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darja radoviæ maheèiæ / by darja radoviæ maheèiæ

U plejadi jakih autorskih osobnosti koje su modernom Stjepan Planiæ occupies a very special place in a constellation
arhitekturom gradile funkcionalni grad Zagreb i pridonijele of powerful personalities that built Zagreb with modern
stvaranju mnogih njegovih svojstava i atributa visoke architecture as a functional city and contributed to its numerous
civilizacijske razine, posebno mjesto zauzima autohtoni Stjepan particularities and attributes of high civilisation level. As a
Planiæ. Talentiran, socijalno angažiran, inventivan, dinamièan, talented, socially committed, inventive and a dynamic person,
senzibiliziran na površine, tonove i opore strukture, jednostavan sensitive to surfaces, nuances and rough structures, as a
i neposredan, u poglavlju zvanom hrvatska arhitektura 20. simple and direct human being he exercised his right to search
stoljeæa iskoristio je svoje pravo da sam traži svoju istinu. for the truth in the chapter named the Croatian architecture of
the 20th century.
Temeljna struèna znanja stjecao je od 1916. do 1920. godine u
Graditeljskoj školi pri Kraljevskoj zemaljskoj obrtnoj školi u He acquired the basics of the trade in the Secondary Technical
Zagrebu, èija je odgovornost od osnutka 1892. bila vrlo velika. School at the Royal National Vocational School in Zagreb,
Na njoj se, naime, školovala veæina hrvatskih graditelja, jer se za established in 1892, which carried the burden of great
stjecanje fakultetske diplome, do utemeljenja zagrebaèkog responsibility. Namely, most of the Croatian constructors of that
Tehnièkog fakulteta 1919. godine, moralo putovati u Beè, time were educated there. To acquire a university degree
Budimpeštu ili Prag. Kako bi apsolventi škole ulazeæi u praksu before the Zagreb Technical Faculty was established in 1919,
poznavali i najsuvremenija graðevna sredstva, škola je novitete u one had to travel to Vienna, Budapest or Prague. However, the
graðevnim konstrukcijama kontinuirano uvrštavala u svoj nastavni school continually introduced the latest building constructions
program.1 Arhitektonski odsjek polazili su mnogi poznati arhitekti in the curriculum1 to inform its undergraduates about to start
èije su kuæe danas simboli zagrebaèke moderne arhitekture: their practical jobs of the most recent achievements in the
Aleksandar Freudenreich, Sreæko Florschütz, Juraj Denzler, construction technology. The Architectonic Department
Mladen Kauzlariæ, Juraj Neidhardt, Antun Ulrich, Drago Galiæ i, educated many famous architects, whose houses are today the
naravno, Planiæ, na koje je škola bila vrlo ponosna.2 symbols of the Zagreb modern architecture: Aleksandar
Freudenreich, Sreæko Florschütz, Juraj Denzler, Mladen
Porijeklom iz obitelji zidara, Planiæ je nakon završene srednje Kauzlariæ, Juraj Neidhardt, Antun Ulrich, Drago Galiæ and
škole poèeo raditi i stjecati iskustva u arhitektonskim ateljeima Stjepan Planiæ, of course. The school takes pride in them all.2
i na gradilištima, gdje je nauèio do rješenja dolaziti tijesno
suraðujuæi s obrtnicima. Godine 1926. upisuje arhitektonski Planiæ came from a bricklayer's family. Having finished
odjel na umjetnièkoj akademiji, koji je te godine utemeljio ðak secondary school education he started to work and acquire
Visoke tehnièke škole u Dresdenu te suradnik experience in architectonic ateliers and on construction sites,
ekspresionistièkog berlinskog ateljea Hansa Poelziga – Drago where he learned to find solutions working closely with the
Ibler, tada vodeæa liènost koja intenzivno djeluje u svim craftsmen. In 1926 he enrolled the Architectonic Department at
podruèjima kulture. Od sveukupno èetrnaest završenih the Art Academy, established in that same year by a Dresden
studenata ovog odjela akademije, Planiæ je pripadao meðu High Technical School student, Drago Ibler. Ibler had worked in
èetvoricu prve generacije, a diplomirao je 1935. godine. Hans Poelzig's Berlin atelier, and became a leading personality
Iblera, suosnivaèa i predsjednika angažirane grupe “Zemlja” in Croatia of that time, intensely active in all cultural fields.
(koja odbacuje svaku apriornu estetiku), slijedit æe i socijalno Planiæ graduated in 1935, being one of the 14 graduates who
angažiranim djelovanjem. Ne samo da æe na izložbama finished this school. He will follow Ibler, a co-founder and
“Zemlje” izlagati svoje projekte i realizirane gradnje, veæ æe
zasebnim dokumentarnim izložbama upozoravati na
M. Nevistiæ (ur./ed), Graditeljska tehnièka škola Zagreb 110 godišnjica / 110
the Anniversary of the Secondary Technical School Zagreb, 1892-2002,
ekonomsko-socijalne probleme zagrebaèke periferije i Zagreb, 2002., str./p. 21.
Bo. Širola, Br. Širola, V. Prestini (ur./eds.), Državna srednja tehnièka škola
M. Nevistiæ (ur.), Graditeljska tehnièka škola Zagreb 110 godišnjica 1892- u Zagrebu 1892/3. - 1932/3. Spomen izvještaj o 40-godišnjici škole / The
2002., Zagreb, 2002., str. 21. Public Secondary Technical School in Zagreb 1892/3 - 1932/3, Memorial
Bo. Širola, Br. Širola, V. Prestini (ur.), Državna srednja tehnièka škola u Report on the 40th School Anniversary, Zagreb, Državna srednja tehnièka
Zagrebu 1892/3 – 1932/3. Spomen-izvještaj o 40-godišnjici škole, Zagreb, škola i Udruženje graditelja kraljevine Jugoslavije / The Public Secondary
Državna srednja tehnièka škola i Udruženje graditelja Kraljevine Jugoslavije, Technical School and The Builders' Association of the Yugoslavian Kingdom,
1933. i Izložba uèenièkih radova Stjepana Planiæa profesorice škole 1933. and Izložba uèenièkih radova Stjepana Planiæa /Exhibition of the
Gordane Drljeviæ u današnjoj Graditeljskoj tehnièkoj školi u travnju 1999. School works of Stjepan Planiæ, mounted by the professor Gordana Drljeviæ in
godine. the present Builder's Technical School in April, 1999


Izložbeni pano "Državna umjetnièka akademija - Zagreb, Škola za arhitekturu", projekt banke / Exhibition panel "Art Academy - Zagreb, Architectonic
Department", project for a bank, 1927.

