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COA Animal production is located at the back area of the COA building. It is currently under the
supervision of Mr. Ronald Reyes or also knows as Kuya Ronald. The production currently keeps 5 native
pig and 9 litters , 3 goose, 2 turkey, duck, chicken. The student trainees started their 5 th week of on the
job training in the learning site from July 3, 2023 and ended on July 7, 2023.

Table 5

Activities in COA Animal Production

Activities Date
Gathering of July 3-7, 2023
Preparation of July 3-7, 2023
Feed Materials
Cooking of July 3-7, 2023
Feeding July 3-7, 2023
Water Provision July 3-8, 2023
Gathering of July 6, 2023
Maintenance of July 4, 2023
Maintenance of
Coconut Husks

Gathering of Feedstuffs

The student trainees collected feedstuffs for the production inside the campus, this included coconut ,
trichantera and azolla. The coconut were collected from the (HRDC) and rancho field, while trichantera
leaves were harvested in the taro production and azolla was harvested at the azolla production.

Gathering of Coconut
Harvesting of Trichantera

Harvesting of Azzola

Preparation of Feed Materials

Student trainees prepared the gathered feedstuffs prior to cooking. Coconut was separated from its husk
and its pulp was manually grated while trichantera was chopped into small parts.

Opening of coconut

Grating of Coconut Pulp

Chopping of Trichantera

Cooking of Feeds

The feedstuffs can be feed directly to the animals, however the production cooks the forage to maximize
the nutrients that it can provide to the animals. Grated coconut produce ___ that contains __ while
tricantera produce ___ when cooked.

___Grated coconut and ___chopped tricantera was mixed together with water and was stirred until it
was cook. The cooking took 2 hours to be done. Afterwards ___ of azzola was added to the feeds.

Feeding is done every morning and late afternoon. During the morning, student trainees fed the animal
in the learning site with the cook feeds that was prepared from the afternoon of the other day. While in
the late afternoon, newly cook feeds were fed to the animals. Each feed trays of pigs were filled with 1
scoop of feeds, while the feed trays for the poultry animals were filled with 2 to 3 scoops. A total of 3
buckets was used in a single feeding.

Feeding of Animals

Water Provision

Water is the most abundant but the most neglected nutrient in animals. To ensured that the animals had
enough intake, student trainees provided water to the animals every morning, lunch and late afternoon.
Water from the tank of COA was used to filled the water tray of the poultry animals. While the swine
received water through the cooked feeds.
Gathering of Firewood

Cooking materials for feeds required firewood. Student trainees hauled firewood inside the vicinity of
the campus. Firewood included the dried branched of trees, coconut shells and woods from the
abolished building from the laboratory school. Tractor that was drove by the assigned personnel in the
learning site was also used to make the transportation faster and easier.

Maintenance of Pen

Student trainees maintained the pen to be in good condition in both swine and poultry animals.

Student trainees fixed the entrance of the pen for piglets. A piece of wood was utilized and was attached
to the entrance cage with 2ft. height to prevent the piglets from escaping the cage. Student trainees also
traced the hole inside cage, the hole was then covered with pricked sticks and stones.

Maintaince of Animals

Another maintenance performed by the student trainees was checking of the tied ropes on the animals.
The tied ropes must not be too lose nor too tight for the animal. This helps the animals to remain at their
natural activities without being injured. However, a tied rope on a swine was to loosed which resulted for
the animal to slippits leg on the rope and injured its neck. Student trainees and the assigned personnel
treated the injury and fixed the tied rope. The swine was then transferred in the cage at the front of the
COA parking lot to provide the animal a suitable environment to recover.

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