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6 Write the text for a leaflet aimed at school students which offers advice on how to deal with bullying.

Your leaflet may include: • the different forms that bullying may take • strategies for combating bullying
• any other points you wish to make. Your response will be marked for the accurate and appropriate use
of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar. (Total for Question 6 = 45 marks)

Bullying: Where and how?

The Knowledge: The What

Bullying is defined as an act being completed for the purpose of angering or

belittling people. Bullying can happen at school, at work, at home and even on the
internet. How can we identify bullying? How can we stop it?

The Setting: The Where

Bullying is most commonly found in school. It is common knowledge that a bully

will go after a student who is in much worse physical condition and will start
throwing insults at anything that may seem imperfect. Long story short. They will
make fun of everything. Bullies are at their strongest when there are no adults to
supervise them. As previously mentioned, they prefer to bully shorter, weaker and
younger people. Sometimes, Bullying can happen in front of everyone. But no one
does anything to intervene at the fear of facing the bully themselves and having
no one to back them up as they did to their fellow student.

The Purpose: The Why

Jarko Mansdurf of the university of Frankfurt carried an experiment in which he

monitored a high school for 1 month and on 78 bullying incidents a whopping 59
bullies were surrounded by friends. This means that over 75% of bullies are
accompanied by friends. This indicates that bullies do this to impress or get a
laugh out of their friends. They also do this to make themselves feel stronger and
better and to forget their weaknesses. Bullies look for a reaction. That’s the whole
purpose of their ‘hunt’.
The Hunt: The How

Most bullies return to the people they bully as they know they will get a reaction
and will succeed over and over again. Bullies usually pick between violence and
insulting which will both work against a physically weaker student. These students
are unprotected by the teacher, their peers and sometimes even their friends. If a
bully is bullying a student with friends. They will usually catch them alone. So,
they can be undefended.

What should the prey do?

If you’re a student who suffers from bullying is to ignore it and walk away. Which
works for almost everyone. However, there are some people who think that this is
injustice and that the bully deserves to suffer consequences. The best thing to do
in this situation is to tell a teacher and they will handle it accordingly. The worst
thing to do in the situation is to fight fire with fire and throw back insults and
violence. As the student is usually weaker. This won’t work and will make the bully
successful in their quest to get a reaction. Which is why I believe the best
combination is to walk away and tell a teacher. You show no reaction and they
face consequences. You get what you want and what they deserve.

What should the predator do?

If you are a bully you need to understand the idea of not doing something that
you wouldn’t want to be done to you. Making friends out of the people you
bullied will be better for both of you. Prophet Mohammed once said, “If you have
nothing good to say, don’t say anything” This is such a powerful message as it
shows that you have full control over yourself and can be better. I believe that you
can do the right thing and treat people kindly. You can turn over a new leaf.

What should the environment do?

Schools should monitor every student and reach out to them and work out their
issues and help them solve them. Schools should tell teachers to keep their eyes
peeled and to interfere with bullying at every chance they get. Teachers should
stay open minded and not punish the bully right away. But should reason with
them. To find out why they are doing this. This can be used to help them and stop
them from bullying and motivating them to stop it. Schools should also spread the
message to students that they should tell the teachers when they face bullying
whether it is them or a fellow student. Bullying wasn’t okay, it isn’t okay, it won’t
be okay. It is serious matter and one of the most overlooked issues and we should
work as a team and eradicate it.


In ‘Whistle and ill come to you” by Susan Hill. The writer uses different techniques
to create a sense of isolation mainly in the weather and the setting. Childhood
memories are also used to point out the writer’s thoughts. This is all made clearer
when the writer states “He wondered whether any of his colleagues had ever
walked here, and whether they had felt the same sense of awe and dislocation
that he felt now, caught between the power of the wind and the memories of his
childhood and the musty papers waiting for him in his study… wind rage round like
a lion, howling at the doors and beating upon the windows but powerless to reach
me" The writer uses juxtaposition when he states that he was caught between the
power of the wind and later says that the wind was too powerless to reach him. A
person who faces wind will feel its wrath but a person moving with the wind will
feel nothing. He also questions and wonders on what may be happening as his
childhood memories throbbing in the back of his mind may indicate that he is not
fully woke and is hallucinating. This engages the reader to dig deeper and to find
out more

The effect of his childhood is shown to highlight his emotions and his situation.
This is illustrated when the writer states “It was unlikely to blow away tonight. And
then, those memories of childhood began to be stirred again and I dwelt
nostalgically upon all those nights when I had lain in the warm and snug safety of
my bed in the nursery at the top of our family house in Sussex” The writer uses
irony as he says it is unlikely to blow away followed by a flashback of his childhood
memories. The irony is apparent as the childhood memories weren’t blowing
away either. This tells us that he is full of thoughts and emotions as he remembers
the times that he felt comfortable and safe which are the polar opposites of what
his situation is. This interests the reader and starts a lot of questions the reader
would want to know the answer to down the line.

The writer creates the sense of isolation through contradiction showing that he
feels isolated but at the same time he senses the presence of another person. This
is apparent when the writer states “I had seen no one, felt nothing. There had
been no movement, no brush of a sleeve against mine, no disturbance of the air, I
had not even heard a footstep” the writer uses repetition of the word “no” to
emphasize that there was no indicator for anyone to have been there and that
points to the conclusion. This gives the reader a small sense of closure which is
disrupted as on the other hand the writer states “had simply the absolutely
certain sense of someone just having passed close to me and gone away down the
corridor. Down the short narrow corridor that led to the nursery whose door had
been so firmly locked and then, inexplicably, opened. For a moment, I actually
began to conjecture that there was indeed someone” The writer contradicts
himself to show a sense of contrast which both create the sense of isolation as he
cannot even point out a person’s presence this also creates a sense of illusion and
mystery as to what had happened. This makes the reader curious and continues to
add to the long list of questions which grasps the reader and makes them want to
continue reading and exploring the situation.

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