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Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs

School of Business Environment

Become a Purpose-driven Leader….

Be a Certified ESG Professional: Impact Leader
A Six Month Online Programme
Registration for Foundation Batch commences from 1 September, 2022


Dr. Garima Dadhich Ms. Sudha Rajagopalan

Associate Professor & Head, School of Business Environment Senior Consultant,
Tel : +91 124 2640181 Tel : +91 124 2640099

Website :
Cer fied ESG Professional: Impact Leader
Businesses are moving beyond the myopic objec ve of financial gains and are pu ng purpose above profit. The
organiza ons that are embracing the ESG principles are witnessing the posi ve impacts, in terms of increased
efficiency of managing risks and opportuni es, crea ng value, exploring new markets and strengthening the
stakeholders' faith in their businesses. Businesses have inadvertently come to realize that what is good for the
society & the environment is also good for the sustainability and growth of their businesses.

In light of these recent developments, Indian Ins tute of Corporate Affairs has taken the ini a ve to launch a
six-month online course, “Cer fied ESG Professional: Impact Leader”. The courses will benefit the prac oners
to demonstrate strong ESG creden als in their businesses as not only the investors are becoming more ac ve on
ESG ma ers, customers, employees and even suppliers are increasingly focusing on how the Board of the
company translates ESG expecta on into concrete strategies.

Target Audience
• C-suites (CEOs and CXOs) • Professionals of Sustainability and CSR Professional
• Members of Board • Execu ves of Banks, Asset Managers, Ra ng Agencies
responsible for ESG related compliance, etc.

Course Objec ve
• Understand ESG Landscape • Implemen ng and Repor ng the trio – ESG
• How an ESG strategy drives Financial • Iden fy ESG Risk and Opportuni es
Performance • Iden fy and layout the Materiality aspect of
• Integrate ESG Best Prac ces into the core ESG
business opera on - crea ng ESG sensi ve • Build resilient ESG Strategies


through Blackboard Case
Policy Collabora ve
Learning based
Analysis learning
Management exercises

Expert Live Master Research work

sessions interac ve integrated in
and sessions curriculum

Na onal Associa on NAIL is an associa on of IICA trained and cer fied ESG professionals that
of Impact Leaders maintains the database of Members and provides con nuous
(“NAIL”) professional advancement.
ESG Impact Leaders' Expert Commi ee
An Expert Commi ee comprising of the following stalwarts with the domain exper se for
den stry be the course design and content.

Mr. Praveen Kumar Mr. Shankar Venkateswaran Dr. Mukund Rajan Dr. Inderjeet Singh
DG & CEO, IICA Advisor Chairman Partner
Business, Society Ecube Investment Advisors Pvt. Ltd. Deloitte Toucher Tohmatsu India, LLP

Mr. Santosh Jayaraman Prof. T Raghu Ms. Namita Vikas Prof. Cary Kronsinsky Dr. Garima Dadhich
Global Head of Sustainability Associate Professor Founder and Managing Director Yale University Associate Professor & Head.
HCL Technologies XLRI, Jamshedpur üAuctus ESG LLP SoBE, IICA

IICA Cer fica on will help you –

• Upskill and gain a compe ve edge in your profession

• Gain advanced exper se to be a Change Agent
• Get professional recogni on by an ins tute of prominence
• Give analy cal view on contemporary issues
• Develop solu on oriented outlook
• Learn from stalwarts with domain exper se

About School of Business Environment

The School of Business Environment at Indian Ins tute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), working under aegis of
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, has a mandate to work in the areas of (Environmental, Social and Governance) ESG,
Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR and Business and Human Rights BHR. The School intends to create
knowledge through applied and conceptual research, relevant to the policy makers, business ecosystem and
society along with its underlying disciplines, and to disseminate such knowledge through publica ons and
capacity building programmes.

About Indian Ins tute of Corporate Affairs

The Indian Ins tute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), an autonomous ins tute, works under the aegis of the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs that provides induc on and training to the central civil servants of the Indian Corporate Law
Service Cadre. A unique world class ins tu on func oning as a think tank, ac on research, policy advocacy,
service delivery and capacity building support to the Ministry, corporate sector, professionals and related
stakeholders. It is holis c think tank and service delivery ins tute to help corporate growth, reforms and
regula on through synergized knowledge management, global partnerships and real me solu ons.

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