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Detail business... •

a.t E>ce.cutlve s1.1mmary of the rtieilrch
b.) Describe RtseDtdi .ale a.nd 1«>1rophla .
c.) Describe t I indw-tty analysis.
d ) Who ore 1he elt.ln nsplayer or cunenf comptthon in lt1)h1rm1cy andphl!rmacirutlc
franchise lleld?
a. Descnbe 111tM oomi>etlt0t producu
lDescribe product uniqueness
1l. Tklttt 111.e of the product
•l Cutrent users of lheproduct
b. Otscnbe the Pflcln1str1teavot the comP1ny
L Kow comp1ny ptict their pfoduct
c. oe:sc:t1bethe position stratc1v of the company
L at W'hkh geographic thecompany Is disttibutl"Itheir product
ti. to wh_leh detnOlf'lphlu the company dlnr1butl"C ptOduct
IL at whit phy,kJ9ti1phk company ubllilng to marUt their products
,, ncompany followifti& the il"tdusttv modern trend?
d. Who comp1ny lsp1omolln1 lheft Pfoductl1
l Oe1eti.bepro.rttot'°" ttratIV of the product 0' producu'l
f', Describe the lnanC11l1nalysl$ or thecomp1nv
&. O\ltratl rC!vtn
1l Overall p1ofltablt11y of the compan y
lL U.\t S• financial an.nlyits o the company
t1. How much expen•6 do comptny ol)ef-alln&1
e., Perform tht SWOT oanalyi;is on all the compositing compi!nti
f ) Ust Ali the <ompetlttve and core compeotlOve 1ctvant1ae of the e.d5'lina playeri
a.J Uu.1111 tht!gilpsand theloopholM In thci l!'lllS:tlng players.
• • $eri,lce saps
b. Technologvpp1
c. 01nJbutlon pps
h.J oe'albe ¥°' t wiu.s tl\at you art 101111 tootfff to trlt cuwwners
•· Setvicev.iluu
b. ted"nolof:v nlues.
c. °"scryour 1t1Crtic1b
cl. Otitrlbtyour IOX ptoduct} Of t.el'il""
e. Des<r1bt your uniqout 1ell p1090'ftlon
t.) Describe •II Uteptrrslut m•tttt lff!tltlcatlons d 'VCklrvenkill• trom ll1B HCtOr
• Clt\a,.....cisu''Oport
I, 150phltmKb:I shopt;
b. Amtul.ance provldtN •t'Pol'I
I, 100 llJl(t p1(1Yi(I\ (70.JO In IOal .Ind hO!t'llJ)
c. Yetlal third
I. Aeport
d. Oenrlbl! the mtdlune m.t11lns report
e. Dbtr1be the Ktual tpplouon delftlery lrm tr:oort
t OMuibt 111U••Ciloud alQOrlthmi:S cw technotorr •rorl•htns 11W1t "''aOlnJ to Kt11•UY' •oe>llcablt on
j.J Desaibe thec:onsumet Mh.wiors of 82C
•· Oelnery consumct tM:hlVIOf ot curren1compllWS CFMCG dcllwry companies. t-FO companlei)

b. OU<rlbe the protpectlvt of the 82C InMtOldnt delivery

IDtsetlbt VCK r fOlll 1ddrtnlblt mnrilt' and Ut&ft 1udte«t
I,) StpnenlMOI r Ulf'ICl a11dlen<c and maUr11 °"'' fAM
I Glqrlphicll"'lmlfllllion
b. Dcmo1raphlc11I u:pnen1a11on
c. Psycl'loVlpl'l!c sqrnenuuo"
Cl. 8th1V10ur.11wpncn1.111on

M> Dtt011*11 °'• Ntfl'ICn1'b.t"td on •bewe "cmcn1:a110n

N)Mwt1n11ke NtUtlf'll lflcl ud rlndlnt out minimum •blr p1odU(1.

0.) D""'lopiflm '"- m.1r1:ttln1 nr•ttSY Nscd on 11t1Mkaed product

p.J ptrlorm Int Mot•111&Ol"l\trlltlY "THE ALPHA
TUTlltet• Cl) perfo1m p11tt1n Of! l'1t "ALPHA TtSTING"
A.I potfonn the PMFon tile tmtl1'111epor\
S.I pertormlht ren1l"'nte IETA TtSTING"'
r,) per1011n p;,uem tl\ tho "WA ltsTING" report1

