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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of diseases of heart and blood vessels in our body
*⅓ of global deaths
*Coronary artery disease and Stroke are the two major types of CVD that contribute to 85% of
all CVD deaths

Types of cvd:
1)Coronary artery diseases is when arteries supplying the heart are blocked partially or
completely making it difficult for heart to continue pumping blood in absence of blood supply.
The resultant condition is called Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
2)Stroke or Cerebrovascular disease/accident is the condition when blood vessels supplying the
brain are blocked (ischemic stroke) or ruptured (hemorrhagic stroke) interrupting the blood
supply to brain
3)Peripheral arterial disease (Disease of the arteries supplying the arms and legs)
4) Rheumatic Heart disease (damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic
fever, caused by a bacteria)
5)Heart Block (block in conduction of the electric impulse resulting in irregular beats),
6)Congenital Heart Diseases (Malformations of heart structures existing at birth) etc.

Symptoms of heart attack (1)

● Chest pain
● Discomfort/tingling in arms, back, jaw, neck, shoulder
● Shortness of breath
● Sudden dizziness, unusual tiredness
● Nausea or vomiting
● Heart burn like feeling
● Cold sweat

Symptoms of stroke (2)

● Sudden weakness of the face, arm, or leg, most often on one side of the
● Numbness of face/arm/leg, especially on one side of the body
● Confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding speech;
● Difficulty seeing with one or both eyes;
● Difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination;
● Severe headache with no known cause
● Fainting or unconsciousness.

Risk factors for cvd:

Non modifiable:age,sex,family history,ethnicity
Modifiable:tobacco,diet,inactivity,alcohol,mental health,hypertension,obesity,diabetes,cholestrol

Diabetes mellitus:
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by deficiency of insulin produced by the pancreas
*Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar

Types of DM:
Absolute defficiency of insulin:(mostly children and adolescents)(T1)
Insulin dependent DM
Juvenile DM
Childhood onset

Relative deficiency of insulin:(mostly adults)(T2)

Non insulin dependent DM
Adult onset
Risk factors of this type:
Non modifiable:Age,fam history,ethnicity,GDM
Modifiable:smoking,physical inactivity,alcohol,sleep,poor diet,mental illness(medications cause
weight gain)
Modifiable metabolic:high bp,overweight obesity,abnormal high blood lipid

Symptoms of DM:
Blurred vision,thirsty,tiredness,loss of weight,frequent pissing,frequent hunger

Diagnosis of DM:
1)By measuring blood sugar concentration(if more than 7 in fasting stage or more that 11 after
2)Oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)(if more than 7 in fasting stage or more that 11 after meal)

Consequences of diabetes:stroke,blindness,heart attack,kidney failure,amputation

Microvascular:eye,nerve fiber,kidney damage
Macrovascular:heart,brain,limb damage

Preventions of NCD:
Primordial(Also for DM):
Anti tobacco policies,food legislations,building healthy cities,raise awareness of NCD

Primary(Also for DM):stop tobacco and alcohol,do physical activities and healthy diet and limit
salt consumption

Secondary:assesment of risk thru regular screening then drug based or non drug based
treatment given
Tertiary:Prevent death,complications and provide rehab

DM prevention:
Secondary:Mostly detects the person in prediabetic condition by measuring blood sugar level.
If prediabetic:eat healthy,be physical,avoid tobacco,maintain healthy weight

For T1:insluin,exercise and diet
For T2:insluin,exercise and diet,discipline(strict routine and regular checking),avoid fasting and

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