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PDO Informational Sessions



Time: ~30 minutes
Staff: 1 teacher (minimum), 5-8 alumni assistants
Format: Skits
Materials: Skit script, paper and markers and other props as appropriate

Teacher preparation:
1. Work with teachers and a lumni to practice the skit. Remind everyone that
the purpose is NOT to scare the students or show off, but to reinforce topics
learned at PDO.
2. Gather items needed for skit and set up room.

To show students, in an entertaining way, how some unrealistic expectations can
negatively influence their exchange year, and the importance of using the tools they
put in their toolboxes at PDO.

Opening scene
Narrator: Once upon a time there was a boy named Vasya.
We see him. He smiles and waves to the audience.

Vasya: Hi! My name is Vasya!

Narrator: One day Vasya’s teacher told him about a program called FLEX. With the
FLEX program Vasya could go to America for a whole year!”

We see Vasya at school with his teacher. She is telling him something and he suddenly
becomes very animated faces the audience and says…

Vasya: (to the audience) I want to go on FLEX!

Narrator: So Vasya went to Round 1, took an English test with many other students
and…he passed!

We see Vasya with several other students. He raises a PhotoID card triumphantly,
faces the audience and exclaims….

Vasya: I passed!!!

Narrator: Then Vasya went to Round 2, he wrote three long essays, and turned them in.
And then he had to wait and wait.
Vasya acts out the narrator’s description, we see him writing essays and talking to
himself and then turns to the audience and looks very nervous.
PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: Will I pass to Round 3?

Narrator: Yes! He passed to Round 3!

Vasya jumps for joy and shouts with glee.

Narrator: And he had to write more essays and he had an interview where he had to
answer many strange questions.

We see Vasya with two interviewers. He looks very earnest and animated.

Vasya: I want to go! I will be a good boy! I will say many nice things about my
country! I will make blinchiki and borsht for my host family! Please, please please! I
want to go!

Narrator: Then the interviewers left. Vasya sent his application to the American
Councils office. And he had to wait, and wait and wait and wait

We see Vasya posting his application and then looking increasingly anxious each time
to the Narrator repeats the word ‘wait’

Narrator: And then one day Vasya got a phone call.

Vasya: Hello! Yes, this is Vasya! Yes! YES! OH!!!! I PASSED!!! I PASSED!!!

Vasya faces the audience and does a jubilant a dance.

Narrator: So that was that. Vasya was going to America. Until the day he left all he
could think about was America, America, America!

Vasya looks completely shocked and is talking to himself.

Vasya: My host family will be rich; I will have 7 iPhone 6s, 12 iPad minis, and 3
Cadillac’s. My host father will take me to NBA basketball games, my host brother will
take me to parties with Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, and high school will be in Beverly

Narrator: Vasya went to PDO but spent so much time daydreaming that he did not
really listen.

We see various PDO activities going on (TOPHAT dance, Funky Chicken, etc.) Vasya
is in a daze and continues talking to himself.

Vasya: I will climb Statue of Liberty, I will visit Obama in the White House, I will be a
star quarterback and my girlfriend will be cheerleader!
PDO Informational Sessions

Narrator: Finally, the day came for Vasya to leave for America…

We see Vasya at the airport saying goodbye to his family. He is still unaware of what is
going on and thinks only about his daydreams.

Vasya’s Mom: Vasya we will miss you, baby! Please be careful!

Vasya: I will be a cowboy and catch outlaws! I will be Bruce Willis and catch

Vasya’s Mom: Vasya! Your plane is leaving! Vasya, I love you! But you must go!”

Vasya staggers onto the plane.

Narrator: So finally Vasya was going to America…what would he find there!?

Scene 2 (America, Part 1)

We see Vasya’s Hfam with a sign that says WELCOME VASYA!!!

Vasya’s Hdad: Vasya! Vasya! Hello! Welcome to America!!

Vasya looks as though he has just woken up and finally realizes he is in America.

Vasya: What?! Wait. Who? Where am I am?! Who are you?!

Hdad: (chuckles to himself) Vasya, this is America. We are your Host family. I am Bill,
your Host Dad. This is my wife, Lisa, your Host Mom and our children, James and Liz.

Vasya: Host family? America? (Shakes head as if to try to clear it) But where is Brad
Pitt and Jennifer Lawrence? This is America!

Hmom: Brad Pitt? Jennifer Lawrence? Why, can’t you see the poor boy is jet-lagged?!
Come on, dear, let’s take him home and put him to bed!

Narrator: So, Vasya was finally in America. And it was nothing like he expected…

We see Vasya at the breakfast table looking culture-shocked.

