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“Expectations and Readiness of Freshman Nursing Students on Clinical Electronic Learning

Experience amidst Pandemic”

Our research utilization focuses in self-directed learning because it is the lowest in category and it
contain information on what to expect in clinical electronic learning and tips that will assist students to
improve their performance online.

1. In which research agenda and research initiatives does your study aligned?
 Our study is aligned in the research agenda no. 1 which is to sustain a research driven-culture and
environment wherein our study will be able to help new faculty members and student
investigators to manage their work study and agenda no. 5 to promote advancement in the
different aspect of teaching-learning process.
2. How did you come up with your research proposal? / Why did you choose this topic?
 We came up with this research study as it is relevant in today’s problem that many nursing
students encounter to the sudden shift to electronic learning due to the pandemic. Many studies
have established the student’s success factors and contentment with online learning, but very few
have paid attention the student’s expectations. Being aware of the student’s expectations can
enhance and develop the student’s learning experience. Acknowledging their expectations is
essential for school administrators and faculty to assist and reorient nursing education during this
 The researchers came up with their research proposal due to the relevancy of the topic at this
moment and to shed a light on the expectations and readiness of the first year nursing students
who chose to continue their education despite the difficult time. It can also help the incoming
nursing students in terms of the paper can give them an idea on what to expect and how to
3. What is the background of the study?
 Focus on the problem/issues being investigated (Introduce your problem, when the problem
started, saan nagsimula, what is the development, who is the affected)

4. What is the research gap did you address in your study? phenomenon
 Based on the related literature and studies that we have reviewed, we have identified that there
are still some problems and gaps that needs to be addressed. In particular we want to explore the
expectations and readiness of the first year nursing students on clinical electronic learning. Many
studies have investigated the readiness of medical students in electronic learning, however, there
were very limited studies that have examined the first year nursing student’s expectations.
5. What is your theoretical framework and why this theories?
 The theories that we have adapted in our study is Technological Competency by Locsin and The
Engagement Theory of Kearsley and Schneiderman. We chose the adaptation model in line with
the fact that the freshman nursing students will be immersed in a new environment, thus it was
discussed in this model that humans responds to environmental stimuli through an adaptation
mechanism. The theory of technological competency has three multi-dimensional elements that
nursing students can benefit from to enhance their clinical electronic learning experience.
6. How did you come up with your SOP? / How did you formulate your SOP?
 First by identifying the problem that made us researchers to come up with this research study.
The basis that we have used for the specific problems in our SOP number 2 is from the
standardized questionnaire of the Online Learning Readiness by Williams. Students
Expectation on Online Learning by Harris
7. What is the importance of your research?
 This study will help the – (insert the beneficiaries from the significance of the study) page 20
To the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), this study may elucidate
the readiness and expectations of freshmen nursing students, thus it can provide
significant data on how ready the students are in terms of electronic learning.
8. What is the limitation of your study?
 The limitations that we will encounter while conducting this study will be the availability of the
respondents, restrictions due to the pandemic, limited time and connectivity issues of the said
respondents. Another limitation imposed by the
pandemic is that researchers are unable to visit physical libraries, limiting their
access to related literature and studies. Finally, the researchers' internet access
and power outages caused delays in the study's time frame given prior to the
completion of the study. PAGE 12
9. Who are your respondents?
 The respondents of our study are the freshman nursing students of the University of Batangas
who are taking online classes with a total number of 91 respondents.
10. How did you come up with your number of respondents?
 The total population of the freshman nursing students is 117 students, with 6 sections. To come
up with our sample size of 91 respondents we have used the Slovin’s formula in order to
calculate the appropriate sample size to ensure a reasonable accuracy of the results.
11. Why did you not include other year of nursing students?
 It is a bright idea to include the other year of nursing students as respondents in our study,
however in alignment to the scope and limitation of our study we will include only this
respondents in this particular study as from our experience the transition from high school to
college learning was really huge what more for incoming freshman who are used to in the
traditional learning and now they have to undergo online clinical learning
12. What is the research design of your study? (method) – quantitative
 The research design that we have utilized in our study is the quantitative, non-experimental and
specifically descriptive research design. That examines the problem as it currently exists and
seeks to describe a population, phenomena, or situation in detail to determine the expectations
and readiness of freshman nursing students for electronic clinical learning experience. Page 33
13. What is the sampling design of your study?
 The researchers will use simple random sampling and convenience sampling to select
respondents. Convenience sampling this is a type of non-probability sampling technique that
relies on data collection from readily available population members. Simple random sampling
because it provides an unbiased representation of the population, this sampling technique ensures
that everyone in the population of respondents has an equal chance of being a part of the study.
14. What instrument will you use? Why?
 The instrument that the researchers will use in order to gather their data from their chosen
respondents will be a questionnaire. The researchers chose to use a questionnaire checklist for an
easier tabulation of the answers of the respondents. Since that the research design will be a
quantitative (non-experimental) research, so we have utilized the questionnaire checklist to
specifically determine the perceptions of the freshman nursing students and to come up with a
numerical data, thus using a questionnaire checklist can be much more efficient.

