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Al-Beruni Model School & College Kanju Swat

Paper Maths Class 8th Final Term Exam 2016

Time: 20Min Section - A Marks:15

Q.No1: Choose the correct option and fill the empty boxes.

1. If A is a square matrix then A = At is Called _____________ matrix.

(a) Symmetric (b) Identity (c) Diagonal (d) Skew symmetric
2. ( a + b ) 3 = _______________.
(a) (a+b)(a 2 – ab + b 2) (b) a 3 – b 3 (c) a 2+ 2ab + b 2 (d) (a+b)(a 2 – ab + b 2)
3. Two matrices A & B are conformable for multiplication if _________________.
(a) Rows = Rows (b) Columns = Rows (c) Rows = Column (d) None of these
4. Logarithm was invented by ____________.
(a) John Napier (b) Euler (c) Al khwarzmi (d) Henry Briggs
5. Additive identity in matrices is_______________ matrix.
(a) Identity (b) Null (c) Scalar (d) Diagonal
6. √−1 ×√−1 =_________________.
(a) 1 (b) – 1 (c) i (d) 0
7. Conjugate of 3 -√ 5 is _______________.
(a) 3−√ 5 (b) - 3 -√ 5 (c) 3 + √ 5 (d) None of these
8. Commutative property of ______________ holds in matrices.
(a) Multiplication (b) Addition (c) Subtraction (d) All
9. Fractional part of logarithm is called ____________.
(a) e (b)Mantissa (c) π (d) Characteristic
10. x 6 – y 6 = ______________.
(a) ( x 3 – y 3)( x 3 - y 3 ) (b) ( x 3 – y 3) 2 (c) ( x 3 – y 3)( x 3 + y 3 ) (d) ( x 3 – y 3) 3
11. 9x2 – 16y4 = ____________.
(a) ( 3x – 4y2 ) ( 3x – 4y2 ) (b) ( 3x – 4y2 ) 2 (c) ( 3x – 4y2 ) ( 3x + 4y2 ) (d) ( 3x + 4y2 ) 2
12. Multiplicative inverse of √ 2 is_______________.

(a) −√ 3 √2 (c) √ 2 (d) −√ 1

−1 1
13. Factor theorem is used to_________the polynomial.
(a) Solve (b) Factorize (c) Find value of variable (d) All
14. (2i) (–3i) = _________________.
(a) – 6 (b) – 5 (c) 6 (d) None of these
15. Mantissa in the logarithm is always______________.
(a) Negative (b) Positive (c) Equal to Characteristic (d) None of these
Al-Beruni Model School & College Kanju Swat

Paper Maths Class 8th Final Term Exam 2016

Time: 2:40Min Section : B Marks: 36
Q.No.1. Attempt any nine –parts out of the following.

i. Simplify : √3 x 3 . √4 x 4
ii. Solve : x + y = 7 , x - y = 4 by Cramer‘s rule.

iii. Find the quotient ( ) , where Z = 7 + 6i , Z

Z2 1 2 =9–i
x+ y x− y
iv. Simplify : 3 x +2 y + 3 x +2 y
( ab )
v. Simplify : 1
( ab )

vi. Factorize : ax – a – x + 1
vii. Find the value of x : log 2 x = 3
viii. Factorize : (x+2)(x+4)(x+6)(x+8) – 9

( ) ( ) ( )
p p+q q q+r r r+p
x x x
ix. Simplify : q r p
x x x
x. Find the product of : (a + 1)(a2 – a + 1)
xi. Rationalize the denominator :
2+ √5
xii. Factorize : 2( xy + pq )- x 2 - y 2 + p 2 + q 2
Section : C Marks: 24

Note : Attempt any three of the following.

Q : 2 : Divide : x 2 – 16y 2 by x + 4y , ( x ≠ - 4y ).
Q : 3 : Simplify with the help of logarithm . (0.04) (256)
Q : 4 : Find the value of a + b + c when : a 2 + b 2 + c 2 = 38 and ab + bc + ca = - 1

1 1
Q : 5 : If x =√ 5 - 2 find the value of x – x and x 2 -

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