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CNSPS public school

Khandoli, Agra
Class 1st
Subject: Mathematics
Time: - Marks: - 80

1. 37 25 14
+2 +13 +35

2. 16 24 37
-4 -3 -6

3. Shape Name:-

4. Multiply:-

32 61 52
X2 X7 X4

5. Division:-

49 7 72 8 108 12

6. Fillup:-
a. 3 14 39 46 70

b. 9 13 26 45 50 7

7. Write the Number name:-

1. 25 4. 69 8
1. 2. 34 5. 83 6
2. 3. 57 6. 100 6
8. Draw the correct figures to complete each pattern:-
4, 8, 12 6

9. Check and fill in the blanks:-

1. The length of my class blackboard is handpans.

2. The length of my classroom is footspans.
3. The length of my mother’s dupatta is cubits.

10. Word Problem:-

1. Out of 48 animals eating grass in a field, 21 are zebras and the rest are deer, Find the number of deer in
the field?

2. Out of 50 fruits in a baskets, 30 are mangoes and the rest of them are apples, Find the number of apples
in the baskets?

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