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Good evening teacher, I am the Villanueva

Baldeon Kigali Marcia student of initial education

VIII "A". This time I am going to talk about
learning languages at an early age, the advantages
and importance


At present, the knowledge of two or three foreign languages has become an obligation. For
a better learning of a language, the didactics attach particular importance to the teaching/
early learning of the language. Starting to learn a foreign language at a young age will not
only lay the foundation for later learning but will also influence attributes towards other
languages and cultures.

It is desirable to start learning and teaching the foreign language at an early age because a
young child takes pleasure in the linguistic experience. The child is ready to repeat, to
communicate, to imitate, to play, and is not inhibited by the image that others will make of
himself. The kid is open to others and naturally endowed with exceptional linguistic
acquisition capacities.

Thanks to the plasticity of his brain that the adult does not have the same degree, he can
acquire linguistic mechanisms quickly and arrive at a good understanding and pronunciation
of the foreign language. In these favorable conditions, the child can easily learn a foreign
language provided that the learning continues in continuity throughout his schooling.

 Increases cognitive abilities.

 Increase skills in the mother tongue
 Improve analytical and creative abilities.
 . Delays the onset of Alzheimer's

 Expand open-mindedness.
 It represents an advantage for the future .

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