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CNS Most IMP Questions

1) Encrypt the message “Coronavirus” using the Hill Cipher with the key- [ 5 2 1 7 ].
(3M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Encrypt the message “security” using Hill Cipher with key (9 4 5 7 ). (4M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Write a note on Hill Cipher. (4M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Encrypt the message “GTU Examination” using the Hill cipher algorithm with the key
matrix (5 4 17 15) . Show your calculations and the result. (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Given key

and plaintext =”ney”. Find out the ciphertext applying Hill Cipher. Is Hill cipher strong
against ciphertext only attack or known plaintext attack? Justify the answer.
(7M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Encrypt the message "meet me at the usual place " using the Hill cipher with the key [9 5
4 7]. (7M) [INS – W2018]

2) Differentiate conventional encryption and public key encryption. (3M) [CNS – W2022] [INS
– S2020]

3) Alice meets Bob and says “Wshu H pz uva dvyrpun wyvwlysf. dl ohcl av tvcl av aol wshu I.”
If she is using Caesar Cipher, what does she want to convey? (3M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Encrypt the following text with Caesar cipher: (Key=3) “Welcome to the course
Information and Network security”. (4M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Differentiate Caesar cipher and mono alphabetic cipher. (4M) [INS – S2022]

4)List and explain transposition techniques in cryptography. (3M) [CNS – W2022]

➢ Define Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. (3M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ What is cryptography? What are the applications of it? (3M) [INS – W2022]
➢ What is a trap-door one way function? What is its use in cryptography? (3M) [INS – W2022,
➢ Why HASH function is required in cryptography? (3M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Define Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. Draw and explain conventional cryptosystem.
(7M) [INS – S2020]

5) What is the purpose of HTTPS? (3M) [CNS – W2022]

➢ What is HTTPS? How it works? (3M) [CNS – S2022] [INS – W2022] / (4M) [INS – S2022,
S2021, S2020]
➢ What is the main difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol. When HTTPS is used,
which elements of the communication are Encrypted? (4M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Explain HTTPS and SSH. (7M) [INS – S2018]
6) What is the difference between passive and active security threats? List and briefly define
categories of passive and active security attacks. (3M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Enlist various web security threats. Explain any one. (3M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Which types of security threats are faced by user while using the web? (3M) [INS – S2019]
➢ List out the various web security threats. (3M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Briefly discuss web security threats. (4M) [INS – W2022]

7) Find out the greatest common divisor GCD of 96256 and 432. (3M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Write the Euclid’s algorithm and show the steps of Euclid’s algorithm to find gcd(401,700).
(4M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ How can we find out GCD of two numbers using Euclid algorithm? Explain with the help
of example. (3M) [INS – S2021]

8) What is message authentication? Explain the requirements of message authentication.

(3M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ What is MAC? Why it is required? (3M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Explain MAC code generation using block cipher. (3M) [INS – S2022, S2018]
➢ What is MAC? How it useful in Crypto System. (3M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Differentiate Hash code with MAC code. (7M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Describe MAC with its security implications. (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Is a message authentication code(MAC) function is similar to encryption. Does MAC
provide authentication or confidentiality? Justify your answer. (3M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Define Message authentication code (MAC) and explain it in detail. (4M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Is message authentication code same as encryption? How message authentication can be
done by message authentication code? (4M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Define message authentication code and its characteristics. Discuss MAC based on any
standard block cipher. (7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Write the algorithm for message authentication code(MACs) based on HASH functions.
(7M) [INS – S2019]

9) Demonstrate the working SSL Record Protocol. (3M) [CNS – S2022] / (4M) [INS – W2022]
➢ Justify the Importance of SSL Handshake Protocol with detailed explanation. (7M) [CNS –
➢ Write a short note on Secure Socket Layer. (4M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ How does secure socket layer protocol work? (3M) [INS – W2020]
➢ What is SSL? Which security services do it offers? (3M) [INS – W2022]
➢ What is role of SSL? (3M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Define the parameters that define SSL session state and session connection. (3M) [INS –
➢ Explain HAND SHAKE protocol in SSL. (3M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Enlist the various security protocols used at different layers of TCP/IP protocol stack and
explain SSL protocol in brief. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Write a detailed note on SSL architecture and protocol. (7M) [INS – W2020, S2020]
➢ Write a short note on SSL. (7M) [INS – S2018]
10) Illustrate the overall operation of HMAC. Define the terms. (3M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Describe MAC? Explain HMAC algorithm in details. (7M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Briefly explain HMAC algorithm. (7M) [INS – W2022, S2021, S2018]
➢ How MAC code is generated using HMAC algorithm? (7M) [INS – S2022]

