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Space to interact

Control+space to interact in whichever way you want in any chosen direction

G to pick up stuff directly below you

Tab for Trade:

While trading,

+ To add items to the trade one by one

Enter To add all items of one type to the trade

O to finalize trade

W for Walk command (automatically move forward until you either reach the end of the screen or see a
hostile entity)

Numpad 0 To autoexplore the map when no hostiles in sight

Numpad - To move with the map of Qud, where with each step you can move much further but also risk
getting lost

Holding Alt Reveals Noteworthy Items in a color-coded format

L for looking (F1 while looking to lock or unlock the cursor)

J for journal


Bump into an enemy

If you have a ranged weapon, press f to go into target mode

E for Equipment (choosing a slot and pressing "enter" will allow you to see what goes into what slot)

A for Activatable Abilites (the most important of which will be sprinting)

Reputation is one of the most important resources in Qud, and you mainly gain it by enacting water
rituals. Look at someone to see who they're aligned with, and think carefully about bonding with them in
order to gain reputation with the people they're beloved by.


Tips from survival guide:

Tam sells ammunition at the southeast corner of the village

Elder Irudad sells bandages and witchwood bark, but you may run out of witchwood bark before he
restocks. In that case, you'll need to stock up on bark yourself by harvesting it in the outskirts of Red
Rock. Witchwood trees have yellow leaves, but their trunks turn red when they're harvestable.


Progress can mean the acquisition of the following:




-Sultan Lore



-Completing Quests (rare form of progress)

Q for Quests
Num 5 For waiting

Cltr + ~ For waiting till the morning

~ For waiting until fully healed

Ctrl + Direction to Force an attack

Make camp to satiate your hunger

Sprint to run away from losing fights


Starting from level 3, you gain +1 to each of your attributes every 6 levels.

You also get an attribute point spent to an attribute of your choosing every 6 levels, starting at level 6.

Make some decisions very early and stick to those decision for the best outcomes in a run.

P to Open skills tab

Choosing combat skills optimally:

Especially in the early game, try to specialize in a certain weapon. (There are many benefits to mastering
a single weapon tree, whereas there are very few to none to mastering multiple ones)

Choosing survival skills optimally:

Choose something that will "make the next part easier", even if it is tempting to get the next big attack in
any given combat tree.

Essentially, think of what your current circumstance calls for, and invest in whatever is going to help you
progress more smoothly in the near future.

Shift+F for Factions Menu

Combat tactics and strategies:

1. Hiding behind trees and other types of objects in order to break line of sight, especially against a
ranged attacker, will cause them to make attempts to chase you down. If you use the wait actions long
enough while in hiding, they will come right up to you, where they'll commit to using their melee

2. Play around your active cooldowns by disengaging and re-engaging accordingly.

Shift+W to Wait for a specified amount of time

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (CAVES OF QUD | 2022 Guide for Complete Beginners

| Episode 1 |)
(Caves of Qud Tutorial - 01 - Starting the Game)

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