U.Ipwform the PMF on the flQ11m& BETA rcport1

v. 1Con.sohd&tlnc lht Rnll PROl>OCT
1:03 PM 0

Healthcare v1.2.... •

1. .)dfl1t! proreout d.). anr •
c. Chronic disease follow-up l!eatment
I. Same procedure ascancer
S.) Knowing theconsumer behaviour of the Industry
a. B2Bc;onsumer anatys s ( why the doctors are connectingwith management
software and virtual consultations )
b. B2Cconsumer analysis
6.) Describing our solution for the roundedloopholes
a. Technology solutlon
b. Positioning solution
7.) Segmentlrgour target audience and making our TAM
a. Geographical segmentation
b. Demographical segmentation
c. Psy<hographlc segmentation
d. Behovioural segmentation
e. Social-cultural
8.) Describing our segments based on above segmentation
9.) Marking the marketing gridand finding our minimum vi•ble product
10.) Developing the markeung strategy based on the seleaed produas
11.) Describing the business model
a. Describing the problem statement
b. Executive summary
I. Business descrlptlon
II. Services
Iii. Market
Iv. Opportunity
v. Operations
vi. Risks
vii. Rnanclalsummary
viii. capitalneeded
c. Business descript ion
I. Mission statement
II. Values and
vision Ill.Industry
Iv. Company description
v. goals
d. services
I. Unique features

e. MarketJng and sala.s

I. Market segmentation strategy
II. Targeting strategy
Iv. Prlclngstrategy
v. Service strategy
vi. Distribution strategy
vii. Ad strategy
viii. Sales Strategy
Ix. Sales
r. Financials
I. Startup costs
II. tncome statement
ill. Balance sheet
Iv. cash llow
\I . Unit economics
vi. Promotion expenses
vii. BEP
g. Execut on strategy
I. Define MVP (minimum viable product)
1:03 PM 0

Healthcare v1.2.... •

II. ,,.,.,"?mentingstrategy f 1 1 firSt 3 months
12.) Revenu ...odet •
I. Revenue analysis based on
1:02 PM 0

Healthcare v1.2.... •

Healthcare vl.2.0
Table of content

1.) Executive summary of research, vision of research and industry trends

2.) Competitive study (B2B management companies. 82C appointment
companies. medicine delivery companies,lab assoclallon companies are
considered for 2.0 research)
a. Features
b. Product
I. uniqueness
c. Pricing
d. Promotion
I. Marketingstrategies
ll. Repeat cus1omer rate
e. Poslllon
I. Market analysis
II. Market share
Ill. Operating market
Iv. Market segments
v. Customer base
f. Financial
analysls I.
II. Profitiblllty
Ill. Customer acquisition cost
iv. Unit economics
v. Expenses
vi. ROAS
vii. Growth rateof company
h. Consumer analvsf s
I. Consumer behaviour In reviews
I. Pricingapproach vs differentiation approach
j. Competitive advantage
k. Core compeienc.e
3.) Analysing thegaps in t.hecurrent Infrastructure of the
companies 4.) Defining the venlcals
a. Canter tratment
I. What Is the regular trea1men1of cancer patlenlS
ll. Compllcatlons and side problems occurredIn cancer (anX>ety
etc-.1 Ill. cancer patlenlS real time data

Iv. Analysing the main painpoints In cancer treatment

b. Anxiety and depression
i. Same procedure as cancer
c. Chronic disease follow·up treatment
I. Same proc.edure as cancer
5.) Knowing the consumer behaviour of theIndustry
a. 828 consumer analysis ( why!he doctors are
connectingwllhmanagement software and virtual consultations )
b. B2Ccon.sumer analysis
6.1 OescrlbinR our solution for the founded loopholes
a. Technology solution
b. Positioningsolution
7.) Segmenting our target audience and maklns our TAM
a. Geographicalsegmentation
b. Demograp•-.1segmentation
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Healthcare v1.2.... •

c. Psycho3rap.._ segmentation
d. Behavioural segmentation •
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Healthcare v1.2.... •

.. -...-·-·-- •
vi. Risks
vii. Flnanclalsummar
y 11111. Capltlll needed
c. Business descrtpllon
I. Mission statement
II. Values and
vision Ill. Industry
Iv. Company description
v. goals
d. services
I. Unique features

e. Markellng and sales

I. Market segmentation strategy
II. Target ngstrategy
Ill. Posit oning
strategy Iv. Pricing
v. Service strategy
vi. Distr bution strategy
vii. Ad strategy
11111. Sales strategy
Ix. Sales forecasts
f. Financials
I. Startup costs
II. Income statement
Ill. Balance sheet
Iv. cash now
v. Unit economics
vi. Promotion e.penses
vii. BEP
g. Execution strategy
i. Define MVP (minimum viable productl
II.Implementingstrategy form first 3
months 12.) Revenue model
I. Revenue analysis based on
l. 828 sale<
2. B2C sales
3. S..bscr ptlons
4. Ad sales
S. Sales revenue
6. Customer lifetime value analysis
7. Customer acquisition cost both for 828 and 8lC
8. E81TA
9. Net profit margin
10. Website andapplication traffic forecast and analysis
b. Delivery model
I. Describe delivery model
II. Expenses involvesinthe model

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