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Philippine Academy of Sakya Grade 1- Mathematics

Kindergarten Department Summer 2017

Name _______________________________________________ Score __________

Date ________________________________________________
Topic: Word Problems in Addition and Subtraction

SW/HW # _______

Directions: What operation is needed to solve each problem? Write A for

addition and S for subtraction. Then solve for the answer.

__________ 1. Kelly has 25 straws. Her brother takes away 7 of her straws.
How many straws does Kelly have now?

__________ 2. There are 37 pupils in a class. Five new pupils join the
class. How many pupils are there in the class now?

__________ 3. Manny got 79 points in his first test. He got 7 points more in
the second test. What score did he get for his second test?

__________ 4. Lily has 9 pencils. Cindy has 13 pencils. Who has more
pencils? How many more?

__________ 5. Jeremy has read 58 pages of a book. He has 9 more pages to

read. How many pages are there in the book?

_______________________ ________________________
Teacher’s Remarks Parent’s Signature

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