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Predicting Treatment Response in Social

Anxiety Disorder From Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Oliver Doehrmann, PhD; Satrajit S. Ghosh, PhD; Frida E. Polli, PhD; Gretchen O. Reynolds, BA; Franziska Horn, BSc;
Anisha Keshavan, BSc; Christina Triantafyllou, PhD; Zeynep M. Saygin, PhD; Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, PhD;
Stefan G. Hofmann, PhD; Mark Pollack, MD; John D. Gabrieli, PhD

Context: Current behavioral measures poorly predict Main Outcome Measures: Whole-brain regression
treatment outcome in social anxiety disorder (SAD). To analyses with differential fMRI responses for angry vs neu-
our knowledge, this is the first study to examine neuro- tral faces and changes in Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
imaging-based treatment prediction in SAD. score as the treatment outcome measure.

Objective: To measure brain activation in patients with Results: Pretreatment responses significantly pre-
SAD as a biomarker to predict subsequent response to dicted subsequent treatment outcome of patients selec-
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). tively for social stimuli and particularly in regions of
higher-order visual cortex. Combining the brain mea-
Design: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) sures with information on clinical severity accounted for
data were collected prior to CBT intervention. Changes more than 40% of the variance in treatment response and
substantially exceeded predictions based on clinical mea-
in clinical status were regressed on brain responses and
sures at baseline. Prediction success was unaffected by
tested for selectivity for social stimuli.
testing for potential confounding factors such as depres-
sion severity at baseline.
Setting: Patients were treated with protocol-based CBT
at anxiety disorder programs at Boston University or Mas- Conclusions: The results suggest that brain imaging can
sachusetts General Hospital and underwent neuroimag- provide biomarkers that substantially improve predic-
ing data collection at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- tions for the success of cognitive behavioral interven-
nology. tions and more generally suggest that such biomarkers
may offer evidence-based, personalized medicine ap-
Patients: Thirty-nine medication-free patients meet- proaches for optimally selecting among treatment op-
ing DSM-IV criteria for the generalized subtype of SAD. tions for a patient.

Interventions: Brain responses to angry vs neutral faces JAMA Psychiatry. 2013;70(1):87-97. Author Aff
or emotional vs neutral scenes were examined with fMRI Published online September 3, 2012. Institute fo
prior to initiation of CBT. doi:10.1001/2013.jamapsychiatry.5 Poitras Cen
Disorders R

OCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER Possibly the major reason for the large
Gabrieli an
(SAD), one of the most com- interindividual differences in treatment re- Horn, and K
mon psychiatric conditions in sponsiveness are variations within cur- Departmen
the United States,1 is a chronic rent psychiatric disease categories, which Cognitive S
and disabling disorder associ- are present at all levels (genetic, neuro- Doehrmann
ated with substantial impairment, de- biological, and phenotypic). This funda- and Gabrie
creased quality of life, and psychiatric co- mental variability is not well understood Institute of
morbidity.2-5 The 2 gold-standard treatments but is likely to be essential for understand- Radiology, M
for SAD are cognitive behavioral therapy ing etiologies and enhancing treatments General Ho
(CBT) and pharmacotherapy. Both treat- for these diseases.9 Noninvasive neuroim- Martinos C
ment modalities are similarly but only mod- aging measures may provide important in- Medical Sch
erately effective, with a large proportion of dices of patient variation (biomarkers or Triantafyllo
patients remaining symptomatic after the neuromarkers) because psychiatric dis- of Psycholo
initial intervention.6-8 Although such treat- eases can be conceptualized as brain dis- and Hofma
ments are superior to placebo on average, orders, and brain structure and function Departmen
Author Affiliations are listed at no reliable predictor of treatment response reflect both genetic and environmental in- University
the end of this article. has been identified. fluences on current behavior. Chicago, Ill