stanovanja uopæe. Postaje pokretaèem brojnih akcija i kljuèna chairman of the socially active group "Zemlja" (the group
osoba avangarde hrvatske meðuratne arhitekture.3 "Earth" rejected any a priori aesthetics) in his socially
committed activities. Namely, Planiæ participated in the "Zemlja"
Grad koji prosperira, intenzivno se širi i izgraðuje, velik je izazov. exhibitions with his projects and realised constructions, in
Takav je Zagreb od poèetka tridesetih godina 20. stoljeæa, kad separate documentary exhibitions, alerting the public to
ga u novom mjerilu grade združeni mladi arhitekti koji se economic-social problems, particularly to those of the Zagreb
suoèavaju s konstruktivnim, oblikovnim i programskim izazovima periphery and the housing in general. He was the initiator of
funkcionalne arhitekture koja je nastupila. U izrazito topografski, numerous actions and the key personality of the Croatian
povijesno i urbanistièki rašèlanjenom gradu, oni rješavaju interwar avant-garde architecture.3
programske zadatke svojih kuæa rjeènikom moderne arhitekture
sa željom da osobno pridonesu vlastitom kulturnom prostoru. A prosperous city, intensely expanding and rebuilding, poses a
great challenge. And Zagreb was just that at the beginning of
Koliko su se nova arhitektonska “naziranja” razlikovala od the thirties of the 20th century, when young architects pooled
uhodane prakse i aktualne legislative Planiæ je pokazao u prvoj together and applied themselves to build the city in new
knjizi o modernoj arhitekturi u nas “Treba znati... progres proportions, accepting the constructive, formative and
graditeljstva. Problemi savremene arhitekture”, koja je programme challenges of the advancing functional
objavljena 1932. godine, gotovo istodobno s premijernim architecture. In a city pronouncedly dismembered in terms of
arhitektonskim izvedbama. Knjigu je uredio i za nju napisao topography, history and urbanism, the interwar architects
predgovor, a sa svojim kolegama zajedno, ravnomjerno je solved the programmed assignments of their houses using the
slikom i komentarom predstavio natjeèajne i veæ izvedene modern architecture vocabulary, intent on making personal
gradnje u kojima zastupa “novo graðenje”. To su do danas ostali contributions to their cultural space.
najavangardniji projekti hrvatske meðuratne arhitekture, a
Planiæevo pozivanje na naèela inicijalnog CIAM-a (Congres In his first book on modern architecture in our parts “One Ought
Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne) iz 1928. godine samo to Know... Progress of Construction. The Problems of the
svjedoèi o utemeljenosti ovoga nastupa. Contemporary Architecture”, published in 1932, Planiæ
indicated, almost simultaneously with the first architectonic
Iz knjige æemo izdvojiti prikazane radove domaæih autora s triju constructions, in what way did the architectonic "glimpses"
velikih meðunarodnih natjeèaja koji su na poèetku tridesetih differ from the established routine and actual legislation. He
godina bili organizirani za Zagreb. Na natjeèaju za Generalnu asked his architect colleagues to present their competition
regulatornu osnovu grada (na kojem su sudjelovali autoriteti designs and constructions realised in the "new construction
poput Adolfa Mösmanna i Paula Bonatza, a u žiriju sjedili Paul techniques" equally by pictures and a short commentary,
Wolf i Josef Goèar) nagraðen je bio Strižiæev urbanistièki plan, edited the book and wrote the introduction. Until our days these
uz koji u knjizi stoji naslovna tvrdnja da je uslijed korijenitih projects remained the most avant-garde examples of the
društvenih promjena “èitavo polje arhitekture postalo - Croatian interwar architecture, and Planiæ's reference to the
problemom.”4 principles of the initial CIAM (Congres Internationaux
d'Architecture Moderne) of 1928 evidently confirmed the
Za složeni program natjeèaja za Klinièku i zakladnu bolnicu na soundness of their activity.
Šalati (na kojem je gotovo nezamijeæen prošao rad Alvara
Aaltoa), rješenja su ponudili Planiæ, Strižiæ i Heæimoviæ, a From that book we shall select the represented works of local
prvonagraðen je bio rad Ernesta Weissmanna (kasnije aktivnog authors, offered for three great international competitions
ciamovca i supotpisnika Atenske povelje). Treæi meðunarodni organised for Zagreb, at the beginning of the thirties. In the
natjeèaj organiziran za izgradnju Židovske bolnice u Petrovoj Competition for the Regulatory City Plan (in which participated
ulici prati tvrdnja istih arhitekata da iza brojnih osvojenih great authorities like Adolf Mösmann and Paul Bonatz and the
nagrada na natjeèajima ne slijede, nažalost, izvedbe. members of the jury were Paul Wolf and Josef Goèar) an urban
plan by Strižiæ was accepted. In the book, next to this project there
Planiæeve projekte grafièki interpretira slikar Ernest Tomaševiæ, is a statement from our title that owing to the radical changes "the
koji je takoðer završio Graditeljsku školu i sudjelovao na entire field of architecture was turned into - a problem."4
izložbama “Zemlje”. Dugogodišnji Tomaševiæev atelje nalazio se 3
R. Ivanèeviæ, Stjepan Planiæ i avangarda moderne hrvatske arhitekture /
na posljednjem katu jedne od Planiæevih prvih natjeèajem Stjepan Planiæ and the Croatian Avant-garde Modern Architecture, in:
Problemi savremene arhitekture / The Problems of Modern Architecture -
reprint, Zagreb, Psefizma, 1996, pp. 7-53.
R. Ivanèeviæ, Stjepan Planiæ i avangarda moderne hrvatske arhitekture, u: 4
Z. Strižiæ, Regulacijoni plan za grad Zagreb / The Regulatory Plan for the
Problemi savremene arhitekture – reprint, Zagreb, Psefizma, 1996., str. 7-53. City of Zagreb, in: S. Planiæ (ed.), Treba znati… problem graditeljstva. Problemi
Z. Strižiæ, Regulacijoni plan za grad Zagreb, u: S. Planiæ (ur.), Treba znati... savremene arhitekture /One Ought to Know… Problems of Construction. The
problem graditeljstva. Problemi savremene arhitekture, Zagreb, 1932., str. 15-19. Problems of the Modern Architecture, Zagreb, 1932, pp. 15-19.


In the complex competition programme for the Clinical and

Endowment Hospital in Šalata (where a work by Alvar Aalto
went almost unobserved) Planiæ, Strižiæ and Heæimoviæ offered
solutions. The first prize went to Ernest Weissmann (a very
active CIAM member later on and a co-signatory of the
Athens's Charter). The third international competition,
organised for the construction of the Jewish Hospital in the
Petrova Street was followed by a claim of the same architects'
that much to their regret the numerous prizes had not resulted
in constructions.

Planiæ's projects graphically interpreted Ernest Tomaševiæ, a

painter. He had also finished the Secondary Technical School
and participated in the "Zemlja" exhibitions. For a long time
Tomaševiæ's atelier was situated at the last floor of one of the
first Planiæ's constructions won through a competition, the two-
leg building of the Craftsmen Home in Pantovèak.

In the spectre of endeavours undertaken to make Zagreb a

metropolis, the defined building was a significant motif. A high
public construction in the city centre, a built-in apartment-office
building on the fringes of Donji grad and a tenancy villa or a
single-family house on gentle northern hills. Planiæ deliberated,
realised and published each one of them during the golden
thirties.5 This was the period when his epoch making
constructions were built: the eight-storey azure palace of
"Napretkova zadruga", a building of an elliptical layout, its
façade divided by ribbons of equally shaped windows pointed
out by a jagged cornice; the built-in houses in the Endowment
Bloc and the Draškoviæeva Street with roof terraces; the
cylinder-formed Fuhrmann villa with a continual belt of
rhytmicised windows offering a panoramic view of the
Katalog izložbe "Zemlja" / Exhibition catalogue of the "Zemlja"
group, Zagreb, 1932. surrounding landscape; the Wright-type Villa Cuvaj with strongly
protruded eaves; the Mountaineers' Home made of stone and
wood with a promotional Y-shaped layout.
izborenih izvedbi, dvokrako komponiranoj stambenoj zgradi
Zanatlijskog doma na Pantovèaku.
There is not another architect of his generation, who had
voiced his opinions in form of an article more often than Planiæ
U spektru nastojanja da se Zagreb metropolizira, kuæa je bila
and yet it would be incorrect to say that he was a master of
velik motiv. Visoka poslovna u središtu, ugraðena stambeno-
written word. His texts were written in a simple language, they
poslovna na rubovima Donjega grada, najamna ili obiteljska
immediately hit the heart of a problem by way of clearly
kuæa za stanovanje na ugodnim sjevernim brežuljcima, javne
exposed attitudes. Despite the fact that they were often
namjene. Svaku od njih Planiæ promišlja, realizira i objavljuje
intoned as a kind of a manifesto, they resembled a verbal
sredinom zlatnih tridesetih godina.5 Nastaju njegove epohalne
address rather, than a theoretic discourse. It is therefore not
gradnje: osmerokatna modra palaèa “Napretkove zadruge”
surprising that two of them, written in the thirties, had an
eliptiènog tlocrta, proèelja rašèlanjenih trakama istolikih
epistolary form.
prozora i poentiranih nazubljenim vijencem; ugraðene kuæe na
Zakladnom bloku i u Draškoviæevoj s krovnim terasama;
valjkasta vila Fuhrmann s kontinuiranim pojasom ritmiziranih
S. Planiæ, Obiteljska kuæica / A Single-family House, Graðevinski vjesnik
(The Constructors' News), Zagreb, 1934, No. 4, pp. 51-52; S. Planiæ, O
ugraðenoj najamnoj kuæi / About the Built-in Tenancy House, Graðevinski
S. Planiæ, Obiteljska kuæica, Graðevinski vjesnik, Zagreb, 1934., br. 4, str. vjesnik, Zagreb, 1934, No. 5, pp 65-70; "Napretkova" novogradnja / The
51-52.; S. Planiæ, O ugraðenoj najamnoj kuæi, Graðevinski vjesnik, Zagreb, "Napredak's" New Construction, Svijet (The World), Zagreb, 1936, p 212; S.
1934., br. 5, str. 65-70.; “Napretkova” novogradnja, Svijet, Zagreb, 1936., Planiæ, Tomislavov dom HPD na Medvednici / The Tomislav Home of the
str. 212.; S. Planiæ, Tomislavov dom HPD na Medvednici, Graðevinski Croatian Mountaineers' Association on the Medvednica, Graðevinski vjesnik,
vjesnik, Zagreb, 1935., br. 8, str. 87-90. Zagreb, 1935, No. 8, pp. 87-90.


Stubišna ograda, školski rad u Graditeljskoj školi / Staircase fence, Schoolwork in the Secondary Technical School, 1917.


prozora, iz koje se pruža panoramski pogled na okolicu; Planiæ was inspired to write "Two Letters on Housing" in 1936 by
wrightovska vila Cuvaj snažno istaknute strehe; planinarski dom a book about the features of the Japanese house6, the
u kamenu i drvu promotivnog Y-tlocrta. advantages of which he listed as follows: "1. Detached house in
a garden, 2. Layout flexibility. Easy changing of space division,
Nema arhitekta te generacije koji se više puta oglasio èlankom 3. Many doors, windows and rooms open to a garden
od Planiæa, a opet ne bi bilo ispravno reæi da je bio majstor providing continual contact with nature, 4. Practical built-in
pisane rijeèi. Njegovi su tekstovi pisani jednostavnim jezikom, furniture allowing full use of space, 5. Artistically nice use of
neposredno pogaðaju bit problema i na razumljiv naèin iznose 6
T. Yoshida, Das japanische Wohnhaus, Berlin, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, 1935.
stavove. Iako nerijetko manifestnog tona, više su nalik

Zakladna i klinièka bolnica, natjeèajni rad, perspektiva / Endowment and Clinical Hospital, competition project, perspective view,
Zagreb, 1930. (Ernest Tomaševiæ)

Židovska bolnica, natjeèajni rad, perspektiva / The Jewish Hospital, competition project, perspective view, Zagreb, 1931.
usmenom obraæanju negoli teoretskim raspravama, te stoga ne natural untreated materials, 6. Close connection of
èudi što su èak dva od njih tijekom tridesetih godina zadobila construction and architectonic form, 7. Simple, pure and good
epistolarni oblik. taste, 8. Standardised space measures and construction
parts, and therefore quick and easy construction."7
Za “Dva pisma o stanovanju” napisana 1936. godine Planiæa je
nadahnula knjiga o karakteristikama japanske stambene kuæe6, As a matter of fact, Planiæ crystallised the vital marks of the
èije prednosti samostalno popisuje. modern architecture required for a housing reform in our
S. Planiæ, Dva pisma o stanovanju /Two Letters on Housing, Priruènik
T. Yoshida, Das japanische Wohnhaus, Berlin, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, 1935. kuæevlasnika /The Houseowner's Manual, Zagreb, 1936, p. 7.