11) Explain X.509 authentication service. (3M) [CNS – S2022]

➢ Explain X.509 authentication service. (7M) [CNS – W2022] [INS – S2020]
➢ What is digital certificate? What is the purpose of X.509? (3M) [INS – S2021]
➢ What is defined by X.509 certificate? Write the process of authentication in X.509. (3M)
[INS – W2020]
➢ What is the purpose of X.509 standard? How is an X.509 certificate revoked?
(4M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Explain use of Public-Key Certificate with diagram and draw X.509 certificate format. (7M)
[INS – W2019]
➢ Described briefly the Authentication process covered by X.509. (7M) [INS – W2018]

12) Construct a Play fair matrix with the key “Trust” and encrypt the message “Be confident
in yourself”. (4M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Use Playfair cipher to Decrypt the following message: “Must see you over Cadogan West.
Coming at once” Key: EXAMPLE. (4M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Let the keyword in playfair cipher is “keyword”. Encrypt a message “come to the window”
using playfair cipher. (4M) [INS – S2021]
➢ Construct a Playfair matrix with the key “engineering”. And encrypt the message
“impossible”. (4M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Encrypt the Message “Surgical Strike” with key “GUJAR” using PLAYFAIR technique. (4M)
[INS – W2018]
➢ Explain Playfair cipher technique in detail. Find cipher text for plain text ‘GTUINSEXAM’
using ‘STUDY’ as key. (7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Perform encryption in Playfair Cipher algorithm with plain text as “INFORMATION AND
NETWORK SECURITY”, Keyword is “MONARCHY”. (Note: 1.Put j and i both combine as a
single field in 5*5 matrix). (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ How cryptanalyst can exploit the regularities of the language? How digrams can solve this
problem? Use the key “hidden” and encrypt the message “Message” using playfair cipher.
(7M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Explain playfair cipher with example. (7M) [INS – S2018]

13) Differentiate Following: (4M) [CNS – W2022]

i)Stream Cipher and block cipher
ii)Active attack and Passive attack
➢ Differentiate the following: (3M) [INS – W2021]
1. Stream cipher and block cipher
2. Diffusion and confusion
➢ Differentiate block cipher and a stream cipher. (3M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Differentiate block cipher and stream cipher algorithm with example. (4M) [INS – W2019]
14) In a public key system using RSA, the cipher text intercepted is C=12 which is sent to the
user whose public key is e=5, n=35. What is the plaintext M? (4M) [CNS – W2022]
[INS – S2020]
➢ Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for following:
p=3;q=13,e=5;M=10. (4M) [CNS – S2022] [INS – S2021]
➢ Design RSA approach for digital signature standard. (3M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Explain the three approaches to attack RSA mathematically. (3M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Explain key pair generation using RSA algorithm. (3M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Explain Digital signature generation using RSA key pair. (4M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Encrypt the message M = 9 using RSA with the following parameters: e = 3 and n = 5*11.
Then regenerate the plaintext value back based on cipher text value. (4M) [INS – W2021]
➢ In a public key cryptosystem using RSA algorithm, user uses two prime numbers 5 and 7.
He chooses 11 as Encryption key , find out decryption key. What will be the ciphertext, if
the plaintext is 2? (4M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Explain encryption and decryption using RSA. (4M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Explain RSA algorithm with suitable example. (7M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Calculate all the values of RSA assuming two primes p=17 and q=11. Assume other values
appropriately. (7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Explain process of encryption in RSA Algorithm with suitable example. (Prime Number P,Q
and Encryption Key E is given for reference) P=7, Q=17, E=7. (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Explain in detail RSA algorithm, highlighting its security aspect. (7M) [INS – W2018]

15) User A & B exchange the key using Diffie Hellman algorithm Assume public numbers P=17
G=2 and private values X=3 Y=7 respectively. Find the Public Value R1, R2 and key K of user
A and B. (4M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Explain Diffie Hellman scheme with diagram. For Diffie-Hellman algorithm, two publically
known numbers are prime number 11 and primitive root of it is 2. A selects the random
integer 9 and B selects 4. Compute the public key of A and B. Also compute common secret
key. (7M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Explain the Deffie Hellman key exchange scheme in detail with an example. (7M) [INS –
W2022, S2021]
➢ For Diffie-Hellman algorithm, two publicaly known numbers are prime number 353 and
primitive root of it is 3. A selects the random integer 97 and B selects 233. Compute the
public key of A and B. Also compute common secret key. (4M) [INS – S2019]
➢ Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q=11 and a primitive root α=2.
(i) Show that 2 is a primitive root of 11.
(ii) If user A has public key YA=9, what is A’s private key XA?
(iii) If user B has public key YB=3, what is the shared secret key K, shared with A?
(7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Calculate all the values for Diffie-Hellman key exchange, consider two primes q=353 and
a=3. Assume other values appropriately. (7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Briefly explain Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Is it vulnerable to man in the middle attack?
Justify. (7M) [INS – S2020]
➢ How Diffie Hellman algorithm is used for key exchange? (3M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Explain Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. (3M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Explain problem in key exchange using Diffie Hellman algorithm. (4M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Describe the Diffie Hellman key exchange Algorithm with example. (4M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Explain man in middle attack in Diffie Hellman key exchange. (4M) [INS – S2018, W2021]
➢ Briefly explain Diffie Hellman Key exchange with an example. (7M) [INS – W2018]