15. What are the variables of your in your title?

Independent variable – cause / Clinical Electronic Learning Experience amidst Pandemic

Dependent variable – effect / Expectations and Readiness

16. Hypothesis: The researchers tested the null hypothesis:

1. There is significant association between the expectation of freshman nursing students and
their extent of readiness and their extent of readiness for clinical electronic learning
1. What are the expectations of first-year nursing students on clinical
electronic learning on;
1.1 course instructor;
1.2 course content;
1.3 social interaction; and
1.4 course organization
2. What is the extent of the readiness of the Freshmen nursing students to
clinical electronic learning in terms of;
2.1 self-directed Learning;
2.2 self-study Habits;
2.3 technology skills; and
2.4 system requirements?
3. Is there a significant association between the students’ expectations and
readiness in clinical electronic learning?
4. What measures can be done in order to enhance first-year students'
online competencies?
PAGE 10-11


The study done by Ramos et., al (2020) entitled “Experiences of Nursing Student during
the Abrupt Change from Face to Face e-Learning Education the First Month of Confinement Due
to COVID-19 in Spain” discussed that after adjusting to the confined conditions and establishing
new online teaching techniques for the first week, the students settle into a new routine.
This study differs from the mentioned study above as it used a semi-interview approach,
whereas our study used a questionnaire. However, both studies tackled the nursing students'
learning experiences and expectations during the abrupt switch from face-to-face to electronic
learning education during their freshman year due to the pandemic, as well as the learning
experiences and expectations of nursing students enrolled. PAGE 29 AND 30
Expectations of nursing students on Clinical Electronic Learning
According to Ramos-Morcillo (2020), clinical training was valued by third
(3rd) and fourth (4th) year students whose curriculum is mainly centered on clinical training in
health care institutions. They related it to the acquisition of competencies and referred to it as a
vital component of health sciences degrees, and without it, they would not be able to obtain
competence. PAGE
19. What are the two standardized questionnaires that you have used in your study?
The basis that we have used for the specific problems in our SOP number 2 is from the
standardized questionnaire of the Online Learning Readiness by Williams. Students
Expectation on Online Learning by Harris

20. What are the statistical tools that you will use in your study?
SIMPLE PERCENTAGE - This statistical method will be used in order to examine the data that
will be gathered from the respondents, expressed as a percentage that ranges from zero to one
hundred. P=F/N (100)
- WEIGHTED MEAN-This s a statistical technique that computes the average by multiplying
the weights by their respective means and combining the results. It is a type of average in
which individual values are given weights to assess the relative value of each data (Keni,
- PEARSON’S CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - This statistic assesses the strength and
direction of a two-variable linear relationship (Fernando, 2021). To determine the correlation
between the freshman nursing student’s expectations and readiness, the Pearson Correlation
Coefficient will be used.

21. Why did you use a modified-standardized questionnaire? Why not self-made?
Using a standardized questionnaire ensure that it is reliable as it is already validated and
used by other studies, by adapting these 2 standardized questionnaires and modifying some
changes it made it more specific and relevant for the research that we are doing.

22. What are ethical considerations you will do?

The ethical considerations that researcher will do is the research study has undergone
approval from the College Research Ethics Committee (CREC) prior to the conduct of the
study. The researchers conducted a quantitative study regarding Freshmen Nursing Student’s
Expectations and Readiness to determine if electronic learning were effective in learning
during the pandemic.