Regulacija Jelaèiæeva trga, natjeèajni rad / Regulation of the Jelaèiæ Square, competition project, Zagreb, 1930.

circumstances. We can only conclude that in the decades of

“1. Kuæa stoji slobodno u vrtu. 2. Elastiènost tlocrta. Laka designing housing buildings with garden that followed, the
promjena prostorne diobe. 3. Mnogo vratiju i prozora, i listed features of the Japanese architecture became the key
prema vrtu otvorenih prostorija, uslijed èega stalan spoj s features of Planiæ's architecture.
prirodom. 4. Praktièno ugraðeno pokuæstvo dozvoljava
potpuno iskorišæenje prostora. 5. Umjetnièki lijepa upotreba In his "Two Letters…" Planiæ undertook to stir the potential
prirodnih materijala bez svake obradbe. 6. Uska povezanost investors' interest in the area of modern apartment
izmeðu konstrukcije i arhitektonske forme. 7. Jednostavan, construction. Since one can not advance in this field by force
èist i dobar ukus. 8. Normiranje mjera prostora i sastavnih or in a straightforward manner (be it in a form of "witty remarks"
graðevnih dijelova, te uslijed toga brza i laka izradba kuæa.”7 accompanying the appearance of the programmed
Planiæ ustvari kristalizira bitne oznake moderne arhitekture koje contemporary architectural endeavours - the "modern trunks,"
su potrebne za reformu stanovanja u našim prilikama. or disbelief caused by house-owner's practical care - a flat roof)
Zakljuèujemo da su tijekom desetljeæâ projektiranja kuæa za he spoke on important trade tenets using examples from
stanovanje s pripadajuæim vrtovima koja æe uslijediti, navedene everyday life, competently applying his knowledge of human
karakteristike japanske arhitekture postale i kljuène odlike psychology. "There is no sense in saving our drawing room
Planiæeve arhitekture. for a single annual visit. We should not sew, eat and learn -
do all that in the kitchen. One ought to live in the full sense
U svoja “Dva pisma...” Planiæ nastoji potencijalne investitore of the word. Solve living in an apartment well. Cook in the
zainteresirati za podruèje moderne izgradnje stanova. Kako kitchen, take a bath in the bathroom, but live your life in a
space of great proportions.”8
S. Planiæ, Dva pisma o stanovanju, u: Priruènik kuæevlasnika, Zagreb,
1936., str. 7. 8
S. Planiæ, Dva pisma… / Two Letters…, p. 14.

He used to illustrate his attitudes requiring change by means of
pictures. In promoting subjects like situating of a dining space
within a living room, solving of a bedroom and living room with
the same furniture, he would use drawings and photographs of
contemporary interiors designed by the local architects.

Consistently to his aspiration to connect the interior spaces, in

presentations of his renovations and redecoration's, frequently
of the attic apartments, Planiæ favoured furniture made to order,
particularly the wardrobes.

Soon it became obvious that "the glimpses of free living

began to penetrate into our parts" in the works of his
colleagues. It was demonstrated by the realised single-family
houses: in the Golubovac and the Kozarèeva Street, designed
by Gomboš and Kauzlariæ and in the Alagoviæeva Street,
designed by Branko Bon. Then there were those designed by
Lavoslav Horvat in the Vijenac and in the Baèvice in Split and
the wooden houses in the Istarska Street designed by Drago
Galiæ and those by Ibler in the Sv. Duh Street. Photographs,
layouts and descriptions followed the presentation of the
Gomboš and Kauzlariæ apartment building in the Boškoviæeva
and Maksimirska Street and the one designed by Planiæ in the
Draškoviæeva Street. Also, Ibler's unrealised High House, as
well as the Požgaj - Cota apartment type for the development in
Šestine, were presented.

Vila Roth, detalj interijera / Villa Roth, detail of the interior, Zagreb, Planiæ represented the actual results of his programmatic
Davor 6, 1933.
endeavours in this way to indicate to his readers - the potential
house-owners - that living space should be used so as to make
napredovanje u tom poslu ne ide niti silom niti pravocrtno (bilo one's life happier and not for showing off.
da je rijeè o “duhovitostima” koje su pratile pojavu
programatskih suvremenih nastojanja arhitekture - “moderne In his "Third Letter on Housing", from 1937, Planiæ also spoke
kištre”, bilo da je nevjerica izazvana praktiènom brigom on the subject of the conventional and conservative views
kuæevlasnika - ravni krov), o važnim naèelima struke progovara falling behind the times. He put the emphases on basic
služeæi se primjerima iz svakodnevice, vješto koristeæi conditions of comfortable housing (consisting of well-

Dvojna kuæa Belaj - Veble, perspektiva / Belaj - Veble semidetached villa, perspective view, Zagreb, Nazorova 54, 1936.


poznavanje ljudske psihologije. “Ne treba èuvati salon za

eventualni jedan godišnji posjet. Ne treba šivati, jesti, uèiti –
sve u kuhinji. Treba stanovati u punom smislu. Život u stanu
dobro riješiti. U kuhinji samo kuhati, u kupaonici samo se
kupati, ali zato u razmjerno velikom prostoru stanovati.” 8

Stav koji traži promjenu dosadašnjih stambenih navika

argumentira slikom. Crtežima i fotografijom suvremenih
interijera domaæih arhitekata promovira teme poput smještaja
dijela za blagovanje u dnevni prostor, rješavanja spavaonice i
dnevnog boravka istim pokuæstvom i slièno. Dosljedno težnji za
povezivanjem unutrašnjih prostora, prikazom svojih adaptacija i
ureðenja, nerijetko potkrovnih stanova, Planiæ zagovara
pokuæstvo, a posebice ormare izraðene po mjeri.

A da “malo-pomalo prodire naziranje slobodnog stanovanja”

pokazat æe radovima zagrebaèkih kolega: realiziranim
obiteljskim kuæama Gomboša i Kauzlariæa na Golubovcu i u
Kozarèevoj ulici, Branka Bona u Alagoviæevoj, Lavoslava
Horvata na Vijencu i na splitskim Baèvicama, drvenim kuæama
Drage Galiæa u Istarskoj te Galiæa i Iblera na Sv. Duhu, kao i
svojom okruglom kuæom Fuhrmann na Gornjem Prekrižju.
Fotografije, tlocrti te opisi prate i predstavljene stambene
zgrade Gomboša i Kauzlariæa u Boškoviæevoj i Maksimirskoj,
Planiæa u Draškoviæevoj, te neizvedenu Iblerovu Visoku kuæu i
Požgaj-Cotin tip stanova za naselje u Šestinama. Kako
stambeni prostor ne bi služio samo pokazivanju, veæ i korištenju
te sretnijem življenju, Planiæ je èitateljima – potencijalnim
kuæevlasnicima - na ovaj naèin prikazao realne rezultate svojih
programatskih nastojanja. Izložbeni pano "Terase i vrtove u stambene kuæe" / Exhibition panel
"Teraces and gardens in apartment buildings", 1932. i 1935.
Protiv konvencionalnih i konzervativnih shvaæanja koja
zaostaju za svojim vremenom progovara i u “Treæem pismu o proportioned spaces and good communication between them,
stanovanju” 1937. godine. Ponovo istièe osnovne uvjete the connection with the environment and correct orientation)
ugodnog stanovanja (koje se sastoji iz dobro proporcioniranih substantiating it by the examples of his realised houses. These
prostora i njihove meðusobne komunikacije, povezanosti s were: the villa in the Lašèinska Road with an open staircase to
okolinom i pravilne orijentacije), te ih potkrepljuje primjerima the first floor situated within the hall; then, one of his most
triju sada svojih izvedenih kuæa. To su: vila na Lašæinskoj luxurious works - the villa Cuvaj in the Zamenhoffova Street with
cesti, u èijem se halu nalazi otvoreno stubište za prvi kat; te a façade of brick, stone and glass. The functionally composed
jedna od njegovih najraskošnijih, spomenuta - vila Cuvaj u villa in the Goljak Street ending in a flat roof was presented with
Zamenhofovoj, s proèeljima u cigli, kamenu i staklu. Ravnim a rural wattle fence, which at the same time appeared to be
krovom završenu funkcionalno komponiranu vilu na Goljaku regional and exceptionally modern.9
prikazuje sa seljaèkim plotom od isprepletenog pruæa, koji
istodobno djeluje i regionalno i izuzetno moderno.9 In the catalogue of the exhibition "Half Century of the Croatian
Art," of 1938,10 next to Planiæ's name stands, "Always ready to
“Stalno propagira modernija naziranja o arhitekturi” stoji uz promote more modern beliefs about architecture". It was
Planiæevo ime u katalogu izložbe “Pola vijeka hrvatske umjetnosti” much the same at the earlier, the Construction Exhibition in
1938. godine10. Drugaèije nije bilo niti na Graditeljskoj izložbi 1930, where he exhibited his ideal sketches, still lacking the
1930. godine, na kojoj, još u nedostatku realizacija, izlaže svoje realised projects. He addressed the public in the editorial

S. Planiæ, Treæe pismo o stanovanju / The Third Letter on Housing, Plin,
S. Planiæ, Dva pisma..., str. 14. Zagreb, 1937, No. 4, p. 47.
S. Planiæ, Treæe pismo o stanovanju, Plin, Zagreb, 1937., br. 4, str. 47. 10
T. Krizman, I. Šrepel, D. Tadijanoviæ (ur./eds.), Pola vijeka hrvatske
T. Krizman, I. Šrepel, D. Tadijanoviæ (ur.), Pola vijeka hrvatske umjetnosti, umjetnosti / Half Century of the Croatian Art, Dom likovnih umjetnosti / The
Dom likovnih umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1938., str. 211. Visual Arts Home, Zagreb, 1938, p. 211.

confronting those "who use experience and knowledge of
past epochs finding in them principal support and paragon".
Himself he ranked among those others - who "submerged into
the spirit and pulse of the time making efforts to formulate
the needs of the society by means of advanced technique
and in a spirit of a social and economic programme."11 By a
combination of circumstances, his generation of architects
received their first assignments in the architectonic ateliers of
Kovaèiæ, Erlich, Lubinski, Kalda and Šen. They were
preoccupied by intensive developments related to Frank Lloyd
Wright, Le Corbusier, the Bauhaus and by other social and
visual problems.12 Planiæ's writings and publications of
photographs of new constructions, along with lectures and
exhibitions, should be viewed as the only possible and at the
same time the most powerful media campaign that the modern
functional architecture and the new generation of architects
disposed of.

