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Common Expressions and Phrases:

Could you please repeat what you said?

Could you please speak slower?
I am not understanding, could you try to explain it again?

Common Phrases at the Grocery Store:

Can you help me find the ________?

I would like to return this item for a refund.
Could you check the price of this item for me, please?
The price of this item is incorrect, could you check it for me?
Do you have this________ in a size (xs-extra-small, small, medium,
large, xl-extra-large)?
Do you have any new products?
Can I try this/these on in the dressing room?
Do you have any more ________ out back (warehouse/storage
Is there any more (example: tofu) out back or do you know when you
will be getting more in?

Responses if you are asked these questions while shopping:

Question: Do you need a bag today?

Response: No thank-you, I brought my own.

Question: How are you paying today? Debit, credit, cash?

Response: I am paying by ________.
Canada Service Office:

I’m here to talk about Canadian Child Benefits.


I would like to deposit this cheque into my bank account (example -

Child Benefit).
I would like to withdraw $_____ from my bank account.
I would like to apply for a (credit or debit) card.

Thistle Hyundai (Car):

I would like to make an appointment to have my car serviced.

Hospital (Emergency Room/Outpatients):

Where would I find the emergency room/outpatients?

*When the triage nurse asks you why you are at the hospital, you can
answer with this:
My daughter has trouble breathing. She has a cough and phlegm.
She uses a puffer to help with her asthma and allergies. We hope to
see a doctor as soon as possible.

Post Office:

I am here to pick up a package.

I would like to mail this package. What is the best way to send it?
I would like to have a receipt with a tracking number, please.
Inviting Friends to Do Something:

Would you like to go for coffee? (then discuss when/where).

Would you like to come over to my house for a visit?

Inviting Your Children’s Friends:

We are celebrating (son/daughter’s name) birthday on (date/time) at
(location) and we would like for you to come.
(son/daughter’s name) would like to invite (their child’s name) over to
our house to play.


Calling the school: Hello, I’m calling to excuse my (son/daughter)

from school today. He/she is home sick. His/her name is _________.

Sending in a note: Please excuse (son/daughter’s name) from

school on (write the dates they were absent). He/she was (ex. sick).
Thank you, (sign your name).

Hello, I will be picking (son/daughter’s name) up early from school on


Hello, I’m (writing or calling) to let you know that my (son/daughter)

will be absent from school on (list the dates) because we will be
traveling. Please send home any work they will miss while they are
absent. (Thank you, sign your name if sending a note).

Visiting the Gym:

I am here to use the gym.

Hair Salon:

Hello, I’d like to make an appointment for (ex. My husband, myself,

my son/daughter) to have their haircut. What do you have available?

Eating at a Restaurant:

Our table is dirty. Could you please wipe it off?

Could I please have some more water?

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