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Some studies using neuromarkers have reported prom- relative to neutral faces, convey disapproval and are likely
ising findings that likely captured meaningful varia- to evoke excessive fear responses and negative cogni-
tions across individuals who shared a diagnosis and that tions in patients with SAD. Also, means to downregu-
could allow for improved prognosis in patients with a late these responses are learned during CBT.
range of behavioral disorders. For instance, in schizo- A robust, clinically useful model should predict im-
phrenia, neuromarkers have been used to identify indi- provement for any individual prior to treatment selec-
viduals at high risk for the disease, predict onset of psy- tion. We used cross-validated machine-learning tech-
chosis in high-risk individuals,10 and predict treatment niques to develop and test such a prediction model that
outcome.11 In depression, neuromarkers have predicted can predict CBT outcome based on an individual’s brain
recovery from the disease 8 months later12 and CBT or activation and score on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
drug treatment response.13-15 Furthermore, neuromark- (LSAS).30 We also examined the specificity of findings
ers have been used to predict the likelihood of relapse by comparing brain activation responses to social stimuli
in drug addiction.16 Finally, neuromarkers have also been (faces) with those to nonsocial emotional scene stimuli
successfully applied outside the domain of psychiatry. and how much prediction accuracy is improved by using
In dyslexia, evoked-response potentials measured in new- brain activation values relative to a standard rating scale,
borns17 and prereading children18 with familial risk have namely initial SAD severity.
predicted language and reading scores years later. Simi- Taken together, to our knowledge, we report the first
lar prediction success over multiple years was reported data on neuromarkers for treatment responses to CBT
with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in in a large sample of patients with SAD. Based on the hy-
dyslexic participants.19 pothesis that brain activation could be a more sensitive
Considering the high prevalence of anxiety disor- measure for revealing interindividual variability in SAD
ders, surprisingly few studies have thus far correlated neu- pathology relevant for treatment response, we expected
roimaging with treatment outcome for this class of dis- fMRI-guided predictions of treatment responsiveness to
orders. Generalized anxiety disorder has been studied exceed those based on conventional clinical assess-
most extensively in this context20,21 with a focus on pre- ments and self-reports.
dictions for pharmacological treatment outcome. These
outcome predictions for generalized anxiety disorder and
other anxiety disorders22 were reported primarily for a METHODS
priori regions of interest in the amygdala and anterior
cingulate cortex. SUBJECTS
In the present study, we asked whether fMRI could
better predict treatment outcome of CBT in SAD than cur- Outpatients were recruited from 2 recruitment sites, the Center
rent clinical measures alone. To this end, 39 patients with for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University (n=23)
generalized SAD underwent an fMRI session in which they and the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress at the Massa-
viewed faces or scenes with either neutral or negative emo- chusetts General Hospital (n = 18). Patients gave written in-
tional valence (anger in the case of faces). Given the dis- formed consent to all procedures, which were approved by the
internal review boards of all 3 sites. Data from all 41 patients with
sociable representations of faces and scenes in the ex- SAD (generalized subtype) who were scanned and who com-
trastriate visual cortex both for neutral and emotional pleted the CBT study were included in these analyses. Nine ad-
stimuli,23 this paradigm allowed assessing the category ditional scanned patients (⬍20%) dropped out of treatment early.
selectivity of outcome-predictive brain responses. Based Patients were not taking concurrent psychotropic medica-
on previous findings using face stimuli with patients with tion for at least 2 weeks prior to the scan session and CBT ini-
SAD24,25 and because of the social nature of the disorder, tiation. Consistent with an earlier study involving both clini-
we hypothesized that stimuli with social content (faces) cal sites,31 diagnoses were confirmed at the Massachusetts
would be of higher relevance for treatment prediction than General Hospital with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-
those lacking this content (scenes without people). Fur- IV32 or at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders with
ther, we expected that brain regions identified as dys- the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV.33 Sever-
ity of social anxiety was measured using the clinician-
functional in prior neuroimaging studies of SAD might administered version of the LSAS,30 which was also used as the
provide predictive information about treatment re- dependent variable for analyses. Clinical assessments took place
sponse. These brain regions include the amygdala and both immediately prior to and after 12 weekly treatment ses-
other limbic brain structures26 and cortical regions in the sions with group-based CBT (see eAppendix [http://www
occipital, temporal, and frontal lobes, which have been] for details of clinical assessments). Neuro-
implicated in emotion processing.24,25,27,28 imaging data for 1 participant were discarded from analysis
Patients participated in 12 weekly CBT sessions ac- because of a suboptimal slice prescription resulting in incom-
cording to a standardized protocol-based group treat- plete coverage of the most dorsal and ventral portions of the
ment.29 Measures of social anxiety, obtained prior to and brain. Treatment gain (LSAS score at pretreatment [LSAS-pre]
after therapy sessions to assess treatment-related changes, minus LSAS score at posttreatment [LSAS-post]=change in LSAS
score [LSAS-change]) for 1 participant was more than 3 SDs
were correlated with brain-activation data collected at pre- higher than the average in our sample. Because of the high sen-
treatment. Based on findings from previous studies com- sitivity of regression analyses to outliers, this participant was
paring patients with SAD and controls, we hypoth- also excluded, leaving an overall sample size of 39 patients (14
esized that a regression analysis based on the differential female; additional information provided in eTable 1).
signal for angry vs neutral faces would allow the most Unrelated to the objective of this analysis, patients were
successful treatment response prediction. Angry faces, randomized to receive either placebo or the antibiotic



