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What is integrated building management system?

An integrated building management system (BMS) is a master control system that

networks all of the mechanical, electrical, IT, and security systems of a facility,
unifying them into a single system so they can share information and work together
seamlessly. Integrating all of the components into a single cohesive unit allows
the various systems to share information so they can work more effectively. The end
result of this interoperability is greater efficiency, lowered operating costs, and
a more secure and responsive building environment

How does a BMS system work?

All of the systems can be controlled through a single interface that can be
accessed onsite through a touchscreen workstation or remotely over the Internet
using a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. Web-based building
management solutions utilize a graphical interface that provides real-time
information and allows users to instantly adjust any system in the building as

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