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Science Investigatory Project

Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino High School

Recycled pizza box: as an alternstive solar powered oven

Rustin Vanna G. Remillo

Zyr Mitra Alonzo
Rose Marie Quintong

Princess Joycel Mesa

Research Adviser
Chapter I


Ovens are closed, heated containers which are used for heating, baking, and

drying. It is used the most often in cooking and pottery. They provide even, dry heat to

all surfaces of food inside them. An indoor oven can have an electric heating element,

or be fired by natural gas or coal. Outdoor ovens are often made of brick or clay and are

buried in hot coals.

Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. Every day the sun radiates, or

sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one

second than people have used since the beginning of time!

A solar oven can be built in a Pizza box,tin foil,Plastic Wrap and Black Colored

Paper. Sunlight hits the reflection surface and focuses on the food held in the center.

This is a parabolic cooker built, so unfortunately I can’t show step by step photos

of it’s construction. However it’s relativelt to see how it was put together.

It make a great physics project. Unlike most, you’ll actually get some use of it

afterawards. Some of the principles it demonstrates are:

1.Optics: Focusing parallel rays of incident light through the use of parabolic mirror.

2.Energy transformation: Light to heat

3.Renewable enery: Solar power


This study aimed to find out if can old pizza box and a thick tin foil can be

converted to a more useful piece of cooking equipment. The feasibility of relfective solar

oven that is built from a old pizza box, thick tin foil, plastic wrap and black colored paper

as an alternative cooking equipment was studied in this research project.

The Pizza box was cut in shaped leaving 1 Inch in 4 sides, cover with foil and

plastic wrap in the middle. I go outsise in the heat of the sun ang placed the solar oven

on the table that focuses the sunlight


General Objective:

This study thru physics aims to find out if an old Pizza box can be useful to make

an alternative oven.

This study aims to find out if an old pizza box can be useful to make an

alternative oven.

Player is significant to different sectors for various reasons:

• Serve as an eye-opener for those who don’t have a oven in their house.

• Provide information to students and teachers with respect to the recycling of old

pizza box

• Serve as motivating factor for the schools or institutions to direct their students

and to further strengthen their capabilities for developing old pizza box into solar oven.

This study was conducted January 4 2020 to ______ .finalized in a day.

It is limited to the use of pizza box and tin foil, plastic wrap and black colored paper.

The conversion of an old pizza box into a solar oven the main concern of this

research. The output can be done by propeyly assembling it.


For purpose of clarity, the following terms used in the study are hereby defined.

Pizza Box- is the rectagular shaped in which a computer served is enclosed.

Tin foil- A wrapping substances to keep food fresh.

Platic wrap- A wrapping substances to keep food fresh and away to germs and

Black Colored Paper – A safety paper that is uses for crafting and designing.

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