In his bitter struggle for the principles of modern architecture,

Planiæ dealt with another important subject. In his discourse
"On the National Style in Construction," nearly thirty years
after the launch of five volumes of "The Croatian Construction
Forms"13 initiated by the Croatian Engineers' Association, he
had critically commented on that piece of work and the
consequences it brought about.14 Developing of an atlas of
rural construction forms Planiæ considered as a then logical
patriotic proceeding in the light of the aspirations to solve the
national issue question. At the same time, Planiæ believed that
one of the purposes of that edition was a romantically tinted
endeavour to apply the forms and decorations customary for
rural construction in the contemporary formation of urban
Stambeno-poslovna zgrada "Napretkova zadruga" / The "Napretkova architecture and thus create a "traditional national style" in
zadruga" housing and business building, Zagreb, Bogoviæeva 1, architecture. The language issue of that style became even
1936. (foto: Tošo Dabac) more important at the beginning of the 19th century when the
Austro-Hungarian monarchy, once a feudal paradigm,
idejne projekte, ali se publici obraæa u uvodnom tekstu u kojem transformed into a modern capitalist state consisting of
se, nasuprot onima “koji se služe iskustvom i znanjem prošlih different peoples. German was an urbane language, and
graðevnih epoha i tu nalaze glavni oslon i uzor”, svrstava meðu search for a national expression was manifested in different
one druge - koji “prožeti duhom i pulsom vremena nastoje versions of historicism.15 Therefore, it is no surprise that the
formulirati potrebe društva sa sredstvima napredne tehnike u above mentioned action of collecting of the Croatian building
duhu socijalnog i ekonomskog programa.”11 Stjecajem and decorative art, mostly of the wooden architecture of the
okolnosti, generacija arhitekata kojoj je pripadao prve je poslove rich Slavonija and Srijem, Posavina and the neighbourhood of
dobivala u arhitektonskim ateljeima Kovaèiæa, Erlicha, Lubinskog,
Kalde i Šena, a zaokupljala su ih intenzivna zbivanja oko Franka 11
S. Planiæ, Uvod / Introduction, in: Graditeljska izložba /The Construction
Lloyda Wrighta, Le Corbusiera, Bauhausa te drugi društveni i Exhibition, Zagreb, 1930, p. 5.
Tako govori Stjepan Planiæ u dokumentarnom filmu Radovana Ivanèeviæa
likovni problemi.12 Planiæevo pisanje èlanaka i publiciranje "Pioniri moderne - Stjepan Planiæ" / Told by Stjepan Planiæ in the Radovan
fotografija novogradnji, uz predavanja i izložbe, treba promatrati Ivanèeviæ documentary "The Pioneers of the Modernism - Stjepan Planiæ",
kao jedinu moguæu, ujedno i najsnažniju, medijsku kampanju 1965.
M. Pilar (komentar / commentary), Hrvatski graðevni oblici / The Croatian
koju su moderna funkcionalna arhitektura i nova generacija Construction Forms, Zagreb, 1904. - 1911. (German edition: Das Bauernhaus
arhitekata mogli imati. in Kroatien, Dresden, 1911.)
S.Planiæ, O nacionalnom stilu u graditeljstvu / On the National Style in
Construction, Napretkova hulturno-historijska zbirka / The "Napredak" cultural-
S. Planiæ, Uvod, u: Graditeljska izložba, Zagreb, 1930., str. 5. historical collection, Sarajevo, 1936., pp. 200-214.
Tako govori Stjepan Planiæ u dokumentarnom filmu Radovana Ivanèeviæa 15
Akos Moravanszky, The Search for a National Style, in: Competing Visions,
“Pioniri moderne – Stjepan Planiæ” 1965. godine. Cambridge Mass., London, MIT Press, 1998, pp. 217-284


Dom za slijepu djecu, perspektiva / The Institute for blind children, perspective view, Zagreb, Nazorova 53, 1941. (Ernest Tomaševiæ)

U žuèljivoj borbi za naèela moderne arhitekture Planiæ se Zagreb, was conducted by academically educated Croatian
obraèunao s još jednom važnom temom. Skoro trideset godina architects Martin Pilar and Janko Holjac.
nakon što se na inicijativu Udruženja hrvatskih inženjera i
arhitekata poèelo s izdavanjem pet svezaka “Hrvatskih graðevnih As a member of the circle of artists assembled around the
oblika”13, na to se djelo, kao i na posljedice koje je izazvalo, group "Zemlja" (The Earth) actively advocating visual
kritièki osvrnuo u svojoj raspravi “O nacionalnom stilu u independence and opposed to imitating of western
graditeljstvu”14. Svojedobno sastavljanje tog atlasa seoskih fashionable trends and schools, Planiæ accepted an
M. Pilar (komentar), Hrvatski graðevni oblici, Zagreb, 1904-1911. (njemaèko
assumption of the politician Antun Radiæ, who believed
izdanje: Das Bauernhaus in Kroatien, Dresden, 1911.) there were two antagonistic cultures coexisting in Croatia:
S. Planiæ, O nacionalnom stilu u graditeljstvu, Napretkova kulturno- the domestic rural one and the imported urban, as a point of
historijska zbirka, Sarajevo, 1936.

Tri minareta prigraðena Domu likovnih umjetnika prilikom njegove pretvorbe u džamiju / Three minarets annexed to the Visual Artists' Home building
on the occasion of its conversion into a mosque, Zagreb, Trg žrtava fašizma bb, 1942. (foto: Muzej grada Zagreba)

graðevnih oblika, tj. traganje za vlastitom kulturnom baštinom, departure of this discourse. Planiæ made a provocative
Planiæ ocjenjuje kao logièan patriotski postupak u svjetlu tadašnje commentary that the wealthy Slavonian houses presented in
težnje za rješavanjem nacionalnog pitanja. Istodobno smatra da je the atlas might have been built by German carpenters and
jedna od svrha tog izdanja bilo i romantièarski obojeno nastojanje though the decorations might have some ornamental
da se u suvremenom oblikovanju gradske arhitekture primjene significance they proved nothing like the existence of a rural
oblici i ukrasi uobièajeni u seoskome graditeljstvu ne bi li se u building culture. A middle-class room ordered in "the
arhitekturi stvorio "tradicionalni nacionalni stil". Pitanje jezika toga national style" and urban family houses on whose façade
stila postalo je tim važnije kad se Austro-Ugarska Monarhija kao decorative elements from the ostensible Croatian past were
feudalna paradigma na poèetku 19. stoljeæa transformirala u stuck, were forcefully joined elements belonging to different
modernu kapitalistièku državu sastavljenu od razlièitih naroda. cultures. At the same time, Planiæ's analyses of the rural
Njemaèki je bio urbani jezik, a potraga za nacionalnim izrazom construction that "between the landscape, materials and
iskazivala se u razlièitim verzijama historicizma.15 Stoga ne èudi the necessary form a conditional natural connection
što spomenutu akciju prikupljanja domaæe graðevne i dekorativne exists," which confirmed the general rules of good
umjetnosti, u kojoj prevladava drvena arhitektura bogate Slavonije architecture. It was a question of an architect's interest for
i Srijema, Posavine i okolice Zagreba, u nas provodi prva the entirety of the phenomenon of housing that he observed
generacija akademski školovanih domaæih arhitekata, posebno in a sequence of appearances functioning within a complex
Martin Pilar i Janko Holjac. of an all-embracing living, including the rural. He
recommended that besides materials, construction
Kao pripadnik umjetnika okupljenih u grupi “Zemlja”, èiji su se technique and relation to the natural environment, one
èlanovi aktivno zauzimali za likovnu samostalnost i suprotstavljali ought to establish the man - house relationship, the needs
of people, possibly the relation of the house to the
farmstead and the relation of the farmstead or the farmer to
Akos Moravanszky, The Search for a National Style, u: Competing Visions,
other farmers. In short, Planiæ had articulated a theoretic
Cambridge, Mass., London, MIT Press, 1998., str. 217-284.