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Negative scene Neutral scene Angry face Neutral face Potent scene

+ + + ... + +

15 s

S + S + S + S + S + S + S + S

1250 ms 1250 ms

Figure 1. The functional magnetic resonance imaging task. A, Examples of stimuli for each category and color code. B and C, Visualization of stimulation blocks
that cycled through all 5 experimental conditions, block timing within a block, and visualization of stimulus (S) timing within a block.

D-cycloserine prior to 5 of the CBT sessions. D-Cycloserine has at ceiling (mean [SD] correct, 96.1% [0.08]) for this task with
been shown to have a facilitative effect on the outcome of CBT little variation between experimental conditions (P⬎.10 for all
for a variety of anxiety disorders including SAD.31 In all analy- paired t tests).
ses, the effect of treatment group (D-cycloserine or placebo) was
explicitly accounted for. IMAGING
Structural and Functional Image Acquisition
For the fMRI task (Figure 1), color face images came from
the NimStim stimulus set34 and color images of scenes, from Imaging was conducted with a 3-T Siemens TIM Trio system
the International Affective Picture System.35 Overall, 5 differ- at the Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center at McGovern In-
ent types of images were included in the experiment: (1) nega- stitute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
tive emotional (angry) faces, (2) neutral faces, (3) negative emo- ogy. A 32-channel birdcage head coil was used for image ac-
tional scenes, (4) neutral scenes, and (5) more intensively quisition.
negative emotional scenes. Details on properties and assess- One high-resolution structural image was acquired using a
ments of the stimuli are in the eAppendix and eTable 2. T1-weighted 3-dimensional radio-frequency spoiled gradient-
During the imaging experiment, stimuli were projected using echo magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient
a Hitachi (CP-X1200 series) projector and displayed on a rear echo sequence that optimized the contrast for a range of tissue
projection screen that was visible for the subject in a supine properties. The pulse sequence was configured as follows: rep-
position via a tilted mirror fixed to the head coil. Each of the 5 etition time = 2530 milliseconds, echo time = 3.39 millisec-
experimental conditions consisted of 30 stimuli presented in onds, flip angle = 9⬚, field of view = 256 ⫻ 256 mm, one hun-
six 15-second blocks of 6 stimuli. Each image was presented dred seventy-six 1⫻1 mm in-plane sagittal slices, and 1 mm
for 1250 milliseconds, followed by 1250 milliseconds of fixa- thickness. Total scan time for this was approximately 8 min-
tion. The experimental run started and finished with 1 fixa- utes.
tion block, and each full cycle of 5 blocks (1 for each condi- Functional images were collected using a gradient-echo T2*-
tion) was separated by 1 fixation block. The whole run comprised weighted sequence (repetition time=2500 milliseconds, echo
37 blocks: 6 blocks per condition plus 7 blocks of fixation. One time=30 milliseconds, and flip angle=90⬚). Twenty-seven con-
of 2 fixed orders of experimental blocks was used for each par- tiguous oblique slices (voxel size: 1.7⫻1.7⫻4.5 mm) were ac-
ticipant with 1 block order being the reverse of the other. quired interleaved; oblique orientation was defined as a −30⬚
Participants performed a 1-back task while in the scanner. to −40⬚ tilt from a slice parallel to the intercomissural plane.
For each stimulation block, participants had to indicate via but- Sequences included prospective acquisition correction for head
ton press the repetition of 1 stimulus. Participants performed motion.36



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r = 0.37; P = .02 r = 0.35
80 80

LSAS-change Predicted
LSAS-change 60
30 40

D P P +
D 0
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
LSAS-pre LSAS-change Actual

Figure 2. Relation and prediction using Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale30 (LSAS) scores. A, Relation of initial social anxiety disorder severity score (LSAS-pre) to
treatment effectiveness (change in LSAS score [LSAS-change]). DCS indicates D-cycloserine; and P, placebo. Left and bottom panels of part A: box plots of
LSAS-change and LSAS-pre for each group. B, Relation between predicted LSAS-change from cross-validated model and actual LSAS-change using LSAS-pre and
group information only.

