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Individual purpose
Family purpose
Community purpose
Global purpose,
Unique life purpose

1. To continue weekly study in Mastering the Scriptures (Gospels) and our
night study.
2. To finish Life’n this summer.
3. To finish the daily Bible reading I am doing with a family by the end of
the year.
4. To read at least one book from each of the categories on my reading list
by the end of the year.
5. To be more of a part of my children’s live (phone calls, visits, N. P.
concerts, etc)
6. To work to help our church family be more of a family.
7. To grow in my understanding of how to live a more fulfilling life in
serving God and His purposes (my lifework).
1. To be a support to my children – financially as needed, spiritually,
continue to explore how to be a mom to grown children. Maybe go to
Arkansas with Michael
after Christmas for a few weeks. Go to Hanna’s concerts.
2. Trips to support my extended family (Aug.1-6, , Aug.24-29)
3. Work harder at getting to know the Hovers ten family and go to the events
they invite me to (holidays, walks, etc)
4. To visit brother one more time this year. Be available to conduct marriage
to be available.
Church and Community:
1. To continue weekly/monthly volunteering with Overflow and Hospice.
2. To continue volunteering at the church – BILD conference, Re-Build.
3. To teach the T3 leaders on Saturdays equip to equip their leaders.l
4. To see myself as a part of a family within my house church family.(I just
individual). I want to grow in this area and explore some ideas I have.
5. To give monthly to our general budget, focus on stewardship.

Being diligent to keep in contact with the people I know from around the
globe. Encouraging them, hearing about their lives, in order to strengthen
each other and further expand the gospel. Create new relationships with
people from other cultures. Intending to observe and provide air where best

Unique Life Purpose Statement

To live a life in active pursuit of Christ and his church, growing in my

abilities, understanding, career and hobbies in order to build up the church.
Investing in to the lives of my family, creating deep bonds that will endure.
While also living intentionally and faithfully.Preparing for the beginning of
my own family to invest in to and to pass the faith to. Using my gifts in the
local body, participating and giving, focus on my network and influences
our leaders around the three states Karnataka,Andra Pradesh and Telangana.
Even beyond these states I will seek to strengthen and create new
relationship around the Country and world.Playing a part in the Gospel
moving through out the country and worldwide.

Adrusta Mani Rao

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