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How People Can Change and I Can Help Them Change

We are all related in one way or the other whether we come from different continents,

nations, countries or even regions. No matter the origin we all have one thing in common, that is

we share some norms and beliefs of life to a certain degree. Now assume that you woke up one

day and found that we are equal in all aspects, would it be a challenge to you? Maybe it would be

since no one would want to be less superior than the other. In other words, a change of behavior

from negative perceptions to positive perceptions in everyone is a key thing.

We asked her how she managed to change so abruptly, she identified that she developed a

different attitude. It is the adoption of aa positive attitude in life that she was in a position to get

rid drugs abuse. After hearing this testimony, most of us were challenged and felt quilt and were

determined to change their bad sides of life. In life, we need live with those who can positively

inspire us into realizing our careers and life purpose. A good relation creates a rapport necessary

for inspiring a change in one’s life. Change can be observed by observing the dressing code, how

we talk to others every day and what to think of ourselves.

For people to live in peace and harmony, hatred and discrimination should be a thing of

the past. 7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them

If you could just pick one or two (or seven) habits to create in the next few months — habits

that will have the most impact on your life — what would they be?

I often get asked this question, because people are overwhelmed when it comes to starting

positive life changes.

They ask me: what one or two habits should they start with?

It’s not an easy question. There are so many changes I’ve gone through, from quitting

smoking to simplifying my life to reducing debt to many more. And they’ve all seemed life-

changing, and they’ve all seemed important.

But if I were to start again, and had to pick one or two, it would be the one or two listed

below. The list that follows is in order of what I think I’d do the first 6-7 months of changing
my life … but realize that every person is different. No one should follow my choices exactly

— you’ve got to figure out what works for you.

That said, if you followed the program below, and worked to develop these habits, you’d

probably do pretty well.

“Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.” – Confucius

How to Develop the Habits

I’ve written a number of times about developing habits, but here are the basics:

 Do a 30-day challenge, focusing on just ONE habit.

 Write it out on paper, along with your motivations, obstacles, and strategies for

overcoming them.

 Commit fully, in a public way.

 Log your progress.

 Remain publicly accountable — report on your progress each day.

 Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online.

 Reward every little success.

 If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.

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