Data Preprocessing plus a topological correction procedure39 was applied to ac-

count for false positives and limit the false discovery rate (FDR)
Data analysis was done using Statistical Parametric Mapping of the resulting clusters to q(FDR)=0.05.
version 8 (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, To create a robust and generalizable prediction model, the The analysis was implemented in subject-specific contrast images were used in a nested cross-
Nipype,37 a Python-based framework that permits efficient batch validation analysis that ensured separation between training and
processing and integration of several neuroimaging analysis testing data (procedure schematized in eFigure 1). Prediction
packages ( analysis was performed using scikit.learn40 and its signifi-
Functional images from each participant were realigned using cance was assessed using an approximate permutation test.41
a 2-pass procedure to the mean functional image and coregis-
tered to the anatomical image using a rigid-body transforma- RESULTS
tion. Structural data were segmented and normalized to Mon-
treal Neurological Institute space using the Statistical Parametric
Mapping unified segmentation algorithm.38 A Python imple- TREATMENT RESPONSE AND PREDICTION
mentation of the Artifact Detection Tools (http://www.nitrc FROM INITIAL SEVERITY
.org/projects/artifact_detect) available via Nipype was used to
detect outliers (composite volume-to-volume motion ⬎1 mm
Patients’ LSAS scores after CBT were reduced signifi-
and intensity ⬎3 SDs) in the functional time-series data and
remove them from the analysis. On average, only 5.2 (SD, 9.7) cantly (t38 = 14.13; P⬍ .001) (eTable 1). The reductions
time points per subject were excluded as outliers so that across occurred for both LSAS subscales (fear: t 38 = 11.76;
the 39 subjects, 202 time points (2.3%) were excluded. A spa- P ⬍.001; avoidance: t38 =13.94; P⬍ .001) but were sig-
tial smoothing kernel of 6 mm (full width at half maximum) nificantly greater for the avoidance than the fear sub-
was applied to the functional data. The time series in each voxel scale (t38 =4.04; P⬍.001).
was high-pass filtered with a cutoff at 1/128 Hz. The LSAS-pre was positively and significantly (r=0.37)
Subject-specific first-level analysis was then applied using a correlated with LSAS-change (the difference between
general linear model approach. Regressors for each of the 5 ex- LSAS-pre and LSAS-post) (Figure 2A), accounting for
perimental conditions were entered into the design matrix after approximately 12% of the variance in treatment re-
convolving with the canonical Statistical Parametric Mapping he-
sponse (adjusted R2 =0.1162; P=.02). The LSAS-pre scores
modynamic response function. Motion parameters and outliers
as detected by Artifact Detection Tools were included in the model were similar for the D-cycloserine and placebo groups (F
as nuisance variables. Beta images modeling the contribution of (1,37) =0.08; P =.77), and there was a trend for greater im-
each experimental condition were submitted to further analysis provement in the D-cycloserine group (F(1,37) = 3.02;
for contrasts of interests, in particular for responses to angry vs P =.09). Adding the interaction of treatment group and
neutral faces and emotional vs neutral scenes. LSAS-pre to the regression analysis explained an addi-
Details of the experimental approach are specified in the eAp- tional 8% of variance (adjusted R2 =0.20; P=.01), and this
pendix and eFigure 1. Subject-specific contrast images were sub- increase was significant (F1,37 =4.63; P⬍ .04). The addi-
mitted to random-effects second-level statistics. We entered the tion of other potentially relevant parameters such as sex,
contrast images into an analysis of covariance regressing LSAS- initial depression scores (from the Montgomery-Åsberg
change onto brain responses, controlling for the effect of ini-
Depression Rating Scale), and the presence or absence
tial severity (LSAS-pre) and treatment group (D-cycloserine vs
placebo). The treatment group was controlled through an in- of comorbid anxiety disorders to the regression analysis
teraction with both LSAS-change and LSAS-pre using a design did not significantly change the amount of explained vari-
matrix with separate columns for D-cycloserine and placebo ance (adjusted R2 =0.21; P⬍.05).
(eFigure 2) and a contrast computing the mean LSAS-change This model was built and tested on the same data, but
across these 2 patient groups. A voxelwise threshold of P⬍.001 it is uncertain how the model would generalize to new



