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Tutorial 1: Simulating Flow in a Static Mixer Using CFX in Standalone Mode: Viewing the Results in ANSYS CFX-Post

Creating a Streamline Originating from a Point

Where applicable, streamlines can trace the flow direction forwards (downstream) and/or
backwards (upstream).

Procedure 1. From the main menu, select Insert > Streamline.

You can also use the toolbars to create a variety of objects. Later modules and tutorials
will explore this further.
2. Click OK.
This accepts the default name.
3. Under Definition, in Start From, ensure that Point 1 is set.
Tip: To create streamlines originating from more than one location, click the ellipsis icon
to the right of the Start From box. This displays the Location Selector dialog box,
where you can use the <Ctrl> and <Shift> keys to pick multiple locators.
4. Click the Color tab.
5. Set Mode to Variable.
6. Set Variable to Total Temperature.
7. Set Range to Local.
8. Click Apply.
The streamline shows the path of a zero mass particle from Point 1. The temperature
is initially high near the hot inlet, but as the fluid mixes the temperature drops.

Page 18 ANSYS CFX Tutorials. ANSYS CFX Release 11.0. © 1996-2006 ANSYS Europe, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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