16) Describe Elgamal digital signature. (4M) [CNS – W2022] [INS – W2019] / (7M) [INS – S2019]
➢ What is digital signature? Explain Elgamal digital signature scheme in detail. (7M) [CNS –
➢ Explain digital signature schemes Elgamal and Schnorr. (7M) [INS – W2020, W2018]

17) Explain Public key Infrastructure in security. (4M) [CNS – W2022] / (7M) [INS – S2022,

18) Justify the importance of Authentication in Security. Demonstrate the working of Kerberos
Version 4 Authentication Dialogue with detailed steps. (4M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Draw and explain Kerberos protocol in details. (7M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Explain Kerberos in detail. (7M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ What problem was Kerberos designed to address? (3M) [INS – W2019]
➢ What is TGT? Explain its use in Kerberose. (4M) [INS – W2020]
➢ What problem was Kerberos designed to address? What are the three threats associated
with user authentication over a network or Internet? (4M) [INS – S2019]
➢ What is Kerberos? How it works? Explain in detail. (7M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Show steps for authentication between two different Kerberos realm. (7M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Describe Kerberos. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Explain authentication mechanism of Kerberos. (7M) [INS – S2020, S2018]

19) Explain the processing of a single block of SHA-1 algorithm in detail. (4M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Explain SHA1 hashing algorithm in detail. (7M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Justify the characteristics needed for a hash function. Explain Secure Hash Algorithm-1 in
brief. (7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Discuss clearly Secure Hash Algorithm with its real time application. (7M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Briefly explain SHA algorithm. (7M) [INS – W2022]
➢ Discuss SHA-512. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ List out the main features of the SHA-512 cryptographic hash function and briefly explain
its compression function. (7M) [INS – S2021]
➢ Explain working of Secure Hash Algorithm, with basic arithmetical and logical functions
used in SHA. (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Explain the logic of SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm). (7M) [INS – S2019]

20) Explain Schnorr Digital Signature Scheme. (4M) [CNS – S2022] [INS – W2019]
➢ Explain digital signature schemes Elgamal and Schnorr. (7M) [INS – W2020, W2018]
21) List down various modes of operations of block cipher and explain any three of them
briefly. (7M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Discuss need of block cipher mode of operations. Also explain various block cipher mode
of operations. (7M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Compare block cipher modes of operation. (4M) [INS – W2022]
➢ Explain Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Electronic Code Book (ECB) block cipher modes
of operation with the help of diagram. (4M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Explain Cipher Feedback (CFB) and Output Feedback mode (OFB) block cipher modes of
operation with the help of diagram. (4M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Enlist block cipher modes of operation. Justify the use of Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode
in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Why mode of operation is defined for block ciphers? Compare the block cipher modes of
operation? (7M) [INS – S2021]

22) Explain single round of DES algorithm. (7M) [CNS – W2022]

➢ Justify how DES(Data Encryption standard) algorithm observes Fiestel structure. Discuss
use of S-box in DES algorithm. (7M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ What is the purpose of the S-boxes in DES? Explain the avalanche effect. (3M)
[INS – S2020]
➢ What is diffusion and confusion? How are they used in DES? (4M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Explain counter mode of DES operation. (4M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Explain the single round of DES algorithm. (7M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Explain the key generation in DES algorithm. (7M) [INS – S2022] / (4M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Explain cipher feedback mode of DES operation. (4M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Explain counter mode of DES operation. (4M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Show various blocks of simplified DES (S-DES). (7M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Draw the design process of DES encryption and explain the round function of DES. (7M)
[INS – W2021]
➢ Draw a detailed block diagram of encryption process in DES. Add appropriate description.
(7M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Draw block diagram to show Broad level steps in DES and also give steps of one round in
DES with another diagram. (7M) [INS – W2019]
➢ Discuss in detail encryption and decryption process of DES. (7M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Write a short note on DES. (7M) [INS – S2018]
➢ Explain how DES(Data Encryption standard) algorithm observes Fiestel structure. Explain
key generation and use of S-box in DES algorithm. (7M) [INS – S2019]