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patients. To more accurately estimate the predictive power treatment activation and treatment response was selec-
of the model, we used a stratified cross-validation pro- tive for face stimuli.
cedure (maintaining equal numbers of placebo and D-
cycloserine patients in each training set) that builds and NESTED CROSS-VALIDATION ANALYSIS
tests models on independent subsets of data. This more
conservative, but generalizable, approach yielded a sig- The above analyses revealed that consideration of initial
nificant decrease in explained variance (adjusted R2 =0.13 (pretreatment) LSAS score and group (placebo or D-
vs 0.20 in the earlier-mentioned model; P = .01 from ap- cycloserine) accounted for 20% of treatment outcome vari-
proximate permutation test) (Figure 2B). ance (adjusted R2 =0.20; P =.01). The addition of neuro-
imaging (activation values) in the 2 occipitotemporal
REGRESSION ANALYSES regions resulted in an improved accounting of 57% of the
WITH BRAIN RESPONSES variance (adjusted R2 =0.57; P⬍ .001). However, select-
ing clusters using multiple regression on the entire data
Patients exhibited widespread brain responses to angry for model creation biases its predictions43 and makes un-
vs neutral faces, especially in occipital and ventral tem- certain its generalizability. Therefore, using a nested cross-
poral regions, and, to a lesser degree, in subcortical struc- validation approach, we performed an analysis creating
tures (eFigure 3). We regressed LSAS-change on the con- a prediction model that separated, for each calculation,
trast of angry vs neutral faces. Covariates to control for the training data set that created the model and the test
initial severity (LSAS-pre) and treatment group (D- of that model on an independent data set (see eAppen-
cycloserine or placebo) were included in this whole- dix for details). The correlation between actual and pre-
brain regression analysis (“Methods” section and eAp- dicted treatment response using this method was r=0.64,
pendix). which corresponds to 41% of explained treatment out-
Greater treatment response correlated significantly with come variance (adjusted R2 =0.41; P=.005 from approxi-
greater pretreatment activation in 2 clusters of activa- mate permutation test) (Figure 4). Using the same pre-
tion that both survived topological FDR correction at diction analysis that separates training and test data, the
q(FDR)=0.05 (Figure 3 and eTable 3). The larger of combination of LSAS-pre and group accounted for 12%
these clusters extended across the right cuneus, supe- of the variance (adjusted R2 =0.12; P =.01). As would be
rior occipital gyrus, and posterior aspects of the middle expected, the use of a prediction model lowered the ac-
temporal gyrus (Figure 3A). A second cluster was lo- counted for variance in all analyses, but inclusion of the
cated more ventrally on the right lateral cortical surface neuroimaging data tripled the amount of variance ac-
of the middle occipital gyrus extending into the inferior counted for in treatment outcome. The cross-validated
temporal gyrus (Figure 3B). Because of their locations neuroimaging-based model performed significantly bet-
in more superior and more inferior portions of the oc- ter than the cross-validated LSAS-pre model (Wilcoxon
cipitotemporal cortex, we refer to these clusters as the test of mean square errors: z=44; P⬍ .04, 1-tailed).
dorsal and ventral occipitotemporal cortex, respec-
tively. The relation between the magnitudes of activa-
tion and LSAS-change and LSAS-pre is shown in Figure 3C COMMENT
and D. Neither cluster correlated significantly with LSAS-
pre (all P⬎.26). To our knowledge, the present study is the first to apply
Several additional clusters exhibited substantial cor- neuroimaging-based treatment response prediction to pa-
relations with LSAS-change but did not survive the cor- tients with SAD. Pretreatment brain responses for angry
rection for multiple comparisons (eTable 3), including vs neutral faces in 2 occipitotemporal brain regions were
clusters in the right dorsolateral and right and left ven- significantly and positively associated with CBT out-
trolateral prefrontal cortex. No correlation with LSAS- come. The neuroimaging measures in combination with
change was found in either the left or right structurally pretreatment severity scores (LSAS-pre) predicted CBT
defined amygdala42 (eAppendix and eFigure 4). Adding outcome significantly better, accounting for about 40%
the amygdala responses from each condition to a mul- of the variance in treatment response, than predictions
tiple regression model including LSAS-pre and group in- based on LSAS-pre alone, which accounted for about 12%
formation did not result in a significant prediction of LSAS- of the variance in treatment response.
change (multiple R2 =0.43; adjusted R2 =−0.02; P=.53) and Pretreatment disorder severity has previously been sug-
did not significantly differ from a model that only in- gested to be a predictor of treatment outcome44 and this
cluded LSAS-pre and group information. was the case in the present study. However, treatment
To examine for the category selectivity of these ef- prediction that additionally included neuromarkers sub-
fects, regression analysis was performed for LSAS- stantially outperformed predictions based on conven-
change and the contrast of emotional vs neutral scenes. tional clinical measures alone. Further, our findings sug-
Despite robust and widespread activation for emotional gest that the specifically social nature of the face stimuli
relative to neutral scenes (eFigure 5), this regression analy- was relevant to their predictive value because activa-
sis did not reveal any clusters at the same threshold as tions to emotional scenes, although extensive and ro-
for the face contrast. The same was true for a regression bust, did not predict treatment outcome. Finally, even
analysis with the intensively negative scenes, which were when controlling for several potentially relevant fac-
more negative and more arousing than the angry faces, tors, such as initial severity of SAD and whether pa-
vs neutral scenes. Thus, the association between pre- tients received D-cycloserine or placebo in addition to CBT,