Hmom: Vasya, I have to go to work now but there’s milk in the fridge and there is
cereal and pop-tarts in the cupboard. You can help yourself to anything in the fridge to
make your lunch, or we have peanut butter and jelly…

Vasya looks pathetically at the audience.

PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: Peanut butter and what?! I do not know what she is saying to me. I am hungry.
What am I to do?!

Hmom: Vasya?

Vasya: (weakly) Yes?

Hmom: Are you OK? Did you understand me?

Vasya: (whispering) Yes. I am OK.

Hmom: (Looking worried) OK. I’ll see you this evening.

Narrator: Vasya did not understand what was happening. He felt very alone and scared.
His Hdad told him that he could only use the computer for ½ hour a day but late at
night he broke the rules and he called his Mother back home on Skype…

We see Vasya looking sneaky and carrying a laptop.

Vasya: (in a harsh whisper) Mama, I don’t like this place! There is no Angelina Jolie
or cowboys and I do not understand what they say and I do not like food and I must to
go to school so early. No told me it would be this way!!! Mama I…

We see Vasya’s Hdad come up behind him.

Hdad: Vasya, are you using the Internet when you shouldn’t be?

Vasya: Mama I must go! (shuts the laptop) No, I well, my Mother…she…I miss her so

Hdad: I understand that you miss your mother but rules are rules and now you’ll be
grounded from your laptop for two weeks.

Vasya looks crestfallen.

Hdad: Vasya, you are lonely aren’t you. I’ll talk to James tomorrow and we’ll see what
we can find for you to do.

Narrator: So the next day…

James: Hi, Vasya!

Vasya: (morosely) Hi!

James: It’s a beautiful day! Wanna come place baseball with me and my friends?
PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: No, thank you. I do not know how to play baseball; it is not a game for (name
of your country) boys.

James: (shrugs) OK. Suit yourself.

Narrator: Vasya’s problems went from bad to worse. He had an argument with his
Hmom that same day after dinner .

Hmom: OK. Great meal! Vasya, I’m so tired. Can you wash the dishes tonight?!

Vasya: But, washing dishes is work for women! I am man!

Entire Host Family in unison: Vasya!!!

Narrator: Vasya’s Hfamily realized something was wrong and they tried to help him.

Hdad: Vasya, we are so happy that you came to our family and we want to show you
our country but it seems to us that something is wrong.

Hmom: Yes, how can we help you, Vasya? We know you miss home but we want you
to feel comfortable here, too.

James: Vasya, if you’re bored I can take you to a concert next weekend.

Liz (who is a baby) Vasya! (opens her arms to him)

Vasya: (sighs) OK. I am sorry. I feel bad now. I must go to bed. See you in morning.
(He shuffles off to bed)

Hfamily look at each other in confusion as Vasya walks away.

Vasya: (to audience) What I am to do? I don’t understand these people. All I want to
do is sleep and stay in my room. America is not how I wanted. Maybe I should go
home, yes?

Narrator: That night Vasya was visited by a very strange guest…

A previously unseen character, the Magic PDO Fairy comes dancing into Vasya’s
room holding a strange object. Vasya looks very nervous.

Vasya: Oh no! It finally happened. America made me go crazy. There is a ghost in my


Magic PDO Fairy: No, Vasya. I am not a ghost and you are not crazy. I am the Magic
PDO Fairy. You did not pay attention during PDO and now you are paying the price.
You have culture shock!

(Offstage actors loudly say “Culture shock!!”)

PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: Culture Shock? What can I do???!!!

Magic PDO Fairy: I will tell you the secrets you forgot from PDO and you will solve
the problems by yourself by taking personal responsibility.

Vasya: But how?!

Magic PDO Fairy: First I want you to repeat after me: Not better, not worse, just

Vasya (haltingly): Not better, not worse, just different

Magic PDO Fairy: Say it again, Vasya!

Vasya (more confidentially): Not better, not worse, just different! I am starting to feel
better already!

Magic PDO Fairy: Good, Vasya good. Repeat those words whenever something feels
bad or you feel angry. And then…I am going to give you something very special…the

Vasya: (holding the TOPHAT) TOPHAT of POWER!

Magic PDO Fairy: Put it on, Vasya! And repeat after me…

They do the TOPHAT dance

Magic PDO Fairy: The time has come for me to leave…

Vasya: But wait! I don’t know what to do.

Magic PDO Fairy: Yes you do, Vasya. Just repeat “not better, not worse, just different”
and always listen to the TOPHAT. Goodbye, Vasya! Farewell!

