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Name: Kareem shokry 202526

1)When I was 13 years old, I went with my father to the field, knowing that I was
living in Cairo, and this is the first time I went to the countryside. The important
thing was I was very happy, and I was the first time I saw vast areas and there was
a branch, but a situation occurred that turned this whole thing upside down and
made me not want to repeat this visit when I fell into the canal in an accident I felt
I was dying and I have never been to my father's country town

2)I also remember when I was about nine years old, I never forgot this situation. I
was going to private class. In particular, the English language class. The teacher
came to a friend of mine. This friend of mine lived in an area that was not very
populated because it was quite recent. One day, I was a little late with this friend.
When I came out on the street, I was surprised by a large number of street dogs,
up to about 15. All of them suddenly attacked me, and I started running as fast as I
could, but they were too fast for one of them to follow me and bite me, and from
that moment I was afraid of dogs. On the outside, I don't show any signs of fear,
but on the inside, I tremble with fear, and I'm so scared that I can kill one of them
because I hate them all , The more you have this street I remember this situation
and what happened.

3)I consider it a funny situation more than embarrassing in fact

In my country there are two types of oranges, one for juice we call "balady
orange" and the other for eating we call "abo sorra", in fact I did not know the
difference between them, I thought that the difference is only in size
After lunch, my father asked about the municipal oranges to make juice, so I told
him where he was, and he went and did not find it, and I still tell him where it is
and he tells me that he is not there even though he is right in front of him! And
we stayed like that until my father became angry before he pulled me out and
grabbed the oranges that were there and put them in front of my eyes, and then
he told me, "What is this!!!."
In fact, I thought that my father is not conscious, he grabs oranges that tell me
that they do not exist and ask me about them!!
I replied, "Orange?"
He got even more angry and pointed back at this part of the orange and told me,
"What's this, what's this???!!!."
I replied stupidly, fearfully and questioningly, "Orange ass?"
Everyone laughed hard and my father burst out of anger because of my stupidity
while I still did not understand what happened, but it turned out, my dears, that
this part of the orange looks like a human navel, so this orange is nicknamed "Abu
Navel", which is intended for eating and not for squeezing.

4)After the engagement of one of my friends, he put some pictures of us, "Story
"and cover. I did not leave an app, but he put our pictures with my joy and my
happiness. The next day, i found he put on his profile on Facebook the case of
Screen Shots of everything that came down to him, and he said" hearts and
buttermies "and he put pictures of him with his friends without me and he didn't
even pay me a thank you word as if I didn't go to him in the first place. I got really
upset and angry, and we didn't talk, and as time went by, I felt like I was trivial,
and I shouldn't have all this anger, love and gratitude not being forced, and maybe
I was the one who overstated my joy and expectations.

5) When I was in school, especially in middle school, I was an active student at

school, participating in school initiatives, celebrations and activities.
I was known among the students and teachers of "art education" with my talent in
the art of paper folding, in one of the annual celebrations and by virtue of my
talent, the professor of art education asked me and some students to participate
in that celebration by drawing drawings, organizing and arranging until we
"whiten" his face in front of the school director and visitors from the notables of
the Ministry of Education and some foreigners,
My colleagues and I started working, the work was hard for a week in preparation
at the expense of our time, daily lessons and classes, my friends drew a lot of fees,
some of them brought antiques and I made about 30 different models ((of course
the costs are at our personal expense)),
The celebration was admired by visitors, the teacher was honored and thanked for
his wonderful, beautiful and creative work, and received a certificate of thanks,
gratitude, necklace, material amount and thanks on the school's Facebook page,
As for us, the students, no name was mentioned to us or even a word of thank
you, as if we did not even exist,, here our mission is over,
At the end of the working hours, I collected the models I made and some of the
students' drawings and artworks in large black bags - under the pretext that they
are redundant and have no place - until they are disposed of in the "garbage"
The topic was really painful and very unjust and frustrating at the same time, my
colleagues and I had feelings of sadness and anger and we could not express what
was inside us for fear of being punished or beaten with sticks,
The wisdom of the topic is that public schools in our country are a microcosm of
Arab governments, they kill ambition and creativity and take away from you what
they want until your mission in them is over and do not give you the slightest
value or importance.

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