23. Based on the findings you have presented, what recommendations were you able to make in
your study?
24. The University of Batangas may require all first-year nursing students to attend an

interactive virtual learning session or use a game-based learning platforms (e.g., Kahoot)

that would be most helpful to prepare freshman nursing students.

25. It is recommended that the Department of College of Nursing and Midwifery may add an

activity during the freshman’s virtual orientation in which they will be placed in a

breakout room with some 4th-year nursing students to freely ask questions and share

about their experiences as their seniors.

26. The UB CHAMP may hold an online session and tutorial regarding the use of Learning

Management System for freshman nursing students may easily navigate through the


27. The Course Instructors may use this research paper as a guideline when handling

freshman nursing students.

28. The action plan be adopted to effectively create an effective clinical electronic learning

environment for the students.

29. Can you describe to us the process on how you gathered your data?
The process on how we gathered data is After the approval in the study done by the Research
Committee, the researchers will conduct a survey among the freshmen nursing students at
University of Batangas regarding their expectation and readiness about clinical learning
experience during this time of the pandemic. This also includes ethical approval. Then after the
approval, the researcher will ask permission to allow them to survey and gather information to the
students online. The researcher will explain the purpose of the study and the process of
conducting it. The researcher also will explain to the participants what the study is all about.

30. Who are your population and your respondents?

31. The respondents of our study are the freshman nursing students of the University of Batangas
who are taking online classes with a total number of 91 respondents. The total population of the
freshman nursing students is 117 students, with 6 sections.
32. How did you arrive at this number of sample?
To come up with our sample size of 91 respondents we have used the Slovin’s formula in order to
calculate the appropriate sample size to ensure a reasonable accuracy of the results.
33. How did you go through your validation process?
The research instrument used went through a validation process which was done by a research
adviser, statistician and other professionals from the nursing department. Following validation,
the researchers obtained approval from the Dean of the College of Nursing and Midwifery before
conducting pilot testing and mass distribution.
34. Who are your validators?
The research validators are Mr. Alphie Garing and their research statistician Dr.
Romell Ramos.

35. How many pilot study have you distributed?

During pilot testing, the researchers sent eight (8) copies to freshman nursing students at
the University of Batangas, who answered the questionnaire using Google forms and excluded
from actual data.

36. Who are your beneficiaries?

-To the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), this study may elucidate the readiness and

expectations of freshmen nursing students, thus it can provide significant data on how ready the

students are in terms of electronic learning.

-To the University of Batangas, the study that will be conducted by the researchers may help

the university in terms of having background information when it comes to online learning.

Since the pandemic had a massive effect on the lives of the people, they may also get brief

background information when they are formulating a plan on how to handle students that will

experience online learning for the first time

-To the University of Batangas CHAMP Team, the data that will be gathered may be able to

provide significant information that will be useful in addressing concerns associated with the

learning management system (LMS), UBMail, and eBrahman to improve the student’s learning


-To the College of Nursing and Midwifery and Dean, the study may benefit them by providing

data that can potentially help them in formulating a plan on the proper approach that they can use

when dealing with a freshmen student.

-To the Nursing Educators, the study may benefit the nursing educators by enlightening them

on their student's perception of online learning and their students' expectations of their students

with regard to studying a skill-based program online. Hence, this study may aid them in

formulating a plan on how to cater to the needs of the majority.

-To the Freshmen Nursing Students of the University of Batangas, this will guide and

enlighten the students on what they can experience during online learning. Since the nursing

program is skilled-based, it may aid them with their preparations with regard to online learning.

-To the Present researchers, the data gathered will help them by providing useful information

about technological skills that can also help them further.

-For Future researchers, this study may serve as a reference for creating a tool that will

potentially help the future freshmen nursing students that will have an affliction with continuing

their nursing education through online learning. The study may serve as a starting point for

future researchers on where to begin their study and the possible ways on how they can conduct

their study.

37. How do you plan on distributing your action plan?

The researchers will disseminate a brochure containing information on ways to improve their social
interaction skills and tips that will assist students and make their online learning a great experience.

38. What is your action plan about?

Our action plan is all about to guide the first-year nursing students to effectively interact and
adapt to clinical electronic learning.

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