Scene 3 (America, Part 2)

Narrator: The next day, Vasya wore his TOPHAT.

Vasya comes to breakfast wearing the TOPHAT.

Hmom: Good morning, Vasya. I have to go to work soon but there’s cereal in the
fridge and peanut butter in the cupboard and…

Vasya looks confused. Off stage a there is a voice chanting “TALK, TALK, TALK”
Vasya looks up at his TOPHAT.
PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: (To audience) Not better, not worse, just different. (now to Hmom) Host mom!
Please, tell me! What is peanut butter?!

Hmom: Vasya! I thought you knew! Here let me show you. You take some bread and
then you take the peanut butter and a little jelly. Now, here you try. (Vasya makes a
sandwich) How’s that?

Vasya: Mmmmmm! It’s good! I love it! Thank you! I will tell all of my friends and
family back in my country about this. Maybe someday I will open my country’s first
peanut butter factory!

Hmom: I’m so glad you like it! I didn’t know that people in your country do not have
peanut butter.

Vasya: Yes! I think we could use it on our national food blinchiki! Do you know
blinchiki?! I can teach you to make them if you like. We can do it today after you come
home from work!!

Hmom: Sure! That sounds great, Vasya! OK. See you tonight!

Narrator: After school that day Vasya came home to an empty house.

Vasya: No one is home! Now, I can find my computer and talk to friends at home on

Offstage there is a voice chanting “OBEY, OBEY, OBEY”

Vasya: OK! I must follow rules! Not better, not worse, just different.

Hdad enters.

Hdad: Vasya! What are you doing? Are you looking for your computer?

Vasya: No! I am looking for… cards! Do you want I teach you how to play our famous
national card game, Durak (or other national card game)?!

Hdad: Oh, sure! That sounds real interesting, Vasya. How do you play?!

Narrator: Vasya’s Hdad loved Durak! They had lots of fun! And Vasya was lucky his
Hbrother James gave him another chance too!

James: Vasya! My friends and I are going skiing next weekend, would you like to

Vasya: Bah! I don’t know how to ski!

Offstage there is a voice chanting “PARTICIPATE, PARTICIPATE, PATICIPATE”

PDO Informational Sessions

Vasya: (To audience) Not better, not worse, just different. (Now to James) But I CAN
learn!!! Yes! I would be happy to go! Thank you for invitation!

James: OK. We’re leaving tomorrow at 9am!

Narrator: With his TOPHAT, meal time became much more enjoyable.

Hfam is at Thanksgiving Dinner.

Hmom: And so, Vasya that is American Thanksgiving. Was it as you expected?

Vasya: It was even better! I liked it so much! Thank you so much.

Hmom: But the turkey makes me so sleepy! (Yawns)

Offstage there is a voice chanting “HELP, HELP, HELP”

Vasya: (To audience) In my country, my mama always does dishes but…not better, not
worse, just different. Maybe I will offer to help. (Now to Hfam) You are tired!? Let me
clean up kitchen! It is my pleasure!

Hfamily in unison: Vasya, Thank you so much!!!

Vasya: Is no problem! I am so happy that you take me into your family. I feel so good

Offstage there is a voice chanting “AFFECTION, AFFECTION, AFFECTION”

Vasya: I feel so good here that I just want to give you big hug!

Everyone has a group hug together

Narrator: Yes, things got much better for Vasya after he started wearing his TOPHAT
and remembered his lessons from PDO. He spent many evenings with his Hfamily and
made a lot of friends at school. He even got invited to parties by his new friends…

Vasya (on phone to Hmom): Hi, Mom! I want to go to party tonight with friends.

Hmom: A party? Where is it?

Vasya: At Aaron’s house. His parents go away for weekend and he has a big party.

Hmom: Vasya, that does not sound right. I’m not sure if Aaron’s parents know about
this party. And we’re supposed to go volunteering with the church group tomorrow.

Vasya: But…
PDO Informational Sessions

Offstage there is a voice chanting “TRUST, TRUST, TRUST”

Vasya: (to audience) Not better, not worse, just different! (To Hmom) But you know
better, Mom. And I forgot about the church group. Maybe I can invite Aaron to our
house on Sunday so that you can get to know him?

Hmom: That sounds like a much better idea, Vasya. Oh, Vasya! You’re such a good
boy! We’re so lucky to have you in the family.

Vasya (to audience): My friends. When you are in America please don’t forget to wear
your TOPHAT of POWER and always tell yourself, “Not better, not worse, just
different”. It can help you so much!!! Just look at me!!!

The End

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