imitaciji zapadnjaèkih pomodnih pravaca i škola, Planiæ u ovoj platform from which architects and ethnologists could
raspravi polazi od pretpostavke politièara Antuna Radiæa o dvije proceed together in their research.16 With this text Planiæ
antagonistièke kulture: seljaèkoj, koja je domaæa, te gradskoj, concluded his efforts represented within the framework of
koja je tuðinska. Planiæ provocira komentarom da su prikazane the "Zemlja" exhibitions in which he indicated the problems
bogate slavonske kuæe iz atlasa mogli raditi i njemaèki tesari, te of housing either rural or urban and most of all, the housing
da ukrasi, iako imaju dekorativnu važnost, nisu dokaz graðevne problems of the growing suburbs of Zagreb.17
kulture sela. Graðanske sobe ureðene u “narodnom stilu” i
obiteljske gradske kuæe na èija su proèelja nalijepljeni Planiæ had himself commented on the "pioneer half-century
dekorativni elementi iz tobožnje hrvatske prošlosti jesu nasilno span" of the architecture in Croatia on the occasion of the
spajanje elemenata što pripadaju meðusobno razlièitim exhibition of 1938, but he had particularly appreciated the
kulturama, dok Planiæeva analiza seoskog graditeljstva potvrðuje writing of Vladimir (he called him Volodja) Potoènjak on the
opæa pravila dobre arhitekture da “izmeðu kraja, materijala i same subject. He wrote about Planiæ, "by way of
potrebne forme postoji uslovna prirodna povezanost.” Interes publications, occasional lectures and articles he appears
arhitekta je sveukupnost fenomena stanovanja, koje promatra in public and that he built many villas, tenancy housing
kao niz pojava koje funkcioniraju u kompleksu cjelokupnog buildings and redecorates shops."18 And a number of the
življenja, pa i ruralnog. Preporuèuje da se osim materijala, interiors designed at that time, like the Kollmann, Frkoviæ,
tehnike graðenja i odnosa prema prirodnoj sredini, ustanovi Laokon, Finzi and Ivette shop and the department store
odnos èovjeka prema kuæi, potrebama ljudi, eventualno odnos "Kastner & Öhler" show that Planiæ approached each single
kuæe prema gospodarstvu te odnos jednog gospodarstva ili architectonic assignment with equal responsibility. He
suseljana prema drugom. Ukratko, Planiæ je artikulirao teorijsku realised a number of attic conversions into apartments, as
platformu od koje u istraživanjima zajednièki mogu poèeti well as adding of another floor to the existing building.
arhitekti i etnolozi.16 Ovim tekstom zakljuèuje svoja nastojanja According to the propagated system of values he solved the
predstavljena prateæim izložbama u sklopu “Zemlje”, u kojima je new in a contemporary and functional manner, most often in
ukazivao na probleme stanovanja na selu i u gradu, a ponajviše contrast to the existing construction body. On the Sezession
u rastuæim zagrebaèkim predgraðima.17 corner building of Hönigsberg and Deutsh in the Palmotiæeva
Street he added two floors built in the original roof zone with
Iako se i sam osvrnuo na “pionirski polustoljetni raspon” three apartments. He applied the morphologic-typological
arhitekture u Hrvatskoj u povodu izložbe 1938. godine, Planiæ model of terraced housing which he retracted from the edge
je posebno cijenio tekst Vladimira (Voloðe, kako ga je sam zvao) and by the lower floor inventively linked together two
Potoènjaka o istoj temi, u kojem on za njega kaže da authentic roof athics.
“publikacijama, prigodnim predavanjima i èlancima nastupa
u javnosti te da mnogo gradi vile i najamne stambene Ambitious architectonic competitions for public buildings were
zgrade, ureðuje trgovine.”18 A da Planiæ jednako ozbiljno at the time organised in other parts of X-Yugoslavia. Planiæ
pristupa svakom, pa i najmanjem arhitektonskom zadatku, participated in several organised in Skoplje, Ljubljana,
pokazuje niz tada projektiranih interijera trgovina Kollmann, Maribor, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Some
Frkoviæ, Laokon, Finzi, Ivette, te robne kuæe “Kastner i Öhler”.
Ostvario je i niz adaptacija tavanskih prostora za stanove, kao i 16
A. Muraj, Doprinos arhitekata izuèavanju ruralnog stanovanja (1904 -
nadogradnje katova. U skladu s propagiranim vrijednosnim 1985) / The Architects' Contribution to Rural Housing Research (1904 -
1985), in: Živim znaèi stanujem / Living Means Housing, Zagreb, Hrvatsko
sustavom novo rješava suvremeno i funkcionalno, najèešæe u etnološko društvo / The Croatian Ethnology Society - Zavod za istraživanje
kontrastu prema zateèenom graðevnom tijelu. Na secesijsku folklora / The Institute for Folklore Research - Znanstveni institut Filozofske
uglovnicu Hönigsberga i Deutscha u Palmotiæevoj ulici ugradio fakultete v Ljubljani / The Scientific Institute by the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana,
1989, pp. 39 - 51.
je u izvornoj krovnoj zoni èak dvije etaže s ukupno tri stana, koje 17
The group "Earth" operated from 1929, until it was banned by the police in
1935. Stjepan Planiæ exhibited with the group from 1935, at first as a guest,
A. Muraj, Doprinos arhitekata izuèavanju ruralnog stanovanja (1904- and as a member since 1935. In the fourth exhibition (Zagreb, 1932) next to
1985), u: Živim znaèi stanujem, Zagreb, Hrvatsko etnološko društvo - Zavod za his own works he mounted, the problem exhibition "A House and the Life",
istraživanje folklora - Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, 1989., together with other group members and those of the "Working Zagreb Group".
str. 39-51. At the fifth (Zagreb, 1934) and the sixth exhibition (Belgrade, 1935) they
Grupa “Zemlja” djeluje od 1929. do policijske zabrane 1935. godine. organised sub-exhibition "The Village" and "The Village and the City - Rural and
Stjepan Planiæ izlaže s grupom od 1931. kao njezin gost, a èlanom postaje Urban Housing". The panels from that exhibition kept until our time are
1932. godine. Na èetvrtoj izložbi (Zagreb, 1932.), osim svojih radova, s drugim displayed in this exhibition of Planiæ's work.
zemljašima i “Radnom grupom Zagreb” postavlja problemsku izložbu “Kuæa i
V. Potoènjak, Arhitektura u Hrvatskoj 1888-1938 / Architecture in Croatia
život”. Na petoj (Zagreb, 1934.) i šestoj izložbi (Beograd, 1935.) s njima je 1888-1938, Graðevinski vjesnik (The Constructor's News), Zagreb, 1939, No.
organizirao prateæe izložbe “Selo” te “Selo i grad - stanovanje sela i grada” s 4-5, p. 54; S. Planiæ, Sjeæanja / The Memories, a lecture delivered in the
kojih saèuvane panoe pokazujemo i na ovoj izložbi. Architects' Society in Zagreb on February 14th, 1974.
V. Potoènjak, Arhitektura u Hrvatskoj 1888-1938., Graðevinski vjesnik,
Zagreb, 1939., br. 4-5, str. 54.; S. Planiæ, Sjeæanja, predavanje održano u Najamna vila Vurdelja /Vurdelja tenancy villa, Zagreb, Kozarèeve
Društvu arhitekata u Zagrebu 14. 2. 1974. (rukopis). stube 1 - Kozarèeva 29, 1931. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ) >>


Vila Fuhrmann / Fuhrmann villa, Zagreb, Gornje Prekrižje 30, 1935. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

kao morfološko-tipološki uzorak terasastog stanovanja uvlaèi od of the buildings were realised, mostly family houses in Slovenia
ruba, i svojom donjom etažom domišljato povezuje dvije izvorne and Bosnia.19
krovne atike.
Clear attitudes of Planiæ's creative mission, as well as the
Ambiciozni arhitektonski natjeèaji u to se doba organiziraju i za knowledge of relevant modernist poetics are demonstrated in
javne zgrade u drugim dijelovima bivše Jugoslavije. Planiæ his realisations, whose architectonic repertoire with no
sudjeluje na nekolicini u Skoplju, Ljubljani, Mariboru, Novom doctrines is exceptionally wide. A built-in tenancy housing
Sadu, Beogradu, Sarajevu, Banjaluci, a pojedine gradnje i building was a typical representative of the bourgeois
realizira, ponajviše obiteljske kuæe u Sloveniji i Bosni.19 building, and according to Planiæ it was the most frequent and
widespread form of a house in a city. Everything is subjected
Jasne stavove Planiæeve stvaralaèke misije, kao i poznavanje to the laws of capital and profit in designing of this type of
relevantnih modernistièkih poetika, najbolje pokazuju njegove house.20 As model-houses he considered Ibler's Wellisch
realizacije, èiji je arhitektonski repertoar bez doktrina i izuzetno
širok. Ugraðena najamna stambena zgrada izraziti je
Državna srednja tehnièka škola u Zagrebu / The National Secondary
Technical School in Zagreb, 1892/3 – 1932/3, Zagreb, 1933, pp. 154-156;
predstavnik graðanskog graditeljstva i, po Planiæevim rijeèima, F. Obal, Arhitektura historicizma in secesije v Prekmurju / The Historicism
najraširenija i najèešæa forma kuæe u gradu, pri èijem je and Sezession Architecture in Prekmurje, Murska Sobota, Pomurska založba,
Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2002, p. 144; B. Zupanèiæ, Ljubljanski
Državna srednja tehnièka škola u Zagrebu 1892-3 – 1932-3, Zagreb nebotiènik - denar in arhitektura / The Ljubljana Skyscraper - Money and
1933., str. 154-156.; i F. Obal, Arhitektura historicizma in secesije v Architecture, Ljubljana, Urbanistièki inštitut Republike Slovenije, 2001, pp. 54,
Prekmurju, Murska Sobota, Pomurska založba, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske 56, 142; P. Miloševiæ, Arhitektura u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. Sarajevo 1918 -
fakultete, 2002., str. 144.; B. Zupanèiæ, Ljubljanski nebotiènik – denar in 1941 / Architecture in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Sarajevo 1918 - 1941,
arhitektura, Ljubljana, Urbanistièki inštitut Republike Slovenije, 2001., str. 54, Foèa, Prosvjeta, 1997; D. Milašinoviæ Mariæ, Arhitekta Jan Dubovi I Jan
56, 142.; P. Miloševiæ, Arhitektura u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji (Sarajevo 1918- Dubovi, the Architect, Beograd, Zadužbina Andrejeviæ, 2001, p. 46.
1941.), Foèa, Prosvjeta, 1997.; D. Milašinoviæ Mariæ, Arhitekta Jan Dubovi, 20
S. Planiæ, O ugraðenoj najamnoj kuæi / On the Built-in Tenancy Housing
Beograd, Zadužbina Andrejeviæ, 2001., str. 46. Building, Graðevinski vjesnik, Zagreb, 1934, No. 5, p. 65-70.

