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Chapter 2-3 Prompt

The topics in these two chapters can be difficult. The issue of contact with students has
become a major concern as several cases of teachers making inappropriate contact with
students have been in the news. After the big case of Sandusky at Penn State several
years ago, how do you respond to the issues in Chapter 2. How do you protect yourself,
and yet develop relationships with students?

This is a very hard question. As a teacher, I believe the best way you can protect
yourself gaining a relationship with the students. Mr Michie had no idea why his
student had spreaded the rumor about him. He found out later that the student
spreaded these rumors because she couldn’t go on the trip because her dad refused
to buy her new clothes etc. I believe the only way to protect yourself as a teacher is
to know how far to go. Obviously you are going to have some students that you feel
bad for especially in a urban setting. But you can only go so far. If you see a kid is
struggling financially, you can’t just give them your paycheck. I believe that
developing a relationship with student is simply just showing them that you care.
You don’t want the students to look up to you as a a friend but a leader. I remember
back in my elementary days. I might not have had the best childhood growing up,
but it was my teachers at school that kept me motivated and wanting to learn. I was
always the student with behavior problems and teachers would just treat me like I
was stupid. When I switched to private school in fifth grade, My teachers never gave
up on me. I had behavior problems, but they started to cease as I realized my
teachers weren’t out to get me, they wanted to understand me so that they can help
me. I say that because teachers can protect themselves by understanding the

Chapter Three is typical of the feelings of first year teachers. What questions would you
ask Michie if he were your mentor and you were in his place as a new teacher?

I would probably ask Mr. Michie how did he balance his emotions when he was helping
hector. I feel like hector was really hard to deal with but it was clear that he just needed
proper guidance and support. For example Hector was involved in gangs and did some
pretty mean things but deep inside he was a good kid. He cried to Mr Michie at the camp
because he was scared that his sister was feeling sick. And I also would ask How did you
manage having a classroom in a coatroom? I would struggle with it because I would need
a decent amount of space.

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