23) Explain Key Expansion in AES algorithm. (7M) [CNS – W2022]

➢ Explain four different stages of AES(Advance Encryption standard) structure. (7M)
[CNS – S2022]
➢ Briefly explain the AES encryption structure and discuss its transformation functions. (7M)
[INS – W2022]
➢ Draw the design process of AES round function and explain the sub-nibble transformation
and shift row mechanism in detail with example. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Briefly explain the AES encryption structure and discuss its transformation functions. (7M)
[INS – S2021]
➢ Explain four different stages of AES(Advance Encryption standard) structure. (7M)
[INS – S2019]
➢ Discuss in detail encryption and decryption process of AES. (7M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Describe various steps of AES. (7M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Explain the key generation in AES algorithm. (7M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Briefly describe Mix Columns and Add Round Key in AES algorithm. (7M) [INS – W2019]

24) Describe the principle of digital signature algorithm (DSA).Explain the signing and verifying
function in DSA. (7M) [CNS – W2022]
➢ Explain DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm). (3M) [INS – S2018] / (4M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Define the Digital Signature Standard (DSS) scheme based on Digital Signature Algorithm
(DSA) and briefly discuss it. (7M) [INS – W2022]
➢ Explain Digital Signature Algorithm signature generation and verification process. (7M)
[INS – S2022]
➢ Define Digital signature. Explain digital signature algorithm. (7M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Write and explain the Digital Signature Algorithm. (7M) [INS – S2021]
➢ Write a short note on “Digital Signature Algorithm”. (7M) [INS – S2020]
➢ What is the principle of digital signature algorithm(DSA). How a user can create a signature
using DSA? Explain the signing and verifying function in DSA. (7M) [INS – S2019]

25) Define KDC? With the help of diagram explain how KDC do key distribution. (7M) [CNS –
➢ Explain key distribution process using Key Distribution Center (KDC). (7M) [CNS – S2022] /
(4M) [INS – W2022, W2020]
➢ What is KDC? List the duties of a KDC. (4M) [INS – W2018]
➢ Explain use of KDC with proper diagram. (7M) [INS – S2022]

26) Differentiate public key cryptography and symmetric key cryptography. Explain any one
substitution method for symmetric key cryptography with example. (7M) [CNS – S2022]
➢ Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography. Draw the design model of
symmetric key cryptography. (3M) [INS – W2021]
➢ Compare and contrast symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography.
(3M) [INS – W2020]

27) Explain the following terms in brief: (3M) [CNS – W2022]

i) Confidentiality
ii) Non-repudiation
iii) Access Control.
➢ Differentiate data confidentiality and data integrity. (3M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Differentiate confidentiality and authentication. (3M) [INS -W2021]
➢ Define: Confidentiality, Authenticity and Integrity. (3M) [INS – W2020]
➢ Define the terms: Confidentiality, Data integrity, Non-repudiation. (3M) [INS – S2020]
➢ Define following principles of security: (3M) [INS – W2019]
1) Confidentiality
2) Integrity
3) Availability
➢ Explain data confidentiality, data authentication and data integrity. (3M) [INS – S2018]

28) List the security services provided by digital signature. (3M) [INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ Draw Generic Model of Digital Signature Process. (3M) [INS – W2019]
➢ What is digital signature? What are the properties a digital signature should have? (4M)
[INS – W2022, S2021]
➢ What is digital signature? Explain hash code base digital signature. (7M) [INS – S2018]

29) Discuss attack on double DES? (3M) [INS – W2021]

➢ What is a meet-in-the-middle attack in double DES? (4M) [INS – W2019]
➢ How meet in the middle attack is performed on double DES? (4M) [INS – S2019]

30) Briefly explain Triple DES with two keys. (3M) [INS – W2020]
➢ How encryption is done using triple DES with two keys. (4M) [INS – S2022]
➢ Explain double and triple DES. (4M) [INS – S2018]

CNS Questions not repeated frequently

1) Explain replaying attack with example. (3M) [W2022]
2) Define Following Terms: (3M) [W2022]
i) Group
ii) Ring
iii) Field
3) Find out inverse of 12 with extended Euclidean algorithm in Galois Field 79. (4M) [S2022]

1) Group 9) Confidentiality
2) Ring 10) Authenticity
3) Field 11) Integrity
4) Cryptography 12) Data integrity
5) Cryptanalysis 13) Non-repudiation
6) Masquerade attack 14) Availability
7) Source repudiation 15) Diffusion
8) Destination repudiation 16) Confusion


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