Vila Sinkoviæ / Villa Sinkoviæ, Zagreb, Zatišje 24, 1944. Pregradnja ljetnikovca Kovaèiæ / The Kovaèiæ summerhouse
(foto: Damir Fabijaniæ) reconstruction, Zagreb, Pustoselina 9, 1943. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

Dogradnja i pregradnja oporavilišnog doma Zanatlija / The Craftsmen Sanatorium extension and reconstruction,
Crikvenica, Radiæeva 152, 1956-57. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)


Spomen-dom / The Memorial Hall, Komiža, 1964. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

Obiteljska kuæa Rogiæ / Rogiæ single-family house, Zagreb, Vila Katiæ / Katiæ villa, Zagreb, Mlinarska 41, 1939.
Horvatovac 55, 1973. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ) (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

Obiteljska kuæa Arbanas / Arbanas single-family house, Seljine brigade 1, Velika Gorica, (1970.) (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

projektiranju sve podvrgnuto zakonima kapitala i zarade.20 house in the Martiæeva Street and the paradigmatic Kauzlariæ-
Uzornima je smatrao Iblerovu kuæu Wellisch u Martiæevoj i Gomboš's house Frisch in the Petrinjska Street. From that
paradigmatsku Kauzlariæ-Gomboševu kuæu Frisch u Petrinjskoj house he took over a particularly careful articulation of a
ulici, s koje za svoju kuæu Mokroviæ u Draškoviæevoj ulici penthouse terrace, for the Mokroviæ house. "I was proud that
preuzima naglašeno pažljivu artikulaciju penthouse terase. I had managed to create loggia spaces in place of façade
“Bio sam ponosan da mi je uspjelo umjesto fasadnih decorations, I believed it to be better for living, and pure in
dekoracija stvoriti prostore loggia, mislio sam to je za terms of construction and the back yard façade is the
stanovanje bolje, konstruktivno je èista, i dvorišna fasada je same as the street side. There was a terrace on the roof
kao ulièna. Na krovu ima terasu i odmaralište za stanare, bio and a resting-place for tenants… I was very pleased until I
sam zadovoljan dok nisam vidio kako iz godine u godinu na noticed that year after year on this subject, but in a
tu temu, tek mnogo drugaèije, radi u Zagrebu danas i zadnji different manner, in Zagreb now worked even the last
diletant. ... Želio bih i znam danas, kako bi trebalo graditi dilettante… I would like and know how to build a better one
bolju”, kazat æe sedam godina nakon njezine realizacije.21 Istina today," said Planiæ seven years later.21 To tell the truth, with
je da se tom, u svoje doba èesto citiranom gradnjom, najviše this, then intensely promoted construction, he came very
približio rukopisu drugih meðuratnih zagrebaèkih arhitekata. close to the handwriting of other Zagreb architects between
No, Planiæevo je mišljenje ionako bilo da je konaèno stambeno the two wars. Anyway, Planiæ was of opinion that the final
rješenje svakog èovjeka vlastita kuæica s vrtom, ma kako housing solution for any man was his own house with garden,
skromni oni bili. never mind how modest might be.

S. Planiæ, O ugraðenoj najamnoj kuæi, 1934., str. 65. 21
S. Planiæ, 50 godina arhitekture u Hrvatskoj / 50 Years of Architecture in
S. Planiæ, 50 godina arhitekture u Hrvatskoj, Književnik, Zagreb, 1939., br. Croatia, Književnik (The Writer), Zagreb, 1939, No. 2, pp.49-64.
2, str. 49-64.


Obiteljska kuæa Milinkoviæ / Milinkoviæ single-family house, Zagreb, Novakova 31, 1963. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

Planiæeve postulate graðenja u desetak je tekstova, objavljenih The art historian Radovan Ivanèeviæ22 adeptly interpreted
izmeðu šezdesetih i devedesetih godina, znalaèki interpretirao Planiæ's building postulates in some dozen texts from the sixties
povjesnièar umjetnosti Radovan Ivanèeviæ.22 Planiæ povlaèi until the nineties. As a rule, Planiæ retracted a house in the plot
obiteljsku kuæu na parceli dalje od ulice, dublje u vrt, na kakvu further away from the street, into the garden, to a more
istaknutiju poziciju. Prostorije u njoj organizira na naèin da prominent position. He organised interior spaces in a way that
servise orijentira prema ulici ili sjevernoj strani, a dnevni the utility spaces are looking to the street or to the North and
Spomenimo da je Ivanèeviæev ciklus napisa o Planiæu zapoèeo feljtonom 22
Note that the Ivanèeviæ's cycle of essays about Planiæ started with a text
“Moderna arhitektura – nepriznata umjetnost” u èasopisu “Telegram” 1968. "Modern Architecture - an Unacknowledged Art" in the magazine "Telegram",
godine. Ostalo pogledati u izabranoj bibliografiji ovog kataloga. in 1968.

Obiteljska kuæa Miljanoviæ /Miljanoviæ single-family house, Zagreb, Kameniti stol 28, 1971. (foto: Damir Fabijaniæ)

boravak i sobe, preko loða ili terase u spoju s prirodom, kao u the living room and other rooms are connected with the nature
obiteljskoj kuæi Roth u Davoru, Schwarzwald u Jurjevskoj ulici ili by way of a loggia or a terrace. This was the case in the family
u najamnoj vili Guštin-Prestin na Jabukovcu. house Roth in Davor, Schwarzwald in the Jurjevska Street and
the tenancy villa Guštin-Prestin, in Jabukovac in Zagreb.
Iako kuæe nerijetko rješava jedinstvenim volumenom, u
najamnoj vili Vurdelja u Kozarèevoj ulici na kreativan je naèin Although he often solved houses in a single volume, in the
iskoristio nagib zemljišta te kuæa oblikom prati terase terena. Na tenancy villa Vurdelja in the Kozarèeva Street, he used the
neizgraðenom dijelu zemljišta uvijek detaljno planira slope pitch in a creative way so that the house follows the
hortikulturno rješenje s obaveznom vijugavom stazom, niskim i terrain terraces. In the unbuilt part of the plot he always made a
visokim raslinjem. U kompoziciji tlocrta i oblikovanju prostora detailed design of a horticultural solution, unfailingly with a
dosljedno primjenjuje naèelo slobodne i dinamièke ravnoteže winding path and the low and high vegetation. In the layout
razlièitih oblika i formata. Osim ritma razlièito proporcioniranih composition and shaping of space the principles of a free and


Vikendica Smiljaniæ / The Smiljaniæ weekend house, Kloštar Šiljevièki, 13. primorsko goranske divizije 32, 1974.

pravokutnika, redovito uklapa poneku krivulju, iz temeljnih dynamic equilibrium of varying forms and formats were
zahtjeva namjene, a ne iz formalnih razloga. consistently applied. Besides the rhythm of differently
proportioned rectangles, he regularly fitted in some curve,
Ravni krov ostvaren je u nizu Planiæevih gradnji, od ugraðenih owing to the fundamental demands imposed by the purpose
stambenih višekatnica i nebodera “Napretkove zadruge” do and not for formal reasons.
dvojne kuæe Belaj-Veble i najamne vile Malojèiæ u Nazorovoj.
Istodobno realizira blago skošeni krov po uzoru na japansku A flat roof was realised in a number of Planiæ's constructions,
kuæu u valjkastoj vili Fuhrmann, krov ukošen na jednu stranu u from the built-in housing multi-storey buildings and the high-rise
klijeti Damaška u Varaždin Bregu te u kuæi Karaman na of the "Napretkova zadruga" to semidetached Belaj - Veble
Mirogojskoj cesti, a kosi krov s jako izbaèenom strehom na house and the tenancy villa Malojèiæ in the Nazorova Street. At
planinarskim domovima pokraj Križevaca i na Medvednici, na vili the same time he realised a mildly pitched roof after the model
Sinkoviæ u Zatišju ili ljetnikovcu Kovaèiæ u Pustoselini, što of a Japanese house in the cylindrical villa Fuhrmann, then a
odbacuje njegovu bilo kakvu dogmatsku iskljuèivost. high pitched roof in the Damaška vineyard cottage in Varaždin
Breg and in the Karaman house in the Mirogojska Street. On the
Nerijetko svoje gradnje rješava kompaktnim volumenom oštrih mountaineers' homes near Križevci, on the Medvednica, on the
bridova, ali na drugima su uglovi pomno zaobljeni, bilo da je villa Sinkoviæ in Zatišje and the summerhouse Kovaèiæ in
rijeè samo o krovu (kao u projektu za neboder u Ilici 1a) ili o Pustoselina he realised pitched roofs with protruded eaves,
tijelu èitava zdanja (poput najamne kuæe Fux-Nikoliæ u which discard any dogmatic narrow-mindedness on his part.
Kostelskoj ulici, obiteljske kuæe Pleše u Jadranskoj, vile Hercezi
u Rockfellerovoj ulici u Zagrebu).23 Osim u kompoziciji, Quite often he solved his buildings as a compact volume of
simpatije za naèela organièke arhitekture oèitavamo i u sharp edges, while in the others edges were carefully rounded,
whether it was about a roof (as in the project of a high-rise in the
T. Premerl, Pobjeda humanizma u djelu Stjepana Planiæa, Èovjek i prostor, Ilica Street 1a) or the entire body of a building (like the tenancy
Zagreb, 1981., br. 2, str. 16-18.