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y = –85 x = 28 z = 19

3.36 5.57


y = –69 x = 48 z = –11

Contrast Activation (% of Signal Change)

Contrast Activation (% of Signal Change)

1.5 Cluster 1 1.5

Cluster 2
1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

–0.5 –0.5

–1.0 –1.0

–1.5 –1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 D1 P1 D2 P2 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 D1 P1 D2 P2
LSAS-change LSAS-pre

Figure 3. Two right-hemisphere occipitotemporal regions in which initial activation for angry vs neutral faces significantly predicted treatment effectiveness. A and
B, t Values and locations of clusters showing positive relations with change in Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale30 scores (LSAS-change). C, Cluster activation means
of each participant vs LSAS-change. Right panel of parts C and D: box plots of cluster means grouped by treatment group (DCS indicates D-cycloserine; and P,
placebo) showing similar results in both groups. D, Cluster activation means vs initial LSAS scores (LSAS-pre) showing no significant relation. Color bar
represents t values.

the predictive power of the brain activations remained vs neutral) predicted treatment response, despite the equat-
significant. ing of faces and scenes for emotional valence and arousal,
is consistent with the specifically social basis of SAD. How-
COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE OF TREATMENT ever, the locations of activations that predicted response
RESPONSE PREDICTION IN SAD were not the regions most consistently reported in stud-
ies comparing brain responses in patients with SAD and
The specific pattern of functional brain responses that pre- typical control groups, such as the amygdala and other lim-
dicted treatment response had both expected and unex- bic areas.24,45 In the present study, even when using a spe-
pected aspects. The finding that functional brain re- cific region of interest, no association with treatment re-
sponses to faces (angry vs neutral) but not scenes (negative sponse was found in the amygdala despite its robust



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r = 0.66 P = .005
80 20
LSAS-change Predicted

LSAS-change Predicted
60 15

40 10

20 5

0 20 40 60 80 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
LSAS-change Actual Mean Square Error (Lower = Better)


y = –87 x = 26 z = 20

1 17


y = –75 x = 42 z = –12

Figure 4. Results from the prediction model created via nested cross-validation using Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale30 (LSAS) scores, group information, and
brain imaging data. A, Relation between predicted change in LSAS score (LSAS-change) using this model and actual LSAS-change. B, Approximate permutation
test results: null distribution (gray), actual value (red). C, Voxels selected in at least 1 fold of the cross-validation. Color bar indicates the number of folds in which
a particular voxel was selected.

activation to all experimental conditions. This may be con- Multiple neuroimaging studies have reported differ-
sistent with a prior study reporting no abnormality in the ences between SAD and control groups in similar visual
amygdala response to angry faces in SAD.46 Furthermore, regions for responses to emotional faces, although these
although the amygdala is important for affect, there is evi- cortical activation differences have not received as much
dence for multiple pathways for affective processing with attention as the limbic differences.49,50 Further, connec-
little or no contribution of the amygdala.47 Consistent with tivity between higher-order visual areas and limbic areas
the present findings, 1 study found that in healthy par- is altered in SAD.51 In relation to treatment, changes in
ticipants processing of angry faces was associated with in- both higher-order visual and limbic areas correlated with
creased effective connectivity from inferior occipital to ven- effects of behavioral52,53 and pharmacological54 interven-
trolateral prefrontal regions, bypassing the amygdala.48 tions in SAD. All these studies reported increased acti-



