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The writer felt pitiful and revulsive to those who tragically lost their lives.

moment which he would never forget is the sight of a person passing away with
an erie smile. This is apparent when the writer states “I saw that face for only a
few seconds, a fleeting meeting of eyes before the face turned away, as its owner
retreated into the darkness of another hut. In those brief moments there had
been a smile, not from me, but from the face. It was not a smile of greeting; it was
not a smile of joy – how could it be? – but it was a smile nonetheless. It touched
me in a way I could not explain. It moved me in a way that went beyond pity or
revulsion.” The writer uses a rhetorical question to further emphasize his
confusion at the fact a person would smile while going out in a brutal way. The
writer shows his feelings when he stated that it was not a smile of joy and that it
was a smile of an emotion he had never come across before. It is clear that the
writer is deeply touched by this and he kept thinking of it for the rest of his
journey. It was like the memory had a room at the back of his mind. When a
person sees such traumatic events, he can only question them until he forgets and
the writer states that at that moment he felt no pity, no revulsion. He felt nothing
but confusion. In conclusion, the writer shows his thoughts when it was clear that
he will forever remember this experience and it will almost be the sad and painful
highlight of his journey.
6 “I know I can’t change my past but, looking back, there are things that I
regret.” An internet site is running a competition to reward the best writing from
young people on this subject. Write your entry for this competition.

I have achieved lots of success in such a short time. I defy my age and I am told
that I am more successful than any adult out there when it comes to writing and I
can happily say I only live with a few numbers of regrets. I know I can’t change my
past but, looking back, there are things that I regret. Not many but they are major.

My biggest regret is not spending as much time with my father before he passed
away. I grew up as a child to 2 divorced parents and I only saw my dad every
birthday until I was 8. Then I moved out of my mother’s house and went from
Cambodia all the way to Canada to live with my uncle George Jr who was very
distant from my mother. I remember calling him junior once and he laughed and
said that he was double my father’s age. Which reminded me of how much I both
hated and missed my father. He was still my father after all. Cambodia to Canada
isn’t a short trip at all. They are across the world. That’s a 14-hour flight. I found
success in Canada and didn’t really care about my parents back home. I thought
that once I had the money. They didn’t matter. It was almost like I thought I could
buy new parents. When I turned 15, I went and visited my dad and we had a huge
argument which led me to leave Cambodia after just 6 hours instead of my
planned 2 weeks. That was the last time I ever saw him and as he passed away last
week. It became the last time I would ever see him. My father didn’t care for me
but I cared for him then. He was just looking to fight and I was just looking to
spend time with my father. I deeply regret not making a better effort in doing so.

My story may seem a sad one but I was neglected by my parents. They prioritized
fighting over protecting, which is why I can consider my uncle George as my
father. As a father is one who provides and mainly protects his children.

What do children do with their free time?. They usually spend it watching tv or
playing video games meaning they rarely spending time outside the house. I
believe children should spend their free time trying out new hobbies and should
focus on developing their bodies both physically and mentally. This could benefit
them in school or in work and can help them solve various problems. It can also
help them in socializing and building their creativity.

Doing activities such as sports, puzzles and reading help a person develop their
problem-solving skills and it is proven that development is the most efficient in
children. Instead of just having the traits for the activities themselves. They can be
used for all kinds of purposes. Including school and work which could create new
opportunities in our children which give them bigger, brighter and longer futures.
Why spend time indoors playing video games and watching movies when you can
go out, explore and learn new things. Why spend time indoors when you can take
better care of your body. Exercise, get some sunlight. Keep moving and keep your
body active. A recent study conducted in Frankfurt shows that sitting for extended
periods of time could lead to arthritis and increases cartilage respade by 34%. Our
bodies are like cars. We need to fuel it. Use it and wash it. We can help make
humanity better as a whole by focusing on the future. Therefore, Spending time
more carefully can develop and improve the skills of a child and even help them
learn new ones. It can also ensure that their bodies are well taken care of.

Children these days spend most of their time indoors. Usually in a house with
family. Instead of going out and meeting new people and friends they would
rather waste their time indoors. There are a lot of activities that are better with
company. Such as sports which can help develop decision making skills and help
them improve the state of their body and improve their fitness. Children who do
stay inside have a rough time making new friends and a research team proved
that loneliness originates when a person lacks people skills they could develop
while doing activities with other people who enjoy them. We all know that the
best time of a person’s life is when they are a child. With all the free time and no
responsibilities. Why waste such precious time. Why not make the most of it?
Hence, Spending time socializing with others won’t just benefit a child for a day. It
could benefit them for a lifetime.

An article written by the New York times stated that people are losing creativity
and that the number of artists and architects have depleted. This is mainly due to
children spending their time indoors rather than creating a new game to play or
finding something new through their natural creativity instead of wasting it. We all
know children are more creative than adults. This is due to adults having wasted
their natural creativity and not using it on a daily basis. Creativity is what built our
roads, it is what built our building, it is what built our community and most
importantly it is what built us. This proves that using and developing your
creativity during your youth will only lead you to success.
In conclusion, we have discussed that when a child uses their free time well they
can balance and develop their strengths and remove any weaknesses. It helps
them mentally and physically. It benefits their creativity, their attributes and their
traits. I believe every child should spend their free time wisely as it will lead them
to a future full of success in every aspect of life.

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