maštovitoj uporabi i kombiniranju materijala, posebno u živosti house Fux-Nikoliæ in the Kostelska Street, the family house
stvorenoj teksturom proèelja. Pleše in the Jadranska Street, or the villa Hercezi in the
Rockfellerova Street in Zagreb).23 We could detect his sympathy
Svoju je kuæu u Radnièkom dolu, drvene konstrukcije s manjim for the principles of organic architecture not only in composition,
zidanim dijelom, smjestio u krajnji gornji ugao strme obiteljske but also in his imaginative use and combination of materials and
parcele. Kuæa-atelje otvara se staklima i proširuje balkonom na particularly in the vivacity created by the façade structure.
dvije preostale strane, istoènu i južnu, tako da dominira vrtom,
a za sebe ima povlašten vidik. Dom je to ne samo u fizièkom He situated his house in the Radnièki dol, in the extreme upper
smislu, veæ i intimno prebivalište èovjekova duha iz kojeg se èita part of a steep family plot. The house was built of wood with a
njegov odnos prema svijetu. Smišljeno je, kao i u ostalim small part made of brick. It is a house-atelier opening by glass
Planiæevim kuæama, sve potrebno za neotuðeni, dostojan život and extended by a balcony on two sides - eastern and southern,
ljudi i funkcije koje svakodnevno moraju obavljati, a da niti jedan so that it dominates the garden and offers a privileged view. It is
kvadratni metar nije sagraðen uzalud. Racionalnost, a home, not just in the physical sense; it is an intimate abode of
ekonomiènost i naèela humanizma stvarni su temelj Planiæeve the human spirit that manifests his relation to the world. All what
arhitekture, a projektirani volumeni, korišteni materijali i tehnike, it takes for a non-estranged life, worthy of a man and the function
tek prijevod stvarnih potreba konkretnih ljudi za sretniji i bolji he has to perform day by day had been deliberated, same as in
život. Iako se niz izuzetnih obiteljskih kuæa, vila i stambenih other Planiæ's houses, so that not a single square meter would
zgrada realiziranih potkraj tridesetih godina nastavio i u be built in vain. Rationality, effectiveness and humanistic
èetrdesetima, iz ovog je razdoblja Planiæ ostao zapamæen po principles are the actual fundaments of Planiæ's architecture,
dogradnji triju minareta i zdenca 1942. godine uz Dom likovnih and designed volumes, use of materials and techniques just a
umjetnika (podignut èetiri godine ranije prema zamisli kipara translation of concrete persons' actual needs for a better and a
Ivana Meštroviæa), koji je u vrijeme Nezavisne Države Hrvatske happier life. And though his sequence of exceptional family
pretvoren u džamiju. Iako su minareti nakon Drugog svjetskog houses, villas and housing buildings realised during the thirties
rata uklonjeni jednako brzo kao što su bili i postavljeni, Planiæ continued in the forties, in that period Planiæ was remembered
se našao na popisu nepodobnih. U prvoj poslijeratnoj dekadi by the annex of three minarets and a fountain next to the Visual
prepušta se radostima služenja i dužnosti, i u centralizirano Artists' Home (built four years earlier after the conception of the
organiziranim struènim službama realizira projekte u podruèjima sculptor Ivan Meštroviæ) in 1942 converted into a mosque in the
izvan Zagreba. time of the Independent State of Croatia. Despite the fact that
the minarets were dismantled after the war, as quickly as they
U Sarajevu gradi bolnicu i medicinski fakultet; u Delnicama, were erected, Planiæ was entered on a list of the ideologically
Dvoru na Uni, Garešnici, Zaprešiæu i Našicama zgrade unsound persons. In the first post-war decade he enjoyed the
kotarskih narodnih odbora; zadružni dom u Svetom Ivanu Zelini; delights of serving and obligations. Within the centrally
dom kulture u Pitomaèi; vatrogasne domove u Novoj Gradiški i organised civil service expert departments he realised projects
Križevcima; u Delnicama još srednju školu, stadion, stambenu outside Zagreb.
zgradu, itd. Kao i drugi arhitekti generacije, sudjeluje u
planiranoj obnovi zemlje, i do mirovine æe ostati zaposlen u In Sarajevo he built a hospital and the Medical Faculty; in
raznim tijelima državne administrativne uprave. Delnice, Dvor na Uni, Garešnica, Zaprešiæ and Našice the
buildings of the District National People's Committee buildings;
Iako vrlo komunikativan i uvijek sa širokim krugom poznanika i the Co-operative Hall in Sv. Ivan Zelina; the Culture Hall in
prijatelja, u razdoblju iza rata Planiæ više nije bio društveno Pitomaèa; the fire stations in Nova Gradiška and Križevci; In
angažiran i aktivan. Prelistamo li naše struène èasopise iz Delnice also the Secondary School building, the stadium, a
pedesetih i šezdesetih godina, neæemo naæi niti jedan èlanak housing building, and so on. Like other architects of his
koji govori o njegovu djelu. Izabrani arhitektonski primjeri u generation Planiæ partook in the planned reconstruction of the
sinteznim pregledima poslijeratne hrvatske arhitekture, koji æe country and will till the end of his life be employed in the different
se pojaviti poslije njegove smrti 1980. godine (a raðeni su na bodies of the national administration.
temelju publiciranog materijala24), spominju samo njegove
zaposlenjem dobivene narudžbe. Preko 400 poslijeratnih Contrary to the fact that Planiæ was a very communicative
Planiæevih projekata u pravilu zastupa stambena zgrada u person with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, in the
Delnicama, podignuta 1953. godine, i poslovna zgrada post-war period he was no longer socially committed and
“Elektre” L-tlocrta u Èakovcu, iz 1968. godine. Tome je razlog i active. Should we leaf the expert magazines from the fifties and

Arhitektura u Hrvatskoj 1945-1985., Arhitektura, Zagreb, 1986., br. 196-
T. Premerl, Pobjeda humanizma u djelu Stjepana Planiæa / The Triumph of
199, str. 102-118.; T. Odak, Pregled stambene arhitekture u Hrvatskoj 1945- Humanism in the Works of Stjepan Planiæ, Èovjek i prostor (Man and Space),
91., Arhitektura, Zagreb, 1989-91., br. 208-210, str. 37-72. Zagreb, 1981, No. 2, pp. 16-18.


the sixties, we shall not find a single article following his activity.
The architectonic examples in selected synthesised reviews of
the Croatian post-war architecture, which appeared after he
died in 1980 (made on the grounds of the publicised
materials24), mention the commissions received through his
employment. In principle, his housing building in Delnice
erected in 1953 and the "Elektra" building of an L-layout in
Èakovec built in 1968, represent more than 400 of his post-war
realisations. The reason for that also lied in the fact that after the
war housing was definitely shifted from the field of the individual
to the sphere of collective housing. His units of measure then
became housing buildings (of bigger capacity than those from
before the war) and housing estates as a whole. The new
generation that came on the scene solved the new needs of the
society and the new architectonic assignments.

More than ever before, in the period following the Second World
War Planiæ found pleasure in his work and existence in general
in designing individual family houses. His abundant imaginative
authorial personality developed further in a particular way, in
contact with investors and solving of each individual order.
Vikendica Broz / Broz weekend house, Krk, Creska 22, 1980. (foto:
Damir Fabijaniæ)
Every new job of designing of a family house Planiæ would begin
taj što je stanovanje s podruèja individualnog poslije rata by collecting the so-called "registry data". He wanted to learn
definitivno preseljeno u sferu kolektivnog, kad njegove mjerne everything about the investor's family, the particularities and
jedinice postaju stambene zgrade (veæih kapaciteta od needs of each member of the micro-community. "I want to
meðuratnih), tj. stambena naselja u cjelini. Nove potrebe create the most advantageous organism, I do not compose
društva i nove arhitektonske zadatke rješava nova generacija rooms, I do not compose spaces, I direct the future life of a
arhitekata koja je smjenom nastupila. man within a new object. While I am directing this life I am
impressed by him, first of all, by his way of life, his aspirations
U razdoblju nakon Drugog svjetskog rata zadovoljstvo u radu, i in life. I look at that man as a film director or a theatre
razlog postojanja uopæe, Planiæ nalazi u projektiranju pojedinih director, who sees him on the stage and I see him in his
obiteljskih kuæa, svojoj primarnoj vokaciji. U kontaktu s future house in which I organise his life… You can not define
naruèiteljima i u prilagodbi pojedinim zadacima, njegova se a house as a three-bedroom apartment. To us the expression
maštom bogata autorska osobnost razvijala i dalje. a three-bedroom apartment means nothing."25