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vations after treatment, particularly in occipital and tem- lation also in occipital regions implicated in attentional
poral regions, in response to anxiety-provoking stimuli. deployment.53 Overall, these findings suggest that atten-
In our study, greater activation in these regions prior to tional mechanisms related to visual perception of social
treatment predicted greater treatment effects. There- stimuli may be mediated, in part, by activation of occipi-
fore, the high-order visual cortical regions, where acti- totemporal regions and that the status of these mecha-
vation predicted CBT response in our sample, are impli- nisms prior to treatment is important in determining
cated in both basic and treatment studies of brain whether CBT is an effective treatment for a patient with
dysfunction in SAD. SAD.
Activations in 3 prefrontal cortical regions were also
related to treatment outcome, although not significant CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS
after correction for multiple comparisons. These pre- OF NEUROMARKERS PREDICTING
frontal regions are associated with emotion regula- TREATMENT RESPONSE IN SAD
tion.55 The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex has also ex-
hibited differential activations in patients with SAD for Most prior imaging studies of SAD have focused on what
faces with negative emotional expressions.24 Thus, acti- brain differences are in common among patients rela-
vation of this region could be predictive for treatment tive to controls, whereas the present study focused on
response because of its role in stimulus reappraisal and variation among patients that is relevant to treatment ef-
selection of appropriate emotion regulation strategies, ficacy. By definition, analyses that focus on homogene-
which might be dysfunctional in SAD.28 ity vs heterogeneity in SAD will reveal different brain re-
gions. For example, the scatterplots (Figure 3) show that
POSSIBLE MECHANISMS RELATING IMAGING patients with greater activation for angry than neutral faces
AND CLINICAL OUTCOME FINDINGS also gained greater benefits from CBT, whereas patients
showing the reverse activation (greater activation for neu-
The specific finding that greater response to angry rela- tral than angry faces) gained lesser benefits from CBT.
tive to neutral faces in high-order visual cortices pre- A standard analysis that combines these opposite pat-
dicts clinical response to CBT can be related to prior find- terns of activation by treating patients with SAD as a ho-
ings about SAD. Patients with SAD display reduced mogenous group would find little or no activation in this
activation in similar occipital clusters (along with addi- region (although we found in adjacent, nonoverlapping
tional temporal, parietal, and frontal clusters) during emo- regions exactly such an increased response to angry vs
tion regulation tasks on disapproving face stimuli.28 A fun- neutral faces for the patients as a group).
damental goal of CBT is to enhance emotion regulation Conversely, an analysis of the kind reported here can
in SAD, so perhaps CBT was particularly successful in provide a new avenue for the identification of treatment-
patients with superior emotion regulation capacities, relevant subtypes in SAD that is based on brain mea-
which was correlated with already stronger responses to sures and, to a lesser extent, conventional clinical mea-
angry faces in visual regions. Thus, patients with par- sures. In line with this reasoning, most studies examining
ticularly low responses to angry faces (even less than for interventions to treat SAD6-8 considered patients as a single,
neutral faces) might have benefited less from treatment homogeneous group with no evidence as to whether a
because of poorer emotion regulation capacities. This in- particular patient was more or less likely to benefit from
terpretation is consistent with findings in mood disor- CBT or pharmacological treatment. However, in most
ders, such as major depressive disorder, where activa- treatment studies with either modality, interventions were
tion changes in occipital cortices were found after CBT13 effective in only approximately half of the sample, with
and pharmacological treatment56 and where the rate of little additional gain for combination treatment.7 Accord-
change in treatment correlated with gray matter density ingly, there is a large demand for evidence-based crite-
in occipital regions.14 ria to determine whether a patient should receive CBT
Most salient to SAD are the observations that, by elec- or pharmacotherapy to maximize treatment response.
trophysiological measures, patients with SAD show ab- Neuroimaging may offer an evidence-based path to-
normally reduced attentional enhancement of visual re- ward selection of optimal treatments, such that neuro-
gions similar to the ones reported in the present article,57 markers could selectively identify which patients are most
which may reflect avoidance of angry faces.58 Based on likely to benefit from which treatment option. An inte-
these findings, a behavioral treatment approach for SAD gration of neuromarkers with genetic, behavioral, and
that yields clinical benefits59 has been attention retrain- other biomarkers is likely to further refine the predic-
ing, in which patients are specifically trained to reallo- tion for individual patients61-63
cate their attention to faces. An fMRI study in healthy Neuroimaging studies of SAD and other neuropsy-
participants found that a comparable experimentally in- chiatric disorders have identified brain differences in these
duced modification of attentional bias to threatening faces disorders, but these observations have had limited clini-
was associated with activation changes in a brain region cal implications so far. Neuromarkers may become a prac-
similar in location to our ventral occipitotemporal cor- tical clinical tool to guide the selection of optimal treat-
tex cluster60 (without measureable changes in limbic re- ments for individual patients. However, several limitations
gions). Furthermore, changes in clinical measures of SAD of the present study would need to be addressed in fur-
induced by another cognitive-behavioral intervention, a ther studies before such practical application is pos-
mindfulness-based stress-reduction program, were as- sible. First, although we used analytic methods that pri-
sociated with activation increases during emotion regu- oritized generalizability (eg, cross-validation techniques),



