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Problems we faced with with LTV Calculations, in brief

Numerous difficulties and complexity was developed while determining LTV. These challenges was
needed to be a careful thought and problem-solving since they may affect the precision and
dependability of the LTV computations. This synopsis illustrates several typical LTV determination issues.
Getting trustworthy and complete data is one of the biggest challenges. Calculations of lifetime value
(LTV) mainly relied on previous client data, such as purchase histories, retention rates, and average
order prices. It is critical to guarantee data quality and integrity since inaccurate or insufficient data
might result in misleading LTV estimations. To reduce mistakes and inconsistencies, data collecting and
administration procedures should be properly established.

Additionally, predicting future customer behavior can be challenging. LTV calculations often involve
assumptions about customer retention rates, purchase frequency, and average order values. These
assumptions can introduce uncertainty into the calculations, particularly for new or rapidly changing
businesses. Regular monitoring and adjustment of LTV models are necessary to adapt to evolving market
dynamics and customer trends. We majorliy faced challenges in different segments of calculations:

1. Data correctness and Completeness: When calculating LTV, data correctness and completeness
are key factors. It was difficult to get pertinent customer information, such as purchase history,
retention rates, and consumer behavior, especially when working with many data sources or
outdated systems. Decision-making may be impacted by erroneous LTV estimates caused by
poor data quality.

2. Data Integration: Combining data from different systems and sources may be a difficult
undertaking. It may be challenging to construct a full picture of client behaviour since customer
data may be dispersed across several databases. For precise LTV estimates, it is crucial to
provide seamless data integration.

3. Customer behavior forecasting is inherently difficult since it must be done over a long period of
time. Future purchasing trends may be influenced by customer preferences, market dynamics,
and outside causes. It is difficult to forecast these behavior's accurately, and sophisticated
analytics and modelling tools are needed.

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