Svaki novi posao projektiranja obiteljske kuæe Planiæ bi zapoèeo A story about a modest woman from Pokuplje who felt she
prikupljanjem tzv. “matièarskih podataka”. Želio je saznati sve o needed a well ordered home and decided to knock on his door
obitelji naruèitelja, osobitostima i potrebama svakog èlana illustrates his warm relationship of deep understanding that he
mikrozajednice. “Hoæu stvoriti najpovoljniji organizam, ne was capable of building with his clients. For Barica Vuksan from
komponiram sobe, ne komponiram prostorije, nego a village named Pisarovina he built a bright, warm and dry home
komponiram, režiram buduæi život èovjeka unutar novog for little money, using the construction materials of an old house
objekta. I kod režije toga života impresioniran sam prvo njim and "a dream of every housewife to have to herself a nice
kao takvim, njegovim naèinom života, njegovim htijenjima u and comfortable corner," was realised.26 The investor was very
životu. Tog èovjeka gledam kao filmski režiser ili teatarski 24
Arhitektura u Hrvatskoj 1945 - 1985 / Architecture in Croatia, 1945 - 1985,
režiser, koji ga vidi na pozornici, a ja ga vidim u buduæoj kuæi Arhitektura (Architecture), Zagreb, 1986, No. 196-199, pp. 102-118; T. Odak,
u kojoj mu organiziram život. .... Ne može se jednu kuæu Pregled stambene arhitekture u Hrvatskoj 1945-91 / A Review of the
Croatian Housing Architecture 1945-91, Arhitektura, Zagreb, 1989-91, No.
definirati samo kao trosoban stan. Za nas termin trosoban 208-210, pp. 37-72.
stan ne znaèi ništa.”25 25
Planiæ's statement from the documentary "Pioniri hrvatske moderne
arhitekture / Pioneers of the Croatian Modern Architecture - Stjepan Planiæ",
written and directed by R. Ivanèeviæ, first run on TV on September 29th, 1978.
H. Bišèeviæ, Barica i suprotnosti, Intervju s Baricom Vuksan iz sela
Planiæeve rijeèi iz filma R. Ivanèeviæa (scenarij i režija), Pioniri moderne Pisarovine / Barica and Contrarieties, An interview with Barica Vuksan from
arhitekture - Stjepan Planiæ, dokumentarni film u boji, TV premijera 29. 9. the village Pisarovina, Umjetnost i mi / Art and Us, The Art History Year-book
1978. of the Secondary School Vladimir Nazor in Zagreb, 1969, pp. 6-7.

O prisnom odnosu punom razumijevanja koji je znao izgraditi s pleased to have a small working kitchen instead of a living
klijentima govori prièa o skromnoj ženi iz sela u Pokuplju koja kitchen space where everyone stayed in as was customary in
je osjetila potrebu za dobro organiziranim domom i pokucala rural parts. She was pleased with the small kitchen ("when I
na njegova vrata. Barici Vuksan iz sela Pisarovina Planiæ je work I want to be alone") and a living room ("where we are
1959. za malo novca, koristeæi graðevni materijal sa stare warm and can tell each other everything"). A dining table
seoske kuæe, sagradio svijetao, topao i suh dom, u kojem je Planiæ would organise along a wall with a built bench, rather
ostvaren i “san svake domaæice da samo za sebe ima jedan undemanding in terms of space, which can be easily adapted
udoban i lijepi kutak.”26 Naruèiteljica je posebno bila to the number of guests unlike chairs. The housing syntagm
zadovoljna što je za razliku od stambene kuhinje u kojoj se, kao was formulated: solitary space, communal spaces in adaptable
što je na selu obièaj, svi zadržavaju, dobila malu radnu kuhinju variations. Fellow-villagers particularly admired "the fine
(“da kad radim da sam sama”) i dnevnu sobu (“gdi nam je mortar", the texture created by means of visible strokes, which
toplo i možemo si sve reæi”). Sjedenje oko stola Planiæ je was often Planiæ's signature on many of his houses.
obièavao s jedne ili dvije strane organizirati uza zid
izgraðenom, prostorno nezahtjevnom klupom koja se, za The impoverishment of the population and decrease of the
razliku od stolaca, s lakoæom prilagoðavala broju gostiju. quality of craftsmen's work directed Planiæ during the sixties in
Formulirana je sintagma stanovanja: prostori za osamu i particular to use brick more intensely in shaping of façades of
prostori za zajedništvo, u prilagodljivim varijacijama. Suseljani family houses, of churches and parish houses. He would not
su se posebno divili “lijepoj žbuci”, teksturi stvorenoj vidljivim routinely approach these jobs either, searching for each house
namazima, kojom je Planiæ potpisao mnoge svoje kuæe. an original solution. He used pale yellow, red or purple coloured
bricks, laid horizontally or vertically. The housing buildings and
Osiromašenje graðanstva, ali i istovremen pad kvalitete family houses he raised at that time at the Zelenjak, the
obrtnièkog rada, usmjerio je Planiæa, posebice šezdesetih Novakova and Andrijeviæeva Street in Zagreb, in Samobor and
godina, na intenzivnije korištenje cigle pri oblikovanju proèelja Velika Gorica, in Selce, Novi Vinodolski and Dramalj, as regards
obiteljskih kuæa, crkava i župnih dvorova. Ni ovdje nije postupao volume were shaped as cube-houses with protruded roof eaves.
rutinski, veæ je za svaku kuæu iznalazio originalno rješenje. He would compose interior space round the central interspace
Koristi blijedožutu, crvenu ili ljubièastu, vodoravno ili uspravno formed by a staircase, in several levels. In Primorje he often
slaganu ciglu. Volumenom, njegove su stambene zgrade i used crushed stone mixed with cement, a cheap invention of
obiteljske kuæe koje u to doba gradi na Zelenjaku, u Novakovoj good isolating qualities and of additional aesthetic quality. In all
i Andrijeviæevoj ulici u Zagrebu, u Samoboru i Velikoj Gorici, kao houses the living space is extended into the outer space by
i kuæe za odmor koje u velikom broju podiže u Selcu, Novom means of a designed garden, a terrace, a roofed-over balcony or
Vinodolskom, Dramlju - kuæe-kocke s istaknutim krovnim extremely cut windows, at least. However, he did not create
nadstrešnicama. Unutrašnji prostor komponira u nekoliko razina models, but tried to sense the needs of people, their demands.
oko središnjeg meðuprostora što ga tvori stubište. U Primorju His realisations were always different. A house is an organism to
za gradnju èesto koristi kamen drobljenac pomiješan s itself, each time different, like life different from one person to
cementom, jeftin izum dobrih izolacijskih svojstava s dodatnom another. So Planiæ contemplated a better life for his investors
estetskom kvalitetom. U svim se kuæama dnevni prostor until the end of the seventies, of which those among them still
proširuje u vanjski uz pomoæ projektiranog vrta, terase, living are ready to confirm.
natkrivenog balkona ili barem do maksimuma izrezanog
prozora. Ne stvaraju se, meðutim, modeli, veæ se pokušavaju During the last ten years of his life, Planiæ received recognition.
osvijestiti potrebe stanara, njihovi zahtjevi, a realizacije su svaki The Life Achievement Awards "Vladimir Nazor" and "Viktor
put bile drugaèije. Kovaèiæ" were given for his interwar activity, then there were
two documentary films, paper and radio interviews and
Kuæa je organizam za sebe, svaki put razlièit, kao i život, invitations for lectures in expert circles. Persevering and
svakome razlièit. Smišljao je Planiæ bolji život svojim inimitable, he decided also to realise his testament in a form of
naruèiteljima, o èemu oni posljednji i danas živo svjedoèe, do an enlightening enterprise. Not once had the adults
samog kraja sedamdesetih godina. disappointed him and this is why he decided to write a book for
children on "The Culture of Living". We are aware of the fact that
U posljednjih desetak godina Planiæeva života stigla su he takes the credit for the institution of "a children's room" and
priznanja: nagrade za životno djelo “Vladimir Nazor” i “Viktor it was a sound decision. Despite the spare times, Planiæ
Kovaèiæ”, za djelovanje u meðuratnom razdoblju, dva insisted that children should not be placed within the space of
other rooms, because even a small room, a cabin, solves for
H. Bišæeviæ, Barica i suprotnosti, Intervju s Baricom Vuksan iz sela children a place to play and learn and helps create their
Pisarovine, Umjetnost i mi, Godišnjak povijesti umjetnosti gimnazije Vladimir personality. In form of a picture book, Planiæ addressed the
Nazor (VII) u Zagrebu, 1969., str. 6-7.


dokumentarna filma, razgovori za novine i radio, pozvana youngest by examples of his buildings, with coloured
predavanja u struènim krugovima. Neumoran i neponovljiv, i photographs, drawings and a simple comment, telling them that
svoj je testament odluèio realizirati kao prosvjetiteljski pothvat. it was possible to live happier, healthier and nicer life.
Ne mali broj puta, razoèaravši se u odraslima, odluèio je
napisati knjigu “Kultura stanovanja” namijenju djeci. Znamo li da Stjepan Planiæ was capable of connecting different
je zaslužan za instituciju “djeèje sobe”, bila je to utemeljena contemporary trends in architecture in a creative way, not
odluka. Usprkos oskudnim vremenima, Planiæ je inzistirao da se forgetting the milieu he came from and for which he was
pitanje smještaja djeteta ne uklapa u sadržaje ostalih prostorija, building. On the international rhetoric of the functionalistic and
jer zasebna mala soba, makar kabina, osim igranja i uèenja, u organic mark he raised a superstructure of his own local
djece rješava i stvaranje osobnosti. U formi slikovnice, Planiæ na answers, being responsible to his investors and consistent in
primjeru svojih gradnji, fotografijama u boji, crtežima i his statement that each house is an organism.
jednostavnim tekstom govori najmlaðima kako je moguæe
zdravije, ljepše i sretnije živjeti.

Stjepan Planiæ znao je na kreativan naèin spojiti razlièina

suvremena kretanja u arhitekturi, ne zaboravljajuæi pritom
sredinu iz koje je potekao i za koju gradi. Internacionalne je
retorike funkcionalistièkog i organièkog predznaka nadgradio
vlastitim lokalnim odgovorima, ostajuæi odgovoran prema svojim
naruèiteljima i dosljedan u svojoj tvrdnji da je svaka kuæa
organizam, a arhitektura život sâm.


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