetic operator in an expression; multiplication, division, and
modulo are calculated first, followed by subtraction and addition. If all arithmetic operators in an
expression have the same level of precedence, the order of execution is left to right.


back•up". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2018.
Retrieved 9 May 2018.

^ S. Nelson (2011). "Chapter 1: Introduction to Backup and Recovery". Pro Data Backup and Recovery.
Apress. pp. 1–16. ISBN 978-1-4302-2663-5. Retrieved 8 May 2018.

^ Cougias, D.J.; Heiberger, E.L.; Koop, K. (2003). "Chapter 1: What's a Disaster Without a Recovery?". The
Backup Book: Disaster Recovery from Desktop to Data Center. Network Frontiers. pp. 1–14. ISBN 0-
^ a b c Joe Kissell (2007). Take Control of Mac OS X Backups (PDF) (Version 2.0 ed.). Ithaca, NY: TidBITS
Electronic Publishing. pp. 18–20 ("The Archive", meaning information repository, including versioning),
24 (client-server), 82–83 (archive file), 112–114 (Off-site storage backup rotation scheme), 126–141 (old
Retrospect terminology and GUI—still used in Windows variant), 165 (client-server), 128 (subvolume—
later renamed Favorite Folder in Macintosh variant). ISBN 978-0-9759503-0-2. Retrieved 17 May 2019.

^ Terry Sullivan (11 January 2018). "A Beginner's Guide to Backing Up Photos". The New York Times. a
hard drive ... an established company ... declared bankruptcy ... where many ... had .

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