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Institute of Management and Technology

(IMT) Enugu,
Department of Business Administration
and Management.
Enugu State.
September 9th, 2022.
His Excellency,
Executive Governor of Enugu State.

Request for a Solidarity Visit

Your Excellency Sir, we write to appreciate your efforts in both human
and capital development in the state, and on this note, we humbly request
that you grant us your audience to pay you a thank you / solidarity visit.
Your Excellency Sir, your giant strides are too numerous and beyond
the scope of this letter. Your Excellency Sir, the establishment of the ultra-
modern classrooms and staff offices in our great institute is a master
stroke, for it will not only help the students to learn and have a conducive
classroom, but it will make the students have a good and sound brain, for
the wise man said and I quote, “To have a sound learning, you must have a
well and conducive environment and classroom”. Your Excellency Sir, there
are so many other things to say here, you have done more good to us and
to Enugu at large, coming to the road which you took to your heart, the
road leading from the gate down to the rector’s village; which you ensure
It’s tilled with Asphalt. Indeed, you are a genius in the game of governance.
Your Excellency Sir, it is said that gratitude is the best of all virtues
while ingratitude is the worst of all vices, and the reward for work well done,
they say, is more work and that is why the entire students of Business
Administration and Management deemed it fit to pay you a thank you visit
and assure you of our undiluted, unparalleled, total support as you go
progress with your Senatorial ambition.
We sincerely hope that our earnest request is granted.

Yours Sincerely,


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