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a larger study is needed in which a model derived from MH075889. He additionally is a member of the advisory
a particular group is applied to a completely indepen- boards or a consultant for BrainCells, Eli Lilly, Johnson
dent group to determine the true model generalizabil- & Johnson, MedAvante, Labopharm, Mindsite, Otsuka,
ity. Second, although statistically it appeared to make no Targia Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer. He has received re-
difference, a larger study would not divide patients into search grants from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Euthymics, For-
drug and placebo groups. Third, it is unknown whether est Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, National Cen-
fMRI activation to angry vs neutral faces is the optimal ter for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National
neuromarker. Perhaps other facial expressions (eg, dis- Institute on Drug Abuse, and National Institutes of Men-
gust or fear), or multimodal combinations of functional tal Health. Continuing Medical Education–supported ac-
and structural measures, may be better predictors. Fourth, tivities of Dr Pollack were sponsored by AstraZeneca, Sep-
direct comparison of participants with SAD and typical racor, and Pfizer. He holds equity in MedAvante, Mensante
participants would be useful in determining the typical Corporation, Mindsite, and Targia Pharmaceuticals and
pattern of activation in these predictive brain areas and receives royalties for SIGH-A, SAFER interviews.
may reveal the pathophysiological mechanism related to Previous Presentations: Parts of the data from this ar-
prediction (eg, whether these areas typically do or do not ticle were presented at the 44th Annual Convention of
have activations greater for angry than neutral faces). Fifth, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy;
it will be essential to perform studies that contrast alter- November 20, 2010; San Francisco, California; the 2011
native treatments and thus discover whether neuromark- Annual Conference of the Anxiety Disorders Associa-
ers can differentially predict which treatment is optimal tion of America; March 26, 2011; New Orleans, Louisi-
for a patient. The positive finding that neuromarkers pre- ana; and the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization
dicted treatment outcome significantly better than cur- for Human Brain Mapping; June 26, 2011; Quebec City,
rently used clinical scales for SAD, however, provides evi- Quebec, Canada.
dence that treatment selection for a patient with SAD can Online-Only Material: The eTables, eFigures, and eAp-
move toward evidence-based neurobiological ap- pendix are available at
proaches that may guide toward optimal, individual- Additional Information: Data were collected from a sub-
ized clinical benefits. sample of subjects who took part in a clinical trial reg-
istered at (NCT00515879). However,
Submitted for Publication: April 10, 2012; final revi- the present article does not report findings from this clini-
sion received June 27, 2012; accepted July 5, 2012. cal trial.
Published Online: September 3, 2012. doi:10.1001/2013 Additional Contributions: We gratefully acknowledge
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search and Poitras Center for Affective Disorders Re- roimaging environment.
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Omission From “Funding/Support” Subsection of the

“Acknowledgment” Section. In the article titled “Func-
tional Brain Basis of Hypnotizability” by Hoeft et al, pub-
lished in the October 2012 issue of the journal (2012;
69[10]:1064-1072), on page 1070, right-hand column,
“Funding/Support” subsection of the “Acknowleg-
ment” section, a grant was omitted. The paragraph should
have read as follows: “Funding/Support: This study was
supported by grants from the Nissan Research Center (Dr
Spiegel), the Randolph H. Chase, M.D. Fund II (Dr Spie-
gel), and the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation
(Dr Spiegel), grant RCI AT0005733 from the National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(principal investigator, Dr Spiegel), and P41-EB015891
from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering (Dr Glover).”



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